1,148 research outputs found

    Neural mechanisms linked to treatment outcomes and recovery in substance-related and addictive disorders

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    The present review focuses on potential neural mechanisms underlying recovery from psychiatric conditions characterised by impaired impulse control, specifically substance use disorders, gambling disorder, and internet gaming disorder. Existing treatments (both pharmacological and psychological) for these addictions may impact brain processes, and these have been evaluated in neuroimaging studies. Medication challenge and short-term intervention administration will be considered with respect to treatment utility. Main models of addiction (e.g., dual process, reward deficiency syndrome) will be considered in the context of extant data. Additionally, advanced analytic approaches (e.g., machine-learning approaches) will be considered with respect to guiding treatment development efforts. Thus, this narrative review aims to provide directions for treatment development for addictive disorders

    Cyberchondria: a Growing Concern During the COVID-19 Pandemic and a Possible Addictive Disorder?

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    Purpose of Review: The main purpose of this narrative review is to provide a brief overview of the current empirical evidence regarding the conceptualization, assessment, and treatment of cyberchondria, with a focus on the potential classification of cyberchondria as a behavioral addiction. Although cyberchondria has been widely associated with anxiety, it has also been suggested that it may be linked to obsessive–compulsive features. A less explored proposal is the categorization of cyberchondria as a behavioral addiction. The present review explores the existing literature with respect to the possible classification of cyberchondria as a behavioral addiction by considering cyberchondria with respect to components of the interaction of person, affect, cognition and execution model. Recent Findings: There is a lack of consensus regarding the definition and conceptualization of cyberchondria. The empirical evidence available to date suggests that cyberchondria is a multifactorial construct that operates transdiagnostically, particularly with respect to obsessive–compulsive-related disorders and health-related anxiety. The extent to which the condition may reflect a behavioral addiction as a form of problematic use of the internet also warrants consideration. Cyberchondria may have become more prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic, with particular populations prone to health-related anxiety likely having greater vulnerability. Existing data in part support the potential classification of cyberchondria as a behavioral addiction, although many gaps in understanding currently exist. Summary: Cyberchondria appears to be a growing concern. However, there is not yet enough empirical evidence to determine whether this clinical condition has enough similarities with behavioral addictions to be considered as one. Likewise, psychometric instruments that exist to date have not been designed from the theoretical framework of behavioral addictions, so most of the factors that they evaluate may be preferentially related to anxiety. Finally, there is still no consensus on whether cyberchondria should be addressed in the context of health anxiety interventions, OCRD, or behavioral addictions; thus, more empirical evidence is needed

    Quantum Electrodynamics at Extremely Small Distances

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    The asymptotics of the Gell-Mann - Low function in QED can be determined exactly, \beta(g)= g at g\to\infty, where g=e^2 is the running fine structure constant. It solves the problem of pure QED at small distances L and gives the behavior g\sim L^{-2}.Comment: Latex, 6 pages, 1 figure include

    Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) interaction with parenting practices on callous-unemotional traits in preschoolers

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    Background and Objectives: From a gene-by-environment perspective, parenting in interaction with the polymorphism in the Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene (MAOA-uVNTR) might also be associated with increased callous-unemotional traits (CU) in preschoolers. MAOA-uVNTR results in differential enzyme activity, so that high-activity alleles (MAOA-H) are linked to reduced dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine availability in comparison to low-activity allele (MAOA-L). As MAOA-uVNTR has been previously described to moderate the relationship between childhood parental maltreatment and aggressive and antisocial behavior, it may also play a role in CU traits etiology

    Emotional intelligence and social and academic adaptation to school

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    In a sample of 127 Spanish adolescents, the ability to understand and manage emotions, assessed by a performance measure of emotional intelligence (the MSCEIT), correlated positively with teacher ratings of academic achievement and adaptation for both males and females. Among girls, these emotional abilities also correlated positively with peer friendship nominations. After controlling for IQ and the Big Five personality traits, the ability to understand and manage emotions remained significantly associated with teacher ratings of academic adaptation among boys and peer friendship nominations among girls. Self-perceived emotional intelligence was unrelated to these criteria. These findings provide partial support for hypotheses that emotional abilities are associated with indicators of social and academic adaptation to school

    Testing Hardy nonlocality proof with genuine energy-time entanglement

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    We show two experimental realizations of Hardy ladder test of quantum nonlocality using energy-time correlated photons, following the scheme proposed by A. Cabello \emph{et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{102}, 040401 (2009)]. Unlike, previous energy-time Bell experiments, these tests require precise tailored nonmaximally entangled states. One of them is equivalent to the two-setting two-outcome Bell test requiring a minimum detection efficiency. The reported experiments are still affected by the locality and detection loopholes, but are free of the post-selection loophole of previous energy-time and time-bin Bell tests.Comment: 5 pages, revtex4, 6 figure

    Azeite Virgem Extra macerado com Tuber melanosporum e Boletus edulis

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    Os benefícios que advém do consumo de azeite virgem estão relacionados com a sua composição química, nomeadamente com a composição em ácidos gordos, em particular com o elevado teor em ácido oleico, e com a presença de compostos com atividade antioxidante como os compostos fenólicos, tocoferóis, clorofilas e carotenóides. A aromatização do azeite virgem com ervas aromáticas ou especiarias pretende melhorar o valor nutricional, modificar as características sensoriais e, por vezes, aumentar o seu tempo de prateleira, lançando produtos inovadores no mercado. Os cogumelos, especialmente os silvestres, ocupam um papel importante na alimentação desde a Antiguidade e, alguns deles, como as trufas, muito apreciadas pelo sabor e aroma característicos, são considerados uma iguaria desde a Época Romana e consumidos em várias partes do mundo. O ensaio teve como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de novos produtos, a partir de azeites virgem extra aromatizados com cogumelos silvestres, nomeadamente com Boletus edulis e Tuber melanosporum. Numa primeira fase o azeite virgem foi macerado com duas percentagens de cada um dos aromatizantes (4% e 8%) e sujeito a dois períodos de maceração (45 e 90 dias). Após filtração as amostras de azeite aromatizadas foram colocadas em garrafas de vidro transparente e divididas em dois grupos para se testar a sua resistência á degradação quando expostos nas superfícies comerciais: um grupo ficou exposto à temperatura ambiente e à luz artificial contínua por um período de 30 dias e o outro grupo manteve-se na ausência de luz. Realizaram-se as seguintes análises a todas as amostras: percentagem de acidez, índice de peróxidos, índices espectrofotométricos (k268 e k232), teor de compostos fenólicos totais, teor de clorofilas, teor de carotenóides e cor. Verificou-se que a adição de Tuber melanosporum (aromatizante fresco) afetou negativamente os azeites macerados, promovendo a reação de hidrólise com o consequente aumento da percentagem de acidez. O mesmo não se verificou nas amostras maceradas com Boletus edulis (aromatizante desidratado). Não se verificou qualquer alteração significativa nos parâmetros relacionados com a reação de oxidação das amostras quando expostas à luz nem o incremento no teor de compostos fenólicos totais. Houve, no entanto, um aumento muito significativo no teor de carotenóides para todas as amostras mantidas na ausência de luz, o que significa uma solubilização destes compostos no azeite. Nas amostras mantidas à luz houve uma diminuição muito acentuada dos pigmentos clorofilinos e carotenóides. Conclui-se, assim, da necessidade da desidratação prévia dos cogumelos e que, para que o efeito benéfico no aumento de carotenos nos azeites virgem extra macerados se mantenha é necessário que estes sejam comercializados em embalagens opacas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparison of two models of family-based treatment for childhood obesity: A pilot study

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    BackgroundFamily-based weight loss treatment (FBT) for childhood obesity, the current "gold standard," is typically provided in weekly groups for 6 months. Although this program is considered effective, it poses limitations to treatment engagement, due to time commitment and lack of widespread availability. A guided self-help version of FBT (gshFBT; eleven 20-minute sessions and one 1-hour over 5 months) was developed to circumvent such limitations. The current study examined the comparative efficacy of a 5-month FBT and gshFBT program.MethodsParticipants included 50 parent-child dyads enrolled in FBT between 2011 and 2013 and 50 parent-child dyads enrolled in gshFBT between 2009 and 2010. Data were collected at baseline, posttreatment, and 6-month follow-up. Noninferiority analyses were conducted to assess comparative efficacy of changes in parent and child weight status, child nutrition, child physical activity, and drop-out.ResultsResults indicated that gshFBT was noninferior to FBT in changes in child BMI z-score, overweight parent BMI, child nutritional intake, child vigorous physical activity, and drop-out. Results did not support noninferiority for changes in moderate to vigorous physical activity.ConclusionsgshFBT is less intensive, more flexible, and may be similarly effective to FBT and could reach a greater proportion of the pediatric overweight population. Further research, including a randomized clinical trial, is needed to confirm these results

    A multiloop improvement of non-singlet QCD evolution equations

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    An approach is elaborated for calculation of "all loop" contributions to the non-singlet evolution kernels from the diagrams with renormalon chain insertions. Closed expressions are obtained for sums of contributions to kernels P(z)P(z) for the DGLAP equation and V(x,y)V(x,y) for the "nonforward" ER-BL equation from these diagrams that dominate for a large value of b0b_0, the first β\beta-function coefficient. Calculations are performed in the covariant ξ\xi-gauge in a MS-like scheme. It is established that a special choice of the gauge parameter ξ=3\xi=-3 generalizes the standard "naive nonabelianization" approximation. The solutions are obtained to the ER-BL evolution equation (taken at the "all loop" improved kernel), which are in form similar to one-loop solutions. A consequence for QCD descriptions of hard processes and the benefits and incompleteness of the approach are briefly discussed.Comment: 13 pages, revtex, 2 figures are enclosed as eps-file, the text style and figures are corrected following version, accepted for publication to Phys. Rev.

    Psychometric Evidence of a Multidimensional Measure of Prosocial Behaviors for Spanish Adolescents

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    Prior theories and scholars rarely distinguished between distinct forms of prosocial behaviors (i.e., actions intended to benefit others) and most scholars operationalize prosocial behaviors as a global construct. Furthermore, stringent tests of psychometric properties of prosocial behavior measures are rare, especially in countries other than the United States. The present study was designed to examine the structure and functions of a multidimensional measure of prosocial behaviors in youth from Spain. Six hundred and 66 adolescents (46% girls; M age = 15.33 years, SD = 0.47 years) from Valencia, Spain, completed the Prosocial Tendencies Measure-Revised (PTM-R), measures of sympathy, perspective taking, and a global measure of prosocial behavior. Results showed that the hypothesized 6-factor structure of the PTM-R had good fit, the best fit model as compared to alternative models, and that there were several unique patterns of relations between specific forms of prosocial behaviors and sympathy, perspective taking, and the global measure of prosocial behavior. Furthermore, although there were significant gender differences in some forms of prosocial behaviors, the structure of the PTM-R was equivalent across gender. Discussion focuses on the implications for theories and measurement of prosocial behaviors