608 research outputs found

    Sociotropy, Autonomy, and Self-Discrepancy: Status in Depressed, Remitted Depressed, and Control Participants

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    Examined the status of sociotropy, autonomy, and self-discrepancy in 28 clinically depressed (mean age 37.5 yrs), 20 remitted depressed (mean age 37 yrs), and 20 control individuals (mean age 30 yrs). Results from the Personal Style Inventory (PSI; C. J. Robins et al, 1990) and the Selves Questionnaire (E. T. Higgins et al, 1986) indicated that depressed, remitted, and control participants differed significantly in their levels of sociotropy, autonomy, and actual–ideal discrepancy. Depressed Ss evidencing the highest levels of these variables, remitted Ss the next highest, and control Ss the lowest. Both sociotropy and autonomy were significantly correlated with actual–ideal discrepancy. Each of the 3 variables studied accounted for unique variance in current depression. Together they accounted for 48% of the variance in depression scores. This study provides support for the relation of sociotropy, autonomy, and actual–ideal discrepancy to depression, and suggests a need for greater attention to issues of availability and accessibility in the area of depression research

    Projection results for the k-partition problem

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    The k-partition problem is an NP-hard combinatorial optimisation problem with many applications. Chopra and Rao introduced two integer programming formulations of this problem, one having both node and edge variables, and the other having only edge variables. We show that, if we take the polytopes associated with the ‘edge-only’ formulation, and project them into a suitable subspace, we obtain the polytopes associated with the ‘node-and-edge’ formulation. This result enables us to derive new valid inequalities and separation algorithms, and also to shed new light on certain SDP relaxations. Computational results are also presented

    Impacts of colistin sulfate on fecal Escherichia coli resistance and on growth performance of piglets in a post-weaning diarrhea model

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    Colistin sulfate (CS) is used in Canada for the treatment of post weaning diarrhea (PWD), to overcome conventional therapeutic antibiotics failures. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of a conventional oral regimen of CS for the treatment of PWD, on the development of E. coli CS resistance and to evaluate the effect of ETEC: F4 infection on CS intestinal absorption. A total of 48 pigs were used, challenge was carried out by oral administration of 109CFU of a hemolytic ETEC: F4 strain resistant to nalidixic acid. CS was administered at a dose of 50.000 UI/kg twice a day for 5 days. Feces were examined clinically and bacteriologically before and after challenge to evaluate presence of diarrhea and E. coli fecal excretion. ETEC: F4 virulence factors were monitored and CS plasma concentrations were quantified by an HPLC-MS/MS. From one until six days after CS administration, a significant reduction in the fecal excretion of ETEC: F4, total E. coli, ETEC: F4 virulence factors and in diarrhea scores was observed in the challenged treated group compared to the challenged untreated group (p\u3c0.0001). No significant difference in growth performances was observed in treated compared to non-treated pigs (p\u3e0.71). A significant selection pressure on E. coli total population was observed following CS treatment (p\u3c0.0001). Challenge with ETEC: F4 resulted in an increase in intestinal absorption of CS. Our study is the first to demonstrate in an experimental model of PWD, that CS at a dose of 50,000 IU/kg is effective in reducing fecal excretion of E. coli. However, this regimen was associated with a selection pressure on E. coli CS resistance, and did not improve growth performance in challenged pigs. Thus, the use of this antibiotic in pig should be revised

    A Sec14p-nodulin domain phosphatidylinositol transfer protein polarizes membrane growth of Arabidopsis thaliana root hairs

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    Phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) transfer proteins (PITPs) regulate signaling interfaces between lipid metabolism and membrane trafficking. Herein, we demonstrate that AtSfh1p, a member of a large and uncharacterized Arabidopsis thaliana Sec14p-nodulin domain family, is a PITP that regulates a specific stage in root hair development. AtSfh1p localizes along the root hair plasma membrane and is enriched in discrete plasma membrane domains and in the root hair tip cytoplasm. This localization pattern recapitulates that visualized for PtdIns(4,5)P2 in developing root hairs. Gene ablation experiments show AtSfh1p nullizygosity compromises polarized root hair expansion in a manner that coincides with loss of tip-directed PtdIns(4,5)P2, dispersal of secretory vesicles from the tip cytoplasm, loss of the tip f-actin network, and manifest disorganization of the root hair microtubule cytoskeleton. Derangement of tip-directed Ca2+ gradients is also apparent and results from isotropic influx of Ca2+ from the extracellular milieu. We propose AtSfh1p regulates intracellular and plasma membrane phosphoinositide polarity landmarks that focus membrane trafficking, Ca2+ signaling, and cytoskeleton functions to the growing root hair apex. We further suggest that Sec14p-nodulin domain proteins represent a family of regulators of polarized membrane growth in plants

    Exploring young people's perspectives on mental health support: a qualitative study across three geographical areas in England, UK

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    Improving young people's (YP) mental health and well-being is a global public health priority. Despite continued commitment within the UK policy agenda to improve the mental health and well-being of YP, the incidence of mental health issues continues to rise. This has been further compounded by the outbreak of COVID-19 which has disproportionately affected YP in the most socioeconomically disadvantaged areas. Understanding YP's perspectives on what supports their mental health is important to develop policies that meet their needs. We conducted focus groups (n = 18 with 42 YP aged 13–21) in three geographical areas with high levels of deprivation in England, UK. Recruited through six local youth organisations, each group of YP took part in three interlinked focus groups designed to explore their perceptions of what impacts their health in their local area, and their understandings of health inequalities through participatory methods. Throughout their discussions, YP foregrounded the significance of mental health and mental health support structures. YP perceived challenges to accessing mental health provision and an unmet need for support within their local communities. Alongside this, YP consistently highlighted the importance of youth groups for promoting good mental health and mitigating challenges to poor mental health. However, ongoing cuts to the voluntary sector and universal services continue to impact areas and individuals in the greatest need. In the face of deficits in formal mental health support, our findings highlight the pressing need for increased investment in services focused on prevention (such as youth groups) in areas of high deprivation

    Young people's experiences of physical activity insecurity: a qualitative study highlighting intersectional disadvantage in the UK

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    Background Intersecting socioeconomic and demographic reasons for physical activity (PA) inequalities are not well understood for young people at risk of experiencing marginalisation and living with disadvantage. This study explored young people’s experiences of PA in their local area, and the associated impacts on opportunities for good physical and emotional health and wellbeing. Methods Seven local youth groups were purposefully sampled from disadvantaged areas across urban, rural and coastal areas of England, including two that were specifically for LGBTQ + young people. Each group engaged in three interlinked focus groups which explored young people’s perceptions and lived experience of PA inequalities. Data were analysed using an inductive, reflexive thematic approach to allow for flexibility in coding. Results Fifty five young people aged 12–21 years of different sexualities, gender and ethnicity took part. Analysis yielded four themes: PA experiences across spaces; resigned to a lack of inclusivity and ‘belonging’; safety first; complexities in access and accessibility. Young people felt more comfortable to be active in spaces that were simpler to navigate, particularly outdoor locations largely based in nature. In contrast, local gyms and sports clubs, and the school environment in general, were spoken about often in negative terms and as spaces where they experienced insecurity, unsafety or discomfort. It was common for these young people to feel excluded from PA, often linked to their gender and sexuality. Lived experiences or fears of being bullied and harassed in many activity spaces was a powerful message, but in contrast, young people perceived their local youth club as a safe space. Intersecting barriers related to deprivation, gender and sexuality, accessibility, disability, Covid-19, affordability, ethnicity, and proximity of social networks. A need emerged for safe spaces in which young people can come together, within the local community and choose to be active. Conclusions The overarching concept of ‘physical activity insecurity’ emerged as a significant concern for the young people in this study. We posit that PA insecurity in this context can be described as a limited or restricted ability to be active, reinforced by worries and lived experiences of feeling uncomfortable, insecure, or unsafe

    Union renewal in historical perspective

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    This article revisits contemporary union renewal/revival debates through comparison with the late 1930s resurgence of trade unionism in the UK’s engineering industry. It is argued that the 1930s union renewal arose from more favourable contextual conditions than those currently obtaining. It was led by political activists, with better-articulated organisation and greater resonance in the working class than their contemporary counterparts, and who were assisted by state policy and pro-worker forces. Conclusions are drawn in relation to current debates