556 research outputs found

    Complete solution of a constrained tropical optimization problem with application to location analysis

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    We present a multidimensional optimization problem that is formulated and solved in the tropical mathematics setting. The problem consists of minimizing a nonlinear objective function defined on vectors over an idempotent semifield by means of a conjugate transposition operator, subject to constraints in the form of linear vector inequalities. A complete direct solution to the problem under fairly general assumptions is given in a compact vector form suitable for both further analysis and practical implementation. We apply the result to solve a multidimensional minimax single facility location problem with Chebyshev distance and with inequality constraints imposed on the feasible location area.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Eu ganho, a empresa ganha ou ganhamos juntos? Traços moderados do Dark Triad e a maximização de lucros

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    This article analyzes the relationship between the maximization of personal and company gains and the moderate traits of the Dark Triad. The relevance of choosing this topic lies in investigating the attitude of executives who exhibit characteristics of a moderate intensity between the strong and weak traits. It is proven that the vision and charisma of narcissistic individuals, the strategy and tactics of Machiavellian individuals, and the creativity and good strategic thinking of psychopathic individuals are differentiating characteristics that enhance successful and integrative leadership and that are far from the more accentuated and opportunistic attitudes related to the strong traits, whose practices involve dishonest actions for personal gain. This evidence creates the possibility for strengthening the research in the accounting area, especially on the behavioral approach, in order to promote its interface with psychology and clarify how personality, values, and experiences influence managers’ choices when conducting business and how workers and companies are impacted by these decisions. The study is empirical-theoretical and involves 263 managers, adopting a survey as its data collection strategy and applying a selfreporting type questionnaire. The data analysis approaches included descriptive statistics, correlations, tests of means, and logistic regressions. In this study, managers with moderate psychopathic traits showed a lower tendency to maximize profit by manipulating results. An opposite tendency was revealed for those with moderate Machiavellian traits. The combined effect of the three Dark Triad traits was significant and positive, revealing opportunistic profit maximization. These findings contribute to future studies that aim to systematically analyze moderate levels of the triad and corroborate the findings that have revealed the common characteristics of manipulation, callousness, and dishonesty when investigating the interactive effect between the traits in question.Este artigo analisa a relação entre a maximização de ganhos pessoais e empresariais e os traços moderados do Dark Triad. A relevância da escolha do tema recai sobre a investigação da atitude de executivos que exibem características com intensidade moderada entre os altos e baixos traços. Comprova-se que a visão e o carisma do indivíduo narcisista, a estratégia e tática do indivíduo maquiavelista e a criatividade e o bom pensamento estratégico do indivíduo psicopata são características diferenciadoras que potencializam uma liderança bem-sucedida e integradora – distante de atitudes negativas mais acentuadas e oportunísticas, concernentes aos altos traços, cujas práticas evidenciam ações desonestas para ganho pessoal. Tais evidências proporcionam a possibilidade de fortalecimento das pesquisas na área contábil, em especial da abordagem comportamental, por promover sua interface com a psicologia para esclarecer como a personalidade, os valores e as experiências influenciam as escolhas dos gestores na condução do negócio e como os funcionários e as empresas são impactados por essas decisões. Trata-se de pesquisa empírico-teórica, realizada com 263 gerentes, adotando o survey como estratégia de coleta de dados – com aplicação de questionário do tipo autorrelato. As abordagens de análise de dados foram: estatística descritiva, correlação, teste de médias e regressão logística. Neste estudo, gestores com traços moderados de Psicopatia evidenciaram menor disposição a maximizar ganhos por meio da manipulação de resultados. Disposição contrária foi revelada para aqueles com traços moderados de Maquiavelismo. O efeito combinado entre os três traços do Dark Triad foi significativo e positivo, com a maximização oportunística de ganhos. Tais achados contribuem com futuras pesquisas que almejem analisar de modo sistemático o nível moderado da tríade e corroboram os achados que revelaram as características comuns de manipulação, insensibilidade e desonestidade quando se investiga o efeito interativo entre os traços em questão

    Speech Communication

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    Contains research objectives and summary of research on three research projects and reports on three research projects.National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 RO1 NS04332-12)U. S. Navy Office of Naval Research (Contract ONR N00014-67-A-0204-0069)Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAB07-74-C-0630)National Institutes of Health (Grant 2 RO1 NS04332-11

    Semiring and semimodule issues in MV-algebras

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    In this paper we propose a semiring-theoretic approach to MV-algebras based on the connection between such algebras and idempotent semirings - such an approach naturally imposing the introduction and study of a suitable corresponding class of semimodules, called MV-semimodules. We present several results addressed toward a semiring theory for MV-algebras. In particular we show a representation of MV-algebras as a subsemiring of the endomorphism semiring of a semilattice, the construction of the Grothendieck group of a semiring and its functorial nature, and the effect of Mundici categorical equivalence between MV-algebras and lattice-ordered Abelian groups with a distinguished strong order unit upon the relationship between MV-semimodules and semimodules over idempotent semifields.Comment: This version contains some corrections to some results at the end of Section

    Presencia de Linfocitos T Reguladores en Periodontitis Crónica

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    ResumenLa enfermedad periodontal requiere de un hospedero susceptible para su desarrollo y progresión. Dentro de las características del hospedero se encuentra la respuesta T reguladora, que otorga tolerancia frente a antígenos propios y participa durante las enfermedades infecciosas limitando el daño tisular, sin disminuir la respuesta antibacteriana. El presente estudio tiene por objetivo determinar la presencia, reclutamiento y función de Tregs en pacientes con periodontitis crónica. En 10 biopsias de tejido periodontal sano y con periodontits crónica se realizó inmunohistoquímica para marcadores (CD4, CD25, Foxp3), quimioquinas (CCL17, CCL22) y citoquinas (TGF-β, IL-10) de Tregs. Además de Western-Blot para detectar las citoquinas. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren una posible asociación entre células Tregs y la infección periodontal, ya que se confirma su reclutamiento y presencia. Sin embargo, son necesarios más estudios del posible desbalance con su contraparte pro-inflamatoria Th17, que expliquen en parte la compleja etiopatogenia de la enfermedad periodontal.AbstractPeriodontal disease requires a susceptible host to initiation, development and progression. T regulatory response is one of these inmunoregulatory characteristics of the susceptible host, which provide tolerance, tissular protection during infection without impairing the control of periodontopathogens. The aim of this study is to determinate the presence, homing and function of T regulatory cells (Tregs) in patients with chronic periodontitis. Ten biopsies were taken from pockets, the presence of Tregs markers (CD4, CD25, Foxp3), chemokines (CCL17, CCL22) and cytokines (TGF-β, IL-10) were determinate by immunohistochemistry. Cytokines also were detected with Western-Blot. Our results suggest a possible association between Tregs and periodontal infection, confirming homing and presence of Tregs. However, further studies are required to determine the possible imbalance with pro-inflammatory part Th17, that might explain the complex etiopathogenesis of periodontal disease

    Bronchial responses to substance P after antigen challenge in the guinea-pig: in vivo and in vitro studies

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    The effect of antigen challenge on the airway responses to substance P and on the epithelial neutral endopeptidase (NEP) activity was investigated in aerosol sensitized guinea-pigs. In vivo, bronchial responses to aerosolized substance P were similar to the responses observed in antigen-challenged guinea-pigs and in the control groups. In contrast, when the guinea-pigs were pretreated with the NEP inhibitor, phosphoramidon, a significant increase in the airway responses to substance P was observed after antigen challenge in vivo. However, in vitro, the contractile responses of the tracheal smooth muscle to substance P were similar between groups of guinea-pigs, in respect to the presence or absence of the epithelium and/or phosphoramidon. Histological studies showed an accumulation of eosinophils in the tracheal submucosa after antigen challenge and intact epithelial cells. These results show that in vivo bronchial hyperresponsiveness to substance P after antigen challenge in the guinea-pig is not associated with increased responses of the smooth muscle to exogenous SP in vitro. In addition, the results with phosphoramidon suggest that loss of NEP activity cannot account for the in vivo bronchial hyperresponsiveness to substance P presently observed

    Asymptotics of Selberg-like integrals: The unitary case and Newton's interpolation formula

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    We investigate the asymptotic behavior of the Selberg-like integral 1N![0,1]Nx1pi<j(xixj)2ixia1(1xi)b1dxi \frac1{N!}\int_{[0,1]^N}x_1^p\prod_{i<j}(x_i-x_j)^2\prod_ix_i^{a-1}(1-x_i)^{b-1}dx_i, as NN\to\infty for different scalings of the parameters aa and bb with NN. Integrals of this type arise in the random matrix theory of electronic scattering in chaotic cavities supporting NN channels in the two attached leads. Making use of Newton's interpolation formula, we show that an asymptotic limit exists and we compute it explicitly

    Ancient agriculture in Southeast Arabia: A three thousand year record of runoff farming from central Oman (Rustaq)

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    Runoff farming is a key hydro-agricultural strategy that has proven efficient in arid areas. Research in Arabia on the function, development, maintenance, durability and abandonment of this technology is scarce. A multiproxy investigation (cartography, sedimentology, pedology, geochemistry, paleo-ecology and chronology) was conducted on a recently abandoned terraced area in Rustaq, Northern Oman. The aim was to characterize the formation, function and management of this runoff system and the driving factors behind its success. Cycles of cultivation were identified during the Iron Age II/III periods (specifically 750–450 BCE), the Early Pre-Islamic Period (PIR) (specifically 350–200 BCE), the Early and Middle Islamic periods (specifically 8–10th C CE, 13th-14th C CE) and the late Islamic period (specifically 17th C CE and later). This expansion and perenniality was possible thanks to: 1- available water (local to micro-regional orogenic precipitation despite a regional aridification during these periods); 2- suitable soils (weathered geological outcrops, probable aeolian /dust particles); 3- a system of production combining crops and husbandry; 4- a progressive increase in agricultural specialization (crops grown and techniques) in parallel with a diversification in hydraulic technology. These results are to some degree in accordance with known phases of settlement intensification and economic growth, but also reveal the persistence of small-scale rural livelihoods during periods of harsh conditions for which archaeological traces are very scarce

    The tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib affects ovulation but not ovarian reserve in mouse: A preclinical study

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate ovarian toxicity of tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) sunitinib, since only scarce data are available on gonadal function after this treatment. Six-weekold female mice received orally, once daily, vehicle or sunitinib (50 mg/kg/d) during 5 weeks. Fertility parameters were analyzed from ovulation to litter assessment. Sunitinib exposure significantly reduced (i) corpora lutea number per ovary (1.1 ± 0.38 in sunitinib group versus 4 ± 0.79 in control group, p<0.01) and (ii) serum Anti Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels in sunitinib treated mice (12.01 ± 1.16) compared to control mice (14.33 ± 0.87 ng/ml, p< 0.05). However, primordial and growing follicles numbers per ovary were not different in both groups. After treatment withdrawal, female mice in both groups were able to obtain litters. These data could be helpful to counsel clinicians and patients, when fertility preservation methods are discussed, before TKI treatment in girls and young women