61 research outputs found

    Dear Chadwick Boseman

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    The research performed on yam processing mainly concerns the production of crisps and flour. However, its transformation into deep-frozen French fries does not necessitate any other equipment than those used for potatoes. The industrial process of production of frozen French fries traditionally includes a pre-frying step. These steps contribute to the development of color and crispness, and the oil partially absorbed inhibits dehydration during the freezing step. The aim of this study was to optimize frying conditions of deep-frozen fried yam (Dioscorea cayenensis var Kponan) slices. The effect of pre-frying time and temperature, final frying time and temperature on the oil uptake, texture, dry matter and colour of the fried yam slices has been studied. Frying conditions optimized with Box-Behnken experimental design were short pre-frying and frying conditions at high temperature characterized by pre-frying temperature at 157-170°C during 5-9s and frying temperature at 181-188°C for 2min 15s-2min 30s; or long pre-frying and frying conditions at low temperature characterized by pre-frying temperature at 150-158°C during 10-15s and frying temperature 170-177°C for 3-3min 15s. An adiabatic system was also developed by means of an insulator in which the core temperature of fried yam slices can be maintained constant at about 55°C after 15min of cooling, facilitating texture measurements at constant temperature. The present results may help in choosing the yam slices frying condition to be applied in order to achieve the desirable fried yam slices quality, required for protection against certain diseases like obesity. These models may also provide guidance as to how to control these quality parameters by altering four key environmental factors, pre-frying temperature and time and, final frying temperature and time. This process can also be commercialized and does not necessitate any other cost for equipment than those used for potatoes French fries and might be an interesting way of added value processing for this highly perishable yam tuber

    Preventable Asthma Episodes Among Urban/Rural Children and Adolescents: A Comparative Study

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    Context: Asthma is a chronic respiratory illness that is increasing in prevalence among children in the United States. A limited number of studies have examined the relationship between rurality and the prevalence of asthma in minority children, and those studies found mixed results. The aim of this study is to examine urban/rural locality and its impact on asthma episodes and preventable emergency department visits, and to provide quantitative evidence concerning the relationship between patient characteristics and geographic location. Methods: This is a retrospective study and secondary data analysis of the 2000 National Health Interview Survey. Parametric testing using Univariate/Bivariate/Multivariate analysis was performed to examine emergency department utilization for asthma episodes among urban/rural children and adolescents in the United States. Findings: Regardless of the geographic location, Black children were more likely to visit the emergency room within the past twelve months (urban area (OR=1.59; 95% CI 0.87, 2.33) – rural area (OR=2.68; 95% CI 1.39, 4.05)). Additionally, children who experienced an asthma episode in the past twelve months were more likely to report not visiting the emergency department (OR=1.93; 95% CI 1.53, 2.44). Conclusions: Racial and urban/rural differences exist among children with asthma visits to the emergency department. Asthma prevalence and disparities continue to be a burden in the United States and its deficiencies across geographic locations reflect the health of the US population as a whole

    Effect of glycerol, peanut oil and soybean lecithin contents on the properties of biodegradable film of improved cassava starches from Côte d’Ivoire

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    — Edible films have been successfully used in the food packaging industry for several decades. Today natural polysaccharides, including cassava starch,are increasingly being used in the production of such biodegradable edible films and food packaging. In Côte d'Ivoire, there are improved cassava varieties whose starches have not yet been tested in the production of biodegradable films. In thisstudy, the optical and mechanical properties and the water solubility of starch-based composite films of four improved cassava varieties withadded glycerol, peanut oil and soy lecithin were determined. Starchwas obtained by cold water extraction from native cassava from the varieties Bocou 1, Bocou 2, Yavo and TMS. Films preparation was made bycasting methodwithcassava, glycerol (25-30 %), peanutoil (5-10 %) and soybean lecithin (0-5 %). Increasing the glycerol content, increased L*color valueand elongationat break and decreased a*, b*, colourdifference (ΔE*ab) and tensilestrength of the composite films. Also, increasing the oil content from 5 to 10%, increased the opacity, b*, ΔE*ab, water solubility, elongationat break but decreased L*, a* and tensilestrength. Similarly, increasing the soy lecithin content from 0 to 5%, increased the opacity, L*, b* and ΔE*ab, but decreased a*, of the starch-based composite films. The results suggest an ideal formulation of 4% starch/25% glycerol/5% oil/5% soy lecithinfor a film with optimum mechanical properties with low solubility

    Are shallow-water shrimps proxies for hydrothermal-vent shrimps to assess the impact of deep-sea mining?

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    Polymetallic seafloor massive sulphide deposits are potential targets for deep-sea mining, but high concentrations of metals (including copper - Cu) may be released during exploitation activities, potentially inducing harmful impact. To determine whether shallow-water shrimp are suitable ecotoxicological proxies for deep-sea hydrothermal vent shrimp the effects of waterborne Cu exposure (3 and 10 days at 0.4 and 4 μM concentrations) in Palaemon elegans, Palaemon serratus, and Palaemon varians were compared with Mirocaris fortunata. Accumulation of Cu and a set of biomarkers were analysed. Results show different responses among congeneric species indicating that it is not appropriate to use shallow-water shrimps as ecotoxicological proxies for deep-water shrimps. During the evolutionary history of these species they were likely subject to different chemical environments which may have induced different molecular/biochemical adaptations/tolerances. Results highlight the importance of analysing effects of deep-sea mining in situ and in local species to adequately assess ecotoxicological effects under natural environmental conditions.This work was developed under the MIDAS project (Managing im-pacts of deep-sea resource exploitation), funded by the EuropeanCommission, European Union, 7th Framework Programme under thetheme“Sustainable management of Europe's deep sea and sub-seafloorresources”(Grant Agreement 603418). This work was also supported bythe Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia I.P. Portugal (FCT) and theDireção-Geral de Política do Mar (DGPM), Portugal through the projectMining2/2017/001–MiningImpact 2 (JPI Oceans), and FCT furtherfunded the grants CEECIND005262017 and UID/MAR/00350/2013.We acknowledge the captains and crews of the oceanographic ship“Pourquoi Pas?”, and the pilots of Victor 6000 Remotely OperatedVehicle, for their dedicated assistance during sampling of vent shrimps.We are also grateful to F. Lallier, chief scientist of the Biobaz cruise. Wewould like to warmly thank Océanopolis staffmembers, J-M Carré, SDelaporte and O Gouello, for their important contributions to shrimpmaintenance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Regulation of expression of Na+,K+-ATPase in androgen-dependent and androgen-independent prostate cancer

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    The β1-subunit of Na+,K+-ATPase was isolated and identified as an androgen down-regulated gene. Expression was observed at high levels in androgen-independent as compared to androgen-dependent (responsive) human prostate cancer cell lines and xenografts when grown in the presence of androgens. Down-regulation of the β1-subunit was initiated at concentrations between 0.01 nM and 0.03 nM of the synthetic androgen R1881 after relatively long incubation times (> 24 h). Using polyclonal antibodies, the concentration of β1-subunit protein, but not of the α1-subunit protein, was markedly reduced in androgen-dependent human prostate cancer cells (LNCaP-FGC) cultured in the presence of androgens. In line with these observations it was found that the protein expression of total Na+,K+-ATPase in the membrane (measured by 3H-ouabain binding) was also markedly decreased. The main function of Na+,K+-ATPase is to maintain sodium and potassium homeostasis in animal cells. The resulting electrochemical gradient is facilitative for transport of several compounds over the cell membrane (for example cisplatin, a chemotherapeutic agent experimentally used in the treatment of hormone-refractory prostate cancer). Here we observed that a ouabain-induced decrease of Na+,K+-ATPase activity in LNCaP-FGC cells results in reduced sensitivity of these cells to cisplatin-treatment. Surprisingly, androgen-induced decrease of Na+,K+-ATPase expression, did not result in significant protection against the chemotherapeutic agent. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Effect of Edible Coating based on improved Cassava Starch on Post-Harvest quality of fresh Tomatoes (solanum lycopersicum l.)

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    peer reviewedComposite coatings based on improved cassava starch have the capacity to preserve the quality and extend the shelf life of fresh tomatoes. Two new edible composites coatings C1 (4% starch/25% glycerol/5% oil/5% soybean lecithin) and C2 (4% cassava starch/microcrystalline cellulose 30%/25% glycerol/5% oil/5% lecithin) were compared with the commercially available SemperfreshTM coating and no coating. Different coatings/no coating were applied to fresh tomatoes that were subsequently stored at 20 ± 2°C and 70 ± 2% relative humidity for 4 weeks. Tomatoes coated with the composite coatings C1 and C2 based on improved cassava starch showed a significant (P < 0.05) delay in changes of firmness, weight, titratable acidity, pH, total soluble solids, sugar/acidity ratio and colour development compared with both SemperfreshTM and uncoated control fruit. The results demonstrated that our assessed combination of improved cassava variety starch vegetable oil, glycerol, soy lecithin and cellulose and derivates can be used as edible coating to increase the shelf life of tomatoes stored at 20 ± 2°C up to four weeks

    On the security of pairing-friendly abelian varieties over non-prime fields

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    Let AA be an abelian variety defined over a non-prime finite field \F_{q} that has embedding degree kk with respect to a subgroup of prime order rr. In this paper we give explicit conditions on qq, kk, and rr that imply that the minimal embedding field of AA with respect to rr is \F_{q^k}. When these conditions hold, the embedding degree kk is a good measure of the security level of a pairing-based cryptosystem that uses AA. We apply our theorem to supersingular elliptic curves and to supersingular genus 2 curves, in each case computing a maximum ρ\rho-value for which the minimal embedding field must be \F_{q^k}. Our results are in most cases stronger (i.e., give larger allowable ρ\rho-values) than previously known results for supersingular varieties, and our theorem holds for general abelian varieties, not only supersingular ones

    A deadline scheduler for jobs in distributed systems

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    This study presents a soft deadline scheduler for distributed systems that aims of exploring data locality management. In Hadoop, neither the Fair Scheduler nor the Capacity Scheduler takes care about deadlines defined by the user for a job. Our algorithm, named as Cloud Least Laxity First (CLLF), minimizes the extra-cost implied from tasks that are executed over a cloud setting by ordering each of which using its laxity and locality. By using our deadline scheduling algorithm, we demonstrate prosperous performance, as the number of available nodes needed in a cluster in order to meet all the deadlines is minimized while the total execution time of the job remains in acceptable levels. To achieve this, we compare the ability of our algorithm to meet deadlines with the Time Shared and the Space Shared scheduling algorithms. At last we implement our solution in the CloudSim simulation framework for producing the experimental analysis