40,499 research outputs found

    Building stock dynamics and its impacts on materials and energy demand in China

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    China hosts a large amount of building stocks, which is nearly 50 billion square meters. Moreover, annual new construction is growing fast, representing half of the world's total. The trend is expected to continue through the year 2050. Impressive demand for new residential and commercial construction, relative shorter average building lifetime, and higher material intensities have driven massive domestic production of energy intensive building materials such as cement and steel. This paper developed a bottom-up building stock turnover model to project the growths, retrofits and retirements of China's residential and commercial building floor space from 2010 to 2050. It also applied typical material intensities and energy intensities to estimate building materials demand and energy consumed to produce these building materials. By conducting scenario analyses of building lifetime, it identified significant potentials of building materials and energy demand conservation. This study underscored the importance of addressing building material efficiency, improving building lifetime and quality, and promoting compact urban development to reduce energy and environment consequences in China

    Supersymmetry and the Anomalous Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon

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    The recently reported measurement of the muon's anomalous magnetic moment differs from the standard model prediction by 2.6 standard deviations. We examine the implications of this discrepancy for supersymmetry. Deviations of the reported magnitude are generic in supersymmetric theories. Based on the new result, we derive model-independent upper bounds on the masses of observable supersymmetric particles. We also examine several model frameworks. The sign of the reported deviation is as predicted in many simple models, but disfavors anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Minimal Supergravity with m_0^2 < 0

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    We extend the parameter space of minimal supergravity to negative values of m_0^2, the universal scalar mass parameter defined at the grand unified scale. After evolving to the weak scale, all scalars can be non-tachyonic with masses consistent with collider constraints. This region of parameter space is typically considered excluded by searches for charged dark matter, since the lightest standard model superpartner is a charged slepton. However, if the gravitino is the lightest supersymmetric particle, the charged slepton decays, and this region is allowed. This region provides qualitatively new possibilities for minimal supergravity, including spectra with light sleptons and very heavy squarks, and models in which the lightest slepton is the selectron. We show that the m_0^2 < 0 region is consistent with low energy precision data and discuss its implications for particle colliders. These models may provide signals of supersymmetry in even the first year of operation at the Large Hadron Collider.Comment: 16 page

    Bubbles created from vacuum fluctuation

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    We show that the bubbles S2×S2S^2\times S^2can be created from vacuum fluctuation in certain De Sitter universe, so the space-time foam-like structure might really be constructed from bubbles of S2×S2S^2\times S^2 in the very early inflating phase of our universe. But whether such foam-like structure persisted during the later evolution of the universe is a problem unsolved now.Comment: 6 page

    Manifesting Color-Kinematics Duality in the Scattering Equation Formalism

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    We prove that the scattering equation formalism for Yang-Mills amplitudes can be used to make manifest the theory's color-kinematics duality. This is achieved through a concrete reduction algorithm which renders this duality manifest term-by-term. The reduction follows from the recently derived set of identities for amplitudes expressed in the scattering equation formalism that are analogous to monodromy relations in string theory. A byproduct of our algorithm is a generalization of the identities among gravity and Yang-Mills amplitudes.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figure

    Superalgebra and Conservative Quantities in N=1 Self-dual Supergravity

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    The N=1 self-dual supergravity has SL(2,C) and the left-handed and right -handed local supersymmetries. These symmetries result in SU(2) charges as the angular-momentum and the supercharges. The model possesses also the invariance under the general translation transforms and this invariance leads to the energy-momentum. All the definitions are generally covariant . As the SU(2) charges and the energy-momentum we obtained previously constituting the 3-Poincare algebra in the Ashtekar's complex gravity, the SU(2) charges, the supercharges and the energy-momentum here also restore the super-Poincare algebra, and this serves to support the reasonableness of their interpretations.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, no figure

    Analytic Representations of Yang-Mills Amplitudes

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    Scattering amplitudes in Yang-Mills theory can be represented in the formalism of Cachazo, He and Yuan (CHY) as integrals over an auxiliary projective space---fully localized on the support of the scattering equations. Because solving the scattering equations is difficult and summing over the solutions algebraically complex, a method of directly integrating the terms that appear in this representation has long been sought. We solve this important open problem by first rewriting the terms in a manifestly Mobius-invariant form and then using monodromy relations (inspired by analogy to string theory) to decompose terms into those for which combinatorial rules of integration are known. The result is a systematic procedure to obtain analytic, covariant forms of Yang-Mills tree-amplitudes for any number of external legs and in any number of dimensions. As examples, we provide compact analytic expressions for amplitudes involving up to six gluons of arbitrary helicities.Comment: 29 pages, 43 figures; also included is a Mathematica notebook with explicit formulae. v2: citations added, and several (important) typos fixe

    Sea state bias in altimeter sea level estimates determined by combining wave model and satellite data

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    This study documents a method for increasing the precision of satellite-derived sea level measurements. Results are achieved using an enhanced three-dimensional (3-D) sea state bias (SSB) correction model derived from both Jason-1 altimeter ocean observations (i.e., sea state and wind) and estimates of mean wave period from a numerical ocean wave model, NOAA’s WAVEWATCH III. A multiyear evaluation of Jason-1 data indicates sea surface height variance reduction of 1.26 (±0.2) cm2 in comparison to the commonly applied two-parameter SSB model. The improvement is similar for two separate variance reduction metrics and for separate annual data sets spanning 2002–2004. Spatial evaluation of improvement shows skill increase at all latitudes. Results indicate the new model can reduce the total Jason-1 and Jason-2 altimeter range error budgets by 7.5%. In addition to the 2-D (two-dimensional) and 3-D model differences in correcting the range for wavefield variability, mean model regional differences also occur across the globe and indicate a possible 1–2 cm gradient across ocean basins linked to the zonal variation in wave period (short fetch and period in the west, swells and long period in the east). Overall success of this model provides first evidence that operational wave modeling can support improved ocean altimetry. Future efforts will attempt to work within the limits of wave modeling capabilities to maximize their benefit to Jason-1 and Jason-2 SSB correction methods

    Probing Quark Distribution Amplitudes Through Generalized Parton Distributions at Large Momentum Transfer

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    In the large momentum transfer limit, generalized parton distributions can be calculated through a QCD factorization theorem which involves perturbatively-calculable hard kernels and light-cone parton distribution amplitudes of hadrons. We illustrate this through the Hq(x,ξ,t)H_q(x,\xi,t) distribution for the pion and proton, presenting the hard kernels at leading order. As a result, experimental data on the generalized parton distributions in this regime can be used to determine the functional form of the parton distribution amplitudes which has thus far been quite challenging to obtain. Our result can also be used as a constraint in phenomenological GPD parametrizations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; new references and figure added, errors correcte
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