141 research outputs found

    Magneto-optical response enhanced by Mie resonances in nanoantennas

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    Control of light by an external magnetic field is one of the important methods for modulation of its intensity and polarisation. Magneto-optical effects at the nanoscale are usually observed in magnetophotonic crystals, nanostructured hybrid materials or magnetoplasmonic crystals. An indirect action of an external magnetic field (e.g. through the Faraday effect) is explained by the fact that natural materials exhibit negligible magnetism at optical frequencies. However, the concept of metamaterials overcome this limitation imposed by nature by designing artificial subwavelength meta-atoms that support a strong magnetic response, usually termed as optical magnetism, even when they are made of nonmagnetic materials. The fundamental question is what would be the effect of the interaction between an external magnetic field and an optically-induced magnetic response of metamaterial structures. Here we make the first step toward answering this fundamental question and demonstrate the multifold enhancement of the magneto-optical response of nanoantenna lattices due to the optical magnetism.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    The photometric and spectral investigation of CI Camelopardalis, an X-ray transient and B[e] star

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    We combined the results of UBVR photometry of CI Cam taken at Sternberg Astronomical Institute in 1998--2001, and moderate resolution spectroscopy taken at Special Astrophysical Observatory during the same time period. Photometry as well as fluxes of Balmer emissions and of some Fe II emission lines of CI Cam in quiet state reveal a cyclic variation with the period of 1100±50d1100\pm50^d. The variation like this may be due to an orbital motion in a wide pair with a giant star companion that exhibits the reflection effect on its side faced to a compact companion. The V-band photometry also confirms the pre-outburst 11.7 day period found by Miroshnichenko earlier, but with a lower amplitude of 3 per cent. The possibility of identity of this photometric period with the period of jet's rotation in the VLA radio map of the object CI Cam was investigated. The radio map modelling reveals the inclination of the jet rotation axis to the line of sight, i=3540oi = 35-40^o, the angle between the rotation axis and the direction of ejection of the jet, θ=710o\theta = 7-10^o, and jet's spatial velocity of 0.23--0.26c. Equivalent widths and fluxes of various spectral lines show different amplitudes of changes during the outburst, and essentially distinct behaviour in quiescence. Five types of such behaviour were revealed, that indicates the strong stratification of a gas and dust envelope round the system . The time lag of strengthening of 50--250d^d in the forbidden line of nitrogen [N II] was found relatively to the X-ray outburst maximum.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, Astron. Zh., 2002, (in press), vol.79, number

    Психологические особенности обучения естественно научным дисциплинам студентов с гуманитарным стилем мышления

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    The article explores psychological features of mastering the content of natural sciences by students with humanities line of thought. The specifics of teaching natural sciences to the students with humanities line of thought is determined by the students» perception and processing of information. Humanities-minded students are characterized by slow generalization, unconcluded thinking, and a weak tendency to rationality. The problem of understanding and comprehension in humanities-minded students is more prominent, which is revealed in formal memorization of formulas and definitions no realizing the meaning and recognizing only familiar information.Students with Humanities line of thought often have difficulty using abstract material and precise scientific concepts. The specific character of humanitarian thinking lies in its associative character and essential role of the subjective, emotional, expression of interest to the person and his role in the world. For the Humanities-minded students, imagery and vivacity of thinking, emotional attitude to events are more typical. Experience shows that students who have chosen to study Humanities have a predominant humanitarian thinking. This type of thinking is formed by the special education in secondary schools and is still developing at the stage of higher education. Humanitarian type of thinking is characterized by dialogue, variability, creativity, independence in mastering new knowledge, ability to intellectual inventions and experiments with unknown and not evident results, reflexing and critical thinking of the results. Humanities-minded students are more characterized by the prevalence of associative, imaginative thinking, emotional perception of information, rejection of formalized, probative ways of reasoning, the dominance of the real perception of the world over the abstract and idealized. В статье рассматриваются психологические особенности освоения студентами-гуманитариями содержания естественно-научного образования. Специфика обучения естественно-научным дисциплинам студентов-гуманитариев определяется наличием у данной группы обучающихся особенностей восприятия и переработки информации. Для мышления гуманитариев характерно медленное обобщение, мышление не свернутыми умозаключениями и слабая склонность к рациональности. Проблема понимания и осмысления у студентов-гуманитариев выделяется более выпукло, что проявляется в формальном запоминании формул и определений без осознания их смысла, узнавании только знакомой информации. У гуманитариев часто имеются затруднения, связанные с использованием абстрактного материала, точными научными понятиями. Специфика гуманитарного мышления заключается в его ассоциативном характере и существенной роли субъективного, эмоционального, выражении интереса к человеку и его роли в мире, с приоритетностью творческого, художественного начала, объяснения происхождения объектов, явлений, исходя из целого, в которое они включены, или из эстетической необходимости. Для гуманитариев в большей степени свойственны образность и живость мышления, эмоциональное отношение к событиям. Практика показывает, что у студентов, выбравших для обучения гуманитарные специальности, преобладает гуманитарное мышление. Оно сформировано условиями профильного обучения в средней школе и продолжает развиваться на этапе получения высшего образования. Гуманитарный тип мышления характеризуется диалогичностью, вариативностью, креативностью, самостоятельностью в освоении новых знаний, способностью к интеллектуальным изобретениям и экспериментам с неизвестными и неочевидными результатами, к рефлексивности и критичности результатов деятельности. Для студентов-гуманитариев в большей мере характерно превалирование ассоциативного, образного мышления, эмоционального восприятия информации, отторжение формализованных, доказательных способов рассуждений, доминирование реального восприятия окружающего мира над абстрактным, идеализированным.

    Spectroscopic observations of the candidate sgB[e]/X-ray binary CI Cam

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    We present a compilation of spectroscopic observations of the sgB[e] star CI Cam. This includes data from before, during, and after its 1998 outburst. The object shows a rich emission line spectrum originating from circumstellar material, rendering it difficult to determine the nature of either star involved or the cause of the outburst. We collate pre-outburst data to determine the state of the system before this occurred and provide a baseline for comparison with later data. During the outburst all lines become stronger, and hydrogen and helium lines become significantly broader and asymmetric. After the outburst, spectral changes persist for at least three years, with FeII and [NII] lines still a factor of ~2 above the pre-outburst level and HeI, HeII, and NII lines suppressed by a factor of 2-10. We find that the spectral properties of CI Cam are similar to other sgB[e] stars and therefore suggest that the geometry of the circumstellar material is similar to that proposed for the other objects: a two component outflow, with a fast, hot, rarefied polar wind indistinguishable from that of a normal supergiant and a dense, cooler equatorial outflow with a much lower velocity. We suggest that CI Cam is among the hotter members of the class and is viewed nearly pole-on. The nature of the compact object and the mechanism for the outburst remain uncertain, although it is likely that the compact object is a black hole or neutron star, and that the outburst was precipitated by its passage through the equatorial material. We suggest that this prompted a burst of supercritical accretion resulting in ejection of much of the material, which was later seen as an expanding radio remnant. [Abbreviated]Comment: 25 pages including figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Анализ токсикологической ситуации по данным трех специализированных центров Российской Федерации

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    The relevance of the study is associated with the exceptional medical and social significance of the issues of toxicological assistance. In order to improve toxicological assistance to the population, we analyzed the dynamics of patient admission to major toxicological centers in St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Kazan in 2011–2017, which revealed a significant increase in the number of patients with a toxicological pathology and unidirectional changes in the structure of acute poisoning. We used statistical and analytical research methods. According to the results of the study, in all three centers the proportion of poisoning by narcotic substances increased, and the qualitative characteristics of poisoning changed (compared to 2011). Poisonings with opioid alkaloids and heroin haven’t been substantially found recently; the main proportion of poisonings was associated with the use of synthetic drugs (phencyclidines, piperazines, synthetic cathinones, synthetic cannabinoids, amphetamines, γ-butyrolactone and 1,4-butanediol, etc.). The proportion of patients with ethanol poisoning increased significantly: the number grew by 2.5 times in St. Petersburg, 3.0 times in Novosibirsk and 30% in Kazan. At the same time, the number of drug poisoning decreased in all three centers by an average of 20–30%. The number of carbon monoxide poisoning has also decreased in St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. Data were obtained on some regional features of poisoning. The prevalence of poisoning by cauterizing agents in Novosibirsk and by plant poisons in Kazan. Despite a decline of mortality, the absolute number of deaths by acute poisoning during the study period increased. The study resulted in an attempt to identify the main problems and tasks of the toxicological service at present and to develop mechanisms for its improvement, taking into account modern changes in the volumes and structure of acute poisonings.Authors declare lack of the conflicts of interests.Актуальность исследования обусловлена исключительной медико-социальной значимостью вопросов оказания токсикологической помощи. С целью совершенствования токсикологической помощи населению проведен анализ динамики поступления пациентов в крупные токсикологические центры страны — городов Санкт-Петербурга, Новосибирска и Казани за 2011–2017 гг., который выявил существенное увеличение количества пациентов токсикологического профиля и однонаправленные изменения в структуре острых отравлений. Использованы статистические и аналитические методы исследования. По результатам исследования: во всех трех центрах увеличилась доля отравлений наркотическими веществами, изменилась и качественная характеристика отравлений (по сравнению с 2011 г.). Отравления алкалоидами опия и героином в последние годы практически не встречаются; основная доля отравлений связана с приемом синтетических наркотиков (фенциклидины, пиперазины, синтетические катиноны, синтетические каннабиноиды, амфетамины, γ-бутиролактон и 1,4-бутандиол и др.). Значительно возросла доля пациентов с отравлениями этанолом: в Санкт-Петербурге их количество увеличилось в 2,5 раза, в Новосибирске — в 3,0 раза, в Казани — на 30%. При этом число отравлений лекарственными средствами сократилось во всех трех центрах в среднем на 20–30%. В Санкт-Петербурге и Новосибирске также уменьшилось число отравлений угарным газом. Получены данные и о некоторых региональных особенностях отравлений — преобладание отравлений прижигающими ядами в Новосибирске и отравлений ядами растительного происхождения в Казани. Несмотря на снижение летальности, абсолютное число смертельных исходов от острых отравлений за исследуемый период увеличилось. Итогом исследования стала попытка с учетом современных изменений объемов и структуры острых отравлений определить основные проблемы и задачи, стоящие перед токсикологической службой в настоящее время и разработать механизмы по ее совершенствованию.Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересо

    Coordinated integral and optical observations of SS433

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    Results of simultaneous INTEGRAL and optical observations of galactic microquasar SS433 in May 2003 are presented. The analysis of the X-ray and optical eclipse duration and hard X-ray spectra obtained by INTEGRAL together with optical spectroscopy obtained on the 6-m telescope allows us to construct a model of SS433 as a massive X-ray binary. X-ray eclipse in hard X-rays has a depth of ∼ 80% and extended wings. The optical spectroscopy allows us to identify the optical companion as a A5-A7 supergiant and to measure its radial velocity semiamplitude Kv = 132 km/s. A strong heating effect in the optical star atmosphere is discovered spectroscopically. The observed broadband X-ray spectrum 2-100 keV can be described by emission from optically thin thermal plasma with kT ∼ 15 - 20keV

    INTEGRAL observations of SS433: Results of a coordinated campaign

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    Results of simultaneous INTEGRAL and optical observations of the galactic microquasar SS433 in May 2003 and INTEGRAL/RXTE observations in March 2004 are presented. Persistent precessional variability with a maximum to minimum uneclipsed hard X-ray flux ratio of ∼4 is discovered. The 18-60 keV X-ray eclipse is found to be in phase with optical and near infrared eclipses. The orbital eclipse observed by INTEGRAL in May 2003 is at least two times deeper and apparently wider than in the soft X-ray band. The broadband 2-100 keV X-ray spectrum simultaneously detected by RXTE/INTEGRAL in March 2004 can be explained by bremsstrahlung emission from optically thin thermal plasma with kT ∼ 30 keV. Optical spectroscopy with the 6-m SAO BTA telescope confirmed the optical companion to be an A5-A7 supergiant. For the first time, spectorscopic indications of a strong heating effect in the optical star atmosphere are found. The measurements of absorption lines which are presumably formed on the non-illuminated side of the supergiant yield its radial velocity semi-amplitude Kv = 132 ±9 km s-1. The analysis of the observed hard X-ray light curve and the eclipse duration, combined with the spectroscopically determined optical star radial velocity corrected for the strong heating effect, allows us to model SS433 as a massive X-ray binary. Assuming that the hard X-ray source in SS433 is eclipsed by the donor star that exactly fills its Roche lobe, the masses of the optical and compact components in SS433 are suggested to be Mv ≈ 30 M⊙ and Mx ≈ 9 M⊙, respectively. This provides further evidence that SS433 is a massive binary system with supercritical accretion onto a black hole. © ESO 2005

    Measurement of the J/Psi Production Cross Section in 920 GeV/c Fixed-Target Proton-Nucleus Interactions

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    The mid-rapidity (dsigma_(pN)/dy at y=0) and total sigma_(pN) production cross sections of J/Psi mesons are measured in proton-nucleus interactions. Data collected by the HERA-B experiment in interactions of 920 GeV/c protons with carbon, titanium and tungsten targets are used for this analysis. The J/Psi mesons are reconstructed by their decay into lepton pairs. The total production cross section obtained is sigma_(pN)(J/Psi) = 663 +- 74 +- 46 nb/nucleon. In addition, our result is compared with previous measurements