194 research outputs found

    Membrane processing of grape must for control of the alcohol content in fermented beverages

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    The great demand of beverages, both alcohol-free and with low alcohol content, is a great challenge for the production of beverages with controlled alcohol content through the use of sustainable enological practices. The present work addresses this challenge with the processing of grape must by reverse osmosis (RO) for must reconstitution with different sugar contents prior to the alcoholic fermentation. The original must came from grapes grown in Quinta do Quinto, in Santarém, collected after destemming and mechanic crushing, and preserved in a refrigerated chamber at -1.6 °C until processing by RO. The RO processing was carried out in Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém, with a pilot plant equipped with RO spiral wound modules, M38RO, from Alfa Laval, Denmark. The total membrane permeation area is 15 m2. The work pressure was 55 bar. The original must had 23.7 oBrix, a density of 1108 g.L-1, 15.2% (v/v) of probable alcohol, and a conductivity of 2.01 mS.cm-1. The must reconstitution was carried out, by mixing the concentrated grape must with the vegetal water produced by RO (permeate) to obtain beverages with a nominal alcohol content of 5%, 7%, 10% and 13% (v/v). The fermentation average temperature was between 18.2 and 19.7 °C, and the final density rounded about 993 g.cm-3. The beverages were analysed by different parameters, including total polyphenols, total anthocyanins, colour intensity and hue, the coordinates CIELab, alcohol content, total acidity, volatile acidity, pH, free SO2 and total SO2. The attributes of the beverage, corresponding to the visual appearance, aroma and taste senses, as well as the overall judgment were evaluated by the tasters. The proposed method can produce beverages with controlled low alcohol content. The decrease of the alcohol content led to lower content of polyphenols compounds which influenced the sensory evaluation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effects of grazing management in montado fragmentation and heterogeneity

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    The Portuguese silvo-pastoral system montado is broadly classified as a High Nature Value (HNV) system since it corresponds to farmland hosting high biodiversity levels, and such biodiversity depends on specific land use practices. However, in recent decades a decline both in the totalmontado area and in the tree cover density within the montado has been observed, driven mainly by management changes. This decline may result in biodiversity loss. Grazing is a central aspect determining the long-term sustainability of the montado system and it has implications also on themontado structural diversity, particularly on connectivity and heterogeneity, which is crucial for the maintenance of montado HNV. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how variations in montadostructural diversity are correlated with grazing management and its implications on the value of the system for conservation. The empirical data derives from a case study composed of 41 montadofarms in two municipalities of the Alentejo region. Data on grazing management, biophysical and spatial factors were collected and several metrics were calculated to assess montado fragmentation and heterogeneity. A multivariate analysis was performed using generalized additive models. Results show that different grazing patterns, depending on stocking density and grazing animal type, are correlated with variations in montado fragmentation and heterogeneity. Particularly, cattle’s grazing is shown to have adverse effects on the montado fragmentation, while sheep grazing is shown to have stronger impacts on the heterogeneity within the montado patches

    Assessing the ability of rural areas to fulfill multiple societal demands

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    Rural areas are changing through a process of multifunctional transition. New societal expectations, including countryside consumption and protection, increasingly determine the way rural space is used. There is a pressing need to grasp the new relative balance between these drivers of the rural space, in each particular area, in order to target public intervention. Tackling differentiation within rural space will definitely contribute to developing the potential and vocation of each area while supporting territorial cohesion. In this context, sound analytical knowledge that reveals and characterizes this differentiation is required and novel analytical approaches are needed for this knowledge to be obtained. Based on the conceptual framework proposed by Holmes (2006, 2012), this paper presents two methodological pathways for defining a typology of European regions that considers the multifunctionality of rural areas today and the relative weight of the dimensions of production, protection and consumption. The classification is produced at Nomenclature Territorial Unit NUTS 2 level, using information derived from European statistical datasets compiling different cartographic sources. One of the methods used to develop a typology was a clustering approach while the other method used was an expert-based analytical procedure. Even when the limitations stemming from the data available for the whole of Europe are considered, the results are encouraging. The results show two different regional distributions in Europe. These distributions, which have some similarities but also certain differences, both reveal the general characteristics of NUTS 2 regions and shed new light on the ways in which societal expectations for production, protection and consumption might be spatially reconciled. The expert-based approach seems to produce a more faithful classification. Both typologies result in most regions being classified as pluri-active, or complex or multifunctional, which may indicate that multiple modes of rural occupancy are widely found in each region and therefore that a more detailed scale of analysis would be more likely to enable evidence-based decisions to be made

    Simplified high-order Volterra series transfer function for optical transmission links

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    We develop a simplified high-order multi-span Volterra series transfer function (SHMS- VSTF), basing our derivation on the well-known third-order Volterra series transfer function (VSTF). We notice that when applying an approach based on a recursive method and considering the phased-array factor, the order of the expression for the transfer function grows as 3 raised to the number of considered spans. By imposing a frequency-flat approximation to the higher-order terms that are usually neglected in the commonly used VSTF approach, we are able to reduce the overall expression order to the typical third-order plus a complex correction factor. We carry on performance comparisons between the purposed SH-MS-VSTF, the well-known split-step Fourier method (SSFM), and the third-order VSTF. The SH-MS-VSTF exhibits a uniform improvement of about two orders of magnitude in the normalized mean squared deviation with respect to the other methods. This can be translated in a reduction of the overall number of steps required to fully analyze the transmission link up to 99.75% with respect to the SSFM, and 98.75% with respect to the third-order VSTF, respectively, for the same numerical accuracy

    Producci?n in vitro de metano (CH4) en dietas compuestas de colosuana (Bothriochloa Pertusa), angleton (Dichantium Aristatum), frijol mungo (Vigna Radiata), ensilaje de ma?z (Zea Mays) y concentrado comercial

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    75 P?ginasSe evaluaron tres dietas utilizadas com?nmente para alimentaci?n de bovinos en el Departamento del Tolima, con la finalidad de estimar la emisi?n de metano a trav?s de la fermentaci?n ruminal in vitro. Se utiliz? la t?cnica de digestibilidad in vitro mediante incubaci?n en un equipo DaisyII? y la prueba de fermentaci?n ruminal in vitro con cultivos no renovados de microorganismos ruminales (CNRMR). As? mismo se realiz? una cin?tica de fermentaci?n ruminal a ocho tiempos. En la incubaci?n con el equipo DaisyII?, se encontr?, que al incluir frijol mungo en la dieta (10% -Tto 2), mejora la DIVMS, y al ofrecer una dieta a base de Dichantium aristatum m?s Bothriochloa pertusa, habr? una menor DIVMS. El tratamiento con gram?neas (Tto 1) posee altas cantidades de fibra, lo cual afect? negativamente la degradabilidad de la pared celular. Se sometieron las tres dietas, a la prueba de fermentaci?n ruminal in vitro (t?cnica de gases), con incubaciones de 48 y 60 horas. Los resultados, revelan que no hubo diferencias significativas (p>0,05) en la producci?n de gas a las 48horas y a las 60 horas. A las 48 horas de medici?n, el tratamiento con inclusi?n de Vigna radiata, mostr? una mayor producci?n de amonio (P<0,05). Adem?s, no hubo diferencias entre los tratamientos en cuanto a la producci?n de metano. Contrario a esto, hubo diferencias (P<0,05) entre los AGVs totales, evidenciando mayor proporci?n acetato:propionato el tratamiento 1 (P<0,05). La cin?tica de producci?n de gas, no mostr? diferencias entre los tratamientos, en cuanto a los par?metros evaluados.ABSTRACT. Three diets had been tested, commonly used to feed cattle in Tolima province, with main purpose to estimate Methane emission trough rumen fermentation in-vitro. Technic of digestibility in vitro trough hatching in a Daysi ll equipment and the rumen fermentation in ?vitro test with non-cultured renew rumen microorganisms, likewise a kinetic rumen fermentation on eight stages was made. During hatching with Days ill was found that including mungo bean on dietary (10%-2Tto) improves the DIVMS and offering a diet based on Dichantium aristatum plus Bothriochloa pertusa, there will decrease DIVMS. Treatment with grasses (Tto 2) was rich in fiber, which negatively affects cell wall degrability. The three diets were submit to the rumen fermentation in vitro test (gas technic) with 48 and 60 hours periods of hatching. Results reveal that wasn?t any relevant differences on gas production between 48 hours to 60 hours (P<0,05). To the 48 hours measurement, treatment including Vigna radiate indicates higher ammonium production (P< 0, 05), beside there wasn?t any differences among treatments as methane production. On the other hand there was a difference of (P<0,05) among AGVs total, proving a higher portion of acetate, approving treatment 1(P<0,05), Kinetic gas production did not reveal differences among treatments, and tested patterns.1. INTRODUCCI?N 10 2. JUSTIFICACI?N 12 3. OBJETIVOS 13 3.1. GENERAL 13 4. MARCO TE?RICO 14 4.1. EL CALENTAMIENTO GLOBAL 14 4.2. FERMENTACI?N RUMINAL 16 4.3. DETERMINACI?N DE GASES MEDIANTE LA T?CNICA DE GASES 25 5. METODOLOG?A 27 5.1. LOCALIZACI?N 27 5.2. MATERIALES 27 5.3. CARACTERIZACI?N BROMATOL?GICA DE LOS SUSTRATOS UTILIZADOS 31 5.4. DETERMINACI?N DE LA DIGESTIBILIDAD In Vitro 32 5.5. EXTENSI?N DE LA FERMENTACI?N RUMINAL In Vitro, USANDO LA T?CNICA DE GASES 33 5.6. CIN?TICA DE LA FERMENTACI?N RUMINAL In Vitro 34 5.7. MEDICI?N DE pH 36 5.8. DETERMINACI?N DE AMONIO 36 5.9. AN?LISIS ESTAD?STICO 37 6. RESULTADOS 38 6.1. PAR?METROS DE LA FERMENTACI?N RUMINAL In Vitro ? T?CNICA DE GASES 38 6.2. DETERMINACI?N DE GAS CH4 Y AGVS, EN LA T?CNICA DE GASES 40 7. DISCUSI?N 43 7.1. EXTENSI?N DE FERMENTACI?N RUMINAL 43 7.2. DETERMINACI?N DE AGVS Y CH4 46 7.3. PAR?METROS DE LA CIN?TICA DE FERMENTACI?N RUMINAL In Vitro 48 8. CONCLUSIONES 51 9. RECOMENDACIONES 52 10. REFERENCIAS 5

    Estado actual dos Montados e necessidades de intervenção

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    Os Montados constituem uma das áreas arborizadas mais extensas da Europa, sendo particularmente importantes pela sua riqueza em termos ambientais. A Floresta, sempre foi reconhecida como uma riqueza nacional, cuja necessidade de preservação e de desenvolvimento é estratégica para o progresso do país. No entanto, apesar de reconhecida, a sua importância ambiental, económica e social, e de lhe serem destinados recursos públicos ao longo dos últimos anos, é importante que o investimento na floresta e nos espaços florestais se mantenha e que seja encarado como uma prioridade. Estes recursos têm permitido a existência de medidas de apoio às florestas no âmbito dos diversos Quadros Comunitários de Apoio, dos quais Portugal tem beneficiado, e permitiu o aumento da área arborizada e a beneficiação dos espaços florestais existentes. Nesta fase de preparação de novos projetos, e considerando essencial promover a discussão entre produtores, técnicos, investigadores e decisores, para que os mecanismos financeiros a disponibilizar, através do Portugal 2020, vão de encontro às necessidades de intervenção que o setor precisa foi realizado o Colóquio “Medidas de Apoio ao setor florestal” onde for apresentado o “ Estado actual dos Montados e necessidades de intervenção” (Teresa Pinto Correia, Sérgio Godinho, Nuno Guiomar) sobre a complexidade da representação espacial do Montado, suas dinâmicas, registos históricos, a relação azinheira/sobreiro, os efeitos da perda de árvores - temperatura e pastoreio

    Urban population looking for rural landscapes: Different appreciation patterns identified in Southern Europe

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    In the context of the peripheral European rural landscapes, the role of the urban population, generally referred to as the ‘outsiders’, has shown to be influential in the dynamics of rural space. This influence occurs namely through the demand for non-productive functions leading to the emergence of new modes of occupancy. In addition, the emerging policy framework concerning policies and planning in rural landscapes call for an improved understanding of the diversified social demands for these landscapes. We argue that a more profound knowledge on the urban demand for rural landscape is needed to better integrate the urban interests into rural policy and planning. The present paper aims to gain greater insight on this demand by identifying landscape preferences of urban users, framed by the multifunctional transition theory, and using a photo-based survey with contrasting land covers derived from CORINE Land Cover classes. Furthermore, the use of land cover classes as the main landscape component, and thereby relating preferences to specific land covers, offers a sound basis for a territorial approach, able to integrate landscape into rural policy and land use planning practice. A case-study in Southern Portugal was developed at the regional scale and results showed different appreciation patterns for rural landscapes varying from humanised and more naturalised landscapes according to the different functions sought by urban users. Another prominent result is that urban demand for rural landscapes, even if driven by consumption, is strongly influenced by both protection and production values. A deeper knowledge on the interests of urban population can be a step forward for rural communities, land managers, and sectoral policy decision-makers to better define investment strategies in rural-urban partnerships facing the growing urban demand over rural space

    Experimental Demonstration of a Frequency-Domain Volterra Series Nonlinear Equalizer in Polarization-Multiplexed Transmission

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    Experimental demonstration of a dual-polarization Volterra series nonlinear equalizer applied in frequency-domain is carried out for 100G polarization-multiplexed QPSK test signals. We were able to reduce the BER by a factor of ~2.5x relatively to the single-polarization approach, with a 1 dB increase in the optimum power

    Adaptive Stokes-Based Polarization Demultiplexing for Long-Haul Multi-Subcarrier Systems

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    We experimentally evaluate the performance of the adaptive Stokes polarization demultiplexing (PolDemux) algorithm over a long-haul optical link considering the propagation of 31 × 192 Gb/s channels modulated as PM-16QAM multisubcarrier (MSC) signals. Initially, we consider 1 × 24 Gbaud channel under test, and subsequently, we assess the performance of the algorithm on an increasing number of subcarriers (up to 12 × 2 Gbaud) while keeping the same aggregate symbol rate. Taking advantage of the higher robustness of MSC signals toward chromatic dispersion (CD), we demonstrate that the memoryless Stokes-based PolDemux algorithm, originally designed for short reach links, can also be used for low-complexity and modulation transparent polarization demultiplexing in long-haul systems. In addition, we demonstrate that the PolDemux rotation matrix for the MSC signals can be estimated over a restricted group of Nref subcarriers and seamlessly applied to all Nsc subcarriers, thereby significantly reducing the overall complexity by a factor of ∼Nsc/Nref

    A gestão e a autonomia da escola nas novas propostas de políticas educativas para a América Latina

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    This article discuss the educational problems of Latin American countries wich has experienced a high degree of elementary school attendance, without reaching good standards of quality. The authors point out that the educational system should change to meet the demands imposed on it by the technological modernization and greater social participation of the population. They emphasize the need to change the way the public school is managed today, toward a less centralized educational system and a greater degree of autonomy of the schools, in a such way that each one could develop its own pedagogical plan and be submitted to evaluation of performance.O artigo discute o momento educacional em que vivem os países latino-americanos, nos quais a cobertura do ensino fundamental tende a se universalizar, sem que tenham sido resolvidos os crônicos problemas de qualidade, expressos pelos altos índices de repetência e evasão. Contrapondo esse quadro educacional às novas demandas da modernização tecnológica e da participação social da população, as autoras propõem uma revisão do modelo de gestão da escola, voltado para a autonomia, baseado em projeto pedagógico próprio e avaliação dos resultados, bem como uma redefinição das funções do Estado e das estruturas centralizadas dos sistemas de ensino