79 research outputs found
Educational Tourism: Tribute to Fashion or New Educational Opportunities?
The relevance of this article lies in the need to study educational tourism as one of the ways to motivate students in educational process. The article discusses new technologies in the educational process, which must be made more saturated and practically applicable. Visualization and the ability to implement the acquired knowledge can interest students and increase their interest in learning the information included in the curriculum. The purpose of the study is to analyze the importance of educational tourism for students. Research methods: As research methods, the following ones were used: questionnaire survey of participants of educational tours and free-style interviews with teachers and organizers of educational tourism, allowing identifying such characteristics of educational tourism’s value for students as awareness of participants about the project, previous personal experience, interest and satisfaction with the project. Research results: the article considers the importance of educational tourism from the point of view of its participants like students, accompanying teachers, from the point of view of the organizers of the tourist and educational project. The novelty and originality of the research lies in the fact that educational tourism is considered as an alternative to educational activities, which allows not only to make a trip, but also to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities during it, which will be learned much better than just memorizing the material from the book. It is shown that the value of educational tourism can be assessed if there is knowledge about its components such as interest and personal experience of its participants, satisfaction or dissatisfaction with certain elements of the educational tour, awareness of the project possibilities, features of the organization and implementation of the tour. It is revealed that educational tourism performs not only directly educational, but also socially significant functions for society. The study shows that the project participants perceive the educational component easily and without difficulties and there is a high interest of students in educational tours. It is revealed that the accompanying notes a positive dynamic in the interest in the educational process after participation in the project. Both its participants and its organizers perceive the possibility of expanding the project positively. It is determined that the greatest difficulty in the organization of educational tourism is caused by the lack of support of state structures, which in turn causes difficulty in entering new sites where the project can be implemented. It is shown that the educational component of the project is positively evaluated by both direct consumers and teachers in terms of the correctness in the construction of the narrative and semantic parts. It is shown that to the positive aspects of educational tourism can be attributed the emotional involvement of participants in the educational process during the excursion service, as well as increasing the level of their interest in further study. Practical significance: the data obtained in this work can be used in social psychology, pedagogy, age psychology, pedagogical psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue
Constructing and Medical Trials of a Monoclonal Dot-Immuno-Enzyme Test-System “DIATul-M” for Tularemia Microbe Detection
mc/ml. Additionally, this test-system has been proving for acquisition of sustainable results after 6 months of storing (the observation period). Medical trials of the panel of reagents “Monoclonal dot-immuno-enzyme test-system for tularemia microbe detection” have shown it to be a prospective preparation for implementation into the national healthcare practices both under stationary and field conditions
Проблема раннего восстановления удержания мочи после радикальной простатэктомии
Background. The highest rate of incontinence after radical prostatectomy (RP) is observed in the first 2–6 months after surgery. In order to decrease the period of incontinence, virous surgical methods aimed at preservation and reconstruction of structures participating in the mechanism of urine retention has been developed and improved.The study objective is to evaluate effectiveness of an original method of formation of an urethral anastomosis in the early continence recovery.Materials and methods. Data on 126 patients who underwent retropubic RP were analyzed. Depending on the method of urethral anastomosis formation, patients were divided into 2 groups: in the 1st group (n = 52) the patients underwent PR with urethra suspension m. levator ani, in the 2nd (n = 74) – standard RP. In the 1st group, 6 ligatures were applied to the anterior and posterior urethra walls: at the 12 and 6 hour projections through the mucosa, submucosa, and smooth muscle; at the 10, 2, 4, and 8 hour projections – more laterally with capture of the m. levator ani medial margins. Continence recovery was evaluated on days 1, 7, and 14 after urinary catheter removal and then at days 30, 90, 180, and 365 after RP. The criteria of continence were absence of urine leakage at rest and during physical activity and a necessity of using a safety liner.Results. There weren’t any significant differences at day 1 after urinary catheter removal between the two groups (р > 0.05). In the 1st group, continence values at days 30, 90, and 180 after RP were significantly higher (57.7, 69.2, and 71.1 %, respectively) compared to the 2nd group (35.1, 41.9, and 51.3 %, respectively) (р <0.05).Conclusion. Results of this work show significant benefits of RP with urethra suspension m. levator ani compared to standard RP per continence recovery criteria at days 7, 14, 30, 90, and 180 after the surgery. The technique of urethra suspension m. levator ani is easy to perform and ensures early continence recovery after RP.Введение. Часто недержание мочи после выполнения радикальной простатэктомии (РПЭ) регистрируют в первые 2–6 мес после оперативного вмешательства. В целях сокращения периода инконтиненции разработаны и усовершенствованы различные хирургические методы, направленные на сохранение и восстановление структур, участвующих в механизме удержания мочи.Цель работы – оценить эффективность применения оригинального метода формирования уретроцистоанастомоза в раннем восстановлении функции удержания мочи.Материалы и методы. Проанализированы данные 126 пациентов, подвергнутых позадилонной РПЭ. В зависимости от метода формирования уретроцистоанастомоз больные были разделены на 2 группы: пациентам 1-й группы (n = 52) выполнена РПЭ с суспензией уретры m. levator ani, 2-й (n = 74) – стандартная РПЭ. В 1-й группе на переднюю и заднюю стенки уретры накладывали 6 лигатур: в проекции 12 и 6 ч условного циферблата через слизистую, подслизистую оболочки и гладкомышечный слой; на 10, 2, 4 и 8 ч – более латерально с захватом медиальных краев m. levator ani. Восстановление функции удержания мочи оценивали через 1, 7 и 14 сут с момента удаления уретрального катетера и далее через 30, 90, 180 и 365 сут после проведения РПЭ. Критерием удержания мочи служило отсутствие подтекания мочи в покое или при физической нагрузке и необходимости использования страховочной прокладки.Результаты. Достоверных различий в показателях удержания мочи на 1-е сутки после удаления уретрального катетера в обеих группах не выявлено (р >0,05). В 1-й группе показатели континенции через 30, 90 и 180 сут после выполнения РПЭ были достоверно выше (57,7; 69,2 и 71,1 % соответственно) по сравнению со 2-й группой (35,1; 41,9 и 51,3 % соответственно) (р <0,05). Заключение. Результаты настоящей работы демонстрируют значительные преимущества РПЭ с суспензией уретры m. levator ani по сравнению со стандартной РПЭ по показателю восстановления континенции на 7, 14, 30, 90 и 180-е сутки после операции. Техника суспензии уретры m. levator ani проста в выполнении и обеспечивает восстановление функции удержания мочи в более ранние сроки после РПЭ
Сравнение экспрессии гена РСА3 в осадках и экзосомах мочи при раке предстательной железы
Introduction. Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the common oncological diseases in men. Expression of the PCA3 gene in urine is currently used as a molecular genetic marker of PCa.Objective: to comparative analysis of the PCA3 expression in urine sediments and exosomes for the determination of the biomaterial, which allows detecting the PCA3 expression in more efficient manner.Materials and methods. The 12 patients with different stages of PCa and 8 control samples were examined.Results. The diagnostic accuracy of the PCA3 gene expression analysis in this cohort exceeded 90 %. We had not obtained significant differences in the sensitivity and specificity of the PCA3 hyperexpression in the urine sediments compared with exosomes. This result indicates in favor to using urine sediment for the PCA3 analysis as a biomaterial with less time-consuming sample preparation, although the possible advantage of exosomes for the analysis of the expression marker panels requires further studies.Введение. Рак предстательной железы (РПЖ) является одним из наиболее частых онкологических заболеваний у мужчин. В качестве молекулярно-генетического маркера РПЖ в настоящее время используют определение экспрессии гена РСА3 в моче.Цель работы – сравнительный анализ экспрессии гена РСА3 в осадках и в экзосомах мочи для определения биоматериала, позволяющего более эффективно проводить определение экспрессии этого гена.Материалы и методы. Были исследованы данные 12 пациентов с различными стадиями РПЖ и 8 контрольных образцов.Результаты. Диагностическая точность анализа экспрессии РСА3 в этой выборке превысила 90 %. Не выявлено достоверных различий чувствительности и специфичности гиперэкспрессии РСА3 при анализе осадков по сравнению с экзосомами мочи. Это указывает на целесообразность использования осадков мочи для анализа РСА3 как биоматериала с менее трудоемкой пробоподготовкой, однако возможные преимущества экзосом для анализа панелей экспрессионных маркеров требуют дальнейшего изучения
Molecular interactions at the surface of extracellular vesicles
Extracellular vesicles such as exosomes, microvesicles, apoptotic bodies, and large oncosomes have been shown to participate in a wide variety of biological processes and are currently under intense investigation in many different fields of biomedicine. One of the key features of extracellular vesicles is that they have relatively large surface compared to their volume. Some extracellular vesicle surface molecules are shared with those of the plasma membrane of the releasing cell, while other molecules are characteristic for extracellular vesicular surfaces. Besides proteins, lipids, glycans, and nucleic acids are also players of extracellular vesicle surface interactions. Being secreted and present in high number in biological samples, collectively extracellular vesicles represent a uniquely large interactive surface area which can establish contacts both with cells and with molecules in the extracellular microenvironment. Here, we provide a brief overview of known components of the extracellular vesicle surface interactome and highlight some already established roles of the extracellular vesicle surface interactions in different biological processes in health and disease
The problem of early continence recovery after radical prostatectomy
Background. The highest rate of incontinence after radical prostatectomy (RP) is observed in the first 2–6 months after surgery. In order to decrease the period of incontinence, virous surgical methods aimed at preservation and reconstruction of structures participating in the mechanism of urine retention has been developed and improved.The study objective is to evaluate effectiveness of an original method of formation of an urethral anastomosis in the early continence recovery.Materials and methods. Data on 126 patients who underwent retropubic RP were analyzed. Depending on the method of urethral anastomosis formation, patients were divided into 2 groups: in the 1st group (n = 52) the patients underwent PR with urethra suspension m. levator ani, in the 2nd (n = 74) – standard RP. In the 1st group, 6 ligatures were applied to the anterior and posterior urethra walls: at the 12 and 6 hour projections through the mucosa, submucosa, and smooth muscle; at the 10, 2, 4, and 8 hour projections – more laterally with capture of the m. levator ani medial margins. Continence recovery was evaluated on days 1, 7, and 14 after urinary catheter removal and then at days 30, 90, 180, and 365 after RP. The criteria of continence were absence of urine leakage at rest and during physical activity and a necessity of using a safety liner.Results. There weren’t any significant differences at day 1 after urinary catheter removal between the two groups (р > 0.05). In the 1st group, continence values at days 30, 90, and 180 after RP were significantly higher (57.7, 69.2, and 71.1 %, respectively) compared to the 2nd group (35.1, 41.9, and 51.3 %, respectively) (р <0.05).Conclusion. Results of this work show significant benefits of RP with urethra suspension m. levator ani compared to standard RP per continence recovery criteria at days 7, 14, 30, 90, and 180 after the surgery. The technique of urethra suspension m. levator ani is easy to perform and ensures early continence recovery after RP
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