568 research outputs found


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    This paper evaluate the economics of broiler production at Miango, Plateau State, Nigeria using a – 9 years record (1992 – 2000). During the period, 76 batches of broilers were reared to point of slaughter. The results shows that the enterprise incurred an average total variable cost of N620,6333.31 out of which feeding cost, day old chicks (stock) and mortality cost represents 58.13%, 19.13% and of 9.64% of the total cost of production, respectively. Total revenue within the period was estimated to be N763,969.44 which was mainly generated from the sales of broiler birds. The gross margin was found to be N143,334.13 with N0.23 as the returns per naira invested in the enterprise. Thus the broiler production is a profitable venture in the study area.Broilers, Income, Investment & Profitability, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Synthesis, characterisation and antimicrobial evaluation of the alkyd resins derived from castor seed oil

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    No AbstractKeywords: Alkyd resin, Castor Seed Oil, Phthalic anhydrid

    The deported: how the forcibly removed are treated in their country of origin – evidence from Ghana

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    Thesis submitted for the degree of PhD in Social Science.In recent decades, the practice of deportation has gained prominence in immigration policies, forming a crucial part of the immigration control armoury of many European and industrialised states. Some politicians across the political spectrum in these states often stoke xenophobic sentiments among sections of their populations, who demand the swift expulsion of foreign nationals they deem undesirable or 'illegal'. Governments duly oblige, introducing harsh removal policies that cause untold hardships for vulnerable immigrants who are administratively detained and ultimately sent back to their countries of origin, where they often face alienation. This study explored the detention and removal experiences of Ghanaian deportees, focusing on their reincorporation and estrangement in their home country from their perspective. The findings show that deportees' daily realities are centred around uncertainty, persistent social stigmatisation, and lack of governmental support that harms their economic, cultural, and psychosocial embeddedness. Despite their strenuous efforts to fully reintegrate and be accepted as valued members of their communities, their deportation seems to have defined their place in Ghanaian society as 'failures' and irresponsible individuals, leading many to contemplate leaving the country again. Aside from the reasons that instigated their initial migration, such as lack of opportunities, insecurity, and deprivation, deportation creates additional factors that drive deportees to consider remigrating. These include dealing with debt incurred from their initial migration and feelings of inadequacy and embarrassment of returning home empty-handed. The study thus sheds light on the repercussions of forced return migration, an underresearched area in this country

    Evaluation of Sheanut Shell-Reinforced Automotive Brake Pad

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    For over a century now, asbestos has been used as friction material in the manufacture of brake pads but its use is currently been avoided due to its carcinogenic nature and potential to cause cancer. This study is focused on development of a new brake pad using sheanut shell (SNS) which is an eco-friendly material as the reinforcement and epoxy resin as the binder. Other constituents used are calcium carbonate (CaCO3), graphite and aluminium oxide (Al2O3). Five compositions were formulated with the epoxy resin and reinforcement varied at interval of 5 wt% while CaCO3, graphite and Al2O3 remain constant at 30, 10 and 10 wt% respectively. The developed brake pads were subjected to compressive, abrasive and water absorption tests while their densities were also measured. The results showed that the compressive strength, abrasive strength and the density of the samples decreased as the reinforcement content increased while the water absorption rate increased as the reinforcement content increased. The value of the compressive strength ranged from 64.88 – 93.04Mpa, wear rate from 3.13 – 6.25mg/m, water absorption from 0.899 – 2.722% and density from 0.764 – 1.487g/m3. The result of this research indicates that SNS particles can be used as a replacement for asbestos in brake pad production

    Fungal Contamination of Some Poultry Houses in Kaduna State, Nigeria

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    The study was conducted to assess the level of fungal contamination of poultry houses with emphasis on Aspergillus species contamination of litter, feeders, drinkers and the housing materials. Ten swabs each from ten locations and materials (100) of the 10 poultry houses were collected for fungal isolation. A total of 126 fungi belonging to 5 genera were isolated from the different parts of the poultry environment viz; Aspergillus, Mucor, Candida, Rhizopusand Penecillium species with Aspergillus and Candida species having the highest frequency of isolation, 69 (54.76%) and 27 (20.93%) respectively. Three species of Aspergillus were isolated A. fumigatus (22), A. flavus (22) and A. niger (18). Fungi were isolated from all parts of the poultry sampled with a higher rate of isolation from the doors, window nets, roof and feeders. The presence of Aspergillus and Candida species which are important poultry pathogens i.e causing Aspergillosis, mycotoxicosis and Candidaisis indicates an economic threat the farmers as well as to the health of the bird

    Mineralogical and Geochemical Assessment of Clay Properties of Edda, Afikpo Sub Basin Nigeria for Possible Use in the Ceramics Industry

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    Clay samples from selected part of Edda were analyzed to identify the clay mineral types present, their chemical and physical properties with a view to appraising their industrial suitability as ceramic materials. The mineralogical and geochemical analyses were done using the principles of X-Ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence respectively. A total of seven clay samples were used for the study, other tests such as plasticity, bulk density, shrinkage, loss on ignition (LOI) and water absorption capacity was carried out to determine the amount of water absorbed under specified conditions. The basic industrial properties assessment showed that more than 70% of the clays are fine-grained. The clays exhibited low to moderate plasticity, moderate shrinkage and bulk density, low to moderate values of both loss on ignition and water absorption capacity. The clays are buff to yellowish in colour. The results of x-ray fluorescence revealed that the mean concentration of major oxide in the clays is shown as follows: SiO2 (62.78%), Al2O3 (20.25%), total Fe (6.09%), CaO (0.56%), MgO (3.21%),Na2O (0.47%), K2O, (1.44%) and TiO2 (0.52%).The samples have high silica content, low alumina and low oxide content. The results of x-ray diffraction revealed that kaolinite is the dominant clay mineral with illite and montmorillonite occurring in subordinate amounts, while quartz and feldspar are the non-clay components present. The characteristics of the clays for each parameter were compared with industrial standards.These properties are appropriate for the Afikpo clays to be useful in the manufacturing of ceramics. However, since the silica content of the clays is high further beneficiation is recommended

    Efek Ekstrak Metanol dan Partisi dari Kulit Batang Kayu Jawa (Lannea Coromandelica Houtt. Merr.) terhadap Pertumbuhan Sel HeLa dan MCF-7

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan efek ekstrak metanol dan partisi kulit batang kayu jawa dalam menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker HeLa dan sel kanker MCF-7. Simplisia kulit kayu dimaserasi menggunakan pelarut metanol. Ekstrak kemudian dipartisi secara partisi cair padat menggunakan pelarut heksan. Pemisahan menghasilkan partisi larut heksan dan partisi tidak larut heksan. Pengukuran aktivitas inhibisi pertumbuhan sel dilakukan menggunakan metode MTT Assay terhadap sel HeLa, sel MCF-7 dan sel Vero. Senyawa yang dikandung diidentifikasi dengan beberapa pereaksi golongan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak metanol, partisi tidak larut heksan dan partisi larut heksan dapat menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker Hela dengan nilai indeks selektivitas, berturut-turut, 2,04; 1,85 dam 4,19. Sedangkan untuk sel MCF-7, indeks selektivitas, berturut-turut, 1,91; 1,44 dan 2,13. Partisi larut heksan dapat memiliki potensi sebagai antikanker dengan selektivitas yang baik

    Prevalence of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases (ESBL) Producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae in Tuberculosis Patients in Kano, Nigeria

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    Resistance to broad spectrum β lactams, mediated by extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESβL) is an increasing problem worldwide. Production of these enzymes in clinical infections can result in treatment failure if one of the second or third generation cephalosporins is used. This study investigates the incidence of ESBL among E. coli and K. pneumoniae which were isolated from tuberculosis patients with secondary opportunistic bacterial infection attending Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH), Kano and Infectious Disease Hospital (IDH), Kano. A total of 37 E. coli and 33 K. pneumoniae obtained from their sputum were screened for ESBL production by Double disk synergy test method (DDST). Prevalence of 37.3% (14/37) and 36.4% (12/33) was recorded for Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae respectively. Furthermore, a slight high prevalence of 39.4% (13/33) was recorded with the female tuberculosis patients when compared with their male counterpart 35.1% (13/37). Escherichia coli harboring ESBL were more encountered among the elderly patients aged 31-50 (13/51 or 25.5%) when compared with K. pneumoniae with (9/51 or 17.6%). The study shows alarming rise in ESBL production among Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli among immunocompromised patients raising fear of possible emergence of multiple drug resistant bacteria that will be hard to treat. Thereby early detection of ESBL in these patients is recommended to curb the spread. Keywords: Extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBLs), Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Tuberculosis

    Proximate and Elemental Analysis of African Star Apple ( Chrysophyllum albidum )

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    The proximate and elemental analysis of African star apple (Chrysophyllum albidum) using standard analytical techniques was investigated. The proximate composition of the plant showed the values of 54.57 % for carbohydrate, 13.25 % of fat, and 3.85 % of crude protein. The crude fiber and ash content indicates the values of 6.60 % and 4.70 % respectively. The moisture content present (17.03 %) reveals the possibility of having low antimicrobial activities of the plant. The mineral elements present in different concentrations are Ca (706.850 mg/kg), Mg (325.500 mg/kg), Fe (40.875 mg/kg), Cu (3.275 mg/kg), and Zn (4.625 mg/kg). The result shows that the fruit have essential minerals required by human for normal life activities
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