881 research outputs found

    Photometry of SN 2002ic and Implications for the Progenitor Mass-Loss History

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    We present new pre-maximum and late-time optical photometry of the Type Ia/IIn supernova 2002ic. These observations are combined with the published V-band magnitudes of Hamuy et al. (2003) and the VLT spectrophotometry of Wang et al. (2004) to construct the most extensive light curve to date of this unusual supernova. The observed flux at late time is significantly higher relative to the flux at maximum than that of any other observed Type Ia supernova and continues to fade very slowly a year after explosion. Our analysis of the light curve suggests that a non-Type Ia supernova component becomes prominent ∌20\sim20 days after explosion. Modeling of the non-Type Ia supernova component as heating from the shock interaction of the supernova ejecta with pre-existing circumstellar material suggests the presence of a ∌1.71015\sim1.7 10^{15} cm gap or trough between the progenitor system and the surrounding circumstellar material. This gap could be due to significantly lower mass-loss ∌15(vw/10km/s)−1\sim15 (v_w/10 km/s)^{-1} years prior to explosion or evacuation of the circumstellar material by a low-density fast wind. The latter is consistent with observed properties of proto-planetary nebulae and with models of white-dwarf + asymptotic giant branch star progenitor systems with the asymptotic giant branch star in the proto-planetary nebula phase.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    A novel experiential work-based learning model in paediatric secondary care using entrustable professional activities to develop clinical knowledge and communication skills

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    \ua9 2024 The AuthorsBackground: Initial education and training standards for pharmacists in Great Britain require early clinical exposure to patients using experiential work-based learning. However, there is poor evidence of this approach in some settings, such as paediatric care. The aim of this study was therefore to explore a novel model of experiential work-based learning for student pharmacists in a paediatric setting. Methods: Fourth-year student pharmacists enrolled on a Master of Pharmacy programme were allocated five three-hour placement sessions at a paediatric hospital. Sessions consisted of a briefing, ward activities, scaffolded consultations with children and their carers, followed by a debriefing session with a clinical supervisor. Data were collected relating to the ward, patient details, student reported activities, learning outcomes and if follow up was required by a member of the clinical team. Data were cleaned, quality checked, then descriptive statistical analysis and inductive content analysis were conducted. Main findings: Seventy-four students took part in 28 individual sessions and 233 consultations were recorded. Consultations included a best-possible medical history (76%, n = 177), a satisfactory drug history (45%, n = 104), or discussed hospital discharge (11%, n = 26). Students were exposed to patients with diagnosed acute conditions (41%, n = 96) and chronic conditions (33%, n = 76), as well as children awaiting diagnosis (13%, n = 30). Students reported learning about the pathology, diagnosis and symptoms of paediatric conditions (48%, n = 81), medicines used in children (24%, n = 41), patient experiences of recieving care (15%, n = 25), carer experiences (2%, n = 3), the hospital environment (2%, n = 4), career progression (2%, n = 4), and experiences of social care (11%, n = 18). Findings were synthesised with existing entrustable professional activities from the literature to generate novel EPAs specific to paediatric settings. Conclusions: A paediatric setting offers a suitable environment to host experiential work-based learning in pharmacy education. Standards of initial education and training which require pharmacists to prescribe in Great Britain must recognise the importance of exposure to the health needs and experiences of children, young people\u27s and carers prior to graduation

    Offspring Production among the Extended Relatives of Samoan Men and Fa'afafine

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    Androphilia refers to sexual attraction to adult males, whereas gynephilia refers to sexual attraction to adult females. Male androphilia is an evolutionary paradox. Its development is at least partially influenced by genetic factors, yet male androphiles exhibit lower reproductive output, thus raising the question of how genetic factors underlying its development persist. The sexual antagonism hypothesis posits that the fitness costs associated with genetic factors underlying male androphilia are offset because these same factors lead to elevated reproduction on the part of the female relatives of androphilic males. Western samples drawn from low fertility populations have yielded inconsistent results when testing this hypothesis. Some studies documented elevated reproduction among the matrilineal female kin of androphilic males, whereas others found such effects in the paternal line. Samoa is a high-fertility population in which individuals reproduce closer to their maximum capacities. This study compared the reproductive output of the paternal and maternal line grandmothers, aunts, and uncles of 86 Samoan androphilic males, known locally as fa'afafine, and 86 Samoan gynephilic males. Reproductive output was elevated in the paternal and maternal line grandmothers, but not aunts or uncles, of fa'afafine. These findings are consistent with the sexual antagonism hypothesis and suggest that male androphilia is associated with elevated reproduction among extended relatives in both the maternal and paternal line. Discussion focuses on how this study, in conjunction with the broader literature, informs various models for the evolution of male androphilia via elevated reproduction on the part of female kin

    Need for Alloparental Care and Attitudes Toward Homosexuals in 58 Countries: Implications for the Kin Selection Hypothesis

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    Homosexuality is an evolutionary puzzle. Many theories attempt to explain how a trait undermining individual reproduction can be maintained, but experimental testing of their predictions remains scarce. The kin selection hypothesis (KSH) is an important theoretical framework to account for the evolution of human homosexuality, postulating that its direct cost to reproduction can be offset by inclusive fitness gains through alloparental assistance to kin. Consistent evidence in support of the KSH has only been garnered from research on Samoan fa’afafine (i.e. feminine, same-sex attracted males), whereas research in numerous industrialized societies has repeatedly failed to secure empirical support for the theory. Here, we propose an alternative test of the KSH by investigating how need for alloparental care influences women’s attitudes toward homosexuality (AtH). AtH would influence the likelihood of women receiving alloparental care from homosexual kin. We applied logistic regression analysis to a large dataset (17,295 women in 58 countries) derived from the World Values Survey. As predicted by the KSH, women who are potentially most in need of alloparental support exhibit significantly more positive attitudes toward homosexuals. For single mothers who expressed parental care concerns, each additional child mothered was associated with an increase of 1.24 in their odds of exhibiting positive attitudes toward homosexuals. Our study is the first to provide circumstantial evidence in support of the KSH on a global scale

    Precision measurements of large scale structure with future type Ia supernova surveys

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    Type Ia supernovae are currently the best known standard candles at cosmological distances. In addition to providing a powerful probe of dark energy they are an ideal source of information about the peculiar velocity field of the local universe. Even with the very small number of supernovae presently available it has been possible to measure the dipole and quadrupole of the local velocity field out to z~0.025. With future continuous all-sky surveys like the LSST project the luminosity distances of tens of thousands of nearby supernovae will be measured accurately. This will allow for a determination of the local velocity structure of the universe as a function of redshift with unprecedented accuracy, provided the redshifts of the host galaxies are known. Using catalogues of mock surveys we estimate that future low redshift supernova surveys will be able to probe sigma-8 to a precision of roughly 5% at 95% C.L. This is comparable to the precision in future galaxy and weak lensing surveys and with a relatively modest observational effort it will provide a crucial cross-check on future measurements of the matter power spectrum.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, submitted to JCA

    A dose-finding study of carboplatin–epirubicin–docetaxel in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer

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    The docetaxel–carboplatin combination is active and well tolerated in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. We added epirubicin to this combination to investigate additional benefits of anthracyclines in epithelial ovarian cancer. Twenty-one patients, FIGO Ic-IV, performance status 0–1, were treated in four dose cohorts. Docetaxel was fixed at 75 mg m−2, carboplatin doses were AUC 4–5 and epirubicin doses were 50–60 mg m−2. Drugs were given on day 1, every 3 weeks, except in cohort 3, where epirubicin was given on day 8. Dexamethasone was given prophylactically. One dose-limiting toxicity occurred in cohorts 1, 2 and 4, two occurred in cohort 3. Complicated neutropenia occurred in two patients in cohorts 1 and 2 and one patient in cohorts 3 and 4. Two patients experienced grade III diarrhoea or stomatitis in cohort 1 and two in cohort 3. There were no treatment-related deaths. Grade II sensory neuropathy occurred in one patient. No cardiac toxicity or significant oedema was observed. The overall response rate was 36%, and 62% were CA125 responders. The predefined maximum tolerated dose was exceeded in cohort 3. The cohort 4 dose level (epirubicin 50 mg m−2, carboplatin AUC 4, docetaxel 75 mg m−2), warrants further study

    Chandra Observations of Type Ia Supernovae: Upper Limits to the X-ray Flux of SN 2002bo, SN 2002ic, SN 2005gj, and SN 2005ke

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    We set sensitive upper limits to the X-ray emission of four Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) using the Chandra X-ray Observatory. SN 2002bo, a normal, although reddened, nearby SN Ia, was observed 9.3 days after explosion. For an absorbed, high temperature bremsstrahlung model the flux limits are 3.2E-16 ergs/cm^2/s (0.5-2 keV band) and 4.1E-15 ergs/cm^2/s (2-10 keV band). Using conservative model assumptions and a 10 km/s wind speed, we derive a mass loss rate of \dot{M} ~ 2E-5 M_\odot/yr, which is comparable to limits set by the non-detection of Halpha lines from other SNe Ia. Two other objects, SN 2002ic and SN 2005gj, observed 260 and 80 days after explosion, respectively, are the only SNe Ia showing evidence for circumstellar interaction. The SN 2002ic X-ray flux upper limits are ~4 times below predictions of the interaction model currently favored to explain the bright optical emission. To resolve this discrepancy we invoke the mixing of cool dense ejecta fragments into the forward shock region, which produces increased X-ray absorption. A modest amount of mixing allows us to accommodate the Chandra upper limit. SN 2005gj is less well studied at this time. Assuming the same circumstellar environment as for SN 2002i, the X-ray flux upper limits for SN 2005gj are ~4 times below the predictions, suggesting that mixing of cool ejecta into the forward shock has also occurred here. Our reanalysis of Swift and Chandra data on SN 2005ke does not confirm a previously reported X-ray detection. The host galaxies NGC 3190 (SN 2002bo) and NGC 1371 (SN 2005ke) each harbor a low luminosity (L_X ~ 3-4E40 ergs/s) active nucleus in addition to wide-spread diffuse soft X-ray emission.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in ApJ (20 Nov 2007

    Circumstellar interaction of the type Ia supernova 2002ic

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    We propose a model to account for the bolometric light curve, quasi-continuum and the Ca II emission features of the peculiar type Ia supernova (SN) 2002ic, which exploded in a dense circumstellar envelope. The model suggests that the SN Ia had the maximum possible kinetic energy and that the ejecta expand in an approximately spherically symmetric (possibly clumpy) circumstellar environment. The Ca II and quasi-continuum are emitted by shocked SN ejecta that underwent deformation and fragmentation in the intershock layer. Modeling of the Ca II triplet implies that the contribution of the O I 8446 A line is about 25% of the 8500 A feature on day 234, which permits us to recover the flux in the Ca II 8579 A triplet from the flux of 8500 A blend reported by Deng et al. (2004). We use the Ca II doublet and triplet fluxes on day 234 to derive the electron temperature (~4400 K) in the Ca II line-emitting zone and the ratio of the total area of dense fragments to the area of the shell, S/S_0 ~ 100. We argue that Ca II bands and quasi-continuum originate from different zones of the shocked ejecta that reflect the abundance stratification of the supernova.Comment: 12 pages, MNRAS, in pres

    Yang-Mills condensate dark energy coupled with matter and radiation

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    The coincidence problem is studied for the dark energy model of effective Yang-Mills condensate in a flat expanding universe during the matter-dominated stage. The YMC energy ρy(t)\rho_y(t) is taken to represent the dark energy, which is coupled either with the matter, or with both the matter and the radiation components. The effective YM Lagrangian is completely determined by quantum field theory up to 1-loop order. It is found that under very generic initial conditions and for a variety of forms of coupling, the existence of the scaling solution during the early stages and the subsequent exit from the scaling regime are inevitable. The transition to the accelerating stage always occurs around a redshift z≃(0.3∌0.5)z\simeq (0.3\sim 0.5). Moreover, when the Yang-Mills condensate transfers energy into matter or into both matter and radiation, the equation of state wyw_y of the Yang-Mills condensate can cross over -1 around z∌2z\sim 2, and takes on a current value ≃−1.1\simeq -1.1. This is consistent with the recent preliminary observations on supernovae Ia. Therefore, the coincidence problem can be naturally solved in the effective YMC dark energy models.Comment: 24 pages, 18 figure
