660 research outputs found

    Pressure-induced transition from the dynamic to static Jahn-Teller effect in (Ph4_{4}P)2_{2}IC60_{60}

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    High-pressure infrared transmission measurements on \PhC60 were performed up to 9 GPa over a broad frequency range (200 - 20000 cm−1^{-1}) to monitor the vibrational and electronic/vibronic excitations under pressure. The four fundamental T1u_{1u} modes of \C60a\ are split into doublets already at the lowest applied pressure and harden with increasing pressure. Several cation modes and fullerene-related modes split into doublets at around 2 GPa, the most prominent one being the G1u_{1u} mode. The splitting of the vibrational modes can be attributed to the transition from the dynamic to static Jahn-Teller effect, caused by steric crowding at high pressure. Four absorption bands are observed in the NIR-VIS frequency range. They are discussed in terms of transitions between LUMO electronic states in \C60a, which are split because of the Jahn-Teller distortion and can be coupled with vibrational modes. Various distortions and the corresponding symmetry lowering are discussed. The observed redshift of the absorption bands indicates that the splitting of the LUMO electronic states is reduced upon pressure application.Comment: 10 pages, 17 figure

    A hyperparasite affects the population dynamics of a wild plant pathogen

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    Assessing the impact of natural enemies of plant and animal pathogens on their host’s population dynamics is needed to determine the role of hyperparasites in affecting disease dynamics, and their potential for use in efficient control strategies of patho- gens. Here, we focus on the long-term study describing metapopulation dynamics of an obligate pathogen, the powdery mildew ( Podosphaera plantaginis ) naturally infect- ing its wild host plant ( Plantago lanceolata ) in the fragmented landscape of the � Aland archipelago (southwest Finland). Regionally, the pathogen persists through a balance of extinctions and colonizations, yet factors affecting extinction rates remain poorly understood. Mycoparasites of the genus Ampelomyces appear as good candidates for testing the role of a hyperparasite, i.e. a parasite of other parasites, in the regulation of their fungal hosts’ population dynamics. For this purpose, we first designed a quantita- tive PCR assay for detection of Ampelomyces spp. in field-collected samples. This newly developed molecular test was then applied to a large-scale sampling within the � Aland archipelago, revealing that Ampelomyces is a widespread hyperparasite in this system, with high variability in prevalence among populations. We found that the hyperparasite was more common on leaves where multiple powdery mildew strains coexist, a pattern that may be attributed to differential exposure. Moreover, the preva- lence of Ampelomyces at the plant level negatively affected the overwinter survival of its fungal host. We conclude that this hyperparasite may likely impact on its host pop- ulation dynamics and argue for increased focus on the role of hyperparasites in disease dynamics

    Diffusion in normal and critical transient chaos

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    In this paper we investigate deterministic diffusion in systems which are spatially extended in certain directions but are restricted in size and open in other directions, consequently particles can escape. We introduce besides the diffusion coefficient D on the chaotic repeller a coefficient D^{\hat D} which measures the broadening of the distribution of trajectories during the transient chaotic motion. Both coefficients are explicitly computed for one-dimensional models, and they are found to be different in most cases. We show furthermore that a jump develops in both of the coefficients for most of the initial distributions when we approach the critical borderline where the escape rate equals the Liapunov exponent of a periodic orbit.Comment: 4 pages Revtex file in twocolumn format with 2 included postscript figure

    Orbital Magnetism in Ensembles of Parabolic Potentials

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    We study the magnetic susceptibility of an ensemble of non-interacting electrons confined by parabolic potentials and subjected to a perpendicular magnetic field at finite temperatures. We show that the behavior of the average susceptibility is qualitatively different from that of billiards. When averaged over the Fermi energy the susceptibility exhibits a large paramagnetic response only at certain special field values, corresponding to comensurate classical frequencies, being negligible elsewhere. We derive approximate analytical formulae for the susceptibility and compare the results with numerical calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, REVTE

    Non-minimal Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory and the composite Fermion model

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    The magnetic field redefinition in Jain's composite fermion model for the fractional quantum Hall effect is shown to be effectively described by a mean-field approximation of a model containing a Maxwell-Chern-Simons gauge field non-minimally coupled to matter. Also an explicit non-relativistic limit of the non-minimal (2+1)D Dirac equation is derived.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Migration pattern of Gambel’s White-crowned Sparrow along the Pacific Flyway

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    White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) populations of western North America exhibit dramatic differences in life history strategies including migration behavior. However, individual migration strategies and population-level migratory patterns remain largely unknown for this species. Here, we focused on the long-distance migratory subspecies, Gambel’s White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). We used ringing, tracking and stable hydrogen isotope (δ2H) analysis of individuals migrating along the Pacific Flyway to assess individual phenology and routes as well as the pattern of connectivity between breeding and non-breeding sites. Results from all three methods, consisting of 79 ring recoveries, four light level geolocator tracks and 388 feather δ2H values, indicate low degrees of migratory connectivity. The isotope data provide evidence for leapfrog migration with the more southerly populations traveling greater distances to the breeding grounds than more centrally wintering individuals. Location estimates of four annual journeys revealed individually consistent migration strategies with relatively short flight bouts separated by two to three and two to six stopover sites during spring and autumn migration, respectively. However, combined results from all methods indicate high variability in migration distance among individuals. These findings confirm the phenotypic flexibility observed within this species and highlight the potential of White-crowned Sparrows for further investigations of evolutionary adaptations to ongoing changes in the environment

    Supercooled confined water and the Mode Coupling crossover temperature

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    We present a Molecular Dynamics study of the single particle dynamics of supercooled water confined in a silica pore. Two dynamical regimes are found: close to the hydrophilic substrate molecules are below the Mode Coupling crossover temperature, TCT_C, already at ambient temperature. The water closer to the center of the pore (free water) approaches upon supercooling TCT_C as predicted by Mode Coupling Theories. For free water the crossover temperature and crossover exponent γ\gamma are extracted from power-law fits to both the diffusion coefficient and the relaxation time of the late α\alpha region.Comment: To be published, Phys. Rev. Lett., 4 pages, 3 figures, revTeX, minor changes in the figures, references added, changes in the tex

    Speech-centric multimodal interaction for easy-to-access online services: A personal life assistant for the elderly

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    The PaeLife project is a European industry-academia collaboration whose goal is to provide the elderly with easy access to online services that make their life easier and encourage their continued participation in the society. To reach this goal, the project partners are developing a multimodal virtual personal life assistant (PLA) offering a wide range of services from weather information to social networking. This paper presents the multimodal architecture of the PLA, the services provided by the PLA, and the work done in the area of speech input and output modalities, which play a key role in the application.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Speech-centric multimodal interaction for easy-to-access online services: A personal life assistant for the elderly

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    The PaeLife project is a European industry-academia collaboration whose goal is to provide the elderly with easy access to online services that make their life easier and encourage their continued participation in the society. To reach this goal, the project partners are developing a multimodal virtual personal life assistant (PLA) offering a wide range of services from weather information to social networking. This paper presents the multimodal architecture of the PLA, the services provided by the PLA, and the work done in the area of speech input and output modalities, which play a key role in the application.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Anomalous Workfunction Anisotropy in Ternary Acetylides

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    Anomalous anisotropy of workfunction values in ternary alkali metal transition metal acetylides is reported. Workfunction values of some characteristic surfaces in these emerging semiconducting materials may differ by more than ≈\approx 2 eV as predicted by Density Functional Theory calculations. This large anisotropy is a consequence of the relative orientation of rod-like [MC2_{2}]∞_{\infty} negatively charged polymeric subunits and the surfaces, with M being a transition metal or metalloid element and C2_{2} refers to the acetylide ion C22−_{2}^{2-}, with the rods embedded into an alkali cation matrix. It is shown that the conversion of the seasoned Cs2_{2}Te photo-emissive material to ternary acetylide Cs2_{2}TeC2_{2} results in substantial reduction of its ≈\approx 3 eV workfunction down to 1.71-2.44 eV on the Cs2_{2}TeC2_{2}(010) surface while its high quantum yield is preserved. Similar low workfunction values are predicted for other ternary acetylides as well, allowing for a broad range of applications from improved electron- and light-sources to solar cells, field emission displays, detectors and scanners.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
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