34 research outputs found

    Fein-kolloidaler und gelöster schwarzer Kohlenstoff in Agrarökosystemen: Projektbeschreibung und erste Ergebnisse

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    Schwarzer Kohlenstoff (BC) umfasst eine Vielzahl von organischen Verbrennungsrückständen, welche durch atmosphärischen Eintrag aus z.B. Vegetationsbränden oder durch die direkte Applikation von Biokohle in den Boden gelangen. Schwarzer Kohlenstoff ist schwer abbaubar und akkumuliert daher in Böden innerhalb von Jahrzehnten. Jedoch ist der Abbau und Verlust von BC in Böden nicht vollständig verstanden. In den letzten Jahren konnten mehrere Studien zeigen, dass BC im Wasser in Form von „gelöstem BC“ (DBC) existiert; als Quelle dieses DBCs wird BC-Abbau im Boden vermutet. Dies setzt jedoch voraus, dass BC im Boden in Form von wasserextrahierbarem BC (WEBC) vorliegt. Ich zeige hier ein Konzept, welches i) die Existenz und Bedeutung von WEBC in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Böden zeigen soll und ii) der Hypothese nachgeht ob WEBC durch mikrobiellen BC-Abbau im Boden entsteht. Um dies zu tun, werde ich Proben eines 5-Jahres-Labor-Inkubationsexperiment (inklusive sterilen und nicht sterilen Varianten) auf WEBC hin untersuchen. Dafür werde ich WEBC aus dem Boden extrahieren, < 450 nm filtrieren und anschließend mittels Oxidation zu Benzolpolycarbonsäuren (BPCA-Methode) analysieren. So erhalte ich Auskunft über die WEBC-Gehalte und Zusammensetzung (Grad der aromatischen Kondensation). Ob die so gewonnen Erkenntnisse auch auf Feldproben übertragbar sind, werde ich an Böden von Kurzumtriebsplantagen mit unterschiedlichem BC-Eintrag (0, 4,5 und 9 t Biokohle pro Hektar) testen. Erste Versuche zeigten, dass WEBC im Boden nachgewiesen werden kann, WEBC machte ca. 6% des Gesamt-BC aus. Durch dieses Projekt werde ich erste Aussagen darüber treffen können ob BC-Abbau zu WEBC im Zeitraum von Jahrzehnten relevant sein könnte für BC-Verluste aus Böden und somit für den globalen Kohlenstoffkreislauf. Es bleibt weiterhin zu testen, ob WEBC in Form von feinen Kolloiden oder Nanopartikeln vorliegt. Dies möchte ich durch den Einsatz einer präparativen Feld-Fluss-Fraktionierung (FFFpräp) und anschließender BC-Analyse nachweisen

    Elemental Composition of Natural Nanoparticles and Fine Colloids in European Forest Stream Waters and Their Role as Phosphorus Carriers

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Gottselig, N., W. Amelung, J. W. Kirchner, R. Bol, W. Eugster, S. J. Granger, C. Hernández-Crespo, et al. 2017. Elemental Composition of Natural Nanoparticles and Fine Colloids in European Forest Stream Waters and Their Role as Phosphorus Carriers. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31 (10). American Geophysical Union (AGU): 1592 1607. doi:10.1002/2017gb005657, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GB005657. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."[EN] Biogeochemical cycling of elements largely occurs in dissolved state, but many elements may also be bound to natural nanoparticles (NNP, 1-100 nm) and fine colloids (100-450 nm). We examined the hypothesis that the size and composition of stream water NNP and colloids vary systematically across Europe. To test this hypothesis, 96 stream water samples were simultaneously collected in 26 forested headwater catchments along two transects across Europe. Three size fractions (similar to 1-20 nm, >20-60 nm, and >60 nm) of NNP and fine colloids were identified with Field Flow Fractionation coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and an organic carbon detector. The results showed that NNP and fine colloids constituted between 2 +/- 5% (Si) and 53 +/- 21% (Fe; mean +/- SD) of total element concentrations, indicating a substantial contribution of particles to element transport in these European streams, especially for P and Fe. The particulate contents of Fe, Al, and organic C were correlated to their total element concentrations, but those of particulate Si, Mn, P, and Ca were not. The fine colloidal fractions >60 nm were dominated by clay minerals across all sites. The resulting element patterns of NNP <60 nm changed from North to South Europe from Fe-to Ca-dominated particles, along with associated changes in acidity, forest type, and dominant lithology.The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the following people in locating suitable sampling sites, contacting site operators, performing the sampling, and providing data: A. Avila Castells (Autonomous University of Barcelona), R. Batalla (University of Lleida), P. Blomkvist (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), H. Bogena (Julich Research Center), A.K. Boulet (University of Aveiro), D. Estany (University of Lleida), F. Garnier (French National Institute of Agricultural Research), H.J. Hendricks-Franssen (Research Center Julich), L. JacksonBlake (James Hutton Institute, NIVA), T. Laurila (Finnish Meteorological Institute), A. Lindroth (Lund University), M.M. Monerris (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia), M. Ottosson Lofvenius (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), I. Taberman (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), F. Wendland (Research Center Julich), T. Zetterberg (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and The Swedish Environmental Research Institute, IVL) and further unnamed contributors. The Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science (SITES) and the Swedish Integrated Monitoring, the latter financed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, and ICOS Sweden have supported sampling and provided data for the Swedish sites. J.J.K. gratefully acknowledges the support from CESAM (UID/AMB/50017/2013), funded by the FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) with cofunding by FEDER through COMPETE. N.G. gratefully acknowledges all those who contributed to organizing and implementing the continental sampling. The raw data can be found at http://hdl.handle.net/2128/14937. This project was partly funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG KL2495/1-1).Gottselig, N.; Amelung, W.; Kirchner, J.; Bol, R.; Eugster, W.; Granger, S.; Hernández Crespo, C.... (2017). Elemental Composition of Natural Nanoparticles and Fine Colloids in European Forest Stream Waters and Their Role as Phosphorus Carriers. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 31(10):1592-1607. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GB005657S159216073110Baken, S., Moens, C., van der Grift, B., & Smolders, E. (2016). Phosphate binding by natural iron-rich colloids in streams. Water Research, 98, 326-333. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2016.04.032Baken, S., Regelink, I. C., Comans, R. N. J., Smolders, E., & Koopmans, G. F. (2016). Iron-rich colloids as carriers of phosphorus in streams: A field-flow fractionation study. Water Research, 99, 83-90. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2016.04.060Benedetti, M. F., Van Riemsdijk, W. H., Koopal, L. K., Kinniburgh, D. G., Gooddy, D. C., & Milne, C. J. (1996). Metal ion binding by natural organic matter: From the model to the field. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 60(14), 2503-2513. doi:10.1016/0016-7037(96)00113-5Binkley, D., Ice, G. G., Kaye, J., & Williams, C. A. (2004). 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TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 22(9), 615-633. doi:10.1016/s0165-9936(03)01103-8Gottselig, N., Bol, R., Nischwitz, V., Vereecken, H., Amelung, W., & Klumpp, E. (2014). Distribution of Phosphorus-Containing Fine Colloids and Nanoparticles in Stream Water of a Forest Catchment. Vadose Zone Journal, 13(7), vzj2014.01.0005. doi:10.2136/vzj2014.01.0005Gottselig, N., Nischwitz, V., Meyn, T., Amelung, W., Bol, R., Halle, C., … Klumpp, E. (2017). Phosphorus Binding to Nanoparticles and Colloids in Forest Stream Waters. Vadose Zone Journal, 16(3), vzj2016.07.0064. doi:10.2136/vzj2016.07.0064Hagedorn , A. G. 2006 EG-Sicherheitsdatenblatt (Gemäß 2001/58/EG)Hart, B. T., Douglas, G. B., Beckett, R., Van Put, A., & Van Grieken, R. E. (1993). Characterization of colloidal and particulate matter transported by the magela creek system, Northern Australia. Hydrological Processes, 7(1), 105-118. doi:10.1002/hyp.3360070111Hassellöv, M., Lyvén, B., Haraldsson, C., & Sirinawin, W. (1999). 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    Processing of Abstract Rule Violations in Audition

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    The ability to encode rules and to detect rule-violating events outside the focus of attention is vital for adaptive behavior. Our brain recordings reveal that violations of abstract auditory rules are processed even when the sounds are unattended. When subjects performed a task related to the sounds but not to the rule, rule violations impaired task performance and activated a network involving supratemporal, parietal and frontal areas although none of the subjects acquired explicit knowledge of the rule or became aware of rule violations. When subjects tried to behaviorally detect rule violations, the brain's automatic violation detection facilitated intentional detection. This shows the brain's capacity for abstraction – an important cognitive function necessary to model the world. Our study provides the first evidence for the task-independence (i.e. automaticity) of this ability to encode abstract rules and for its immediate consequences for subsequent mental processes

    Preparative field flow fractionation for complex environmental samples: online detection by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and offline detection by gas chromatography with flame ionization

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    Asymmetric flow field flow fractionation (AF4) in particular online with elemental detection via inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has been developed as powerful and flexible separation technique for suspensions of nano- and micro-particles covering a broad range of applications including environmental water samples and soil extracts. However, for challenging applications, such as particulate phosphorus determination in non-contaminated water samples at levels close to the limit of detection the throughput of the analytical field flow fractionation (FFF) is not sufficient. The same holds true for more specific identification and quantification of black carbon (BC) which needs a subsequent complex multi-step analysis using the well-established benzene polycarboxylic acids (BPCA) method

    Groundwater controls on colloidal transport in forest stream waters

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    Biogeochemical changes of whole catchments may, at least in part, be deduced from changes in streamwater composition. We hypothesized that there are seasonal variations of natural nanoparticles (NNP; 1–100 nm) and fine colloids (<300 nm) in stream water, which differ in origin depending on catchmentinflow parameters. To test this hypothesis, we assessed the annual dynamics of the elemental compositionof NNP and fine colloids in multiple water compartments, namely in stream water, above and belowcanopy precipitation, groundwater and lateral subsurface flow from the Conventwald catchment,Germany. In doing so, we monitored meteorological and hydrological parameters, total element loads,and analyzed element concentrations of org C, Al, Si, P, Ca, Mn and Fe by Asymmetric Flow Field FlowFractionation (AF4). The results showed that colloid element concentrations were < 5 mmol/L. Up to anaverage of 55% (Fe) of total element concentrations were not truly dissolved but bound to NNP and finecolloids. The colloid patterns showed seasonal variability with highest loads in winter. The presence ofgroundwater-derived colloidal Ca in stream water showed that groundwater mainly fed the streamsthroughout the whole year. Overall, the results showed that different water compartments vary in theNNP and fine colloidal composition making them a suitable tool to identify the streams NNP and fine colloidsources. Given the completeness of the dataset with respect to NNP and fine colloids in multiplewater compartments of a single forest watershed this study adds to the hitherto underexplored role ofNNP and fine colloids in natural forest watersheds

    Pulsed radio frequency radiation affects cognitive performance and the waking electroencephalogram

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    We investigated the effects of radio frequency electromagnetic fields on brain physiology. Twenty-four healthy young men were exposed for 30 min to pulse-modulated or continuous-wave radio frequency electromagnetic fields (900 MHz; peak specific absorption rate 1 W/kg), or sham exposed. During exposure, participants performed cognitive tasks. Waking electroencephalogram was recorded during baseline, immediately after, and 30 and 60 min after exposure. Pulse-modulated radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure reduced reaction speed and increased accuracy in a working-memory task. It also increased spectral power in the waking electroencephalogram in the 10.5-11 Hz range 30 min after exposure. No effects were observed for continuous-wave radio frequency electromagnetic fields. These findings provide further evidence for a nonthermal biological effect of pulsed radio frequency electromagnetic fields

    A Dataset for Three-Dimensional Distribution of 39 Elements Including Plant Nutrients and Other Metals and Metalloids in the Soils of a Forested Headwater Catchment

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    Quantification and evaluation of elemental distribution in forested ecosystems are key requirements to understand element fluxes and their relationship with hydrological and biogeochemical processes in the system. However, datasets supporting such a study on the catchment scale are still limited. Here we provide a dataset comprising spatially highly resolved distributions of 39 elements in soil profiles of a small forested headwater catchment in western Germany (http://teodoor.icg.kfa-juelich.de/ibg3searchportal2/dispatch?searchparams=freetext-Wuestebach&metadata.detail.view.id=7d37ae00-20f6-408e-8660-33bfba07c869) to gain a holistic picture of the state and fluxes of elements in the catchment. The elements include both plant nutrients and other metals and metalloids that were predominately derived from lithospheric or anthropogenic inputs, thereby allowing us to not only capture the nutrient status of the catchment but to also estimate the functional development of the ecosystem. Soil samples were collected at high lateral resolution (≤60 m), and element concentrations were determined vertically for four soil horizons (L/Of, Oh, A, B). From this, a three-dimensional view of the distribution of these elements could be established with high spatial resolution on the catchment scale in a temperate natural forested ecosystem. The dataset can be combined with other datasets and studies of the TERENO (Terrestrial Environmental Observatories) Data Discovery Portal (http://teodoor.icg.kfa-juelich.de/ibg3searchportal2/index.jsp) to reveal elemental fluxes, establish relations between elements and other soil properties, and/or as input for modeling elemental cycling in temperate forested ecosystems