22 research outputs found

    Development of crop production in the Slovakia and Czechia after the year 2004 in comparison with V4 countries

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    The V4 countries went through a transformation of their entire economies, including the agricultural sector, in the 1990s. Each of these countries approached the transformation of agriculture differently, but later the V4 countries’ approach to agricultural development was unified by the EU’s common agricultural policy. The aim of the paper was to compare the development of the production (sown area and hectare yield) of selected most commonly cultivated crops in Slovak and Czech regions (NUTS 3) in the period between 2004 and 2017. The development of production in these two countries was also evaluated against the trends of V4 countries. Based on these analyses, common and specific agriculture development trends in V4 countries were revealed. A chronological average was used to evaluate the average values of the monitored indicators in the period from 2004 to 2017 in Slovak and Czech regions. To express the development of the given indicators between 2004 and 2017, the change index was used and visualised cartographically. Regression analysis was used to show the development trends of agricultural production in the V4 countries. In general, the agricultural sectors in the V4 countries show similar characteristics with similar trends, and the average hectare yield has a modest growing trend. In terms of the structure of the cultivated plants, the size of the cultivated areas, the volume of production and the average hectare yields, there have been considerable changes to crop farming in Slovak and Czech regions. The study showed that the changes in the agrarian sector after the year 2004 conditioned by the entry of Czechia and Slovakia into the European Union were reflected in a decrease in crop production and an increase in regional disparities. From the point of view of the production indicator expressing the hectare yield of crops, Czechia achieves better indicator values than does Slovakia

    Biogas Stations in Slovakia – Current State

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    The paper focuses on the use of biomass in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. The importance and position of biomass within renewable energy sources is highlighted in the introduction. Documents such as laws, studies, and strategies which have been developed with the aim to increase the share of renewable energy sources within the energy mix are listed here. The issue of biogas and its possible sources in the Slovak Republic was also solved. An important part of the paper is the presentation of the current statistical data concerning to the number of biogas stations and also information about the material used for gasification purposes in SR. A separate part of the contribution consists of the field research results focused on selected biogas stations in western Slovakia. We provide basic technical specifications, biomass suppliers and statistical data about heat and electricity production for each station. Selected stations were located in villages: Smolinské, Malý Cetín, Ružindol, Chynorany and Kolíňany

    Vývojové tendencie v rastlinnej výrobe na Slovensku po roku 2004 – regionálne diferenciácie

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    One of the key milestones of joining European Union was to decrease disparities within economical and social environment in Slovakia. On the contrary, disparities are still growing, also in agriculture. Structural changes in agriculture between 2004 and 2014 are explained based on several stages of development, leading to regional differentiations. Based on indicators of crop production such as – gross crop production, crop production (cereals, oil plants, potatoes, sugar beet and perennial fodder crops), production per one hectare of selected crops, per capita production of selected crops and per 1 hectare of agricultural land this paper shows trends in crop production in Slovakia between 2004 and 2014. Individual regions and their ranking in Slovakia are analysed based on the level NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) III (regions). The classification of development of indicators of crop production in regions of Slovakia in relation to the calculated average value of Slovak Republic from 2004 to 2014 is based on calculated average values for the monitored period. Selected stasticial methods (standard deviation, coefficient of variation, the ratio of the data set and the relative size of the data file) are applied to analyse, study and interpret development of regional disparities in crop production in Slovakia.I napriek tomu, že jedným zo základných atribútov vstupu Slovenska do Európskej únie (EÚ) bolo zníženie regionálnych disparít v ekonomickom a sociálnom prostredí, naďalej dochádza k ich prehlbovaniu, nevynímajúc ani poľnohospodárstvo. Štrukturálne zmeny, ktoré nastali v poľnohospodárstve v tomto období sa premietli do jeho vývoja vo viacerých oblastiach a navonok sa prejavili v regionálnych diferenciáciách. V príspevku pomocou zvolených ukazovateľov rastlinnej výroby – hrubá rastlinná produkcia, produkcia plodín (obilniny, olejniny, zemiaky, cukrová repa a viacročné krmoviny), hektárová úroda vybraných plodín, výroba vybraných plodín na 1 obyvateľa a na 1 ha poľnohospodárskej pôdy) poukážeme na vývojové tendencie v rastlinnej výrobe Slovenska v období rokov 2004 – 2014. Na úrovni regiónov NUTS (Nomenklatúra územných štatistických jednotiek) III (samosprávnych krajov) predstavíme postavenie jednotlivých krajov Slovenska v produkcii skúmaných plodín. Na základe vypočítaných priemerných hodnôt za sledované časové obdobie rokov klasifikujeme vývoj ukazovateľov rastlinnej výroby v krajoch Slovenska vo vzťahu k vypočítanej priemernej hodnote za SR v časovom horizonte rokov 2004 – 2014. S pomocou využitia zvolených štatistických metód (smerodajná odchýlka, variačný koeficient, pomer dátového súboru a relatívny rozsah dátového súboru) interpretujeme vývoj regionálnych disparít ukazovateľov v rastlinnej výrobe Slovenska

    XXIV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 24th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings. The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 24rd International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 79 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism or regional public administration

    XXV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 57 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism, or regional public administration

    Regional Differences in Agriculture in Slovakia after Its Accession to the European Union

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    The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union is reflected in the development of agricultural production in Slovakia. The development of livestock production faced significant changes reflected in its overall decrease. The decrease in the level of agricultural production in Slovakia between 2002 and 2010 is shown by several indicators assessed in this paper. Its main aim is to highlight differences in Slovak agriculture at the level of LAU I, which are districts of Slovakia, according to the selected indicators of agricultural production between 2002 and 2010. We analyse the development of regional differences in Slovak agriculture that have widened under the influence of the EU Common Agricultural Policy. The development of selected indicators of agricultural production was analysed using the change index, which best represents differences in the development of agriculture in the Slovak regions

    Changes in the Structure of Crop Production in Slovakia after 2004 Using an Example of Selected Crops

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    Spatial changes in the structure of crop production have the potential to impact economics and food security in Slovakia. The objective of this study was to analyze the modification of harvested areas, the production and yields of selected crops—cereals, oilseeds, and perennial forages—and their food and non-food use from 2004 to 2020. The results indicated that an increase in the cultivation of large-scale crops (cereals and oilseeds) has occurred at the expense of crops produced for food. Changes in the structure of plant production indicate negative risk factor that reduce the competitiveness of the agricultural sector and threaten Slovakia’s food security. Moran’s global and Moran’s local autocorrelation index were used in the synthesis of the findings. A spatial autocorrelation analysis of the harvest areas of selected crops was used as a practical approach to locate statistically significant areas with high or low crop harvest. This manifested itself as positive spatial autocorrelation

    Development Trends in the Crop Production in Slovakia after Accession to the European Union—Case Study, Slovakia

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    The development of agriculture in Slovakia in the last three decades has been influenced by two events: the transformation of agriculture after 1989 and Slovakia’s accession to the European Union in 2004. In this paper, we analyze the effects of Slovakia’s accession to the European Union on the development and structure of crop production. The aim of the paper was to identify connections, parallels and differences between the developments of the sown areas of the most important crops at the level of Slovakia and its regions in the period 2004–2020. Cluster analysis based on the similarity of the development of the sown areas divided the crops into four clusters (cereals; sugar-beet; oilseeds, multiannual fodder crops, maize; legumes, vegetables, potatoes). Multivariate analyses of the time series of sown areas also revealed similarities and differences between the regions of Slovakia. The results of the analysis point to regional differentiation and the identify two clusters. The first cluster comprises the Nitra and Trnava Regions, while the second cluster consists of the remaining six regions. The study has shown that changes in the agrarian sector after 2004, conditioned by Slovakia’s accession to the European Union, have been reflected in changes in the area and structure of cultivated crops, and in the differentiated development of sown areas

    Regional differences in agriculture in Slovakia after its accession to the European Union

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    The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union is reflected in the development of agricultural production in Slovakia. The development of livestock production faced significant changes reflected in its overall decrease. The decrease in the level of agricultural production in Slovakia between 2002 and 2010 is shown by several indicators assessed in this paper. Its main aim is to highlight differences in Slovak agriculture at the level of LAU I, which are districts of Slovakia, according to the selected indicators of agricultural production between 2002 and 2010. We analyse the development of regional differences in Slovak agriculture that have widened under the influence of the EU Common Agricultural Policy. The development of selected indicators of agricultural production was analysed using the change index, which best represents differences in the development of agriculture in the Slovak regions