680 research outputs found

    The Unit Price Implication of Reinforcement Usage in Tie Beam Reinforced Concrete Construction

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    The construction cost as one of the most important project resources should be planned and use efficiently. Cost estimation can be analysed using standard of unit price analysis according to Indonesian National Standard (SNI 7394:2008). Related to unit price analysis for tie beam reinforced concrete, the standard mentioned a specific analysis that combine all materials requirement include reinforcement (unit price analysis No. 6.29). In such analysis, reinforcement requirement is stated as much as 200 kg/m3 of concrete. Considering the diversity of dimension design of building structure caused by geographical location and building function, a further study required to response these problems. This research is aimed to provide information to what extent the unit price analysis related to tie beam reinforced concrete can be enforced in cost estimating. Research process initiated with secondary data collection to building construction located in zone 10 and 15 based on earthquake zone map (SNI 1726:2012) in Province of Aceh. The results of analysis informed that the ratio of reinforcement requirement of tie beam in zone 10 is 198.03 kg/m3 to 217.26 kg/m3 of concrete with average ratio 209.83 kg/m3. For zone 15, reinforcement requirement ratio is 203.76 kg/m3 to 233.83 kg/m3 of concrete with average ratio 215.17 kg/m3. The Potential inaccurate of cost estimation appears in the two review zones. Such inaccuracies may have an impact on the insufficient costs for the work. Thus, the use of the standard unit price analysis needs further assessment for proper application

    Karakteristik Sedimen di Perairan Muara Sungai Kampar Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan bulan Februari 2017 dimuara Sungai Kampar, Pelalawan yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi lingkunganpengendapan. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei sedangkan pengambilansampel sedimen menggunakan metode purposive sampling pada 14 stasiun. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa sedimen di muara Sungai Kampar didominasi oleh 3tipe sedimen yaitu lupur, lumpur berpasir dan pasir berlumpur. Parameter statistik sedimenmemiliki nilai diameter rata-rata 3,58-6,62Ø, kategori skewness menceng halus,katagori koefisien sorting terpilah buruk dan katagori kurtosis puncak datar

    Study of coagulation disorder following haemotoxic snake envenomation in a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Coagulopathy is the most common manifestation in cases of haemotoxic snake bites. The most common coagulopathy associated with snake envenoming worldwide is venom-induced consumption coagulopathy (VICC). The existence of overlapping clinical syndromes of VICC and thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) in snake envenoming is the likely reason for the mistaken idea that snake bite causes disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). This study aims to look into the exact type coagulopathy in haemotoxic snake envenomation.Methods: Prospective observational study was conducted from January 2017 to January 2018 at a tertiary care centre in Odisha.Results: Out of 54, 23 (42.6%) cases were having DIC and 31 (57.4%) cases were not confirmed to be having DIC. In DIC group there was significantly delayed hospitalization (46.3±28.5 hours) when compared to group B (13.5±11.1 hours, p24 hours), early ASV administration are important to prevent full blown DIC and more serious complications. Most of the non DIC cases appears to be DIC in evolution but not confirmed to diagnosis by DIC scoring system as they reached hospital early before the development of frank DIC. TMA has not been found in this study. However further studies are needed to ascertain the exact cause of coagulopathy in non DIC group

    Synthesis and characterization of rice husk biochar via hydrothermal carbonization for wastewater treatment and biofuel production.

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    The recent implication of circular economy in Australia spurred the demand for waste material utilization for value-added product generations on a commercial scale. Therefore, this experimental study emphasized on agricultural waste biomass, rice husk (RH) as potential feedstock to produce valuable products. Rice husk biochar (RB) was obtained at temperature: 180 °C, pressure: 70 bar, reaction time: 20 min with water via hydrothermal carbonization (HTC), and the obtained biochar yield was 57.9%. Enhancement of zeta potential value from - 30.1 to - 10.6 mV in RB presented the higher suspension stability, and improvement of surface area and porosity in RB demonstrated the wastewater adsorption capacity. Along with that, an increase of crystallinity in RB, 60.5%, also indicates the enhancement of the catalytic performance of the material significantly more favorable to improve the adsorption efficiency of transitional compounds. In contrast, an increase of the atomic O/C ratio in RB, 0.51 delineated high breakdown of the cellulosic component, which is favorable for biofuel purpose. 13.98% SiO2 reduction in RB confirmed ash content minimization and better quality of fuel properties. Therefore, the rice husk biochar through HTC can be considered a suitable material for further application to treat wastewater and generate bioenergy

    A framework for the simulation of structural software evolution

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2008 ACM.As functionality is added to an aging piece of software, its original design and structure will tend to erode. This can lead to high coupling, low cohesion and other undesirable effects associated with spaghetti architectures. The underlying forces that cause such degradation have been the subject of much research. However, progress in this field is slow, as its complexity makes it difficult to isolate the causal flows leading to these effects. This is further complicated by the difficulty of generating enough empirical data, in sufficient quantity, and attributing such data to specific points in the causal chain. This article describes a framework for simulating the structural evolution of software. A complete simulation model is built by incrementally adding modules to the framework, each of which contributes an individual evolutionary effect. These effects are then combined to form a multifaceted simulation that evolves a fictitious code base in a manner approximating real-world behavior. We describe the underlying principles and structures of our framework from a theoretical and user perspective; a validation of a simple set of evolutionary parameters is then provided and three empirical software studies generated from open-source software (OSS) are used to support claims and generated results. The research illustrates how simulation can be used to investigate a complex and under-researched area of the development cycle. It also shows the value of incorporating certain human traits into a simulation—factors that, in real-world system development, can significantly influence evolutionary structures

    A dynamic relationship between mucosal T helper type 17 and regulatory T-cell populations in nasopharynx evolves with age and associates with the clearance of pneumococcal carriage in humans

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    Pneumococcal carriage is common in young children, which may account for the high incidence of disease in this age group. Host factors determining the clearance of carriage in humans remain unclear. We aimed to study the relationships between T helper type 17 (Th17) and Foxp3(+) regulatory T (Treg) cells in nasopharynx-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) and carriage in children and adults. Frequencies of Th17 and Treg cells in NALT were analysed by flow cytometry in association with age and pneumococcal carriage status. Cytokine responses following pneumococcal stimulation were analysed by cytometric beads array. The frequencies of Th17 and Treg cells in NALT were inversely correlated (R -0.60). Whereas Treg cell frequency decreased with age (R -0.63), both Th17 and the Th17: Treg ratio increased with age (R 0.62 and R 0.64, respectively). Also, the Th17: Treg ratio was higher in carriage-negative than in carriage-positive children (p <0.01). Pneumococcal stimulation of tonsillar cells increased both Th17 and Treg cell numbers, but the Th17: Treg ratio and pattern of cytokine responses differed between carriage-negative and carriage-positive children. The former showed markedly higher Th17: Treg and interleukin-17A: interleukin-10 ratios than in the latter (p <0.01). Pneumococcal stimulation also induces Th17, although the capacity of this Th17 differentiation from naive T cells of young children was low, but increased with age. We demonstrated a dynamic relationship between Th17 and Treg cells in human nasopharynx that evolves with age. The balance between Th17 and Treg cells in NALT appears to be a major host factor closely associated with the clearance of Streptococcus pneumoniae from the nasopharynx

    The influence of graphitization catalyst electrode in electrical discharge machining of polycrystalline diamond-finishing condition

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    Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is a non-contact machining process that becomes famous in machining of Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD). The material is typically used as the cutting tools for aerospace and automotive industries. However, low electrical conductivity and high melting temperature of PCD has caused slower EDM process. This investigation purposely designed to investigate the influence of different types of electrode which are Copper (ordinary electrode) and Copper-Nickel (newly proposed graphitization catalyst electrode) on EDM performance of MRR and Ra. Interestingly the newly proposed electrode gave positive impact to the investigated performance indication. Cu-Ni electrode recorded 35% better in MRR than the Cu electrode, though with higher short-circuiting rate. Cu-Ni also provided the lowest Ra value with 10% better than the best Ra produced by Cu electrode. This phenomenon occurred as due to the high interaction between the catalyst materials of nickel and diamond which supported by the qualification data provided in this investigation

    Cordierite honeycomb monoliths coated with modified forms of ceria for the acid catalyzed synthesis of butylacetate via microwave irradiation

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    135-143A series of solid acid catalysts like CeO2, CeO2-ZrO2 and SO4-2/CeO2-ZrO2 have been coated over monoliths by dip and dry process. Catalysts have been characterized by NH3-TPD for surface acidity, PXRD for crystallinity, FT-IR analysis for functionality, SEM and TEM for morphology. The catalytic activity of the synthesized materials is trialled by liquid-phase esterification of acetic acid with butanol. The catalytic activity is correlated with acid sites examined by NH3-TPD method. Optimization of reaction is carried out by altering the molar ratio, temperature, catalyst nature and time of the reaction. A detailed techno-economical analysis of the catalytic material and the procedure followed for the esterification reaction is also studied. In the techno-economical analysis, it is noticed that microwave assisted heating is more advantageous over conventional one. In case of microwave heating, the conversion of BA is 98% with a shorter reaction time of 12 min but in the case of conventional method of heating, it takes almost 6 h to get the above said conversion. It is further noticed that a comparative analysis of honeycomb over powder forms clearly states that, honeycomb forms shows almost 4 fold time increase in the conversion of BA compared to their powder analogs
