8,259 research outputs found

    Large N and double scaling limits in two dimensions

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    Recently, the author has constructed a series of four dimensional non-critical string theories with eight supercharges, dual to theories of light electric and magnetic charges, for which exact formulas for the central charge of the space-time supersymmetry algebra as a function of the world-sheet couplings were obtained. The basic idea was to generalize the old matrix model approach, replacing the simple matrix integrals by the four dimensional matrix path integrals of N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, and the Kazakov critical points by the Argyres-Douglas critical points. In the present paper, we study qualitatively similar toy path integrals corresponding to the two dimensional N=2 supersymmetric non-linear sigma model with target space CP^n and twisted mass terms. This theory has some very strong similarities with N=2 super Yang-Mills, including the presence of critical points in the vicinity of which the large n expansion is IR divergent. The model being exactly solvable at large n, we can study non-BPS observables and give full proofs that double scaling limits exist and correspond to universal continuum limits. A complete characterization of the double scaled theories is given. We find evidence for dimensional transmutation of the string coupling in some non-critical string theories. We also identify en passant some non-BPS particles that become massless at the singularities in addition to the usual BPS states.Comment: 38 pages, including an introductory section that makes the paper self-contained, two figures and one appendix; v2: typos correcte

    The group of strong Galois objects associated to a cocommutative Hopf quasigroup

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    Let H be a cocommutative faithfully flat Hopf quasigroup in a strict symmetric monoidal category with equalizers. In this paper we introduce the notion of (strong) Galois H-object and we prove that the set of isomorphism classes of (strong) Galois H-objects is a (group) monoid which coincides, in the Hopf algebra setting, with the Galois group of H-Galois objects introduced by Chase and Sweedler

    The Case of H2_2C3_3O Isomers, Revisited: Solving the Mystery of the Missing Propadienone

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    To date, two isomers of H2_2C3_3O have been detected, namely, propynal (HCCCHO) and cylclopropenone (c-H2_2C3_3O). A third, propadienone (CH2_2CCO), has thus far eluded observers despite the fact that it is the lowest in energy of the three. This previously noted result is in contradiction of the minimum energy principle, which posits that the abundances of isomers in interstellar environments can be predicted based on their relative stabilities - and suggests, rather, the importance of kinetic over thermodynamic effects in explaining the role of such species. Here, we report results of \textit{ab initio} quantum chemical calculations of the reaction between H and (a) HC3_3O, (b) H2_2C3_3O (both propynal and propadienone), and (c) CH2_2CHCO. We have found that, among all possible reactions between atomic hydrogen and either propadienone or propynal, only the destruction of propadienone is barrierless and exothermic. That this destruction pathway is indeed behind the non-detection of CH2_2CCO is further suggested by our finding that the product of this process, the radical CH2_2CHCO, can subsequently react barrierlessly with H to form propenal (CH2_2CHCHO) which has, in fact, been detected in regions where the other two H2_2C3_3O isomers are observed. Thus, these results not only shed light on a previously unresolved astrochemical mystery, but also further highlight the importance of kinetics in understanding the abundances of interstellar molecules.Comment: ApJ, accepted: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Producción de ánforas contestanas: el almacén de El Campello (Alicante)

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    La motivación del alumnado a través de la satisfacción con la asignatura. Efecto sobre el rendimiento

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    El alto nivel de absentismo y la falta de motivación de los alumnos son rasgos característicos de una realidad a la que nos enfrentamos día a día. Este problema, agudizado por la cada vez más cercana adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, provoca la necesidad de que nos replanteemos la forma de hacer las cosas en nuestra labor como docentes universitarios. La presente experiencia persigue incrementar el interés y la implicación del alumnado a través de un aumento de su grado de satisfacción con la asignatura. Adicionalmente se pretende comprobar cómo esta circunstancia puede redundar en una mejora de las calificaciones obtenidas por los alumnos