4,959 research outputs found

    Are the reactions γγVV\gamma\gamma\to VV' a challenge for the factorized Pomeron at high energies?

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    We would like to point to the strong violation of the putative factorized Pomeron exchange model in the reactions γγVV\gamma\gamma\to VV' in the high-energy region where this model works fairly well in all other cases.Comment: 4 pages, LaTex, 1 fig. in postscript, minor typos corrected, to be published in Phys. Rev. D 60, 117503 (1999

    Structure of Real and Virtual Photons from ZEUS

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    Measurements sensitive to the structure of both real and virtual photons are presented and compared to theoretical models with various photon parton distribution functions (PDFs). Measurements for real photons show a tendency for the available photon PDFs to be too small to describe the data. For virtual photons, the photon PDF is seen to decrease with increasing photon virtuality. In order to describe the data, resolved photon processes are required up to a photon virtuality of at least 4.5 GeV^2

    Organização e gestão da Rede AgroHidro.

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    O artigo apresenta resultados parciais de um estudo de caráter exploratório realizado para: a) contribuir com os gestores da Rede AgroHidro na identificação de elementos socioinstitucionais favorecedores da sua gestão e organização/estruturação; e b) capturar os tipos de aprendizagens e competências construídas pelos integrantes da Rede a partir das interações comunicacionais realizadas em um espaço de ambiência virtual intitulado Agropedia brasilis.Editores técnicos: Maria Fernanda Moura, Giampaolo Queiroz Pellegrino, Lineu Neiva Rodrigues

    Human papillomavirus vaccine and behavioural disinhibition

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    Objectives—We sought to identify characteristics of parents who believe in sexual disinhibition and that Pap smears can safely be stopped after females receive HPV vaccine. Methods—We surveyed 647 parents of adolescent girls living in areas of North Carolina with elevated rates of cervical cancer. We report data primarily from a survey conducted in Fall 2008. Results—Only 16% (101/647) of parents agreed that teenage girls who receive HPV vaccine may be more likely to have sex. Parents who believed in vaccine-induced sexual disinhibition were more likely to be older (OR 1.89; 95% CI 1.09, 3.26) or report conservative political views (OR 2.26; 95% CI 1.37, 3.73). Parents were less likely to believe in sexual disinhibition if they had greater knowledge about HPV vaccine (OR 0.52; 95% CI 0.32 0.85) or if their daughters had received HPV vaccine (OR 0.31; 95% CI 0.17, 0.57). While few parents (5%, 30/647) believed that women could safely stop getting regular Pap smears after receiving HPV vaccine, this belief was somewhat more common among racial and ethnic minority parents (16%) and among fathers (13%). Conclusions—Few parents believed that HPV vaccine is likely to lead to increased sexual activity among females or reduce the need for vaccinated women to have regular Pap smears in the future. Characterizing parents who hold beliefs in behavioral disinhibition is important as clinicians encountering parents in practice may desire information about this population

    Improved forages in Lushoto have wide adoption potential

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    Исследование закономерностей развития структурно-химической неоднородности в разнородном сварном соединении трубопроводного переходника

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    Данная работа посвящена исследованию структурно-химической неоднородности (СХН) трубопроводного переходника из разнородных сталей, выполненного аргонодуговой сваркой (АрДС). При помощи оптического микроскопа получены фотографии СХН и ее размеры. СХН выражается в появлении прослоек (карбидной и ферритной) с разным химическим составом. Приведены графики роста ширин прослоек от времени выдержки и температуры.This paper is devoted to the comparison of the structural and chemical inhomogeneity (SCI) of adapters made of dissimilar steels, made by tungsten insert gas (TIG). By means of optical microscope, photographs of the SCI and its dimensions were obtained. SCI is expressed in the appearance of interlayers (carbide and ferritic) with different chemical composition. Graphs of the growth of the widths of the interlayers from the time of exposure and temperature are given

    Calibration and testing of a TLD dosemeter for area monitoring

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    The response of a TLD-600/TLD-700 area dosemeter has been characterized in neutron fields around the 590 MeV cyclotron ring at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI). The dosemeter is based on a cylindrical paraffin moderator with three of each type of TLD chip at the centre, and is intended to use for area monitoring around accelerator facilities. The dosemeter is calibrated in terms of ambient dose equivalent using a non-moderated 252Cf neutron source. The ambient dose equivalent response has been tested in five locations where the neutron fields and dose rates have been well characterized by Bonner sphere spectrometer and active neutron monitor measurements. The different spectrum shapes and dose rates in the five locations permit the comparison of the behavior of the active and passive dosemeters in these neutron field

    Movement of transgenic plant-expressed Bt Cry1Ac proteins through high trophic levels

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    The movement of Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) (Bt) Cry1Ac endotoxin through high trophic levels was assessed to help elucidate the effects of Bt toxin on non-target insects. The diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella L., Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), the parasitic wasp (Cotesia vestalis Haliday, Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and the predatory green lacewing Chrysoperla carnea (Stephen) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) were used as a model system in this laboratory study. Bt-resistant P. xylostella larvae fed Cry1Ac-expressing transgenic oilseed rape (OSR, Brassica napus L., Cruciferae), before and after parasitization by C. vestalis, consumed Cry1Ac with the ingested plant material but only a proportion of Cry1Ac consumed was recovered from the bodies and faeces of P. xylostella larvae. Cry1Ac was not detected in newly emerged parasitoid larvae. In contrast, Cry1Ac was detected in C. carnea larvae fed on resistant P. xylostella larvae reared on Bt OSR. However, no Cry1Ac could be detected in C. carnea larvae when the lacewings were transferred to P. xylostella larvae reared on conventional OSR and tested 24-48 h. The metabolizing ability of Cry1Ac is discussed for the larvae of P. xylostella and C. carnea