46 research outputs found

    Enablers and barriers to mental health initiatives in construction SMEs

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    BackgroundMental ill-health is prevalent in the construction industry, and workers in small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are at high risk. Knowledge about the implementation of mental health initiatives in construction SMEs is limited.AimsTo explore enablers and barriers to implementing mental health initiatives within UK SME construction firms from the perspective of the business owners, directors and managers with responsibilities for workplace mental health.MethodsQualitative study involving semi-structured interviews conducted with company owners/managers with responsibilities for workforce mental health. Participants were sampled from construction SMEs in the UK.ResultsEleven construction professionals were interviewed (10 men, 1 woman; aged 34–55 years, M = 40.6) representing UK SME construction firms that were micro (<10 employees, n = 8), small (<50 employees, n = 1) and medium (<250 employees, n = 2) sized organizations. Reflexive thematic analysis generated four themes: (i) traditional views and macho culture, identified as barriers to implementation; (ii) mental health awareness, knowledge and education; (iii) valuing good mental health and (iv) a reactive or proactive approach to mental health, which all served as both enablers and barriers depending on perspective and context.ConclusionsThis study sheds light on an under-researched but high-risk category of workers experiencing poor mental health. We provide recommendations for policy and practice with a ‘call to action’ for SME owners, industry and policymakers to embark on workplace mental health implementation projects in SME settings

    The Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) study: design and methods for a cluster-randomized pragmatic trial

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    Background: Patients discharged home after stroke face significant challenges managing residual neurological deficits, secondary prevention, and pre-existing chronic conditions. Post-discharge care is often fragmented leading to increased healthcare costs, readmissions, and sub-optimal utilization of rehabilitation and community services. The COMprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) Study is an ongoing cluster-randomized pragmatic trial to assess the effectiveness of a comprehensive, evidence-based, post-acute care model on patient-centered outcomes. Methods: Forty-one hospitals in North Carolina were randomized (as 40 units) to either implement the COMPASS care model or continue their usual care. The recruitment goal is 6000 patients (3000 per arm). Hospital staff ascertain and enroll patients discharged home with a clinical diagnosis of stroke or transient ischemic attack. Patients discharged from intervention hospitals receive 2-day telephone follow-up; a comprehensive clinic visit within 2 weeks that includes a neurological evaluation, assessments of social and functional determinants of health, and an individualized COMPASS Care PlanTM integrated with a community-specific resource database; and additional follow-up calls at 30 and 60 days post-stroke discharge. This model is consistent with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services transitional care management services provided by physicians or advanced practice providers with support from a nurse to conduct patient assessments and coordinate follow-up services. Patients discharged from usual care hospitals represent the control group and receive the standard of care in place at that hospital. Patient-centered outcomes are collected from telephone surveys administered at 90 days. The primary endpoint is patient-reported functional status as measured by the Stroke Impact Scale 16. Secondary outcomes are: caregiver strain, all-cause readmissions, mortality, healthcare utilization, and medication adherence. The study engages patients, caregivers, and other stakeholders (including policymakers, advocacy groups, payers, and local community coalitions) to advise and support the design, implementation, and sustainability of the COMPASS care model. Discussion: Given the high societal and economic burden of stroke, identifying a care model to improve recovery, independence, and quality of life is critical for stroke survivors and their caregivers. The pragmatic trial design provides a real-world assessment of the COMPASS care model effectiveness and will facilitate rapid implementation into clinical practice if successful

    Клинически значимые варианты анатомии ветвления чревного ствола и прилежащих к нему лимфоузлов

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    Challenges in conducting research with hospitalized olderpeople with cancer: drawing from the experience of anongoing interview-based project.

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    Older people with cancer often face the prospect of cognitive and physical frailty, increased vulnerability ofpsychological distress and limited access to resources. These factors present ethical and methodologicalchallenges for conducting research in such patients, especially interviews in acute care settings. This paperdiscusses these challenges using experiences from an ongoing research project. The project is a patient-focusedstudy on the perceptions of older people with cancer regarding information provided to them, decision makingand treatment. Interviews with patients aged 65 or over with a cancer diagnosis are conducted in two clinicalsettings, care of the elderly wards and a cancer centre whilst they are in-patients. Patients’ cognitive andphysical status are assessed using clinical measures, whereas socio-demographic and medical data are obtainedfrom patient files. Ethical challenges, including procedures to obtain valid consent, as well as methodologicalchoices, including recruitment procedures and patient conditions are presented and debated with reference toprevious literature. Suggestions for future research with older people with cancer are made based both oncurrent experience and previous literature