178 research outputs found

    Acoustic assessment of erygmophonic speech of Moroccan laryngectomized patients

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    Introduction: Acoustic evaluation of alaryngeal voices is among the most prominent issues in speech analysis field. In fact, many methods have been developed to date to substitute the classic perceptual evaluation. The Aim of this study is to present our experience in erygmophonic speech objective assessment and to discuss the most widely used methods of acoustic speech appraisal. through a prospective case-control study we have measured acoustic parameters of speech quality during one year of erygmophonic rehabilitation therapy of Moroccan laryngectomized patients. Methods: We have assessed acoustic parameters of erygmophonic speech samples of eleven laryngectomized patients through the speech rehabilitation therapy. Acoustic parameters were obtained by perturbation analysis method and linear predictive coding algorithms also through the broadband spectrogram. Results: Using perturbation analysis methods, we have found erygmophonic voice to be significantly poorer than normal speech and it exhibits higher formant frequency values. However, erygmophonic voice shows also higher and extremely variable Error values that were greater than the acceptable level. And thus, live a doubt on the reliability of those analytic methods results. Conclusion: Acoustic parameters for objective evaluation of alaryngeal voices should allow a reliable representation of the perceptual evaluation of the quality of speech. This requirement has not been fulfilled by the common methods used so far. Therefore, acoustical assessment of erygmophonic speech needs more investigations

    Anthropogenic radionuclides in the water column and a sediment core from the Alboran Sea: application to radiometric dating and reconstruction of historical water column radionuclide concentrations

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    Global fallout is the main source of anthropogenic radionuclides in the Mediterranean Sea. This work presents 137Cs, 239+240Pu and 241Am concentrations in the water column in the southwest Alboran Sea, which was sampled in December 1999. A sediment core was taken at 800 m depth in the area (35°47′ N, 04°48′ W). 210Pb, 226Ra, 137Cs and 239+240Pu specific activities were measured at multiple depths in the core for dating purposes. 137Cs and 239+240Pu profiles did not show defined peaks that could be used as time markers, and they extended up to depths for which the 210Pb-based constant rate of supply (CRS) dating model provided inconsistent dates. These profiles can be useful to test dating models, understood as particular solutions of a general advection–diffusion problem, if the time series of radionuclide inputs into the sediment is provided. Thus, historical records of depth-averaged 137Cs and 239+240Pu concentrations in water, and their corresponding fluxes into the sediment, were reconstructed. A simple water-column model was used for this purpose, involving atmospheric fallout, measured distribution coefficient (k d) values, and a first-estimate of sedimentation rates. A dating model of constant mixing with constant sedimentation rate was applied successfully to three independent records (unsupported 210Pb, 137Cs and 239+240Pu), and provided the objective determination of mixing parameters and mass sedimentation rate. These results provide some insight into the fate of atmospheric inputs to this marine environment and, particularly, into the contribution from the Chernobyl accident.International Atomic Energy Agency Research Project RAF/7/00

    Solvent-tuned ultrasonic synthesis of 2D coordination polymer nanostructures and flakes

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    Altres ajuts: the ICN2 is funded by the CERCA programme / Generalitat de Catalunya. Noemí Contreras Pereda's project that gave rise to these results received the support of a fellowship from "laCaixa" Foundation (ID 100010434). The fellowship code is LCF/BQ/ES17/11600012.Herein, a new 2-dimensional coordination polymer based on copper (II), {Cu₂(L)(DMF₂)}n, where L stands for 1,2,4,5-benzenetetracarboxylate (complex 1) is synthesized. Interestingly, we demonstrate that both solvent and sonication are relevant in the top-down fabrication of nanostructures. Water molecules are intercalated in suspended crystals of complex 1 modifying not only the coordination sphere of Cu(II) ions but also the final chemical formula and crystalline structure obtaining {[Cu(L)(H₂O)₃]·H₂O}n (complex 2). On the other hand, ultrasound is required to induce the nanostructuration. Remarkably, different morphologies are obtained using different solvents and interconversion from one morphology to another seems to occur upon solvent exchange. Both complexes 1 and 2, as well as the corresponding nanostructures, have been fully characterized by different means such as infrared spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction and microscopy

    Application de la technique de 137Cs à l'estimation de l'érosion hydrique dans le bassin versant de Moulay Bouchta, Rif occidental, Maroc

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    Au Maroc, l’érosion hydrique est un processus majeur de dégradation des sols, en particulier dans la zone rifaine, où l’érosion engendre des dégâts importants en amont et en aval des structures hydrauliques, remettant en cause la durabilité de l’exploitation de ces dernières. De même, l’évaluation quantitative de ce processus reste difficile à mettre en oeuvre du fait de la complexité du comportement des particules du sol, aussi bien dans l’espace que dans le temps, en réponse à la diversité et l’interaction des facteurs naturels et anthropiques. C’est ainsi qu’on propose d’évaluer les sédiments déplacés qui sont l’élément perceptible de ce phénomène à travers le suivi du traceur radioactif le Césium 137 (137Cs) caractérisé par son affinité aux particules fines du sol (argile et matière organique). La méthodologie adoptée combine l’utilisation de la technique du 137Cs et les Systèmes d’Information Géographique (SIG), ainsi, on a défini une trentaine d’unités fonctionnelles combinant trois paramètres agro-environnementaux « l’occupation du sol, le type de sol et l’inclinaison de la pente ». Jusqu’à présent, on a échantillonné 9 unités, représentant 68% du bassin versant, deux sites de référence et un prélèvement au niveau de la retenue du barrage pour évaluer le taux de sédimentation. Ensuite, les échantillons ont été analysés par spectrométrie gamma, les activités du 137Cs (Bq/kg), ainsi obtenues, sont converties en taux de perte ou de gain du sol (t/ha/an) à l’aide du modèle masse balance 2 (MBM2) pour les sites perturbés (terrains cultivés) et le modèle de diffusion et migration (DMM) pour les sites non perturbés (forêts et matorrals). Les résultats des pertes en sol à long terme (~ 50 ans) montrent que la majorité des sédiments arrachés (98%) proviennent des terrains cultivés. Ces terrains présentent des taux d’érosion variant de 18 à 36 (t/ha/an), alors que les sites du matorral et de la forêt présentent des taux d’érosion nettement plus faibles, ne dépassant pas 4,5 (t/ha/an). Ainsi, l’érosion globale calculée par pondération des surfaces de production de chaque unité de même sensibilité à l’érosion est estimée à 23 (t/ha/an). D’un autre coté, le taux de sédimentation mesuré dans la retenue du barrage montre que 0,34 cm de sédiments sont déposés chaque année, soit une dégradation spécifique de 50 (t/ha/an)

    Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Non-Linear Brain Distribution of Fluvoxamine in the Rat

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    Introduction. A pharmacokinetic (PK) model is proposed for estimation of total and free brain concentrations of fluvoxamine. Materials and methods. Rats with arterial and venous cannulas and a microdialysis probe in the frontal cortex received intravenous infusions of 1, 3.7 or 7.3 mg.kg j1 of fluvoxamine. Analysis. With increasing dose a disproportional increase in brain concentrations was observed. Th

    Operation and performance of the MEG II detector

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    The MEG II experiment, located at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Switzerland, is the successor to the MEG experiment, which completed data taking in 2013. MEG II started fully operational data taking in 2021, with the goal of improving the sensitivity of the mu+-&gt; e+gamma\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}\upmu <^>+ \rightarrow {\textrm{e}}<^>+ \upgamma \end{document} decay down to similar to 6x10-14\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}\sim 6 \times 10<^>{-14}\end{document} almost an order of magnitude better than the current limit. In this paper, we describe the operation and performance of the experiment and give a new estimate of its sensitivity versus data acquisition time

    A formal classification of the Lygeum spartum vegetation of the Mediterranean Region

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    Aims We examined local and regional contribution on the grasslands dominated by Lygeum spartum from Southern Europe and North Africa to produce a formalised classification of this vegetation and to identify main factors driving its plant species composition. Location Mediterranean Basin and Iberian Peninsula. Methods We used a dataset of 728 relevés, which were resampled to reduce unbalanced sampling effort, resulting in a dataset of 568 relevés and 846 taxa. We classified the plots by TWINSPAN, interpreted the resulting pools, and used them to develop formal definitions of phytosociological alliances characterised by L. spartum vegetation. The definitions were included in an expert system to assist automatic vegetation classification. We related the alliances to climatic factors and described their biogeographical features and ecological preferences. The floristic relationships between these alliances were analysed and visualised using distance‐based redundancy analysis. Results We defined eleven alliances of L. spartum vegetation, including the newly described Launaeo laniferae‐Lygeion sparti from SW Morocco and the Noaeo mucronatae‐Lygeion sparti from the Algerian highlands and NE Morocco. Biogeographical, climatic, and edaphic factors were revealed as putatively driving the differentiation between the alliances. The vegetation of clayey slopes and inland salt basins displayed higher variability in comparison with those of coastal salt marshes. Main conclusions The most comprehensive formal classification, accompanied by an expert system, of the L. spartum vegetation was formulated. The expert system, containing the formal definitions of the phytosociological alliances, will assist in identification of syntaxonomic position of new datasets

    Modulation of Serotonin Transporter Function during Fetal Development Causes Dilated Heart Cardiomyopathy and Lifelong Behavioral Abnormalities

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    BACKGROUND: Women are at great risk for mood and anxiety disorders during their childbearing years and may become pregnant while taking antidepressant drugs. In the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most frequently prescribed drugs, while it is largely unknown whether this medication affects the development of the central nervous system of the fetus. The possible effects are the product of placental transfer efficiency, time of administration and dose of the respective SSRI. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In order to attain this information we have setup a study in which these parameters were measured and the consequences in terms of physiology and behavior are mapped. The placental transfer of fluoxetine and fluvoxamine, two commonly used SSRIs, was similar between mouse and human, indicating that the fetal exposure of these SSRIs in mice is comparable with the human situation. Fluvoxamine displayed a relatively low placental transfer, while fluoxetine showed a relatively high placental transfer. Using clinical doses of fluoxetine the mortality of the offspring increased dramatically, whereas the mortality was unaffected after fluvoxamine exposure. The majority of the fluoxetine-exposed offspring died postnatally of severe heart failure caused by dilated cardiomyopathy. Molecular analysis of fluoxetine-exposed offspring showed long-term alterations in serotonin transporter levels in the raphe nucleus. Furthermore, prenatal fluoxetine exposure resulted in depressive- and anxiety-related behavior in adult mice. In contrast, fluvoxamine-exposed mice did not show alterations in behavior and serotonin transporter levels. Decreasing the dose of fluoxetine resulted in higher survival rates and less dramatic effects on the long-term behavior in the offspring. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that prenatal fluoxetine exposure affects fetal development, resulting in cardiomyopathy and a higher vulnerability to affective disorders in a dose-dependent manner

    Genetic Resistance to Rhabdovirus Infection in Teleost Fish Is Paralleled to the Derived Cell Resistance Status

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    Genetic factors of resistance and predisposition to viral diseases explain a significant part of the clinical variability observed within host populations. Predisposition to viral diseases has been associated to MHC haplotypes and T cell immunity, but a growing repertoire of innate/intrinsic factors are implicated in the genetic determinism of the host susceptibility to viruses. In a long-term study of the genetics of host resistance to fish rhabdoviruses, we produced a collection of double-haploid rainbow trout clones showing a wide range of susceptibility to Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus (VHSV) waterborne infection. The susceptibility of fibroblastic cell lines derived from these clonal fish was fully consistent with the susceptibility of the parental fish clones. The mechanisms determining the host resistance therefore did not associate with specific host immunity, but rather with innate or intrinsic factors. One cell line was resistant to rhabdovirus infection due to the combination of an early interferon IFN induction - that was not observed in the susceptible cells - and of yet unknown factors that hamper the first steps of the viral cycle. The implication of IFN was well consistent with the wide range of resistance of this genetic background to VSHV and IHNV, to the birnavirus IPNV and the orthomyxovirus ISAV. Another cell line was even more refractory to the VHSV infection through different antiviral mechanisms. This collection of clonal fish and isogenic cell lines provides an interesting model to analyze the relative contribution of antiviral pathways to the resistance to different viruses