489 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Quantum Teaching Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas Iiib Sdn 136 Pekanbaru

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    The background of this study is the low learning achievement of social science of grade IIIB SDN 136 Pekanbaru. This can be seen from the average daily test of 59.03 out of 31 students. While the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) that has been determined primary school that is 75. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes IPS of grade IIIB SDN 136 Pekanbaru with the application of Quantum Teaching model. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). This research was conducted at SDN 136 Pekanbaru with sample of student of grade IIIB student which amounted to 31 students. Based on the research result, it is found that teacher activity in every learning has increased, that is in cycle I 80% and in cycle II also increase with teacher activity average become 85%. Student activity also increase in each learning, this can be proved by the average of student activity in cycle I 61,36% and in cycle II rose to 70,45%. Based on the scores of student learning outcomes in a classical there is an increase in the number of students who reach the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) that is on the first cycle of the percentage of 74.19% while in the second cycle of completion classical students 93.54%. Application of Quantum Teaching model can improve student learning result of grade IIIB SDN 136 Pekanbaru this matter can be seen from average score base is 59,03 in cycle I increase become 73,06 with 23,76% increase then cycle II increase to 89, 19 with an increase of 51.09%

    The Impact of Employee Motivation on Organizational Commitment

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of motivating the front line employees of retail stores in Jordan on the organizational commitment. The study is aim to appraise the existing literatures and build up the conceptual framework as well as hypotheses. The research was conducted with a convenience sample. A total of 97 respondents from C-Town retail stores and Sameh Mall have participated in this research survey. Analysis of data and the discussion is included. Data collected were analyzed by the application of statistical tests i.e., Cronbach’s alpha reliability, Pearson correlation and Simple Linear Regression using SPSS 20.0. Results showed that significant impact from employee motivation of front line employees on organizational commitment (affective, normative and continuance). Some important recommendations are also derived from the study. Keywords: Employee Motivation, Organizational Commitment, Affective Organizational Commitment, Continuance Organizational Commitment, Normative Organizational Commitment

    O uso de ch?s para o combate da obesidade pelas mulheres acima de 40 anos do munic?pio de Roque Gonzales

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    (The use of teas to fight obesity by women over 40 in Roque Gonzales city). Dietary changes in recent decades have led the world's population to develop types of obesities that cause health problems such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. With some drugs to combat obesity been forbiden, the teas gaining attention, but there is a need for more research into this use. The objective of this study was to evaluate the consumption of medicinal plants, medicines, and other forms of alternative medicine for obesity fighting for women over 40 years old living in the town of Roque Gonzales. In this paper, household interviews were conducted (86 women) through questionnaires answered after signing the informed consent form. Among the results, we found that 68.7 % of respondents is considered above normal weight and 60.2% reported having ever used any plant in the form of tea in order to lose weight. The most consumed plant for this purpose has been guabiroba, followed by artichokes and gorse, mainly in the form of infusion sheet. When asked about the use of slimming drugs 14 % reported having used and 50 % mentioned having already used an alternative method for weight loss as sympathy and drinking warm water. Thus, this work showed the concern of interview with weight loss and the use of teas to this end.(O uso de ch?s para o combate da obesidade pelas mulheres acima de 40 anos do munic?pio de Roque Gonzales). As mudan?as alimentares ocorridas nas ?ltimas d?cadas t?m levado a popula??o mundial a desenvolver tipos de obesidades que acarretam problemas de sa?de como Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 e doen?as cardiovasculares. Com a proibi??o de alguns f?rmacos para o combate da obesidade, os ch?s v?m ganhando adeptos, por?m existe uma necessidade de mais investiga??o sobre este uso. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o consumo de plantas medicinais, medicamentos, e outras formas de medicina alternativa para o combate da obesidade pelas mulheres acima de 40 anos, residentes no munic?pio de Roque Gonzales/RS. Neste trabalho, foram realizadas entrevistas domiciliares (86 mulheres) atrav?s de question?rios, respondidos ap?s assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre Esclarecimento (TCLE). Dentre os resultados obtidos observamos que 68,7 % das entrevistadas est? acima do peso considerado normal e 60,2 % relataram que j? utilizaram alguma planta na forma de ch? com o intuito de emagrecer. A planta mais consumida com esta finalidade foi guabiroba, seguida pela alcachofra e carqueja, principalmente sob a forma de infus?o da folha. Ao serem perguntadas sobre o uso de medicamento para emagrecer 14 % responderam j? ter feito uso e 50 % mencionou j? ter utilizado um m?todo alternativo para perda de peso como simpatia e ingest?o de ?gua morna. Dessa forma, este trabalho mostrou evid?ncias da preocupa??o das entrevistadas com a perda de peso e o uso de ch?s para atingir este fim

    Tomografia sísmica da litosfera continental algarvia

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    RESUMO: O presente estudo de Tomografia é focado na região do Algarve. Para a localização dos eventos e determinação do modelo de velocidades, são utilizadas as ondas P e S. Os dados foram obtidos entre Janeiro/2006 e Julho/2007. As estimativa dos tempos de origem e coordenadas hipocentrais foram calculadas. A relocalização de eventos e inversão linear respeitaram dois passos: 1) determinação do modelo mínimo 1-D e 2) relocalização dos hipocentros e obtenção da estrutura 3-D em termos de velocidades das ondas P. ABSTRACT: The present Tomographic study is focused on Algarve region. For event location and velocity model determination P and S waves were used. Data was collected between January/2006 and July/2007. The estimation of origin times and hipocentral determination were calculated. Relocation of events and linear inversion respected two steps: 1) minimum velocity model determination and 2) hipocentral relocation and 3-D Earth structure determination in terms of P wave velocities

    Species occurrence of cetaceans in Guinea, including humpback whales with southern hemisphere seasonality

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    An initial inventory of the dolphins and whales occurring in Guinea's coastal waters is documented primarily from specimens and photographic evidence obtained from strandings and by-catches. Seven species are fully validated, four odontocetes, Tursiops truncatus, Sousa teuszii, Stenella frontalis, Kogia breviceps and three balaenopterid whales: Balaenoptera brydei, Balaenoptera acutorostrata and Megaptera novaeangliae. Another three reported species (Globicephala macrorhynchus, Steno bredanensis and Delphinus delphis) are insufficiently supported but thought to be valid. Small cetaceans landed as by-catch and a stranded whale were used for human consumption, but no evidence of substantial takes, directed or by-catch, was found. However, concern is raised about even minimal takes of the vulnerable Atlantic humpback dolphin. The seasonal presence of three confirmed humpback whales, two strandings (July and September) and a sighting (October), is synchronous with the species' southern hemisphere wintering/breeding season in low latitudes. We hypothesize that these whales may comprise the north-westernmost range of the population that breeds/overwinters in coastal waters of the Bight of Benin, northern Gulf of Guinea

    Epidemiological and diagnostic aspects of spontaneous miscarriage in the department of gynecology-obstetric of the university hospital of Treichville in Abidjan

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    Background: Describe the epidemiological and diagnostic of spontaneous aspects of early miscarriage in the department of the Gynecology Obsteric of Treichville University Teaching Hospital of   Treichville in Abidjan.Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed from January 2016 to March 2017 on patients received for an early miscarriage (gestational age less than 14 weeks of amenorrhea).Results: We recorded 337 cases of miscarriage and it shows that miscarriage was frequently estimated at 58 percent. Our patients had a average age of 32.9 years, 60.4 percent of them with primary education and 48 percent are housewives. The patients were paucigestes in 46 percent and the majority of them were nulliparous (62 percent). 6 percent with history of high blood pressure; diabetes (3 percent) and 31 percent of patients were HIV positive. Patients had pelvic pain at the admission in (55 percent). A miscarriage appears before 10 weeks of amenorrhea (76.1 percent) of cases. Ultrasound showed ovular debris (47 percent) of patients and (55.4 percent) were chromosomal abnormalities on anatomy-pathological examination.Conclusions: Spontaneous abortions are common and pathological examination is essential for diagnosis

    The cetaceans of Guinea, a first check-list of documented species. Scientific Committee document SC/58/O15, International Whaling Commission, May-June 2006, St. Kitts

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    A CMS workshop on West African Cetacea (Conakry, May 2000), called for i.a. ‘carrying out .. inventory of cetacean species; collection, treatment and compilation of data for each state.’ The present paper is a preliminary faunal checklist of cetaceans occurring in Guinea’s EEZ. Information was gleaned from strandings, bycatches, scientific and opportunistic sightings and a literature review. Ten species are included for which supporting voucher material and data were available for examination. These are, three baleen whales: Balaenoptera brydei, Balaenoptera acutorostrata and Megaptera novaeangliae; and seven species of odontocetes: Kogia breviceps, Tursiops truncatus, Sousa teuszii, Stenella frontalis, Delphinus delphis, Steno bredanensis and Globicephala macrorhynchus. Another two species, Physeter macrocephalus and Stenella attenuate were sighted off Guinea but no photographic evidence was obtained. The current account is thought to reflect an incomplete picture of Guinea’s cetacean biodiversity. Future surveys are expected to update and investigate spatial and temporal distribution patterns for each species along Guinea’s coast. A few bycatches landed by artisanal fishers were utilised locally, but there are no signs of any substantial captures. Nonetheless, monitoring should be continued. The set-up of a national reference collection and database is recommended. The population identities of the encountered Atlantic humpback dolphin, minke whale and humpback whale are of particular interest

    Acute febrile illness and influenza disease burden in a rural cohort dedicated to malaria in Senegal, 2012-2013

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    Background African populations are considered to be particularly vulnerable to fever illnesses, including malaria, and acute respiratory disease, owing to limited resources and overcrowding. However, the overall burden of influenza in this context is poorly defined and incidence data for African countries are scarce. We therefore studied the fever syndrome incidence and more specifically influenza incidence in a cohort of inhabitants of Dielmo and Ndiop in Sokone district, Senegal. Methods Daily febrile-illness data were prospectively obtained from January 2012 to December 2013 from the cohort of the villages of Dielmo and Ndiop, initially dedicated to the study of malaria. Nasopharyngeal swabs were collected from, and malaria diagnosis tests (thick blood smears) carried out on, every febrile individual during clinical visits; reverse transcriptase- polymerase chain reaction was used to identify influenza viruses in the samples. Binomial negative regression analysis was used to study the relationship between the monthly incidence rate and various covariates. Results In Dielmo and Ndiop, the incidence ofmalaria has decreased, but fever syndromes remain frequent. Among the 1036 inhabitants included in the cohort, a total of 1,129 episodes of fever were reported. Influenza was present all year round with peaks in October-December 2012 and August 2013. The fever, ILI and influenza incidence density rates differed significantly between age groups. At both sites, the adjusted incidence relative risks for fever syndromes and ILI were significantly higher in the [6-24 months) than other age groups: 7.3 (95% CI: [5.7-9.3]) and 16.1 (95% CI: [11.1-23.3]) respectively. The adjusted incidence relative risk for influenza was significantly higher for the [0-6 months) than other age groups: 9.9 (95% CI: [2.9-33.6]). At both sites, incidence density rates were lowest among adults > = 50 years. Conclusions In this rural setting in Senegal, influenza was most frequent among the youngest children. Preventive strategies targeting this population should be implemented

    Chemical Composition, Bioactive Components and Antioxidant Activities from Root, Bark and Leaf Lindur

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    Plants lindur (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) is one of the plants that have a potential asa source of bioactive compounds for the antioxidant. This study aimed to determine thechemical composition, bioactive compound and determine antioxidant activity of leaves,bark and roots of plants lindur (B. gymnorrhiza). This research was conducted throughseveral stages proximate test, stratified extraction, phytochemical test, and antioxidantactivity test with DPPH. The highest yield value resulting by ethanol extract of the leavesis 12,85 % and the lowest was produced by n-hexane root extract that is 0,18 %. The leavescontain high levels of protein, fat, and water which is the higher of the two parts from theother samples. Bark containing ash content (4,12%) and carbohydrates (46,02%). Root hasthe highest levels of carbohydrates that is 25,91 %. Bioactive components were detected onethanol and ethyl acetate extracts of the leaves are flavonoids, tannins, phenols, saponins,steroids and tritepenoid. Bark extract ethanol, ethyl acetate and ethanol root bark hasbioactive components there are flavonoids, tannins, phenols, saponins, and tritepenoid. Ethyl acetate extract of the roots only have bioactive components there are flavonoids,phenols, saponins, and triterpenoids. The potential antioxidant activity produced fromethyl acetate extracts of bark lindur with IC50 values is 14,21 ppm.Keywords: Antioxidants, phytochemicals, roots, ethanol, Bruguiera gymnorrhiz
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