931 research outputs found

    Child work and labour in Ethiopia: literature review and policy implications

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    This chapter aims to provide a preliminary bibliographical resource, an initial critical review of the literature, new insights on child work and labour in Ethiopia, and suggestions for future lines of research. The first part considers the different disciplinary and methodological approaches used to study the issues; we suggest that the various disciplinary lenses through which child work and labour have been studied result in a fragmented rather than an integrated picture. Moreover, we argue that there is a dichotomy between quantitative approaches, many of which have focused on rural surveys and the linkages between child work and education, and qualitative approaches that have concentrated on urban areas and vulnerable children. The second part briefly reviews findings from quantitative research notably on the prevalence of child work and its distribution, children’s time use and their contribution to the household economy, the impacts of government rural development and food security programmes on child work, and the implications of work for children’s health and wellbeing. The third part considers key findings from qualitative research on the work that children do, in particular that of children at risk focusing on the main categories studied, and discusses the value and meaning of work and changing work norms. The fourth part considers the policy context, international and national legal frameworks, policies and action plans. The fifth part considers interventions within the country to address child labour. The final part draws overall conclusions and identifies research gaps

    Contributions to the radiogenic isotopic fingerprint of Tenerife wine from land, sea and air

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    We present preliminary results of a study to characterise the radiogenic isotopic fingerprint of wines across the island of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, focussing initially upon Sr. The isotopically juvenile nature of Tenerife rocks supports a hypothesis that all biological material grown on Tenerife should be distinct from most other regions on Earth in terms of Sr isotopes, and especially so from the radiogenic Iberian Peninsula. Pilot data largely support this view, yet we also observe clear evidence for an isotopically evolved component in Tenerife wines. In this contribution, we consider that the unique geography of the Canary Islands may help rationalise these observations. The Canaries are adjacent to the most important atmospheric dust source on Earth, the Saharan Desert, which is largely composed of radiogenic sources of Sr. Along with contributions to the Tenerife terroir from atmospheric dust, we also consider the role that sea spray during storm events may play. Should natural processes fail to explain the patterns we observe, anthropogenic mixing during wine-making using components sourced outside the archipelago is a possibility that must be considered, which has implications for consumer confidence and, by extension, the economy of Tenerife.publishe

    Effects of GnRHa treatment during vitellogenesis on the reproductive physiology of thermally challenged female Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    Tasmanian Atlantic salmon (S. salar) broodstock can experience temperatures above 20 °C, which impairs reproductive development and inhibits ovulation. The present study investigated the prolonged use of gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue (GnRHa) during vitellogenesis as a means of maintaining endocrine function and promoting egg quality at elevated temperature in maiden and repeat spawning S. salar. GnRHa-treatment during vitellogenesis did not compensate for the negative effects of thermal challenge on the timing of ovulation, egg size, egg fertility or embryo survival in any fish maintained at 22 °C relative to 14 °C. The lack of effectiveness was reflected by the endocrine data, as plasma follicle stimulating hormone and luteinising hormone levels were not different between treated and untreated groups at 22 °C. Furthermore, plasma testosterone and E2 levels were unchanged in GnRHa-treated fish at 22 °C, and plasma levels were generally lower in both groups maintained at 22 °C relative to 14 °C. Transcription of vitellogenin, and zona pellucida B and C was not enhanced in GnRHa-treated fish relative to untreated fish at 22 °C, presumably due to observed suppression of plasma E2. These results indicate that thermal impairment of reproduction is likely to occur on multiple levels, and is difficult to overcome via hormonal manipulation

    Dynamic phase transition properties and hysteretic behavior of a ferrimagnetic core-shell nanoparticle in the presence of a time dependent magnetic field

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    We have presented dynamic phase transition features and stationary-state behavior of a ferrimagnetic small nanoparticle system with a core-shell structure. By means of detailed Monte Carlo simulations, a complete picture of the phase diagrams and magnetization profiles have been presented and the conditions for the occurrence of a compensation point TcompT_{comp} in the system have been investigated. According to N\'{e}el nomenclature, the magnetization curves of the particle have been found to obey P-type, N-type and Q-type classification schemes under certain conditions. Much effort has been devoted to investigation of hysteretic response of the particle and we observed the existence of triple hysteresis loop behavior which originates from the existence of a weak ferromagnetic core coupling Jc/JshJ_{c}/J_{sh}, as well as a strong antiferromagnetic interface exchange interaction Jint/JshJ_{int}/J_{sh}. Most of the calculations have been performed for a particle in the presence of oscillating fields of very high frequencies and high amplitudes in comparison with exchange interactions which resembles a magnetic system under the influence of ultrafast switching fields. Particular attention has also been paid on the influence of the particle size on the thermal and magnetic properties, as well as magnetic features such as coercivity, remanence and compensation temperature of the particle. We have found that in the presence of ultrafast switching fields, the particle may exhibit a dynamic phase transition from paramagnetic to a dynamically ordered phase with increasing ferromagnetic shell thickness.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    The intracellular chloride ion channel protein CLIC1 undergoes a redox-controlled structural transition.

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    Most proteins adopt a well defined three-dimensional structure; however, it is increasingly recognized that some proteins can exist with at least two stable conformations. Recently, a class of intracellular chloride ion channel proteins (CLICs) has been shown to exist in both soluble and integral membrane forms. The structure of the soluble form of CLIC1 is typical of a soluble glutathione S-transferase superfamily protein but contains a glutaredoxin-like active site. In this study we show that on oxidation CLIC1 undergoes a reversible transition from a monomeric to a non-covalent dimeric state due to the formation of an intramolecular disulfide bond (Cys-24-Cys-59). We have determined the crystal structure of this oxidized state and show that a major structural transition has occurred, exposing a large hydrophobic surface, which forms the dimer interface. The oxidized CLIC1 dimer maintains its ability to form chloride ion channels in artificial bilayers and vesicles, whereas a reducing environment prevents the formation of ion channels by CLIC1. Mutational studies show that both Cys-24 and Cys-59 are required for channel activity

    Covert dissemination of carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC) in a successfully controlled outbreak: long and short-read whole-genome sequencing demonstrate multiple genetic modes of transmission

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    Background: Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE), including KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC-Kpn), are an increasing threat to patient safety. Objectives: To use WGS to investigate the extent and complexity of carbapenemase gene dissemination in a controlled KPC outbreak. Materials and methods: Enterobacteriaceae with reduced ertapenem susceptibility recovered from rectal screening swabs/clinical samples, during a 3 month KPC outbreak (2013–14), were investigated for carbapenemase production, antimicrobial susceptibility, variable-number-tandem-repeat profile and WGS [short-read (Illumina), long-read (MinION)]. Short-read sequences were used for MLST and plasmid/Tn4401 fingerprinting, and long-read sequence assemblies for plasmid identification. Phylogenetic analysis used IQTree followed by ClonalFrameML, and outbreak transmission dynamics were inferred using SCOTTI. Results: Twenty patients harboured KPC-positive isolates (6 infected, 14 colonized), and 23 distinct KPC-producing Enterobacteriaceae were identified. Four distinct KPC plasmids were characterized but of 20 KPC-Kpn (from six STs), 17 isolates shared a single pKpQIL-D2 KPC plasmid. All isolates had an identical transposon (Tn4401a), except one KPC-Kpn (ST661) with a single nucleotide variant. A sporadic case of KPC-Kpn (ST491) with Tn4401a-carrying pKpQILD2 plasmid was identified 10 months before the outbreak. This plasmid was later seen in two other species and other KPC-Kpn (ST14,ST661) including clonal spread of KPC-Kpn (ST661) from a symptomatic case to nine ward contacts. Conclusions: WGS of outbreak KPC isolates demonstrated blaKPC dissemination via horizontal transposition (Tn4401a), plasmid spread (pKpQIL-D2) and clonal spread (K. pneumoniae ST661). Despite rapid outbreak control, considerable dissemination of blaKPC still occurred among K. pneumoniae and other Enterobacteriaceae, emphasizing its high transmission potential and the need for enhanced control efforts

    2021 Tajogaite eruption records infiltration of crustal fluids within the upper mantle beneath La Palma, Canary Islands

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    The 2021 Tajogaite eruption at La Palma has represented a unique opportunity to investigate the characteristics of the mantle source feeding modern volcanism in the Canary Islands. With the aim of track the fingerprint of carbon in the local oceanic lithosphere-asthenosphere system, we report the isotopic composition of CO2 (δ13C values versus Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite) in olivine- and clinopyroxene-hosted fluid inclusions (FI) from the 2021 Tajogaite lavas and from lavas/ultramafic xenoliths (olivine-clinopyroxenites, clinopyroxenites, dunites and harzburgites) from the nearby 1677 San Antonio eruption cone/lavas, in an attempt to characterize the origin and evolution of carbon within the local mantle source. Our results indicate that the 2021 and 1677 lavas exhibit δ13C values ranging from −4.94‰ to −2.71‰ and CO2/3He ratios from 3.37 to 6.14 × 109. Ultramafic xenoliths fall in a comparable range of values despite showing higher CO2 concentrations. Our δ13C values fall within the range of carbon isotope results previously reported for the Dos Aguas cold spring located in the Taburiente Caldera (northern La Palma), suggesting an apparent carbon isotope homogeneity at the scale of the entire island. The (relatively narrow) δ13C vs. CO2/3He ratio range of La Palma samples is interpreted to reflect either i) variable extents of open-system degassing of a common mantle endmember having δ13C of ∼1.7‰, or ii) mixing between depleted mantle-like carbon (−6‰ < δ13C < −4‰) and crustal carbon (δ13C = 0‰) endmembers. Both models testify a crustal carbon component recycled in the local mantle. This component, also detected in mantle xenoliths from the neighboring island of El Hierro and the easternmost Lanzarote, indicates a regional characteristic of the mantle beneath the Canary Islands, interpreted as a result of infiltration of carbon-rich melts during past metasomatic events in the local mantle

    The noble gas signature of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands)

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    Here, we characterize the temporal evolution of volatiles during the Tajogaite eruption by analyzing the elemental (He-Ar-CO2-N2) and isotopic (He-Ar-Ne) composition of fluid inclusions (FI) in phenocrysts (olivine+pyroxene) identified in erupted lavas. Our 2021 lava samples identify substantial temporal variations in volatile composition. We show that, during the 2021 Tajogaite eruption, the He-CO2-N2 concentrations in FI increased since October 15th; this increase was accompanied by increasing 40Ar/36Ar ratios (from ~300 to >500), and paralleled a major shift in bulk lava chemistry, with increasing Mg contents (Mg#, from 47 to 52 to 55–59), CaO/Al2O3 (from 0.65 to 0.74 to 0.75–0.90), Ni and Cr, and decreasing TiO2, P2O5 and incompatible elements. The olivine core composition also became more forsteritic (from Mg# = 80–81 to Mg# = 84–86). Mineral thermobarometry and FI barometry results indicate that the eruption was sustained by magmas previously stored in at least two magma accumulation zones, at respectively ~6–12 km and 15–30 km, corroborating previous seismic and FI evidence. We therefore propose that the compositional changes seen throughout the eruption can be explained by an increased contribution - since early/mid-October - of more primitive, lessdegassed magma from the deeper (mantle) reservoir. Conversely, Rc/Ra values (3He/4He ratios corrected for atmospheric contamination) remained constant throughout the whole eruption at MORB-like values (7.38 ± 0.22 Ra, 1σ), suggesting an isotopically homogeneous magma feeding source. The Tajogaite He isotope signature is within the range of values observed for the 1677 San Antonio lavas (7.37 ± 0.17Ra, 1σ), but is more radiogenic than the 3He/4He values (>9 Rc/Ra) observed in the Caldera de Taburiente to the north. The 3He/4He ratios (6.75 ± 0.20 Ra, 1σ) measured in mantle xenoliths from the San Antonio volcano indicate a relatively radiogenic nature of the mantle beneath the Cumbre Vieja ridge. Based on these results and mixing modeling calculations, we propose that the homogeneous He isotopic signatures observed in volatiles from the Tajogaite/San Antonio lavas reflect three component mixing between a MORB-like source, a radiogenic component and small additions (6–15%) of a high 3He/4He reservoir-derived (>9Ra) fluid components. The simultaneous occurrence of high 3 He/4 He (>9Ra)- and MORB-like He signatures in northern and southern La Palma is interpreted to reflect smallscale heterogeneities in the local mantle, arising from spatially variable proportions of MORB, radiogenic, and high 3He/4He component
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