197 research outputs found

    An Analysis of the EU Experience in Constructing a System of Controller Relationships with MFIs in the Field of AML / CFT and its Application in the Russian Federation

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    The article deals with the experience of regulating the issues of countering the laundering (legalization) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism (hereinafter AML / CFT) in microfinance organizations (hereinafter referred to as MFIs) using the example of the EU. The downward trend in the MFI market in Russia is largely due to the violation of AML / CFT legislation. In this connection, there arises the problem of regulating MFIs in this field. A comparative analysis of the system of relations between MFIs and the regulator in the Russian Federation and the EU allows us to conclude that it is impossible to apply the EU experience in the RF system at the moment. The primary measure is to revise interest rates used by MFIs to approach the understanding of MFIs in the EU. Keywords: microfinance organization, AML / CFT, EU experience, regulator

    Regional risks of artificial forestation in the steppe zone of Kazakhstan (case study of the green belt of Astana)

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    This article deals with results of research on artificial forest in a green zone around the city of Astana. The authors of the article established temporary sample plots where condition, capacity for survival, and growth of trees were observed by standard techniques adapted to conditions of the forest-steppe subzone of Northern Kazakhstan. The reasons for the unsatisfactory condition of the planted forest were found and recommendations on improvement were made. The conclusion was drawn that to establish forest plantations it is necessary to select such species of trees and shrubs that will be resistant in specific conditions to the negative factors of urban lands. A possibility of replanting adult trees to intensify reforestation was also studied. The authors analyzed the dynamics of Silver birch preservation in 2011-2017. The Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon U test was used to prove the presence of differences between the types of trees' average preservations. Based on the data thus obtained, it was concluded that the forest plantations created by the different methods differed significantly in terms of the preservation rate, as well as in the heights and diameters of the trees. Forecasts of tree preservations in 2018 were made using moving average and linear regression methods. The best forecasts were chosen in terms of the mean relative absolute error of approximation. The results confirmed an initial hypothesis predicting significant differences between the methods used for artificial reforestation: the non-replanted trees are expected to have the highest rate of preservation, whereas the trees replanted to a low location, the lowest preservation rate. The prediction of the preservation rate of forest plantations of Silver birch created by the different methods will allow reducing the risks when conducting forestry activities on artificial reforestation. Regional features must be taken into account in the development of recommendations for a comprehensive system of measures which are based on the scientific forestry techniques to ensure optimum reforestation

    Organizational Culture in Focus of Measurements

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    AbstractIn practical sociology the extensive experience of measuring organizational culture is obtained. But, up to now it remains unclear which method of research: either quantitative or qualitative is the most established, valid and reliable regarding an assessment of organizational culture. The authors represent the results of the pilot sociological research conducted on the basis of Cameron and Quinn's method in one of the Russian universities. The problem situation is connected with changing legal, economic conditions, norms and rules in the activity of universities under present reforms of higher education in Russia. Using the example of a researched unit of the university the authors make a hypothesis that such definition as organizational culture will allow to receive a strategic tool by means of which it will be possible to focus organization activity in total and each employee in particular on mobilizing, displaying initiative, searching resources and overcoming problems of adaptation to new conditions of development

    Internet as an instrument to transmit theoretical knowledge

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    The problem of transmitting theoretical knowledge and the role of the Internet in it require the solution due to the existing modernization of theoretical knowledge transmission process. The objective of this research is to define the role of the Internet in transmitting theoretical knowledge as it is the extremely important resource of the modern society. According to the carried out analysis of the problem and its solution the information technology is not only the mean that accumulates the volumes of knowledge, but also the tool of its social use, forms of social activity by way of social and information technology. As a result, using method of the methodological analysis in combination with competency-based approach we revealed that the Internet as a diachronic way of transmitting knowledge and experience is characterized by a polyagentity and interdisciplinarity

    Specifics of Compliance-Functions Application in the Sphere of AML/CFT

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    In the article, the authors consider issues of AML/CFT implementation in a world and Russian practice as a global threat to the national security of states and the world community as a whole. Despite the existence of regulated AML/CFT systems in foreign countries, the events of recent years have shown the necessity for their modernization in accordance with the conditions of global realities. At the same time, domestic experience is reflected in the insolvency of AML/CFT requirements.One of AML/CFT tools is the implementation of compliance functions in the activities of organizations. The authors carried out a complex analysis of the compliance phenomenon in Russian reality, identified and analyzed the main problems of introducing the function studied. Keywords: AML/CFT, compliance function, compliance officer, regulator, credit and non-credit financial organizations, compliance risk

    Патофизиологические особенности эндогенной интоксикации при артериальной гипертензии у беременных

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    Objective: to determine the nature and specific features of development of endogenous intoxication in pregnant women with arterial hypertension. Subjects and materials. Humoral extracellular fluid volume regulation, partial renal functions, placental hormonal function, membranous lipid peroxidation activity, antiradical defense, the parameters of central hemodynamics, endogenous intoxication, and a biochemical coagulogram were studied and differential blood count with the leukocytic ratio indices was estimated in 172 pregnant females with arterial hypertension and 54 healthy pregnant ones in the third trimester. The statistical package «Stadia» was applied. Results. Arterial hypertension caused by pregnancy was ascertained to involve pathogenetically different types: low-, normal-, and high-renin ones. In pregnant women with arterial hypertension, the general pathogenetic homeostatic changes were placental hormonal imbalance, activated membranous lipid peroxidation, impaired lymph outflow, sodium and water retention, hepatic and renal failure, and endogenous intoxication. Conclusion. Placental ischemia appearing as placental hormonal imbalance (extrarenal pressor system) was accompanied by a compensatory humoral response: arterial hypertension and metabolic disturbances. Changes in medium-weight molecule 280, leukocytic intoxication index, erythrocytic sorption capacity, and Paramecium test, by confirming the presence of endogenous intoxication in pregnant females with arterial hypertension, were caused by a type of arterial hypertension (by the hemodynamic profile and the type of impaired partial renal functions). Key words: pregnancy, arterial hypertension, endogenous intoxication.Цель исследования . Определение природы и особенностей развития эндогенной интоксикации у беременных с артериальной гипертензией. Материал и методы. У 172 беременных с артериальной гипертензией и у 54 здоровых беременных в III триместре исследовали гуморальную регуляцию объема внеклеточной жидкости, парциальные почечные функции, гормональную функцию плаценты, активность перекисного окисления липидов мембран, состояние антирадикальной защиты, показатели центральной гемодинамики, эндогенной интоксикации, биохимической коагулограм-мы, оценивали лейкоцитарную формулу с индексами соотношения лейкоцитов. Применяли статистический пакет «Stadia». Результаты. Выявлено, что артериальная гипертензия, обусловленная беременностью, объединяет патогенетически различные варианты: низкорениновый, норморениновый, высокорениновый. Общими патогенетическими изменениями гомеостаза у беременных с артериальной гипертензией были плацентарный гормональный дисбаланс, активация перекисного окисления липидов мембран, нарушение лимфооттока, ретенция натрия и воды, печеночно-по-чечная недостаточность, эндогенная интоксикация. Заключение. Ишемия плаценты, проявляющаяся плацентарным гормональным дисбалансом (внепочечная прессорная система) сопровождались компенсаторным гуморальным ответом: артериальной гипертензией и нарушением метаболизма. Изменение показателей МСМ 280, ЛИИ, ССЭ, параме-цийного теста, подтверждая наличие эндогенной интоксикации у беременных с артериальной гипертензией, обусловлено вариантом артериальной гипертензии (гемодинамическим профилем и видом нарушения парциальных почечных функций). Ключевые слова: беременность, артериальная гипертензия, эндогенная интоксикация

    Ideals and principles of common wellbeing under social and humanistic paradigm

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    We attempt to specify ideals and principles of common wellbeing: saving economy, political attendance, full employment, education, equitable distribution. As a part of the study we have formulated the concept of so-called "other" society under the social-humanistic paradigm. As it was mentioned earlier, social systems can be described as open-end ones, which implies their constant interaction with environment expressed via matter, energy, and information exchange. Because of that, the functional and developmental regulations are characterized by the presence of constant alteration as well, which stipulates the high complexity of structuring valid prognoses. Subject vs. object feedback determines special peculiarities of social prognosis, namely, the ones that are capable of either self-fulfillment of self-destruction of prognostic model. In other words, the predicted future influences the actual future. In the conditions of the increasing instability and dynamics of social processes especially urgent is the problem of adequacy of innovative model. The specific feature of modern innovative processes is the fact that any information about the features of their occurrence is extremely fast becoming obsolete that, in turn, leads to the increase the gap between reality and model

    Gerenciamento de projetos no comércio de livros na Rússia: barreiras e perspectivas de desenvolvimento

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    The development of book-selling industry is one of the sources for new economy development - knowledge economy. However, in modern Russian conditions of high crisis uncertainty, the book industry experiences serious difficulties, and the Russian book-selling network is declining every year. One of the anti-crisis measures for book-selling companies is the finding of some ways to improve project management at an enterprise. The purpose of the article is to identify the key barriers to the implementation of project management at the enterprises of the book-selling industry in Russia, as well as to determine the prospects of a project management system development in this area. The empirical base consists of study results conducted in 2018 at the enterprises of the Russian modern general-purpose bookstores of the book-selling industry.On the basis of the conducted research, they identified the main problems that Russian book-selling enterprises face when they implement project management: an insufficient formalization of project management processes; the uncertainty of project manager status caused by the lack of real powers; the lack of participant motivation system in project activities based on the results of an employee performance evaluation; low level of communication management and the lack of a clear interaction interface between various functional units and groups, etc. To minimize the likelihood of identified problems during project implementation, a special attention should be paid to the organization of a formalized management system (the creation of project offices), taking into account the interests of all project participants, clearly define the organizational structure and align management procedures, and use recognized methodology - project management standards that will facilitate the formation of a team focused on a particular result.El desarrollo de la industria de la venta de libros es una de las fuentes para el desarrollo de nuevas economías: la economía del conocimiento. Sin embargo, en las condiciones modernas rusas de alta incertidumbre de crisis, la industria del libro experimenta serias dificultades, y la red rusa de venta de libros disminuye cada año. Una de las medidas contra la crisis para las empresas vendedoras de libros es encontrar algunas formas de mejorar la gestión de proyectos en una empresa. El propósito del artículo es identificar las barreras clave para la implementación de la gestión de proyectos en las empresas de la industria de venta de libros en Rusia, así como determinar las perspectivas de desarrollo de un sistema de gestión de proyectos en esta área. La base empírica consiste en resultados de estudios realizados en 2018 en las empresas de las modernas librerías de propósito general rusas de la industria de la venta de libros.Sobre la base de la investigación realizada, identificaron los principales problemas que enfrentan las empresas rusas de venta de libros cuando implementan la gestión de proyectos: una formalización insuficiente de los procesos de gestión de proyectos; la incertidumbre del estatus de gerente de proyecto causada por la falta de poderes reales; la falta de un sistema de motivación de los participantes en las actividades del proyecto basado en los resultados de la nivel de gestión de la comunicación y la falta de una interfaz de interacción clara entre varias unidades funcionales y grupos, etc. Para minimizar la probabilidad de problemas identificados durante la implementación del proyecto, se debe prestar especial atención a la organización de un sistema de gestión formalizado (la creación de las oficinas de proyectos), teniendo en cuenta los intereses de todos los participantes del proyecto, definen claramente la estructura organizativa y alinean los procedimientos de gestión, y utilizan una metodología reconocida: normas de gestión de proyectos que facilitarán la formación de un equipo centrado en un resultado particular.O desenvolvimento da indústria de livros vendidos é uma das fontes para o desenvolvimento da nova economia - a economia do conhecimento. No entanto, nas condições russas modernas de alta incerteza de crise, a indústria de livros experimenta sérias dificuldades, e a rede russa de venda de livros está declinando a cada ano. Uma das medidas anti-crise para as empresas de venda de livros é a descoberta de algumas maneiras de melhorar o gerenciamento de projetos em uma empresa. O objetivo do artigo é identificar as principais barreiras para a implementação do gerenciamento de projetos nas empresas da indústria de vendas de livros na Rússia, bem como determinar as perspectivas de desenvolvimento de um sistema de gerenciamento de projetos nessa área. A base empírica consiste nos resultados do estudo realizado em 2018 nas empresas das modernas livrarias russas de uso geral da indústria de venda de livros.Com base na pesquisa realizada, eles identificaram os principais problemas que as empresas russas de venda de livros enfrentam quando implementam o gerenciamento de projetos: uma formalização insuficiente dos processos de gerenciamento de projetos; a incerteza do status do gerente de projetos causada pela falta de poderes reais; a falta de sistema de motivação dos participantes nas atividades do projeto com base nos resultados de uma avaliação de desempenho do funcionário; baixo nível de gerenciamento de comunicação e falta de uma interface de interação clara entre várias unidades funcionais e grupos, etc. Para minimizar a probabilidade de problemas identificados durante a implementação do projeto, uma atenção especial deve ser dada à organização de um sistema de gestão formalizado (a criação dos escritórios do projeto), levando em conta os interesses de todos os participantes do projeto, definir claramente a estrutura organizacional e alinhar procedimentos de gestão, e usar metodologia reconhecida - padrões de gerenciamento de projetos que facilitarão a formação de uma equipe focada em um resultado particular