17,166 research outputs found

    Deep UV Luminosity Functions at the Infall Region of the Coma Cluster

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    We have used deep GALEX observations at the infall region of the Coma cluster to measure the faintest UV luminosity functions (LFs) presented for a rich galaxy cluster thus far. The Coma UV LFs are measured to M_UV = -10.5 in the GALEX FUV and NUV bands, or 3.5 mag fainter than previous studies, and reach the dwarf early-type galaxy population in Coma for the first time. The Schechter faint-end slopes (alpha = -1.39 in both GALEX bands) are shallower than reported in previous Coma UV LF studies owing to a flatter LF at faint magnitudes. A Gaussian-plus-Schechter model provides a slightly better parametrization of the UV LFs resulting in a faint-end slope of ~ -1.15 in both GALEX bands. The two-component model gives faint-end slopes shallower than -1 (a turnover) for the LFs constructed separately for passive and star forming galaxies. The UV LFs for star forming galaxies show a turnover at M_UV ~ -14 owing to a deficit of dwarf star forming galaxies in Coma with stellar masses below M*=10^8 Msun. A similar turnover is identified in recent UV LFs measured for the Virgo cluster suggesting this may be a common feature of local galaxy clusters, whereas the field UV LFs continue to rise at faint magnitudes. We did not identify an excess of passive galaxies as would be expected if the missing dwarf star forming galaxies were quenched inside the cluster. In fact, the LFs for both dwarf passive and star forming galaxies show the same turnover at faint magnitudes. We discuss the possible origin of the missing dwarf star forming galaxies in Coma and their expected properties based on comparisons to local field galaxies.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Extended Emission Line Gas in Radio Galaxies - PKS0349-27

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    PKS0349-27 is a classical FRII radio galaxy with an AGN host which has a spectacular, spiral-like structure in its extended emission line gas (EELG). We have measured the velocity field in this gas and find that it splits into 2 cloud groups separated by radial velocities which at some points approach 400 km/s Measurements of the diagnostic emission line ratios [OIII]5007/H-beta, [SII]6716+6731/H-alpha, and [NII]6583/H-alpha in these clouds show no evidence for the type of HII region emission associated with starburst activity in either velocity system. The measured emission line ratios are similar to those found in the nuclei of narrow-line radio galaxies, but the extended ionization/excitation cannot be produced by continuum emission from the active nucleus alone. We present arguments which suggest that the velocity disturbances seen in the EELG are most likely the result of a galaxy-galaxy collision or merger but cannot completely rule out the possibility that the gas has been disrupted by the passage of a radio jet.Comment: 12 pages, 3 fig pages, to appear in the Astrophys.

    Can majority support save an endangered language? A case study of language attitudes in Guernsey

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    Many studies of minority language revitalisation focus on the attitudes and perceptions of minorities, but not on those of majority group members. This paper discusses the implications of these issues, and presents research into majority andf minority attitudes towards the endangered indigenous vernacular of Guernsey, Channel Islands. The research used a multi-method approach (questionnaire and interview) to obtain attitudinal data from a representative sample of the population that included politicians and civil servants (209 participants). The findings suggested a shift in language ideology away from the post-second world war ‘culture of modernisation’ and monolingual ideal, towards recognition of the value of a bi/trilingual linguistic heritage. Public opinion in Guernsey now seems to support the maintenance of the indigenous language variety, which has led to a degree of official support. The paper then discusses to what extent this ‘attitude shift’ is reflected in linguistic behaviour and in concrete language planning measures

    Globular clusters in the outer halo of M31: the survey

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    We report the discovery of 40 new globular clusters (GCs) that have been found in surveys of the halo of M31 based on INT/WFC and CHFT/Megacam imagery. A subset of these these new GCs are of an extended, diffuse nature, and include those already found in Huxor et al. (2005). The search strategy is described and basic positional and V and I photometric data are presented for each cluster. For a subset of these clusters, K-band photometry is also given. The new clusters continue to be found to the limit of the survey area (~100 kpc), revealing that the GC system of M31 is much more extended than previously realised. The new clusters increase the total number of confirmed GCs in M31 by approximately 10% and the number of confirmed GCs beyond 1 degree (~14 kpc) by more than 75%. We have also used the survey imagery as well recent HST archival data to update the Revised Bologna Catalogue (RBC) of M31 globular clusters.Comment: Accepted to MNRA

    Model and Sensor-Based Recommendation Approaches for In-Season Nitrogen Management in Corn

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    Nitrogen management for corn (Zea mays L.) may be improved by applying a portion of N in-season. This investigation was conducted to evaluate crop modeling (Maize-N) and active crop canopy sensing approaches for recommending in-season N fertilizer rates. These approaches were evaluated during 2012–2013 on 11 field sites, in Missouri, Nebraska, and North Dakota. Nitrogen management also included a no-N treatment (check) and a non-limiting N reference (all at planting). Nitrogen management treatments were assessed for two hybrids and at low and high seeding rates, arranged in a randomized complete block design. In 9 of 11 site-years, the sensor-based approach recommended lower in-season N rates than the model (collectively 59% less N), resulting in trends of higher partial factor productivity of nitrogen (PFPN) and higher agronomic efficiency (AE) than the model. However, yield was better protected by the model-based approach. In some situations, canopy sensing excelled at optimizing the N rate for localized conditions. With abnormally warm and moist soil conditions for the 2012 Nebraska sites and presumed high levels of inorganic N from mineralization, N application was appropriately reduced, resulting in no yield decrease and N savings compared to the non-limiting N reference. Depending on the site, both recommendation approaches were successful; a combination of model and sensor information may optimize in-season decision support for N recommendation

    Density Variations in the NW Star Stream of M31

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    The Pan Andromeda Archeological Survey (PAndAS) CFHT Megaprime survey of the M31-M33 system has found a star stream which extends about 120 kpc NW from the center of M31. The great length of the stream, and the likelihood that it does not significantly intersect the disk of M31, means that it is unusually well suited for a measurement of stream gaps and clumps along its length as a test for the predicted thousands of dark matter sub-halos. The main result of this paper is that the density of the stream varies between zero and about three times the mean along its length on scales of 2 to 20 kpc. The probability that the variations are random fluctuations in the star density is less than 10^-5. As a control sample we search for density variations at precisely the same location in stars with metallicity higher than the stream, [Fe/H]=[0, -0.5] and find no variations above the expected shot noise. The lumpiness of the stream is not compatible with a low mass star stream in a smooth galactic potential, nor is it readily compatible with the disturbance caused by the visible M31 satellite galaxies. The stream's density variations appear to be consistent with the effects of a large population of steep mass function dark matter sub-halos, such as found in LCDM simulations, acting on an approximately 10Gyr old star stream. The effects of a single set of halo substructure realizations are shown for illustration, reserving a statistical comparison for another study.Comment: ApJ revised version submitte

    Forward and Back: Kinematics of the Palomar 5 Tidal Tails

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    The tidal tails of Palomar 5 (Pal 5) have been the focus of many spectroscopic studies in an attempt to identify individual stars lying along the stream and characterise their kinematics. The well-studied trailing tail has been explored out to a distance of 15^\text{o} from the cluster centre, while less than four degrees have been examined along the leading tail. In this paper, we present results of a spectroscopic study of two fields along the leading tail that we have observed with the AAOmega spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian telescope. One of these fields lies roughly 7^\text{o} along the leading tail, beyond what has been previously been explored spectroscopically. Combining our measurements of kinematics and line strengths with Pan-STARRS1 photometric data and Gaia EDR3 astrometry, we adopt a probabilistic approach to identify 16 stars with high probability of belonging to the Pal 5 stream. Eight of these stars lie in the outermost field and their sky positions confirm the presence of ``fanning'' in the leading arm. We also revisit previously-published radial velocity studies and incorporate Gaia EDR3 astrometry to remove interloping field stars. With a final sample of 109 {\it bona fide} Pal 5 cluster and tidal stream stars, we characterise the 3D kinematics along the the full extent of the system. We provide this catalogue for future modeling work.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. The extended version of Table 4 is available as an ancillery file, and will be supplementary material in MNRA

    The Extreme Outer Regions of Disk Galaxies: I. Chemical Abundances of HII Regions

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    We present the first results of an ongoing project to investigate the present-day chemical abundances of the extreme outer parts of galactic disks, as probed by the emission line spectra of a new sample of HII regions. The galaxies studied here, NGC628, NGC1058 and NGC6946, are all late-type spiral galaxies, characterized by larger than average HI-to-optical sizes. Our deep Halpha images have revealed the existence of recent massive star formation, traced by HII regions, out to, and beyond, two optical radii in these galaxies (defined by the B-band 25th magnitude isophote). Optical spectra of these newly-discovered HII regions are used to investigate their densities, ionization parameters, extinctions and in particular their oxygen and nitrogen abundances. Our measurements reveal gas-phase abundances of O/H~10-15% of the solar value, and N/O~20-25% of the solar value, at radii of 1.5-2 R25. Clear evidence also exists for diminished dust extinction (Av~0-0.2) at large radii. The combination of our measurements of outer disk HII region abundances with those for inner disk HII regions published in the literature is a powerful probe of the shape of abundance gradients over unprecedented radial baselines. Within the limits of the current dataset, the radial abundance variations are consistent with single log-linear relationships, although the derived slopes can often differ considerably from those found if only inner disk HII regions are used to define the fit. Interestingly, both the mean level of enrichment and the ratio of N/O measured in extreme outer galactic disks are similar to those values measured in some high redshift damped Lyman-alpha absorbers, suggesting that outer disks at the present epoch are relatively unevolved. (abridged)Comment: 36 pages, 10 embedded postscript files, 3 jpeg files, 7 postscript tables; accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal (August issue