114 research outputs found

    Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris race 1 is the main causal agent of black rot of Brassicas in Southern Mozambique

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    Severe outbreaks of bacterial black rot caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) were observed in Brassica production fields of Southern Mozambique. The causal agent of the disease in the Mahotas and Chòkwé districts was identified and characterised. In total, 83 Xanthomonas-like strains were isolated from seed samples and leaves of cabbage and tronchuda cole with typical symptoms of the disease. Forty-six out of the 83 strains were found to be putative Xcc in at least one of the tests used: Classical biochemical assays, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with monoclonal antibodies, Biolog identification system, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specific primers and pathogenicity tests. The ELISA tests were positive for 43 strains. Biolog identified 43 strains as Xanthomonas, but only 32 as Xcc. PCR tests with primers targeting a fragment of the hrpF gene were positive for all 46 strains tested. Three strains were not pathogenic or weakly pathogenic and all other strains caused typical black rot symptoms in brassicas. Race type differentiation tests revealed the Xcc strains from Mozambique as members of race 1. The prevalence of this pathogenic race of the Xcc pathogen in Mozambique should be considered when black rot resistant cultivars are evaluated or introduced into the production regions of this country

    African fan palm (Borassus aethiopum) and oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) are alternate hosts of coconut lethal yellowing phytoplasma in Mozambique

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    In this study, potential alternate hosts of the phytoplasma causing coconut lethal yellowing disease (CLYD) in Mozambique were investigated based on 16S rRNA and secA genes. The results reveal that the naturalized palm species, Elaeis guineensis and Borassus aethiopum are alternate hosts of CLYD phytoplasma in Mozambique. Based on the iPhyClassifier online software, the phytoplasma detected in B. aethiopum belongs to the 16Sr group XXII-A, which include ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma palmicola’ and ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma cocosnigeriae’. This is the first report associating ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma palmicola’ with wild naturalized palm species in the world. Key words: Alternate hosts, Borassus aethiopum, „Candidatus Phytoplasma palmicola‟, Elaeis guineensis, Mozambique, palm lethal phytoplasma phylogeny

    Loss of correlation between HIV viral load and CD4+ T-cell counts in HIV/HTLV-1 co-infection in treatment naive Mozambican patients

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    Seven hundred and four HIV-1/2-positive, antiretroviral therapy (ART) naïve patients were screened for HTLV-1 infection. Antibodies to HTLV-1 were found in 32/704 (4.5%) of the patients. Each co-infected individual was matched with two HIV mono-infected patients according to World Health Organization clinical stage, age +/-5 years and gender. Key clinical and laboratory characteristics were compared between the two groups. Mono-infected and co-infected patients displayed similar clinical characteristics. However, co-infected patients had higher absolute CD4+ T-cell counts (P = 0.001), higher percentage CD4+ T-cell counts (P < 0.001) and higher CD4/CD8 ratios (P < 0.001). Although HIV plasma RNA viral loads were inversely correlated with CD4+ T-cell-counts in mono-infected patients (P < 0.0001), a correlation was not found in co-infected individuals (P = 0.11). Patients with untreated HIV and HTLV-1 co-infection show a dissociation between immunological and HIV virological markers. Current recommendations for initiating ART and chemoprophylaxis against opportunistic infections in resource-poor settings rely on more readily available CD4+ T-cell counts without viral load parameters. These guidelines are not appropriate for co-infected individuals in whom high CD4+ T-cell counts persist despite high HIV viral load states. Thus, for co-infected patients, even in resource-poor settings, HIV viral loads are likely to contribute information crucial for the appropriate timing of ART introduction

    Advanced Design and Fabrication of Microwave Components Based on Shape Optimization and 3D Ceramic Stereolithography Process

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    International audienceThe design of advanced components for space and terrestrial telecommunication systems requires both sophisticated design methodologies and manufacturing technologies for improving current component characteristics. In particular, optimizing the shape and the size of a component is a problem of primary importance for microwave engineers. Moreover, for designing RF and microwave components or antennas, the use of ceramic materials is preferable in order to satisfy both electrical and dimensional constraints. The main objective of this chapter is to demonstrate that it is possible to jointly improve the design and fabrication procedures of ceramic based advanced RF components. In this context, a ceramic 3D stereolithography based rapid prototyping technique is applied for fabricating 3D ceramic structures. As presented next, theoretical and experimental approaches are complementary and innovative components with excellent electrical performances have been designed, manufactured and characterized. Then the contribution demonstrates how an original CAD design approach based on shape optimization methods can be applied for improving electrical performance and integration of microwave and millimeter-wave devices


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    Management of coconut ( Cocos nucifera ) lethal yellowing disease (CLYD), which has killed about eight million coconut trees in Mozambique, has proved challenging. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of farming practices and related history, on the CLYD incidence in Mozambique. The methodology included a socioeconomic questionnaire to the households and direct observations on the palm farms. The collected data were analysed using logistic regression. Five out of 11 explanatory variables tested, namely farm age, availability of other palm species on the coconut farm, type of coconut varieties grown, root cut practices, and intercropping had a significant (P&lt; 0.05) effect on CLYD incidence. Coconut farms &lt;10 years had higher odds of higher disease incidence compared to the farms between 10 to 40 years old. The presence of other palm species in the coconut farms had two times higher odds of having higher disease incidence levels compared to farms without other palm species. Tall coconut varieties were likely to be more tolerant to CLYD compared to dwarf varieties. Coconut farms with some kind of intercropping had two times higher odds of having higher disease incidence levels compared to pure stands. The practice of cutting coconut roots had three times higher odds of having high disease incidence levels compared to non-practicing farms. Farm age, availability of other palm species on the coconut farm, type of coconut varieties grown, root cut practices and intercropping need to be considered for integrated CLYD management.La lutte contre la maladie de jaunisse l\ue9tale (CLYD) du cocotier ( Cocos nucifera ), qui a d\ue9cim\ue9 pr\ue8s de huit millions de cocotiers au Mozanbique, n\u2019est pas ais\ue9e. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9valuer les impacts des pratiques culturales et leur histoire, sur le l\u2019incidence de CLYD au Mozambique. Une enqu\ueate socio\ue9-conomique a \ue9t\ue9 administr\ue9e aux m\ue9nages et des observations directes dans les champs de cocotiers ont \ue9t\ue9 r\ue9alis\ue9es. Les donn\ue9es collect\ue9es ont \ue9t\ue9 analys\ue9es par r\ue9gression logistique. Cinq des onze variables explicatives, \ue0 savoir l\u2019\ue2ge de la plantation, la presence ou non d\u2019autres esp\ue8ces de palmiers sur la plantation, le vari\ue9t\ue9 de cocotiers plant\ue9s, la pratique d\u2019\ue9lagage racinaire et la pratique d\u2019association des cultures avaient des effets significatifs (P&lt; 0.05) sur l\u2019incidence de CLYD. Les plantations vieilles de plus de 10 ans pr\ue9sentaient plus de signes de l\u2019incidence de la maladie que les plantations plus vieilles entre 10 et 40 ans. La pr\ue9sence d\u2019autres esp\ue8ces de palmiers dans la cocoteraie causaient deux fois plus de signes d\u2019incidence de la maladie, compar\ue9e aux cocoteraies ne comportant pas d\u2019autres esp\ue8ces de palmiers. Les vari\ue9t\ue9s de grands cocotiers ont tendance \ue0 mieux tol\ue9rer le CLYD, compar\ue9 aux vari\ue9t\ue9s courtes. Les cocoteraies avec association d\u2019autres cultures pr\ue9sentaient deux fois plus de signes de maladies que les cocoteraies simples. La pratique d\u2019\ue9lagage racinaire pr\ue9sentait trois fois plus de signe d\u2019incidence de la maladie. Au total, l\u2019\ue2ge, la presence ou non d\u2019autres esp\ue8ces de palmiers, la vari\ue9t\ue9 de cocotiers produite, les pratique d\u2019\ue9lagage racinaire, et l\u2019association d\u2019autres cultures avec les cocotiers sont \ue0 considerer dans pour une lutte int\ue9gr\ue9e contre CLYD

    Improvement of the quality of treatment of the complicated maxillary dental caries due to the use of cone-beam tomography in the process of planning the endodontic treatment

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    Трудности, связанные с эндодонтическим лечением моляров верхней челюсти, очень распространены в современной стоматологии. В стоматологической практике, чаще всего, для определения количества корневых каналов используют внутриротовую рентгенографию или ортопантомографию. Некачественно проведенное эндодонтическое лечение моляров верхней челюсти приводит к осложнениям не только со стороны зубочелюстной системы, но и влечет за собой поражение рядом расположенных структур. Цель нашего исследования — профилактика осложнений, возникающих после эндодонтического лечения, за счет использования конусно-лучевой томографии во время его планирования. Согласно полученным результатам, второй мезиально-щечный корневой канал в первом моляре верхней челюсти встречается в 78 % случаев, а во втором моляре — в 43 %. Эти показатели отличаются от данных, приведенных в литературе.In the stages of planning of the endodontic treatment of teeth it is necessary to have a notion about the number and location of the root canals. It is especially important during the endodontic treatment of molars. According to different authors, it is known that the number and location of root canal molars of the upper jaw are individual for each person. Thus, the first upper molar has three roots of root canals, but 50% of the mesial buccal root has two root canals. The second maxillary molar has three root canals in 70% of cases, and four in 30%. Options for the location and structure of the root canals in these teeth are also quite diverse. Therefore, the difficulties associated with endodontic treatment of molars of the upper jaw, are very common in modern dentistry. In dental practice, most of all, to determine the number of root canals intraoral radiography or orthopantomography are used. Low quality of endodontic treatment of the maxillary molars causes complications not only of the dentition system, but also the loss of adjacent structures. The aim of our study is the prevention of complications that were caused by the endodontic treatment, by using cone-beam tomography during the process of planning. According to our research, the second mesio-buccal root canal in the first maxillary molar is found in 78% of cases, and in the second molar — in 43%. These data differ from those given in the literature. The overwhelming number of patients aged over 40 years is marked by the loss of the first molars of the upper jaw on the right or left side, or both sides at the same time, which is associated with ineffective endodontic treatment of these teeth

    Odontogenic sinusitis as complication of chronic periodontitis

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    Статья посвящена обзору литературы, освещающей вопросы профилактики одонтогенного гайморита при лечении хронического периодонтита зубов верхней челюсти. В современной стоматологии эта проблема чрезвычайно актуальна, несмотря на многочисленные исследования отечественных и зарубежных ученых. Данная патология, согласно источникам литературы, составляет 15–30 % от общего числа стоматологических заболеваний. Учитывая особенности анатомо-гистологического строения верхнечелюстного синуса, осложнения, возникающие после эндодонтического лечения зубов верхней челюсти, часто протекают бессимптомно. Поэтому очень важны первичная профилактика и ранняя диагностика этого осложнения.Taking into account the nature of anatomical-histological structure of the maxillary sinus, complications occurring endodontic treatment of the upper jaw, are often asymptomatic. So it’s very important to prevent this complication and diagnose the disease at an early stage, when the pathological changes in the maxillary sinus are reversible

    Вплив карбонату калію і лимонної кислоти на показники якості вермішелі як складової меню готельно-ресторанних комплексів Київщини

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    Most pasta products in the hotel and restaurant sector of Kyiv region are made of flour and water; of course, their chemical composition is relatively poor. Most such products, according to DSTU 7043:2009 Pasta products. General technical conditions refer to group C, produced at domestic enterprises. According to the results of the assortment research, it was established that 85 % of pasta products of classes A and B from durum wheat are represented by imported products. According to various estimates, durum wheat pasta exceeds group C pasta in terms of nutritional composition by approximately 1.5 times. Pasta products from durum wheat contain 13% moisture, 10–13 % proteins, up to 2 % fat, 64–75 % carbohydrates, 0.1–0.2&nbsp;% fiber, B vitamins, and PP. However, instant pasta also plays an important role, actively gaining popularity among the population. Due to their ease of preparation and richness of taste, these products are widely distributed in the hotel and restaurant sector of the Kyiv region. Instant pasta is consumed in over 80 countries and has become an internationally recognized food. It is believed that the whole world owes the invention of instant pasta to Japan. In this country, instant vermicelli was recognized as the most significant invention of the twentieth century.&nbsp;The main goal of this work is to reduce the fat content in pasta products – instant vermicelli (VSHP), prepared by frying in oil, which is produced on the production line of a pasta enterprise, to 17 %. At the first stage of the research, the rational range of potassium carbonate (К3СО3) introduction into the brine recipe was determined for the quality of the VSHP. After conducting a series of experiments, it was confirmed that the fat content in vermicelli briquettes was reduced. The introduction of potassium carbonate is accompanied by a decrease in the fat content of VSHP from 1.2 %. Therefore, the amount of K3СО3 influences the fat content in vermicelli briquettes. According to the results of the conducted research, the feasibility of implementing the technology of changing the brine recipe is shownБільшість макаронних виробів у готельно-ресторанній сфері Київщини – це вироби з борошна і води, зазвичай їхній хімічний склад є доволі бідним. Більшість таких виробів, що за ДСТУ 7043:2009 Вироби макаронні. Загальні технічні умови, належать до групи С, виробляються на вітчизняних підприємствах. За результатами дослідження асортименту було встановлено, що макаронні вироби класів А та Б з твердих сортів пшениці на 85 % представлені імпортованою продукцією. За різними оцінками – макаронні вироби з твердих сортів пшениці перевищують макаронні вироби групи С за поживним складом приблизно у 1,5 раза. Макаронні вироби з твердих сортів пшениці містять 13 % вологи, 10–13 % білків, до 2 % жиру, 64–75 % вуглеводів, 0,1–0,2 % клітковини, вітаміни В, РР. Проте важливе місце посідають і макаронні вироби швидкого приготування. Вони активно набирають популярності серед населення, адже завдяки простоті приготування та насиченості смаку дані продукти є широко розповсюдженими у готельно-ресторанній сфері Київщини.Макаронні вироби швидкого приготування (МВШП) споживаються в більш ніж 80 країнах і стали міжнародно визнаною їжею. Вважається, що винаходом макаронних виробів швидкого приготування весь світ зобов’язаний Японії. Саме в цій країні вермішель швидкого приготування була визнана найбільш значним винаходом двадцятого століття. Головною ціллю даної роботи є зменшення вмісту жиру в макаронних виробах – вермішелі швидкого приготування (ВШП), приготовлених обсмажуванням в олії, які виготовляються на виробничій лінії макаронного підприємства, до 17 %. На першому етапі досліджень визначали раціональний діапазон внесення карбонату калію (К3СО3) в рецептуру розсолу на якість ВШП. Після проведення серії експериментів було підтверджено зменшення вмісту жиру в брикеті вермішелі. Внесення карбонату калію супроводжується зменшенням вмісту жиру у ВШП з на 1,2 %. Отже, кількість К3СО3 справляє вплив на вміст жиру в брикеті вермішелі. За результатами проведених досліджень показано доцільність впровадження технології зміни рецептури розсолу

    The structure of industrially predisposed diseases in workers of the metallurgical enterprise working in harmful conditions.

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    The analysis of the medical examination results with the evaluation of health status was conducted in 783 employees of the metallurgical enterprise in Dnіprо city, The data of 295 women (30,2%) and 548 men (69,8%), (mean age – 52.0±8.1 years, work experience – 12.5±5.7 years) were analyzed. The most common were cardiovascular diseases; upper respiratory disorders, low extremities vessels and musculoskeletal diseases, sensoro-neural, deafness follow. The pathology revealed more often occurs in men of some occupations