186 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pertumbuhan Klaster Batik Pekalongan (Studi Kasus Pada Klaster Batik Kauman, Pesindon Dan Jenggot)

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    In order to develop batik as one of the potential of local economies in Central Java, the study aims to analyze the condition in Pekalongan Batik Industry Cluster today, analyzes the factors that influence the growth of three Pekalongan Batik Industry Cluster, the Cluster Kampoeng Batik Kauman, Cluster Tourism Village Pesindon and cluster Batik Beard, and provide a recommendation to optimize the growth of the three clusters are compared with the current growth. This study used Diamond Model of Porter (1990) as a framework for analyzing the growth of a cluster. The method used in this study is Structural Equation Modelling using SmartPLS 2.0 software. The sample is contained batik entrepreneurs in Cluster Kampoeng Batik Kauman, Tourism Village Cluster Pesindon, and Cluster Batik Beard. The results of investigations show that there are three factors that equally affect the growth of clusters Kampoeng Batik Kauman, Pesindon Tourism Village Cluster and Cluster Batik Beard. The third factor is the existence of supporting and related industries, business strategy and competition, as well as the role of government. Among these three factors, the most influential factor for the growth of the cluster is the presence of strategy and competition. Furthermore, in addition to these three factors, the growth Klater Kampoeng Batik Kauman also influenced by demand conditions, cluster growth is affected by the Tourism Village Pesindon condition factor, and growth Kampung Batik Beard Cluster affected by the demand and factor conditions

    Nanoparticle preparation and characterization of Haruan fish (Channa striata) exctract contains albumin from south Kalimantan with ionic gelation method

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    Snakehead fish (Channa striata) has been reported to be used for wound healing by people in South Borneo because it contains albumin. Snakehead fish extract (Channa striata) has hydrophillic property and poor stability. Nanoparticle technology has been started to be developed as an alternative solution to improve drug delivery profile. The purpose of this study was to determine the formulation that obtained best characterization for nanoparticle. Nanoparticles were prepared by ionic gelation method, that was prepared by doing optimize ratio between snakehead fish extract : chitosan and pH of chitosan solvent.Nanoparticles were characterized using Particle Size Analyzer for particle size and particle size distribution, measurement of entrapment efficiency, determined Zeta potential using Particle Size Analyzer, and observation of particle’s morphology using Transmission Electron Microscope. The result showed that the chosen formula was formula 6 which  ratio of extract : chitosan 1:2 with chitosan solvent pH 3, particle size 152.3 nm, polidispersity index 0.778, percentage of entrapment efficiency 51.3961 %, Zeta potential +35.9 mV, and round shape of particles

    Penilaian Situs Pemerintah Daerah di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Bengkulu, Jambi, dan Bangka Belitung

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    Kebijakan otonomi daerah menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 yang berisikan kewenangan daerah otonom memungkinkan daerah untuk mengatur dan mengurus kepentingan masyarakat setempat menurut prakarsa sendiri berdasarkan aspirasi masyarakat sesuai dengan Perundang-undangan. Dalam hal percepatan pengembangan potensi daerah, pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang tepat, terarah, serta berkelanjutan diharapkan memberikan nilai tambah tersendiri. Melalui Inpres No. 3 Th 2003, pemerintahpun – dalam hal ini Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika – telah menetapkan Kebijakan dan Strategi Nasional tentang pengembangan e-government. Implementasinya dalam teknologi informasi diantaranya adalah pengembangan situs web pemerintah daerah.Menurut Catatan Depkominfo (2007) menunjukkan bahwa jumlah situs web pemerintah (pusat dan daerah) mencapai 224 buah. Sebanyak 201 situs dapat diakses, dan sisanya 23 buah situs tidak dapat dibuka (www.kominfo.go.id). Meskipun demikian, sampai saat ini isi dari situs pemerintah daerah yang sudah dibangun itu belum diidentifikasi secara jelas. Isi dari situs, seperti informasi apa saja yang disajikan, apakah layanan online yang disediakan, bagaimana keterlibatan masyarakat dengan proses pembuatan kebijakan publik secara online, seperti apa fitur-fiturnya, belum didata/dikaji secara sistematis. Padahal, dari data tersebut kita dapat memperoleh gambaran mengenai sejauh mana perkembangan implementasi e-government di Indonesia. Lebih jauh lagi, berdasarkan data itu dapat dirumuskan langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan untuk pengembangan isi situs pemerintah.Penelitian kali ini dilakukan dengan melakukan kodifikasi kontent situs pemerintah daerah dari tingkat propinsi hingga kabupaten dengan tujuan mengetahui profil situs pemerintah daerah, mengeksplorasi isi/content yang terdapat pada situs pemerintah daerah, mengetahui perbedaan isi/content yang terdapat pada situs pemerintah daerah, dan mengevaluasi isi situs pemerintah daerah. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Provinsi Bangka Belitung, Provinsi Jambi, dan Provinsi Bengkulu, sesuai dengan wilayah kerja BPPI Depkominfo Jakarta. Metode analisa isi dan penilaian panelis dilaksanakan di DKI Jakarta, pelaksanaan in-depth interview terhadap pengelola e-government pemerintah daerah dilakukan di setiap provinsi tersebut.Semua situs pemerintah daerah yang berada di empat provinsi dijadikan populasi penelitian. Terdapat 12 buah situs yang aktif dan dapat di-coding dari 20 buah situs pemerintah daerah yang telah ditentukan. Untuk memperoleh cakupan informasi sesuai tujuan penelitian ini digunakan tiga pendekatan sekaligus yaitu pertama analisa isi (content analysis), lalu penilaian juri/panelis, dan ditambah wawancara mendalam (in depth interview). Analisa isi terhadap situs pemerintah daerah merupakan instrumen penelitian utama, sementara penilaian juri/panelis dan wawancara mendalam digunakan untuk melengkapi temuan analisa isi. Coding instrument yang dibuat mengacu pada coding instrument yang dibuat pada penelitian Zhou (2004). Penelitian ini mereplikasi penelitian analisa isi terhadap situs pemerintah daerah yang dilakukan Zhou di Cina. Yang didalamnya terdapat tiga kategori koding utama yaitu tiga tipe utama e-government: e-governance, e-service, dan e-knowledge.Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwasanya situs pemerintah daerah yang dijadikan obyek penelitian sangat kaya akan informasi. Dua per tiga (62.3%) hyperlink yang terdapat pada situs pemerintah menyajikan informasi yang berasal dari pemerintah (fungsi e-knowledge). Sementara jumlah hyperlink yang dapat melibatkan masyarakat dalam proses pengambilan keputusan pada pemerintah (fungsi e-governance) hanya seperempatnya (24.3%), dan hyperlink yang menyajikan layanan pemerintah secara online (fungsi e-service) hanya mencapai 13.4%.Dengan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat sebagai bahan pembuatan kebijakan pengembangan isi situs pemerintah daaerah serta sebagai tolak ukur objektif kuantitas dan kualitas isi situs pemerintah daerah

    An Implementation of Grouping Nodes in Wireless Sensor Network Based on Distance by Using K-Means Clustering

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network consisting of several sensor nodes that communicate with each other and work together to collect data from the surrounding environment. One of the WSN problems is the limited available power. Therefore, nodes on WSN need to communicate by using a cluster-based routing protocol. To solve this, the researchers propose a node grouping based on distance by using k-means clustering with a hardware implementation. Cluster formation and member node selection are performed based on the nearest device of the sensor node to the cluster head. The k-means algorithm utilizes Euclidean distance as the main grouping nodes parameter obtained from the conversion of the Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) into the distance estimation between nodes. RSSI as the parameter of nearest neighbor nodes uses lognormal shadowing channel modeling method that can be used to get the path loss exponent in an observation area. The estimated distance in the observation area has 27.9% error. The average time required for grouping is 58.54 s. Meanwhile, the average time used to retrieve coordinate data on each cluster to the database is 45.54 s. In the system, the most time-consuming process is the PAN ID change process with an average time of 14.20 s for each change of PAN ID. The grouping nodes in WSN using k-means clustering algorithm can improve the power efficiency by 6.5%

    Perancangan Mixed Use Development di Kota Kupang

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    Kupang City is the provincial of the capital, therefore the acceleration of development is the highest in NTT Province.  This development acceleration made investors to seeing business opportunities and its results in physical development for the sector of businesses (hotel), the sector of trade and service’s (shopping center) and the sector of building events for rentals. Kupang city has increased population with the rate of growth are 3.90% (BPS, 2015) from past 5 years.  The increase impacting of population which is the development in Kupang City settlements are spreading unstructured throughout the region due to high land prices in the central city. It is also impacted of the growths of support needs in urban communities as well for the existence of shopping centers and the offices. The sectors are needed to considered again due to limited in urban areas land. One of the solutions to optimized property products is to accommodates all activities (Mandala, 2013, in Tamonob, 2016). To overcome this, it is need an efforts in designs, for the examples is by applying the concept of mixed use development. The design of mixed use development are an design area which could approach the functions to accommodate several facilities whose the activities are interconnected. Those facilities are residential facilities (apartments), trade and service facilities (shopping centers), business facilities (rental offices), and facilities for events (ballrooms). Also, the supporting facilities including recreational areas, sports venues, mixed use development management services, and security services to ensure the safety and the comfortable of mixed use development’s visitors.Kota Kupang merupakan ibukota provinsi, sehingga percepatan pembangunan merupakan yang tertinggi di Provinsi NTT. Percepatan pembangunan ini membuat investor – investor melihat peluang usaha dan hasil berupa pembangunan fisik sektor bisnis (hotel), sektor perdagangan dan jasa (pusat perbelanjaan), serta sektor penyewaan gedung untuk acara. Kota Kupang mengalami peningkatan jumlah penduduk dengan laju pertumbuhan adalah 3.90% (BPS, 2015) dalam 5 tahun terakhir. Dampak dari peningkatan penduduk adalah berkembangnya permukiman di Kota Kupang yang menyebar secara tidak terstruktur ke seluruh daerah oleh karena tingginya harga lahan di pusat kota. Hal ini berdampak pada kebutuhan pendukung bagi masyarakat perkotaan yang semakin bertambah seperti keberadaan pusat perbelanjaan dan perkantoran. Kebutuhan di sektor ini perlu diperhatikan lagi oleh karena keterbatasan lahan di daerah perkotaan. Salah satu solusi untuk mengoptimalkan produk properti adalah dengan mengakomodir segala kegiatan (Mandala, 2013, dalam Tamonob, 2016). Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut perlu dilakukan upaya dalam perancangan, salah satunya adalah dengan penerapan konsep mixed use development.  Perancangan mixed use development merupakan suatu pendekatan perancangan perancangan kawasan yang berfungsi sebagai wadah untuk menampung beberapa fasilitas yang aktivitasnya saling berhubungan. Fasilitas tersebut antara lain adalah fasilitas hunian (apartemen), fasilitas perdagangan dan jasa (pusat perbelanjaan), fasilitas bisnis (kantor sewa), dan fasilitas untuk acara (ballroom). Adapun fasilitas pendukung berupa tempat rekreasi, tempat berolahraga, layanan pengelolaan mixed use development, dan layanan keamanan untuk menjamin keamanan dan kenyamanan penghuni serta pengunjung mixed use development

    Comparison of anti-transglutaminase ELISAs and an anti-endomysial antibody assay in the diagnosis of celiac disease: A prospective study

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    Background: Most studies of anti-transglutaminase (anti-tTG) assays have considered preselected groups of patients. This study compared the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of an immunofluorescence method for anti-endomysial antibodies (EmAs) and two anti-tTG ELISAs, one using guinea pig tTG (gp-tTG) and the other human tTG (h-tTG) as antigen, in consecutive patients investigated for suspected celiac disease (CD). Methods: We studied 207 consecutive patients (99 men, 108 women; age range, 17-84 years) who underwent intestinal biopsy for suspected CD. Patients presented with one or more of the following: weight loss, anemia, chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, alternating bowel habits, constipation, pain in the joints, and dermatitis. At entry to the study, an intestinal biopsy was performed and a serum sample was taken for IgA EmAs, anti-gp-tTG, and anti-h-tTG. Results: Intestinal histology showed that 24 patients had partial or total villous atrophy; in these patients the diagnosis of CD was confirmed by follow-up. The remaining 183 patients had villous/crypt ratios that were within our laboratory's reference values and were considered controls. Serum EmAs, anti-gp-tTG, and anti-h-tTG were positive in all 24 CD patients; in the control group, none were positive for serum EmAs, but 15 of 183 (8.2%) were positive for anti-gp-tTG, and 6 of 183 (3.3%) were positive for anti-h-tTG. Sensitivity was 100% for all assays, whereas specificity was 100% for the EmA, 92% for the anti-gp-tTG, and 97% for the anti-h-tTG assay. The negative predictive value was 100% for all assays; the positive predictive value was 100% for the EmA, 80% [95% confidence interval (CI), 65-95%] for the anti-h-tTG (P = 0.03 vs EmA) and 60% (95% CI, 44-76%) for the anti-gp-tTG assay (P = 0.0002 vs EmA). Areas (95% CIs) under the ROC curves were 0.987 (0.97-1.0) for anti-h-tTG and 0.965 (0.94-0.99) for anti-gp-tTG. Most of the patients testing false positive for anti-tTG had Crohn disease or chronic liver disease. Conclusions: Although both anti-tTG ELISAs showed optimum sensitivity, their lack of specificity yielded positive predictive values significantly lower than those for the EmA assay. © 2002 American Association for Clinical Chemistry

    Efficacy and safety of IVIG in CIDP : combined data of the PRIMA and PATH studies

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    Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is a potential therapy for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). To investigate the efficacy and safety of the IVIG IgPro10 (Privigen) for treatment of CIDP, results from Privigen Impact on Mobility and Autonomy (PRIMA), a prospective, open-label, single-arm study of IVIG in immunoglobulin (Ig)-naive or IVIG pre-treated subjects (NCT01184846, n = 28) and Polyneuropathy And Treatment with Hizentra (PATH), a double-blind, randomized study including an open-label, single-arm IVIG phase in IVIG pre-treated subjects (NCT01545076, IVIG restabilization phase n = 207) were analyzed separately and together (n = 235). Efficacy assessments included change in adjusted inflammatory neuropathy cause and treatment (INCAT) score, grip strength and Medical Research Council (MRC) sum score. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and ADRs/infusion were recorded. Adjusted INCAT response rate was 60.7% in all PRIMA subjects at Week 25 (76.9% in IVIG pre-treated subjects) and 72.9% in PATH. In the pooled cohort (n = 235), INCAT response rate was 71.5%; median time to INCAT improvement was 4.3 weeks. No clear demographic differences were noticed between early (responding before Week 7, n = 148) and late responders (n = 21). In the pooled cohort, median change from baseline to last observation was -1.0 (interquartile range -2.0; 0.0) point for INCAT score; +8.0 (0.0; 20.0) kPa for maximum grip strength; +3.0 (1.0; 7.0) points for MRC sum score. In the pooled cohort, 271 ADRs were reported in 105 subjects (44.7%), a rate of 0.144 ADRs per infusion. This analysis confirms the efficacy and safety of IgPro10, a recently FDA-approved IVIG for CIDP, in a population of mainly pre-treated subjects with CIDP [Correction added on 14 March 2019 after first online publication: the INCAT response rate has been corrected.]

    Biomarker-guided implementation of the KDIGO guidelines to reduce the occurrence of acute kidney injury in patients after cardiac surgery (PrevAKI-multicentre) : protocol for a multicentre, observational study followed by randomised controlled feasibility trial

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent complication after cardiac surgery with adverse short-term and long-term outcomes. Although prevention of AKI (PrevAKI) is strongly recommended, the optimal strategy is uncertain. The Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guideline recommended a bundle of supportive measures in high-risk patients. In a single-centre trial, we recently demonstrated that the strict implementation of the KDIGO bundle significantly reduced the occurrence of AKI after cardiac surgery. In this feasibility study, we aim to evaluate whether the study protocol can be implemented in a multicentre setting in preparation for a large multicentre trial. We plan to conduct a prospective, observational survey followed by a randomised controlled, multicentre, multinational clinical trial including 280 patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. The purpose of the observational survey is to explore the adherence to the KDIGO recommendations in routine clinical practice. The second phase is a randomised controlled trial. The objective is to investigate whether the trial protocol is implementable in a large multicentre, multinational setting. The primary endpoint of the interventional part is the compliance rate with the protocol. Secondary endpoints include the occurrence of any AKI and moderate/severe AKI as defined by the KDIGO criteria within 72 hours after surgery, renal recovery at day 90, use of renal replacement therapy (RRT) and mortality at days 30, 60 and 90, the combined endpoint major adverse kidney events consisting of persistent renal dysfunction, RRT and mortality at day 90 and safety outcomes. The PrevAKI multicentre study has been approved by the leading Research Ethics Committee of the University of Münster and the respective Research Ethics Committee at each participating site. The results will be used to design a large, definitive trial. Trial registration number NCT03244514