869 research outputs found

    Algorithmic options for joint time-frequency analysis in structural dynamics applications

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    The purpose of this paper is to present recent research efforts by the authors supporting the superiority of joint time-frequency analysis over the traditional Fourier transform in the study of non-stationary signals commonly encountered in the fields of earthquake engineering, and structural dynamics. In this respect, three distinct signal processing techniques appropriate for the representation of signals in the time-frequency plane are considered. Namely, the harmonic wavelet transform, the adaptive chirplet decomposition, and the empirical mode decomposition, are utilized to analyze certain seismic accelerograms, and structural response records. Numerical examples associated with the inelastic dynamic response of a seismically-excited 3-story benchmark steel-frame building are included to show how the mean-instantaneous-frequency, as derived by the aforementioned techniques, can be used as an indicator of global structural damage

    The effects of increasing dietary levels of soy protein concentrate (SPC) on the immune responses and disease resistance (furunculosis) of vaccinated and non-vaccinated Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) parr

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    Juvenile salmon, with an initial weight of 9g, were fed three experimental diets, formulated to replace 35 (SPC35), 58 (SPC58) and 80 (SPC80) of high quality fishmeal (FM) with soy protein concentrate (SPC) in quadruplicate tanks. Higher dietary SPC inclusion was combined with increased supplementation of methionine, lysine, threonine and phosphorus. The experiment was carried out for 177 days. On day 92 salmon in each tank were bulk weighed. Post weighing eighty salmon from each tank were redistributed in two sets of 12 tanks. Salmon from the first set of tanks were vaccinated, while the second group was injected with phosphate buffer saline (PBS). Salmon were sampled on day 92 (pre-vaccination), day 94 (2 days post vaccination [dpv]/PBS injection [dpPBSinj]) and day 154 (62 dpv/dpPBSinj) of the trial for the assessment of their immune responses, prior to the performance of salmon bulk weights for each tank. On day 154, fish from each tank were again bulk weighed and then seventeen salmon per tank were redistributed in two sets of twelve tanks and intra-peritoneally infected with Aeromonas salmonicida. At Day 154, SPC80 demonstrated lower performance (weight gain, specific growth rate and thermal growth coefficient and feed conversion ratio) compared to SPC35 salmon. Reduced classical and total complement activities for salmon fed diets with over 58% of protein from SPC, were demonstrated prior to vaccination. Reduced alternative complement activity was detected for both SPC58 and SPC80 salmon at 2 dpv and for the SPC80 group at 62 dpv. Total and classical complement activities demonstrated no differences among the dietary groups after vaccination. Numerical increases in classical complement activity were apparent upon increased dietary SPC levels. Increased phagocytic activity (% phagocytosis and phagocytic index) was exhibited for the SPC58 group compared to SPC35 salmon at 62 dpPBSinj. No differences in serum lysozyme activity, total IgM, specific antibodies, protein, glucose and HKM respiratory burst were detected among the dietary groups at any timepoint or state. Mortalities as a result of the experimental infection only occurred in PBS-injected fish. No differences in mortality levels were demonstrated among the dietary groups. SPC58 diet supported both good growth and health in juvenile Atlantic salmon while SPC80 diet did not compromise salmon’ immunity or resistance to intraperitoneally inflicted furunculosis

    Tuning of Reciprocal Carbon-Electrode Properties for an Optimized Hydrogen Evolution.

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    Closing the material cycle for harmful and rare resources is a key criterion for sustainable and green energy systems. The concept of using scalable biomass-derived carbon electrodes to produce hydrogen from water was proposed here, satisfying the need for sustainability in the field of chemical energy conversion. The carbon electrodes exhibited not only water oxidation activity but also a strong self-oxidation when being used as anode for water splitting. The carbon oxidation, which is more energy-favorable, was intentionally allowed to occur for an improvement of the total current, thus enhancing the hydrogen production on the cathode side. By introducing different earth-abundant metals, the electrode could be well adjusted to achieve an optimized water/carbon oxidation ratio and an appreciable reactivity for practical applications. This promising methodology may become a very large driver for carbon chemistry when waste organic materials or biomass can be converted using its intrinsic energy content of carbon. Such a process could open a safe path for sub-zero CO2 emission control. The concept of how and which parameter of a carbon-based electrode can be optimized was presented and discussed in this paper

    Reconstruction of Hydraulic Data by Machine Learning

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    Numerical simulation models associated with hydraulic engineering take a wide array of data into account to produce predictions: rainfall contribution to the drainage basin (characterized by soil nature, infiltration capacity and moisture), current water height in the river, topography, nature and geometry of the river bed, etc. This data is tainted with uncertainties related to an imperfect knowledge of the field, measurement errors on the physical parameters calibrating the equations of physics, an approximation of the latter, etc. These uncertainties can lead the model to overestimate or underestimate the flow and height of the river. Moreover, complex assimilation models often require numerous evaluations of physical solvers to evaluate these uncertainties, limiting their use for some real-time operational applications. In this study, we explore the possibility of building a predictor for river height at an observation point based on drainage basin time series data. An array of data-driven techniques is assessed for this task, including statistical models, machine learning techniques and deep neural network approaches. These are assessed on several metrics, offering an overview of the possibilities related to hydraulic time-series. An important finding is that for the same hydraulic quantity, the best predictors vary depending on whether the data is produced using a physical model or real observations.Comment: Submitted to SimHydro 201

    Spatial variability of precipitation regimes over Turkey

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    Turkish annual precipitation regimes are analysed to provide large-scale perspective and redefine precipitation regions. Monthly total precipitation data are employed for 107 stations (1963–2002). Precipitation regime shape (seasonality) and magnitude (size) are classified using a novel multivariate methodology. Six shape and five magnitude classes are identified, which exhibit clear spatial structure. A composite (shape and magnitude) regime classification reveals dominant controls on spatial variability of precipitation. Intra-annual timing and magnitude of precipitation is highly variable due to seasonal shifts in Polar and Subtropical zones and physiographic factors. Nonetheless, the classification methodology is shown to be a powerful tool that identifies physically-interpretable precipitation regions: (1) coastal regimes for Marmara, coastal Aegean, Mediterranean and Black Sea; (2) transitional regimes in continental Aegean and Southeast Anatolia; and (3) inland regimes across central and Eastern Anatolia. This research has practical implications for understanding water resources, which are under ever growing pressure in Turkey

    Accelerator Testing of the General Antiparticle Spectrometer, a Novel Approach to Indirect Dark Matter Detection

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    We report on recent accelerator testing of a prototype general antiparticle spectrometer (GAPS). GAPS is a novel approach for indirect dark matter searches that exploits the antideuterons produced in neutralino-neutralino annihilations. GAPS captures these antideuterons into a target with the subsequent formation of exotic atoms. These exotic atoms decay with the emission of X-rays of precisely defined energy and a correlated pion signature from nuclear annihilation. This signature uniquely characterizes the antideuterons. Preliminary analysis of data from a prototype GAPS in an antiproton beam at the KEK accelerator in Japan has confirmed the multi-X-ray/pion star topology and indicated X-ray yields consistent with prior expectations. Moreover our success in utilizing solid rather than gas targets represents a significant simplification over our original approach and offers potential gains in sensitivity through reduced dead mass in the target area.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, submitted to JCA

    Strong and Broadband Pure Optical Activity in 3D Printed THz Chiral Metamaterials

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    Optical activity (polarization rotation of light) is one of the most desired features of chiral media, as it is important for many polarization related applications. However, in the THz region, chiral media with strong optical activity are not available in nature. Here, we study theoretically, and experimentally a chiral metamaterial structure composed of pairs of vertical U-shape resonators of "twisted" arms, and we reveal that it demonstrates large pure optical activity (i.e. optical activity associated with negligible transmitted wave ellipticity) in the low THz regime. The experimental data show polarization rotation up to 25 (deg) for an unmatched bandwidth of 1 THz (relative bandwidth 80 %), from a 130 um-thickness structure, while theoretical optimizations show that the rotation can reach 45 (deg). The enhanced chiral response of the structure is analyzed through an equivalent RLC circuit model, which provides also simple optimization rules for the enhancement of its chiral response. The proposed chiral structures allow easy fabrication via direct laser writing and electroless metal plating, making them suitable candidates for polarization control applications.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure
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