92 research outputs found

    Human Adenovirus Type 36 Enhances Glucose Uptake in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Human Skeletal Muscle Cells Independent of Insulin Signaling

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    OBJECTIVE—Human adenovirus type 36 (Ad-36) increases adiposity but improves insulin sensitivity in experimentally infected animals. We determined the ability of Ad-36 to increase glucose uptake by human primary skeletal muscle (HSKM) cells

    Metabolically Favorable Remodeling of Human Adipose Tissue by Human Adenovirus Type 36

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    OBJECTIVE—Experimental infection of rats with human adenovirus type 36 (Ad-36) promotes adipogenesis and improves insulin sensitivity in a manner reminiscent of the pharmacologic effect of thiozolinediones. To exploit the potential of the viral proteins as a therapeutic target for treating insulin resistance, this study investigated the ability of Ad-36 to induce metabolically favorable changes in human adipose tissue

    Review of MXenes as new nanomaterials for energy storage/delivery and selected environmental applications

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    A bidentate Polycomb Repressive-Deubiquitinase complex is required for efficient activity on nucleosomes

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    Attachment of ubiquitin to lysine 119 of Histone 2A (H2AK119Ub) is an epigenetic mark characteristic of repressed developmental genes, which is removed by the Polycomb Repressive-Deubiquitinase (PR-DUB) complex. Here we report the crystal structure of the Drosophila PR-DUB, revealing that the deubiquitinase Calypso and its activating partner ASX form a 2:2 complex. The bidentate Calypso–ASX complex is generated by dimerisation of two activated Calypso proteins through their coiled-coil regions. Disrupting the Calypso dimer interface does not affect inherent catalytic activity, but inhibits removal of H2AK119Ub as a consequence of impaired recruitment to nucleosomes. Mutating the equivalent surface on the human counterpart, BAP1, also compromises activity on nucleosomes. Together, this suggests that high local concentrations drive assembly of bidentate PR-DUB complexes on chromatin—providing a mechanistic basis for enhanced PR-DUB activity at specific genomic foci, and the impact of distinct classes of PR-DUB mutations in tumorigenesis

    Аналіз кортежів найбільш значущих відповідностей між описами об’єктів у задачах метричного розпізнавання

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    Modifications of methods for similarity calculation based on ranging elements descriptions values have been proposed for structural recognition of video objects. The results of computer experiments of the synthesized measures stability in presence of the most widespread noise types are presented. Fig.: 4. Refs: 12 titles.Для структурного распознавания видеообъектов предложены модификации методов вычисления подобия на основе ранжирования сходства элементов описания. Представлены результаты компьютерных экспериментов по исследованию устойчивости синтезированных мер к действию наиболее распространенных видов помех. Ил.: 4. Библиогр. 12 наим.Для структурного розпізнавання відеооб’єктів запропоновано модифікації методів обчис-лення подібності на основі ранжирування схожості елементів опису. Наведено результати комп’ю-терних експериментів з дослідження стійкості синтезованих мір до дії найбільш розповсюджених завад. Іл.: 4. Бібліогр. 12 найм

    PARP inhibition alleviates experimental diabetic sensory neuropathy

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    Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) activation is emerging as a fundamental mechanism in the pathogenesis of diabetes complications including diabetic neuropathy. This study evaluated the role of PARP in diabetic sensory neuropathy. The experiments were performed in control and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with or without the PARP inhibitor 1,5-isoquinolinediol (ISO; 3 mg · kg(−1) · day(−1) i.p.) for 2 weeks after 2 weeks without treatment. Diabetic rats developed thermal hyperalgesia (assessed by paw-withdrawal and tail-flick tests), mechanical hyperalgesia (von Frey anesthesiometer/rigid filaments and Randall-Sellito tests), tactile allodynia (flexible von Frey filaments), and increased flinching behavior in phases 1 and 2 of the 2% formalin pain test. They also had clearly manifest increase in nitrotyrosine and poly(ADP-ribose) immunoreactivities in the sciatic nerve and increased superoxide formation (hydroxyethidine method) and nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity in vasa nervorum. ISO treatment alleviated abnormal sensory responses, including thermal and mechanical hyperalgesia and tactile allodynia as well as exaggerated formalin flinching behavior in diabetic rats, without affecting the aforementioned variables in the control group. Poly(ADP-ribose) and, to a lesser extent, nitrotyrosine abundance in sciatic nerve, as well as superoxide and nitrotyrosine formation in vasa nervorum, were markedly reduced by ISO therapy. Apoptosis in dorsal root ganglion neurons (transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling assay) was not detected in any of the groups. In conclusion, PARP activation contributes to early diabetic sensory neuropathy by mechanisms that may include oxidative stress but not neuronal apoptosis