1,066 research outputs found

    Production of monoclonal antibodies to Grapevine virus D and contribution to the study of its aetiological role in grapevine diseases

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    Six stable hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to Grapevine virus D (GVD) were obtained by fusing spleen cells of immunized BALB/c mice with mouse myeloma cell line Sp 2/0-Ag 14, In ELISA all MAbs detected the virus in Nicotiana leaf extracts or cortical shavings from mature grapevine canes, The use of a polyclonal antiserum for coating plates and of monoclonal antibodies and antimouse-conjugated antibodies for antigen detection, gave highly efficient and reproducible results for identification of GVD in field-grown grapevines. The reliability of the ELISA kit was confirmed by GVD-transmission tests to herbaceous hosts, using in vitro explants as inoculum, 223 vines affected by one or more of the 4 syndroms of the rugose wood complex (Kober stem grooving, Corky bark, LN stem grooving and Rupestris stem pitting) were tested in ELISA for the detection of Grapevine virus A (GVA), Grapevine virus B (GVB) and GVD and by Western blot for the detection of Grapevine rupestris stem pitting associated virus (GRSPaV). The possible cause-effect relationship between GVA and KSG, GVB and Co, and GRSPaV and RSP was confirmed, but no consistent association was found between GVD and any of the 4 above syndromes, Intriguingly, a reduction in the expression of stem pitting symptoms in V. rupestris (from 90 % to 75 %) and of stem grooving symptoms in Kober 5BB (from 95 % to 70 %) was observed when vitiviruses and GRSPaV were contemporarily present in the same indicator. Preliminary data of a survey involving 676 grapevine samples showed a high incidence (31 %) of GVD, regardless of the geographical origin of samples.

    The S-Matrix in Twistor Space

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    The simplicity and hidden symmetries of (Super) Yang-Mills and (Super)Gravity scattering amplitudes suggest the existence of a "weak-weak" dual formulation in which these structures are made manifest at the expense of manifest locality. We suggest that this dual description lives in (2,2) signature and is naturally formulated in twistor space. We recast the BCFW recursion relations in an on-shell form that begs to be transformed into twistor space. Our twistor transformation is inspired by Witten's, but differs in treating twistor and dual twistor variables more equally. In these variables the three and four-point amplitudes are amazingly simple; the BCFW relations are represented by diagrammatic rules that precisely define the "twistor diagrams" of Andrew Hodges. The "Hodges diagrams" for Yang-Mills theory are disks and not trees; they reveal striking connections between amplitudes and suggest a new form for them in momentum space. We also obtain a twistorial formulation of gravity. All tree amplitudes can be combined into an "S-Matrix" functional which is the natural holographic observable in asymptotically flat space; the BCFW formula turns into a quadratic equation for this "S-Matrix", providing a holographic description of N=4 SYM and N=8 Supergravity at tree level. We explore loop amplitudes in (2,2) signature and twistor space, beginning with a discussion of IR behavior. We find that the natural pole prescription renders the amplitudes well-defined and free of IR divergences. Loop amplitudes vanish for generic momenta, and in twistor space are even simpler than their tree-level counterparts! This further supports the idea that there exists a sharply defined object corresponding to the S-Matrix in (2,2) signature, computed by a dual theory naturally living in twistor space.Comment: V1: 46 pages + 23 figures. Less telegraphic abstract in the body of the paper. V2: 49 pages + 24 figures. Largely expanded set of references included. Some diagrammatic clarifications added, minor typo fixe

    The No-Triangle Hypothesis for N=8 Supergravity

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    We study the perturbative expansion of N=8 supergravity in four dimensions from the viewpoint of the ``no-triangle'' hypothesis, which states that one-loop graviton amplitudes in N=8 supergravity only contain scalar box integral functions. Our computations constitute a direct proof at six-points and support the no-triangle conjecture for seven-point amplitudes and beyond.Comment: 43page

    Proučavanje relativističke tvorbe hadrona prema naprijed i unatrag u sudarima 3he i 4he s jezgrama u emulziji na energiji ubrzivača u dubni

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    The experimental results on 3He- and 4He-emulsion interactions accompanied by relativistic (shower) hadrons flying into the backward (θlab ≤ 90◦ ) hemisphere at 4.5 AGeV/c are presented and analyzed. The dependence of the probabilities of these interactions on the different target sizes, impact parameter and projectile spectator charges is studied. An investigation of average values and multiplicity distributions of these hadrons for the interactions with light and heavy emulsion nuclei has been carried out. In addition, the correlations between the multiplicities of different types of the emitted particles are studied. The data show that backward shower particles are a sensitive target parameter. The values of impact parameters can be used as good indicators for selecting events which occured with light or heavy emulsion nuclei. A comparison with the modified cascade model shows a good performance in describing the data produced in the region having less cascading (i.e. interactions with light nuclei). As for the interactions with heavy nuclei, the model overestimates the experimental data.Predstavljamo eksperimentalne rezultate i analize mjerenja međudjelovanja 3He i 4He u emulziji na 4.5 AGeV/c, u kojima se opažaju relativistički pljuskovi hadrona koji lete unatrag (θlab ≤ 90◦ ). Proučavamo ovisnost vjerojatnosti tih međudjelovanja o veličini jezgre mete, sudarnom parametru i naboju projektila-promatrača. Istražili smo prosječne vrijednosti i raspodjele višestrukosti hadrona za lake i teške jezgre u emulziji. Nadalje, proučavali smo korelacije višestrukosti različitih izlaznih čestica. Podaci pokazuju da su pljuskovi čestica unatrag osjetljiv parametar jezgri mete. Vrijednosti parametara mogu poslužiti kao dobar pokazatelj sudara s lakim odnosno teškim jezgrama. Usporedba s promijenjenim kaskadnim modelom pokazuje dobro slaganje s podacima u kojima je manje kaskada (tj. Manje sudara s lakim jezgrama). Rezultati tog modela za teške jezgre veći su od eksperimentalnih podataka

    Pediatric traumatic brain injury in the Middle East and North Africa region: a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess characteristics, mechanisms, and risk factors

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    Pediatric traumatic brain injury (pTBI) represents a major cause of child injuries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. This review aims to assess pTBIs in the MENA region and reports their clinical severity and outcomes. A search was conducted using major electronic databases, including Medline/Ovid, PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, and SCOPUS. Abstracts were screened independently and in duplicate to detect original research. The objective and study findings for each article were recorded, along with the mechanism of pTBI, patient age and sex, injury assessment tool(s) used, and outcome. A total of 1345 articles were retrieved, of which 152 met the criteria for full-text review, and 32 were included in this review. Males predominantly suffered from pTBIs (78%). Motor vehicle accidents, followed by child abuse, were the leading causes of pTBI. Overall, 0.39% of cases were mild, 0.58% moderate, 16.25% severe, and 82.27% unclassified. The mortality rate was 13.11%. Most studies used the computed tomography scan, Glasgow Coma Scale, Abbreviated Injury Scale, and Injury Severity Score as investigation methods. This review reports on the alarming rate of child-abuse-related pTBI and offers further understanding of pTBI-associated risk factors and insight into the development of strategies to reduce their occurrence, as well as policies to promote child well-being

    Internet of Tangible Things: Workshop on Tangible Interaction with the Internet of Things

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    The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) brings abundant new opportunities to create more effective and pleasing tangible user interfaces that capitalize on intuitive interaction in the physical world, whilst utilizing capabilities of sensed data and Internet connectivity. However, with these new opportunities come new challenges; little is still known how to best design tangible IoT interfaces that simultaneously provide engaging user experiences and foster a sense of understanding about the often-complex functionality of IoT systems. How should we map previous taxonomies and design principles for tangible interaction into the new landscape of IoT systems? This workshop will bring together a community of researchers from the fields of IoT and tangible interaction, in order to explore and discuss how parallels between tangible interaction and the properties of IoT systems can best be capitalised on as HCI research moves increasingly toward the Internet of Tangible Things (IoTT). Through ideation and discussion, the workshop will function as a springboard for the community to begin creating new taxonomies and design considerations for the emerging IoTT

    Twistor Strings with Flavour

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    We explore the tree-level description of a class of N=2 UV-finite SYM theories with fundamental flavour within a topological B-model twistor string framework. In particular, we identify the twistor dual of the Sp(N) gauge theory with one antisymmetric and four fundamental hypermultiplets, as well as that of the SU(N) theory with 2N hypermultiplets. This is achieved by suitably orientifolding/orbifolding the original N=4 setup of Witten and adding a certain number of new topological 'flavour'-branes at the orientifold/orbifold fixed planes to provide the fundamental matter. We further comment on the appearance of these objects in the B-model on CP(3|4). An interesting aspect of our construction is that, unlike the IIB description of these theories in terms of D3 and D7-branes, on the twistor side part of the global flavour symmetry is realised geometrically. We provide evidence for this correspondence by calculating and matching amplitudes on both sides.Comment: 38+12 pages; uses axodraw.sty. v2: References added, minor clarification

    Inflation and late time acceleration in braneworld cosmological models with varying brane tension

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    Braneworld models with variable brane tension λ\lambda introduce a new degree of freedom that allows for evolving gravitational and cosmological constants, the latter being a natural candidate for dark energy. We consider a thermodynamic interpretation of the varying brane tension models, by showing that the field equations with variable λ\lambda can be interpreted as describing matter creation in a cosmological framework. The particle creation rate is determined by the variation rate of the brane tension, as well as by the brane-bulk energy-matter transfer rate. We investigate the effect of a variable brane tension on the cosmological evolution of the Universe, in the framework of a particular model in which the brane tension is an exponentially dependent function of the scale factor. The resulting cosmology shows the presence of an initial inflationary expansion, followed by a decelerating phase, and by a smooth transition towards a late accelerated de Sitter type expansion. The varying brane tension is also responsible for the generation of the matter in the Universe (reheating period). The physical constraints on the model parameters, resulted from the observational cosmological data, are also investigated.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in European Physical Journal

    Gravity, Twistors and the MHV Formalism

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    We give a self-contained derivation of the MHV amplitudes for gravity and use the associated twistor generating function to define a twistor action for the MHV diagram approach to gravity. Starting from a background field calculation on a spacetime with anti self-dual curvature, we obtain a simple spacetime formula for the scattering of a single, positive helicity linearized graviton into one of negative helicity. Re-expressing our integral in terms of twistor data allows us to consider a spacetime that is asymptotic to a superposition of plane waves. Expanding these out perturbatively yields the gravitational MHV amplitudes of Berends, Giele & Kuijf. We go on to take the twistor generating function off-shell at the perturbative level. Combining this with a twistor action for the anti self-dual background, we obtain a twistor action for the MHV diagram approach to perturbative gravity. We finish by extending these results to supergravity, in particular N=4 and N=8.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figures. Minor typos corrected, some clarification adde