Improvement of the quality of treatment of the complicated maxillary dental caries due to the use of cone-beam tomography in the process of planning the endodontic treatment


Трудности, связанные с эндодонтическим лечением моляров верхней челюсти, очень распространены в современной стоматологии. В стоматологической практике, чаще всего, для определения количества корневых каналов используют внутриротовую рентгенографию или ортопантомографию. Некачественно проведенное эндодонтическое лечение моляров верхней челюсти приводит к осложнениям не только со стороны зубочелюстной системы, но и влечет за собой поражение рядом расположенных структур. Цель нашего исследования — профилактика осложнений, возникающих после эндодонтического лечения, за счет использования конусно-лучевой томографии во время его планирования. Согласно полученным результатам, второй мезиально-щечный корневой канал в первом моляре верхней челюсти встречается в 78 % случаев, а во втором моляре — в 43 %. Эти показатели отличаются от данных, приведенных в литературе.In the stages of planning of the endodontic treatment of teeth it is necessary to have a notion about the number and location of the root canals. It is especially important during the endodontic treatment of molars. According to different authors, it is known that the number and location of root canal molars of the upper jaw are individual for each person. Thus, the first upper molar has three roots of root canals, but 50% of the mesial buccal root has two root canals. The second maxillary molar has three root canals in 70% of cases, and four in 30%. Options for the location and structure of the root canals in these teeth are also quite diverse. Therefore, the difficulties associated with endodontic treatment of molars of the upper jaw, are very common in modern dentistry. In dental practice, most of all, to determine the number of root canals intraoral radiography or orthopantomography are used. Low quality of endodontic treatment of the maxillary molars causes complications not only of the dentition system, but also the loss of adjacent structures. The aim of our study is the prevention of complications that were caused by the endodontic treatment, by using cone-beam tomography during the process of planning. According to our research, the second mesio-buccal root canal in the first maxillary molar is found in 78% of cases, and in the second molar — in 43%. These data differ from those given in the literature. The overwhelming number of patients aged over 40 years is marked by the loss of the first molars of the upper jaw on the right or left side, or both sides at the same time, which is associated with ineffective endodontic treatment of these teeth

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