308 research outputs found

    The design of CO2-based working fluids for high-temperature heat source power cycles

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    The application of CO2power cycles is advantageous to exploit high-temperature sources (500-800°C) in the case of available low-temperature heat sinks (15-25°C). However, their efficiency is strongly reduced for higher heat sink temperatures. At these temperatures, due to the low-critical temperature of CO2(about 31°C), CO2is in fact compressed in the supercritical vapor phase rather than in the liquid phase, thus increasing energetic demand for compression. One of the solutions envisaged to overcome this problem is the addition of one or more chemicals that allow having a mixture with a higher critical temperature than the one of pure CO2. This preserve the working fluid compression in its liquid phase, even in the case of heat sinks with temperatures greater than 25°C. This research shows that the addition to CO2of a properly selected chemical component enables to increase the critical temperature up to 45°C with relevant improvements of cycle efficiency with respect to pure-CO2power cycles. In particular, it summarizes the most relevant criteria to be accounted for when selecting CO2-additives. Moreover, the paper warns of the thermodynamic effects deriving from adding to CO2a second characterized by a much more high critical temperature, such as the occurrence of infinite-pressure critical points and multiple-phase liquid-liquid and vapor-liquid critical points. Finally, the paper analyses the thermodynamic properties of a high-critical temperature CO2-based mixture, suitable for these applications, that presents multiple phase critical points. In this regard, it is specified that the paper also aims at filling a knowledge gap in the study of thermodynamic properties of mixtures presenting how do enthalpy and specific volume change in response to pressure variations in the event of liquid-liquid and vapour-liquid critical points. Finally, we present the comparison between performances of power cycles which use, as working fluid, either pure CO2or the novel designed higher temperature CO2-based mixture

    Les lésions médullaires traumatiques : épidémiologie et perspectives

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    AbstractObjectiveSpecify the epidemiological data on the acute spinal cord injuries and define a group of patients that could benefit from cellular transplantation therapy designed with the aim of repair and regeneration of damaged spinal cord tissues.Material and methodsFive years monocentric (Gui-de-Chauliac Hospital, Montpellier, France) retrospective analysis of patients suffering from spinal cord injury (SCI). Spinal cord injured-patients, defined as sensory-motor complete, underwent a clinical evaluation following American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) and functional type 2 Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM2) scorings as well as radiological evaluation through spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).ResultsOne hundred and fifty-seven medical records were reviewed and we selected and re-examined 20 patients with complete thoracic spinal cord lesion. Clinical and radiological evaluations of these patients demonstrated, in 75 % of the cases, an absence of clinical progression after a mean of 49months. Radiological abnormalities were constantly present in the initial (at the admission to hospital) and control (re-evaluation) MRI and no reliable predictive criteria of prognosis had been found.Discussion/ConclusionWe compare our results to the literature and discuss advantages and limits of cellular transplantation strategies for these patients.RĂ©sumĂ©ObjectifsConnaĂźtre les donnĂ©es Ă©pidĂ©miologiques de notre rĂ©gion sanitaire sur les traumatismes mĂ©dullaires. Au sein de cette population, sĂ©lectionner les patients susceptibles de bĂ©nĂ©ficier de thĂ©rapie cellulaire dans la moelle Ă©piniĂšre lĂ©sĂ©e dans l’objectif de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rer le tissu nerveux. Évaluer Ă  distance ces patients.Patients et mĂ©thodeAnalyse rĂ©trospective de tous les patients pris en charge pour un traumatisme vertĂ©bro-mĂ©dullaire. RĂ©Ă©valuation clinique et radiologique des patients prĂ©sentant une atteinte mĂ©dullaire thoracique sensitivomotrice complĂšte. RĂ©Ă©valuation rĂ©alisĂ©e par le score de l’American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA), le score fonctionnel Type 2 Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM2) et contrĂŽle radiologique par une IRM mĂ©dullaire.RĂ©sultatsCent cinquante-sept dossiers de patients ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s et 28 patients prĂ©sentaient une lĂ©sion mĂ©dullaire complĂšte. Une Ă©valuation clinique et radiologique rĂ©alisĂ©e chez 20 patients sur 28 (71 %) a montrĂ© l’absence d’évolution clinique dans 75 % des cas dans un dĂ©lai moyen de 49 mois. Les anomalies radiologiques Ă©taient prĂ©sentes dans 100 % des cas sur l’IRM initiale et de contrĂŽle sans qu’aucun critĂšre fiable prĂ©dictif de bon pronostic n’est retrouvĂ©.Discussion/conclusionNous prĂ©sentons ces rĂ©sultats comparativement Ă  ceux de la littĂ©rature et nous discutons chez ces malades les stratĂ©gies de transplantation cellulaire, leurs limites actuelles et les progrĂšs nĂ©cessaires pour obtenir des rĂ©sultats

    Anatomical study of serotonergic innervation and 5-HT1A receptor in the human spinal cord

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    Serotonergic innervation of the spinal cord in mammals has multiple roles in the control of motor, sensory and visceral functions. In rats, functional consequences of spinal cord injury at thoracic level can be improved by a substitutive transplantation of serotonin (5-HT) neurons or regeneration under the trophic influence of grafted stem cells. Translation to either pharmacological and/or cellular therapies in humans requires the mapping of the spinal cord 5-HT innervation and its receptors to determine their involvement in specific functions. Here, we have performed a preliminary mapping of serotonergic processes and serotonin-lA (5-HT1A) receptors in thoracic and lumbar segments of the human spinal cord. As in rodents and non-human primates, 5-HT profiles in human spinal cord are present in the ventral horn, surrounding motoneurons, and also contact their presumptive dendrites at lumbar level. 5-HT1A receptors are present in the same area, but are more densely expressed at lumbar level. 5-HT profiles are also present in the intermediolateral region, where 5-HT1A receptors are absent. Finally, we observed numerous serotonergic profiles in the superficial part (equivalent of Rexed lamina II) of the dorsal horn, which also displayed high levels of 5-HT1A receptors. These findings pave the way for local specific therapies involving cellular and/or pharmacological tools targeting the serotonergic system

    Illegals abortions and utero-digestives lesions: retrospective study of 12 cases in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Treichville teaching hospital (Abidjan, Cote D’ivoire)

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    Background: Traumatic intestinal digestive damage after abortion by endo-uterine manoeuvres are not uncommon. The purpose of this study is to describe the diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic aspects of these lesions.Methods: This is a retrospective study of 3 years on patients with a uterine lesion associated with a digestive traumatic injury during illegal abortions endo-uterine manoeuvres.Results: 12 patients with a median age of 23, 9 are included. The clinical manifestations are not specific: impairment of the general condition 33.3%; hyperthermia 83.3% (or 10 cases); digestive disorders such as diarrhoea 25%, vomiting 33.3%; abdominal pain 100%; occlusive syndrome 16.7%; acute abdominal syndrome 75%. The seat of traumatic injuries is variable. The lesions were for hail alone in 4 cases (33.3%), colon alone for 2 cases (16.7%), rectum 1 case and epiploon 2 cases. In these 3 cases, the lesions were associated, sitting on both the hail and the colon at a time. All these lesions were associated with uterine perforation of variable siege. The therapeutic management consisted of a small bowel resection with ileostomy in 5 cases or 41.7%; colon resection with colostomy 3 cases or 25%; suture lesions after beveling beiges 5 cases either 41, 7 in 2 cases, we performed haemostasis on the bleeding epiploon. Treatment of the uterine lesion was conservative 75% of the time. The evolution on the 10 patients was favorable, 83.3%. Two patients died early in the operative course after septic shock.Conclusions: The digestive lesions are a factor aggravating the prognosis of post-abortion uterine manoeuvres. Their management must be rapid and requires close collaboration between the digestive surgeon and the Gynecologist

    Light-up properties of complexes between thiazole orange-small molecule conjugates and aptamers

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    The full understanding of dynamics of cellular processes hinges on the development of efficient and non-invasive labels for intracellular RNA species. Light-up aptamers binding fluorogenic ligands show promise as specific labels for RNA species containing those aptamers. Herein, we took advantage of existing, non-light-up aptamers against small molecules and demonstrated a new class of light-up probes in vitro. We synthesized two conjugates of thiazole orange dye to small molecules (GMP and AMP) and characterized in vitro their interactions with corresponding RNA aptamers. The conjugates preserved specific binding to aptamers while showing several 100-fold increase in fluorescence of the dye (the ‘light-up’ property). In the presence of free small molecules, conjugates can be displaced from aptamers serving also as fluorescent sensors. Our in vitro results provide the proof-of-concept that the small-molecule conjugates with light-up properties can serve as a general approach to label RNA sequences containing aptamers

    Isotopic analysis of faunal material from South Uist, Western Isles, Scotland

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    This paper reports on the results from stable isotope analysis of faunal bone collagen from a number of Iron Age and later sites on the island of South Uist, in the Western Isles, Scotland. This preliminary investigation into the isotopic signatures of the fauna is part of a larger project to model the interaction between humans, animals, and the broader environment in the Western Isles. The results demonstrate that the island fauna data fall within the range of expected results for the UK, with the terrestrial herbivorous diets of cattle and sheep confi rmed. The isotopic composition for pigs suggests that some of these animals had an omnivorous diet, whilst a single red deer value might be suggestive of the consumption of marine foods, such as by grazing on seaweed. However, further analysis is needed in order to verify this anomalous isotopic ratio

    “Savages Who Speak French”: Folklore, Primitivism and Morals in Robert Hertz

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    Hertz's analysis of the Alpine cult of Saint Besse apparently marks a break from his studies of death, sin and the left to folkloric studies. This analysis helps one to understand the personality of Robert Hertz. His sociological curiosity about folklore reveals his ambiguous position in social sciences at the beginning of the twentieth century. His text appears to be a variation from the Durkheimian norm, but another reading could suggest that Hertz continued and went beyond Durkheimian thought to something between sociology of the modern world and engaged socialism. Through this study, Hertz linked his political ideals, his work in ethnology and his desire for social involvement. The cult of Saint Besse perpetuated as much religious tradition as local identity. The Alpine people were presented in the text as wilful perpetuators of an ideal social order, whose loss for his contemporary city dwellers Hertz feared. The alpine Other, marked by a material and moral backwardness, represented for activist and socialist Hertz one of the paths of balanced social organization that stabilized the identity of a group across time if it fit rather well into the folkloric stereotypes of the beginning of the twentieth century. Finally, by linking events in Herz's life (e.g., the accidental Alpine death of his father), this article suggests that the legend of Saint Besse embodied several recurring motifs in Hertz' career: the accidental deaths of saint and father by falls, the military role of the saint and of Hertz himself

    Grafted Human Embryonic Progenitors Expressing Neurogenin-2 Stimulate Axonal Sprouting and Improve Motor Recovery after Severe Spinal Cord Injury

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    7 p.Background: Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a widely spread pathology with currently no effective treatment for any symptom. Regenerative medicine through cell transplantation is a very attractive strategy and may be used in different non-exclusive ways to promote functional recovery. We investigated functional and structural outcomes after grafting human embryonic neural progenitors (hENPs) in spinal cord-lesioned rats.Methods and Principal Findings: With the objective of translation to clinics we have chosen a paradigm of delayed grafting, i.e., one week after lesion, in a severe model of spinal cord compression in adult rats. hENPs were either naive or engineered to express Neurogenin 2 (Ngn2). Moreover, we have compared integrating and non-integrating lentiviral vectors, since the latter present reduced risks of insertional mutagenesis. We show that transplantation of hENPs transduced to express Ngn2 fully restore weight support and improve functional motor recovery after severe spinal cord compression at thoracic level. This was correlated with partial restoration of serotonin innervations at lumbar level, and translocation of 5HT1A receptors to the plasma membrane of motoneurons. Since hENPs were not detectable 4 weeks after grafting, transitory expression of Ngn2 appears sufficient to achieve motor recovery and to permit axonal regeneration. Importantly, we also demonstrate that transplantation of naive hENPs is detrimental to functional recovery.Conclusions and Significance: Transplantation and short-term survival of Ngn2-expressing hENPs restore weight support after SCI and partially restore serotonin fibers density and 5HT1A receptor pattern caudal to the lesion. Moreover, grafting of naive-hENPs was found to worsen the outcome versus injured only animals, thus pointing to the possible detrimental effect of stem cell-based therapy per se in SCI. This is of major importance given the increasing number of clinical trials involving cell grafting developed for SCI patients.This study was supported by the European Union FP6 "RESCUE" STREP; the "Institut pour la Recherche sur la Moelle Epiniere"; the "Academie de Medecine"; the "Societe Francaise de Neurochirurgie"; "Verticale" and the "Association Demain Debout Aquitaine". The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript
