31 research outputs found

    Avian eggshell remains in the human bearing level TD6 of the Gran Dolina site (Early Pleistocene, Atapuerca, Spain)

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    The site of Gran Dolina (Atapuerca, Spain) has a 19-metre-thick Lower and Middle Pleistocene infilling, divided into eleven levels. This work is focused on the level TD6 (0.8–0.9Ma), consisting of a succession of debris flow and fluvial facies with a high diversity of vertebrates, including Homo antecessor. Here we describe for first time eggshell fragments from Atapuerca, recovered by screen washing of sediments from the excavations. The 22 eggshell fragments recovered are small and poorly preserved, with all material showing signs of abrasion. All eggshells have smooth outer surfaces, densely packed mammillae, and are multi-layered. Thus, they can be identified as avian eggshells. Most fragments were relatively well intact, with no signs of recrystallisation, as evidenced by cathodoluminescence analysis, however the degree of abrasion of the fragments hindered the identification of some ultrastructural characters. Three taxa have been identified: Charadriiformes, Gruidae and Anseriformes (all recorded in the TD6 assemblage by osteological remains). The association supports the presence of water bodies close to the site. The relatively high diversity of ootaxa in the small sample size analysed suggest that a wide range of the nesting species inhabited surrounding areas of Gran Dolina at the moment of accumulation of the TD6 level

    Evolución de las faunas fósiles de aves del Cuaternario de Aragón y del norte de la península Ibérica

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    Las aves son vertebrados con adaptaciones al vuelo activo. Se trata del grupo de vertebrados mas diverso de la actualidad y aparecen en todos los ecosistemas del planeta. Los restos fosiles de aves son comunes en los yacimientos del Cuaternario. Ademas juegan un papel principal en la formacion de los mismos, ya que actuan como acumuladores de pequenos vertebrados. En esta tesis se analizan los restos fosiles de aves de trece yacimientos localizados en la mitad norte de la peninsula iberica. Dos de esos yacimientos se situan en Atapuerca (Burgos), y pertenecen al Pleistoceno Inferior: Sima del Elefante y Gran Dolina. Siete de los yacimientos datan del Pleistoceno Superior: Aguilon P-7 (Valle del Ebro), Los Batanes C-4 (Pirineo de Huesca), Llonin (Asturias), Abittaga, Axlor, Koskobilo y Atxuri I (Pais Vasco). Cuatro yacimientos localizados en el Pirineo de Huesca pertenecen al Holoceno: La Brecha del Rincon B-9, B-8, C-15 y D-2.Esta tesis se presenta como compendio de trabajos publicados en revistas internacionales, e incluye ademas trabajos preparados para su publicacion. El Capitulo 1 es una introduccion donde se hace un repaso de los antecedentes del estudio de las aves fosiles de la peninsula iberica. Tambien se presentan los objetivos y la metodologia general a todos los capitulos.Los Capitulos 2 y 3 tratan sobre los restos fosiles de aves recuperados en el yacimiento de la Sima del Elefante, en Atapuerca (Pleistoceno Inferior). El Capitulo 2 es un analisis general de la avifauna del yacimiento, revelando el registro mas antiguo de varias especies en la peninsula iberica y una asociacion similar a la presente en otros yacimientos europeos de la epoca. El Capitulo 3 es un analisis detallado de la anatomia del cuervo presente en el mismo, que permite asignar los restos a Corvus cf. pliocaenus. En el Capitulo 4 se presenta de forma novedosa el primer analisis paleoologico de cascaras de huevos de ave llevado a cabo en Atapuerca, realizado sobre fragmentos de cascaras del Pleistoceno Inferior de la Gran Dolina (Atapuerca), se identifican tres taxones de aves distintos. En el Capitulo 5 se presenta un analisis de las asociaciones de aves de yacimientos de Europa occidental en base a las proporciones entre el numero de restos de especies de aves consideradas como buenas indicadoras paleoambientales. Los resultados apuntan a una migracion hacia el sur del limite entre las zonas climaticas Mediterranea y Eurosiberiana y a la presencia de parches de bosque en Europa a lo largo del Pleistoceno Superior. En los Capitulos 6 a 9 se presentan los analisis de las asociaciones de aves de varios yacimientos del Pleistoceno Superior (Aguilon P-7 en el Capitulo 6, Llonin en el Capitulo 7, Abittaga, Axlor, Koskobilo y Atxuri I en el Capitulo 8 y Los Batanes en el Capitulo 9) y del Holoceno (Brecha del Rincon B-9, B-8, C-15 y D-2 en el Capitulo 9). Los analisis revelan asociaciones similares a las identificadas en otros yacimientos de la epoca del norte de la peninsula iberica y la presencia de especies actualmente ausentes lazona. En el Capitulo 10 se realiza una discusion general de los resultados de los trabajos, y en el Capitulo 11 se presentan las conclusiones de la Tesis Doctoral.Aves are vertebrates with adaptations for active flying. They are the most diverse tetrapod group nowadays, and they appear throughout every ecosystem. Fossil bird remains are common in the Quaternary sites; also, they play a key role in the origin of the sites, as they can be the main accumulators of small vertebrates. In this thesis the fossil bird remains of thirteen sites located in the north of the Iberian Peninsula are analyzed. Two of these sites belongs to the Early Pleistocene: Sima del Elefante and Gran Dolina; seven sites belong to the Upper Pleistocene: AguilĂłn P-7 (Ebro Valley), Los Batanes C-4 (Huesca Pyrenees), Llonin (Asturias), Abittaga, Axlor, Koskobilo and Atxuri I (Basque Country); and four sites belongs to the Holocene: Brecha del RincĂłn B-9, B-8, C15 and D-2 (Huesca Pyrenees). This thesis is a compendium of published works in international journals, it also includes works ready to be published. Chapter 1 is an introduction in which the background of the fossil bird studies made in the north of the Iberian Peninsula is discussed. The objectives and methodology of the thesis are also presented. Chapters 2 and 3 face the fossil remains recovered in the Sima del Elefante, in Atapuerca (Early Pleistocene). Chapter 2 is an analysis of the avifauna of the site; it reveals the oldest record in the Iberian Peninsula of several species, the avian assemblage is similar to those identified in other same age European sites. Chapter 3 is the detailed analysis of the anatomy of the raven remains recovered in Sima del Elefante; the analysis allows the assignation of the remains to Corvus cf. pliocaenus. In Chapter 4 the first paleoologic analysis carried out in avian eggshells of Atapuerca, it is performed on eggshell fragments from the Early Pleistocene of the Gran Dolina, three avian taxa are identified. In Chapter 5 an analysis of the avian assemblages from Upper Pleistocene Western European sites based on the proportions of the number of remains of several bird taxa, considered good climatic indicators, is presented. The results point to a southwards migration of the Mediterranean and Eurosiberian climate areas limit and to the presence of forest patches during the Late Pleistocene. Chapters 6 to 9 present the analysis of the avian association of several Upper Pleistocene (AguilĂłn P-7 in Chapter 6, Llonin in Chapter 7, Abittaga, Axlor and Atxuri I in Chapter 8 and Los Batanes C-4 in Chapter 9) and Holocene (Brecha del RincĂłn B-9, B-8, C-15 and D-2 in Chapter 9) sites. The results reveal assemblages similar to those from other same age north Iberian sites, and the presence in the assemblages of species currently absent from the north of the Iberian Peninsula. In the Chapter 10 a general discussion of the thesis results is performed, and in Chapter 11 the main conclusions of the thesis are presented.<br /


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    Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of early Pleistocene sites has a particular interest as it sheds light on how the arriving of the first Europeans occurred, as well as on the nature of the relation between these humans and the ecosystems. Bird remains are useful tools for this purpose, because they are commonly represented in the assemblages and most taxa still exist, allowing a direct comparison between past and extant birds associations. Here we analyse the bird remains from the early Pleistocene levels of the Sima del Elefante site (1.1 to 1.5 million years old). Almost 10.000 remains belonging to at least 26 different taxa have been included. The assemblage is dominated by corvids and has a mixed origin, with cave-dwelling taxa dying in the cave and other taxa being accumulated by predators. The Sima del Elefante avian assemblage provides the oldest record of several taxa in the Iberian Peninsula (Haliaeetus albicilla, Corvus pliocaenus). Besides, here we report the oldest evidence of Imperial Eagle in the Iberian Peninsula, prior to the separation of the oriental and Iberian populations. The assemblage composition suggests that open environmental conditions were dominant, with minor presence of woodlands and water bodies, which is congruent with some previous approaches by other proxies. The first humans occupying the Iberian Peninsula inhabited under Mediterranean climate conditions, which gradually deteriorated, as reflected by the avian turnover recorded at the middle Pleistocene Atapuerca assemblages

    As mais antigas marmotas da Europa: Estudo métrico dos fósseis de Marmota do Plistocénico Inferior e Medio das jazidas de Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Espanha)

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    ABSTRACT: The oldest European remains of marmots (Genus Marmota) are 0.8 my old and come from the site of Gran Dolina, Atapuerca. Dental measurements from the specimens recovered at Gran Dolina are compared with other Early Pleistocene fossil marmots from Croatia; as well as a set of Middle and Late Pleistocene marmots from France and Italy and Middle Pleistocene fossils from other sites at Sierra de Atapuerca. These fossils are also compared with four species of modern marmots, including? an extensive sample of Marmota marmota. Plotting the length of each dental piece of Gran Dolina versus its width, less than 25% of the Early Pleistocene specimens fall into the variability of Marmota marmota, meanwhile the Middle Pleistocene fossils fall within (or extremely close) to its variability. These Early Pleistocene marmots cannot be metrically assigned to the extant alpine marmot.RESUMO: Os vestĂ­gios europeus mais antigos de marmotas (gĂ©nero Marmota) tĂȘm 0.8 milhĂ”es de anos e provĂȘm da Gran Dolina, Atapuerca. As mediçÔes realizadas em peças dentĂĄrias de marmotas fĂłsseis encontrados em Gran Dolina sĂŁo comparadas com exemplares de marmotas provenientes do PleistocĂ©nico inferior da CroĂĄcia e do PleistocĂ©nico MĂ©dio e Superior de França e ItĂĄlia, bem como com exemplares encontrados em outras localidades do PleistocĂ©nico mĂ©dio da Serra de Atapuerca. Estes fĂłsseis tambĂ©m sĂŁo comparados com quatro espĂ©cies de marmotas modernas, incluindo uma extensa amostra de Marmota marmota. Ao plotar o comprimento de cada peça dentĂĄria de Gran Dolina face a sua largura, menos do 25% dos exemplares do PleistocĂ©nico Inferior caem dentro da variabilidade existente em Marmota marmota. Os exemplares do PleistocĂ©nico MĂ©dio estĂŁo dentro (ou extremamente prĂłximos) da variabilidade de Marmota marmota. Os exemplares de marmotas do PleistocĂ©nico Inferior de Gran Dolina nĂŁo podem ser metricamente atribuĂ­dos Ă  marmota alpina.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluating and comparing geochemical sampling protocols in dinosaur eggshells: refining Cretaceous ecosystem research

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    The geochemical signatures of dinosaur eggshells represent well-established proxies in paleoenvironmental and paleobiological research. The variable sampling procedures reported in the literature, however, deserve attention. In order to evaluate the impact of different sampling methodologies on carbon and oxygen isotope and elemental concentrations, grinding was contrasted with drilling to extract powder samples from eggshell fragments collected at several locations. Eggshell data were further contrasted with surface materials, encasing matrix and compared with independent proxies using petrographic and elemental techniques. Iron and manganese elemental concentrations revealed an enrichment sequence depending on the sampling strategy for the same eggshell fragment. This pattern can be mistaken for a variable state of preservation. In contrast, carbon and oxygen isotope values exhibited only subtle differences and lacked clear trends. This suggests that isotope data are less susceptible to different methodological approaches. It is shown that drilling offers a wider range of possibilities compared to grinding (e.g., faster and less destructive). Additionally, drilled powder samples can confidently be used for elemental and isotope analysis, excluding contamination, thus providing a more accurate set of proxy data from eggshell archives

    A new crocodylomorph related ootaxon from the late Maastrichtian of the Southern Pyrenees (Huesca, Spain)

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    Crocodylomorph eggs and eggshells are known as old as the Late Jurassic and are frequent components of most multiootaxic eggshell assemblages. Classified within the oofamily Krokolithidae, thei histo- and ultrastructures are conservative throughout geological time, characterised by inverted-trapezoid-shaped shell units that grow from highly spaced basal knobs and present a diagnostic tabular ultrastructure. Here, we report 327 eggshell fragments from a new fossil site from the Maastrichtian of the Southern Pyrenees, Veracruz 1, and erect a new oogenus and oospecies, Pachykrokolithus excavatum oogen. et oosp. nov. characterised by crocodyloid morphotype and a prominent rugosocavate ornamentation. Eggshells from the slightly older locality of Blasi 2b, previously reported as aff. Krokolithidae, are also assigned to this new ootaxon. Different crocodylomorph taxa coexisted during the Late Cretaceous of the Tremp Basin, hindering the attribution of Pachykrokolithus excavatum oogen. et oosp. nov. to a single clade. Nevertheless, allodaposuchid eusuchians were dominant in this ecosystem, and are the most probable producers of Pachykrokolithus excavatum oogen. et oosp. nov. eggs

    Shearwater Eggs in Lobos 3, a Holocene Site of Fuerteventura (Canary Islands)

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    Two eggs (L29 and N28) were recovered in the Holocene site of Lobos 3, (Islote de Lobos, north Fuerteventura, Canary Islands), the site has been interpreted as a purple dye workshop from the Early Roman Empire Epoch. For the first time, eggs from a Holocene deposit of the Canary Islands have been analyzed in terms of size, shape, and biomineral structure, and studied on the basis of several thin sections and SEM analysis. The analysis of the remains allowed the assignation of both eggs to Procellariidae birds, thanks to the relative proportion of the eggshell layers and the vesiculation patterns. The size of the eggs allowed the assignation of L29 to cf. Calonectris/Puffinus, and to cf. Puffinus for N28. The absence of more structural analysis on Procellariiformes eggshells prevent a more specific assignation. The accumulation pattern of the eggs is compatible with a seasonal occupation pattern of the Roman site

    New data on the Quaternary of Navarre: the paleontological collection from Koskobilo (Olazti/OlazagutĂ­a)

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    Libro de resĂșmenes disponible para su descarga gratuita en el enlace: http://www.aranzadi.eus/catalogo/xv-reunion-nacional-cuaternario-libro-de-resumenesThe archaeopaleontological collection from Koskobilo is composed of hundreds of fossil and thousands of lithic remains, mostly recovered during the middle part of the 20th century. Here we present the complete paleontological study of the collection, which includes 36 mammal taxa, 6 avian taxa and a small fish vertebral collection. Additionally we have performed direct dating of a speleothem crust covering one of the rhinoceros teeth, which provides a minimum of 219 ka for part of the collection, the rest being from the Upper Pleistocene, mixed with some Holocene/recent elements. The paleontological collection from Koskobilo is one of the most important in the Western Pyrenees due to the scarcity of the local Middle Pleistocene fossil record and the rarity of some of the taxa represented, such as Ursus thibetanus, Macaca sylvanus and cf. Megaceroides.La presente investigaciĂłn ha contado con el apoyo del grupo de investigaciĂłn IT1044-16 de Eusko Jaurlaritza-Gobierno Vasco, del Grupo PPG17/05 de la Universidad del PaĂ­s Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea y del Ministerio de Ciencia, InnovaciĂłn y Universidades (proyecto PGC2018-093925-B-C33)

    Los Batanes: A trap for the Pyrenean wild goat during the Late Pleistocene (Spain)

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    Los Batanes cave (1025 m.a.s.l.) is a karstic system formed by pressure ducts, near the locality of Biescas in the Upper Gallego Valley (Huesca, Spain). Many fossil remains were retrieved from the cave sediments. The minimum sediment calendar age was determined to be 12.770 ± 60 BP. This date indicates that the deposit was formed before the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene transition at the Pyrenees. Here we analyze the faunal assemblage of the site that is only conformed by remains of Pyrenean wild goat (Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica), which is a recently extinct subspecies of Iberian wild goat (C. pyrenaica). In the site, 1079 remains of Iberian wild goat have been recovered being one of the most numerous both in minimum number of individuals (MNI) and number of identified specimens (NISP) recovered until now in a natural trap in the Spanish Pyrenees. The population of Los Batanes shows a wide range of ages between juvenile and senile individuals and the MNI estimated from the number of right metatarsus is nine. The taphonomic features indicate that the cave acted as a trap for the goats which inhabited the vicinity of the cave. These goats probably stumbled and fell to the bottom of the pit and they could not get out, dying inside. Due to the origin of the accumulation numerous complete bones have been recovered. These fossil allow us to perform a biometric analysis that indicates that population of Los Batanes is in the range size of other goats from Late Pleistocene of Iberian Peninsula