319 research outputs found

    Fenyegető ingerek hatása a figyelmi teljesítményre: Áttekintés

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    Áttekintő cikkünkben az érzelmileg negatív, fenyegető, félelmet kiváltó ingerek kognitív teljesítményre gyakorolt hatását vizsgáljuk. Elsőként a kezdeti vizsgálatokat, az evolúciós szemlélet kialakulását tekintjük át, bemutatjuk párhuzamosan a módszertan fejlődését, kezdeti problémáit. Ezt követően sorra vesszük az újabb vizsgálatokat, melyek a szemléletváltást szorgalmazzák; amellett érvelnek, hogy nem az evolúciós múlt jelent előnyt a feldolgozásban, hanem az ingerek félelmi relevanciája. Végül az ellentmondásra vezető eredmények lehetséges okait tekintjük át több szempontból. Megvizsgáljuk, hogy a kontextus szerepe és az érzelmi arousal mi módon járulhat hozzá a jelenség jobb megértéséhez, és azt, hogy milyen módszertani akadályok merültek fel, hogyan lehet azokon túllépni. Az áttekintett kutatások eredményei alapján az körvonalazódik, hogy a fenyegető ingereknek idői elsőbbsége van a kognitív feldolgozás során. Ugyanakkor integratív szemléletre van szükség: önmagában az érzelmi inger valencia és az arousal értéke, valamint az inger tartalma (evolúciós múltú vagy modern) nem elegendő a végső konklúzió levonásához

    Isolated oxygen defects in 3C- and 4H-SiC: A theoretical study

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    Ab initio calculations in the local-density approximation have been carried out in SiC to determine the possible configurations of the isolated oxygen impurity. Equilibrium geometry and occupation levels were calculated. Substitutional oxygen in 3C-SiC is a relatively shallow effective mass like double donor on the carbon site (O-C) and a hyperdeep double donor on the Si site (O-Si). In 4H-SiC O-C is still a double donor but with a more localized electron state. In 3C-SiC O-C is substantially more stable under any condition than O-Si or interstitial oxygen (O-i). In 4H-SiC O-C is also the most stable one except for heavy n-type doping. We propose that O-C is at the core of the electrically active oxygen-related defect family found by deep level transient spectroscopy in 4H-SiC. The consequences of the site preference of oxygen on the SiC/SiO2 interface are discussed

    Contribution of cultural heritage values to steppe conservation on ancient burial mounds of Eurasia

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    The cultural legacies of ancient and lostcivilizations are rarely considered in the conservation of the Eurasian steppe biome. Weused a data set containing more than 1000 records on localities, land cover, protectionstatus, and cultural values related to ancient steppic burial mounds (kurgans); we evaluatedhow these iconic and widespread landmarks can contribute to grassland conservation in the Eurasian steppes, which is one of the most endangered biomes on Eart

    Structure of the silicon vacancy in 6H-SiC after annealing identified as the carbon vacancy–carbon antisite pair

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    We investigated radiation-induced defects in neutron-irradiated and subsequently annealed 6H-silicon carbide (SiC) with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), the magnetic circular dichroism of the absorption (MCDA), and MCDA-detected EPR (MCDA-EPR). In samples annealed beyond the annealing temperature of the isolated silicon vacancy we observed photoinduced EPR spectra of spin S=1 centers that occur in orientations expected for nearest neighbor pair defects. EPR spectra of the defect on the three inequivalent lattice sites were resolved and attributed to optical transitions between photon energies of 999 and 1075 meV by MCDA-EPR. The resolved hyperfine structure indicates the presence of one single carbon nucleus and several silicon ligand nuclei. These experimental findings are interpreted with help of total energy and spin density data obtained from the standard local-spin density approximation of the density-functional theory, using relaxed defect geometries obtained from the self-consistent charge density-functional theory based tight binding scheme. We have checked several defect models of which only the photoexcited spin triplet state of the carbon antisite–carbon vacancy pair (CSi-VC) in the doubly positive charge state can explain all experimental findings. We propose that the (CSi-VC) defect is formed from the isolated silicon vacancy as an annealing product by the movement of a carbon neighbor into the vacancy

    A Zala és befolyói makroszkopikus gerinctelen faunája | On the macroinvertebrate fauna of river Zala and its inflows

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    A Zala és befolyói makroszkopikus gerinctelen faunája kevéssé is-mert, habár számos faunisztikai jellegű gyűjtést végeztek ezen a területen. Dolgozatunkban átfogó irodalmi áttekintést adunk a Zala és befolyói makrogerinctelen faunájáról, illetve saját, 2007-ben végzett faunisztikai felmérésünk eredményeit mutatjuk be. | Although many faunistical investigations were carried out in this area, the aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna of River Zala and its inflows is poorly known. In this paper a compilation is given on the macroinvertebrate fauna of River Zala and its inflows, and the results of own faunistical investigations carried out in 2007 are presented

    14Be(p,n)14B reaction at 69 MeV in inverse kinematics

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    A Gamow-Teller (GT) transition from the drip-line nucleus 14Be to 14B was studied via the (p,n) reaction in inverse kinematics using a secondary 14Be beam at 69 MeV/nucleon. The invariant mass method is employed to reconstruct the energy spectrum. A peak is observed at an excitation energy of 1.27(2) MeV in 14B, together with bumps at 2.08 and 4.06(5) MeV. The observed forward peaking of the state at 1.27 MeV and a good description for the differential cross section, obtained with a DWBA calculation provide support for the 1+ assignment to this state. By extrapolating the cross section to zero momentum transfer the GT-transition strength is deduced. The value is found to compare well with that reported in a beta-delayed neutron emission study.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Band structure and optical properties of germanium sheet polymers

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    The band structure of H-terminated Ge sheet polymers is calculated using density-functional theory in the local density approximation and compared to the optical properties of epitaxial polygermyne layers as determined from reflection, photoluminescence, and photoluminescence excitation measurements. A direct band gap of 1.7 eV is predicted and a near resonant excitation of the photoluminescence is observed experimentally close to this energy

    Extracellular deposition of matrilin-2 controls the timing of the myogenic program during muscle regeneration.

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    Here, we identify a role for the matrilin-2 (Matn2) extracellular matrix protein in controlling the early stages of myogenic differentiation. We observed Matn2 deposition around proliferating, differentiating and fusing myoblasts in culture and during muscle regeneration in vivo. Silencing of Matn2 delayed the expression of the Cdk inhibitor p21 and of the myogenic genes Nfix, MyoD and Myog, explaining the retarded cell cycle exit and myoblast differentiation. Rescue of Matn2 expression restored differentiation and the expression of p21 and of the myogenic genes. TGF-β1 inhibited myogenic differentiation at least in part by repressing Matn2 expression, which inhibited the onset of a positive-feedback loop whereby Matn2 and Nfix activate the expression of one another and activate myoblast differentiation. In vivo, myoblast cell cycle arrest and muscle regeneration was delayed in Matn2(-/-) relative to wild-type mice. The expression levels of Trf3 and myogenic genes were robustly reduced in Matn2(-/-) fetal limbs and in differentiating primary myoblast cultures, establishing Matn2 as a key modulator of the regulatory cascade that initiates terminal myogenic differentiation. Our data thus identify Matn2 as a crucial component of a genetic switch that modulates the onset of tissue repair