273 research outputs found

    “I was worried if I don’t have a broken leg they might not take it seriously”: Experiences of men accessing ambulance services for mental health and/or alcohol and other drug problems

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    Abstract Background A large proportion of ambulance callouts are for men with mental health and/or alcohol and other drug (AOD) problems, but little is known about their experiences of care. This study aimed to describe men's experiences of ambulance care for mental health and/or AOD problems, and factors that influence their care. Methods Interviews were undertaken with 30 men who used an ambulance service for mental health and/or AOD problems in Australia. Interviews were analysed using the Framework approach to thematic analysis. Results Three interconnected themes were abstracted from the data: (a) professionalism and compassion, (b) communication and (c) handover to emergency department staff. Positive experiences often involved paramedics communicating effectively and conveying compassion throughout the episode of care. Conversely, negative experiences often involved a perceived lack of professionalism, and poor communication, especially at handover to emergency department staff. Conclusion Increased training and organizational measures may be needed to enhance paramedics' communication when providing care to men with mental health and/or AOD problems

    Zekerheid op Lading: Pandrecht en retentierecht op roerende zaken en cognossement in het handelsverkeer

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    Een zekerheidsrecht functioneert in het recht ongeveer op dezelfde manier als de grijper van een kraan in de haven. Zoals de machinist van een kraan de grijper kan openen of sluiten, zo heeft de zekerheidshouder de bevoegdheid om de zaken onder zich te houden totdat de verschuldigde vordering is betaald, dan wel om de zaken af te geven aan de schuldenaar of een derde. Door de uitoefening van zijn zekerheidsrecht houdt de schuldeiser dus grip op de lading. Dit aspect van het zekerheidsrecht is van groot belang voor logistieke dienstverleners en banken. De door hen verrichte handelingen, zoals kredietverlening, fysieke distributie, expeditie, vervoer, bewaarneming, laden, lossen, opdracht en lastgeving, brengen kosten met zich mee die in beginsel verhaalbaar zijn op de contractuele wederpartij, de schuldenaar. In veel gevallen wordt het verschuldigde loon echter pas betaald na het verrichten van de handeling ten behoeve van de zaken. Daardoor loopt de schuldeiser steeds het risico dat de schuldenaar, om wat voor reden dan ook, verzuimt zijn verbintenis uit de overeenkomst, namelijk de verplichting tot het betalen van het loon, na te komen. Hier komt het belang van het zekerheidsrecht naar voren: door middel van een zekerheidsrecht kan de schuldeiser het risico van wanbetaling door de schuldenaar beperken. De schuldeiser behoeft de zaken niet af te geven zolang het loon niet is betaald en hij kan zich zelfs onder bepaalde omstandigheden op de zaken verhalen. Uiteraard zal niet in alle gevallen waar sprake is van een betalingsverzuim een zekerheidsrecht worden ingeroepen. Vaak volstaat een commerciële oplossing, zoals het bieden van uitstel van betaling. Het zekerheidsrecht komt pas in beeld wanneer een commerciële oplossing geen resultaat (meer) geeft. Dat is het geval wanneer de schuldenaar failliet is gegaan of op andere wijze ervan blijk geeft niet aan zijn betalingsverplichtingen te kunnen voldoen. In deze gevallen waarin een commerciële oplossing niet meer baat, vervullen zekerheidsrechten een onmisbare rol. Dit boek handelt over twee zekerheidsrechten, het pandrecht en het retentierecht, en hun rol in het internationaal handelsverkeer

    Substance use outcomes following treatment : findings from the Australian Patient Pathways Study

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    Background and Aims: Our understanding of patient pathways through specialist Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) treatment and broader health/welfare systems in Australia remains limited. This study examined how treatment outcomes are influenced by continuity in specialist AOD treatment, engagement with non-AOD community services, and mutual aid, as well as exploring differences between clients who present with a primary alcohol problem compared to those presenting with a primary drug issue. Method: In a prospective, multi-site treatment outcome study, 796 clients from 21 AOD services in Victoria and Western Australia completed a baseline interview between January 2012 and January 2013. 555 (70%) completed follow-up assessment of subsequent service use and AOD use outcomes 12-months later. Results: Just over half of the participants (52.0%) showed reliable reductions in use of, or abstinence from, their primary drug of concern. This was highest among clients who reported meth/amphetamine (66%) as their primary drug of concern and lowest among those who reported alcohol (47%), with 31% achieving abstinence from all drugs of concern. Continuity of specialist AOD care was associated with higher rates of abstinence than fragmented AOD care. Different predictors of treatment success emerged for clients with a primary drug problem as compared to those with a primary alcohol problem; mutual aid attendance (OR=2.5) and community service engagement (OR=2.0) for clients with alcohol as PDOC, and completion of the index treatment (OR=2.8) and continuity in AOD care (OR=1.8) for those with primary drug issues. Conclusion: This is the first multi-site Australian study to include treatment outcomes for alcohol and cannabis users, who represent 70% of treatment seekers in AOD services. The results suggest a substantial proportion of clients respond positively to treatment, but that clients with alcohol as their primary drug problem may require different treatment pathways, compared to those with illicit drug issues, to achieve desirable outcomes

    Znameniti, ali malo poznati biskup rođen u Koprivnici : obljetnica 130. godina od smrti biskupa Angelika Bedenika

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    Background: Many young migrants and their parents are reluctant to seek help for mental health and substance use problems. Help-seeking delays can result in longer duration of untreated problems and poorer outcomes. In this study, we aimed to identify the help-seeking barriers and facilitators for anxiety, depression and alcohol and drug use problems in young people from recently established sub-Saharan African migrant communities. Methods: A qualitative study, incorporating individual, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, was undertaken in Melbourne, Australia. Twenty-eight young sub-Saharan African migrants participated in the individual interviews, and 41 sub-Saharan African-born parents and key community leaders participated in 4 focus groups. All participants were aged 16 years or over. A thematic analysis of the data was undertaken. Results: Themes and related sub-themes were abstracted from the data, reflecting the young people’s, parents’ and key community leaders’ beliefs about barriers and facilitators to help-seeking for mental health and substance use problems. Four help-seeking barriers were identified: stigma of mental illness, lack of mental health literacy in parents and young people, lack of cultural competency of formal help sources, and financial costs deterring access. Five help-seeking facilitators were abstracted: being open with friends and family, strong community support systems, trustworthiness and confidentiality of help-sources, perceived expertise of formal help-sources, increasing young people’s and parents’ mental health literacy. Conclusion: Programs that identify and build on help-seeking facilitators while addressing help-seeking barriers are needed to address mental health issues among young sub-Saharan African migrants. Strategies to address help seeking barriers should consider counteracting stigma and increasing mental health literacy in sub-Saharan African communities, increasing health providers’ cultural competency and perceived trustworthiness, and addressing financial barriers to accessing services

    Paramedics’ perceptions of their scope of practice in caring for patients with non-medical emergency-related mental health and/or alcohol and other drug problems: A qualitative study

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Paramedics are called on frequently to provide care to patients with mental health and/or and alcohol and other drug (AOD) problems, but may have mixed views about how this fits within their role.</p><p>Aims</p><p>To explore paramedics’ experience of caring for patients with non-medical emergency-related mental health and/or AOD problems, understand their perceptions of their scope of practice in caring for these patients, and ascertain if their practice should be extended to incorporate education with these patients.</p><p>Method</p><p>A convenience sample of 73 paramedics from most Australian states and territories—recruited through an online survey—participated in individual audio-recorded, qualitative interviews, conducted by telephone. The interviews were part of a mixed method study comprising qualitative interviews and online survey. A Framework Method of analysis to analyse the qualitative data.</p><p>Results</p><p>Three themes and sub-themes were abstracted from the data about participants’ experiences and, at times, opposing viewpoints about caring for patients with non-medical emergency-related mental health and/or AOD problems: caring for these patients is a routine part of paramedics’ work, contrasting perspectives about scope of practice in caring for this group of patients, competing perspectives about extending scope of practice to incorporate education with this cohort of patients.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>Paramedics need more undergraduate and in-service education about the care of patients with mental health and/or AOD problems, and to address concerns about extending their scope of practice to include education with these patients. Thought should be given to introducing alternative models of paramedic practice, such as community paramedicine, with a focus on supporting people in the community with mental health and/or AOD problems. There is a need for a change in workplace and organisational culture about scope of practice in caring for patients with these problems. Extending paramedics’ role could, potentially, benefit people with these problems by improving the quality of care, reducing the need for transportation to emergency departments, and decreasing clinicians’ workloads in these departments.</p></div

    Alcohol consumption in tertiary education students

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    Background Heavy alcohol consumption among adolescents and young adults is an issue of significant public concern. With approximately 50% of young people aged 18-24 attending tertiary education, there is an opportunity within these settings to implement programs that target risky drinking. The aim of the current study was to survey students and staff within a tertiary education institution to investigate patterns of alcohol use, alcohol-related problems, knowledge of current National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) guidelines for alcohol consumption and intentions to seek help for alcohol problems. Methods Students of an Australian metropolitan university (with staff as a comparison group) participated in a telephone interview. Questions related to knowledge of NHMRC guidelines, drinking behaviour, alcohol-related problems and help-seeking intentions for alcohol problems. Level of psychological distress was also assessed. Results Of the completed interviews, 774 (65%) were students and 422 (35%) were staff. While staff were more likely to drink regularly, students were more likely to drink heavily. Alcohol consumption was significantly higher in students, in males and in those with a history of earlier onset drinking. In most cases, alcohol-related problems were more likely to occur in students. The majority of students and staff had accurate knowledge of the current NHMRC guidelines, but this was not associated with lower levels of risky drinking. Psychological distress was associated with patterns of risky drinking in students. Conclusions Our findings are consistent with previous studies of tertiary student populations, and highlight the disconnect between knowledge of relevant guidelines and actual behaviour. There is a clear need for interventions within tertiary education institutions that promote more effective means of coping with psychological distress and improve help-seeking for alcohol problems, particularly among young men

    Neural correlates of sexual cue reactivity in individuals with and without compulsive sexual behaviours

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    Although compulsive sexual behaviour (CSB) has been conceptualized as a "behavioural" addiction and common or overlapping neural circuits may govern the processing of natural and drug rewards, little is known regarding the responses to sexually explicit materials in individuals with and without CSB. Here, the processing of cues of varying sexual content was assessed in individuals with and without CSB, focusing on neural regions identified in prior studies of drug-cue reactivity. 19 CSB subjects and 19 healthy volunteers were assessed using functional MRI comparing sexually explicit videos with non-sexual exciting videos. Ratings of sexual desire and liking were obtained. Relative to healthy volunteers, CSB subjects had greater desire but similar liking scores in response to the sexually explicit videos. Exposure to sexually explicit cues in CSB compared to non-CSB subjects was associated with activation of the dorsal anterior cingulate, ventral striatum and amygdala. Functional connectivity of the dorsal anterior cingulate-ventral striatum-amygdala network was associated with subjective sexual desire (but not liking) to a greater degree in CSB relative to non-CSB subjects. The dissociation between desire or wanting and liking is consistent with theories of incentive motivation underlying CSB as in drug addictions. Neural differences in the processing of sexual-cue reactivity were identified in CSB subjects in regions previously implicated in drug-cue reactivity studies. The greater engagement of corticostriatal limbic circuitry in CSB following exposure to sexual cues suggests neural mechanisms underlying CSB and potential biological targets for interventions

    Neuroscience in gambling policy and treatment: an interdisciplinary perspective

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    Neuroscientific explanations of gambling disorder can help people make sense of their experiences and guide the development of psychosocial interventions. However, the societal perceptions and implications of these explanations are not always clear or helpful. Two workshops in 2013 and 2014 brought together multidisciplinary researchers aiming to improve the clinical and policy-related effects of neuroscience research on gambling. The workshops revealed that neuroscience can be used to improve identification of the dangers of products used in gambling. Additionally, there was optimism associated with the diagnostic and prognostic uses of neuroscience in problem gambling and the provision of novel tools (eg, virtual reality) to assess the effectiveness of new policy interventions before their implementation. Other messages from these workshops were that neuroscientific models of decision making could provide a strong rationale for precommitment strategies and that interdisciplinary collaborations are needed to reduce the harms of gambling
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