118 research outputs found


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      Layanan Nama Domain (DNS) adalah salah satu layanan di bidang telekomunikasi yang perlu dipertahankan untuk memastikan keberlangsungan komunikasi pada jaringan internet modern. Sebagian besar Penyedia Layanan Internet (ISP) menerapkan sistem rekursif DNS mereka sendiri untuk mempertahankan konten dan layanan ke sisi klien. Tujuan kerja ini adalah skema baru untuk DNS rekursif untuk mempertahankan skalabilitasnya menggunakan pendekatan load balancing berdasarkan pertumbuhan klien tanpa mengorbankan kesinambungan layanan. Pendekatan load balancing yang digunakan dalam pekerjaan ini adalah dengan membandingkan tiga metode load balancing; Least Packet, Round Robin dan Least Connection. Hasil metode terbaik dari perbandingan tiga metode penyeimbangan beban digunakan untuk menguji skalabilitas seluruh sistem DNS, dengan menguji interkoneksi antar node perangkat keras.     Domain Name Service (DNS) is one of services in telecommunication that needed to be maintained to ensure the passage of communication for modern internet. Most Internet Service Provider (ISP) implement their own DNS recursive system to maintain the content and service to client side. This work purpose is a novel scheme for DNS recursive to maintain its scalability using load balancing approach based on the growth of the client without sacrificing the continuity of the service. Load balancing approach used in this work is by comparing three method of load balancing; Least Packet, Round Robin and Least Connection. The best method result from the comparison of three load balancing method is used to test the scalability of whole DNS system, by testing interconnection between hardware nodes. &nbsp

    Polarisasi Melingkar Antena Mikrostrip Persegi Panjang dengan Pencatuan Ganda Secara Langsung Menggunakan Transformator λ/4

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    WiMAX adalah teknologi tanpa kabel yang memiliki kecepatan akses yang tinggi dengan jangkauan yang luas. Peraturan dan ketentuan WiMAX diatur dalam standar IEEE 802.16 dan WiMAX Forum menetapkan 2 band frekuensi utama pada certification profile untuk Fixed WiMAX, yaitu band 3.5 GHz dan 5.8 GHz, sementara untuk Mobile WiMAX ditetapkan 4 band frekuensi, yaitu band 2.3 GHz, 2.5 GHz, 3.3 GHz dan 3.5 GHz. Sedangkan alokasi frekuensi untuk WiMAX di Indonesia adalah pada frekuensi 2.3 GHz dan frekuensi 3.3 GHz berdasarkan ketetapan keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Pos dan Telekomunikasi Indonesia. Pada penelitian ini dirancang antena mikrostrip berbentuk persegi panjang dengan polarisasi melingkar yang dicatu menggunakan pencatuan ganda menggunakan transformator λ/4 untuk diaplikasikan pada teknologi WiMAX yang bekerja pada frekuensi 2.3 GHz. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa antena dapat bekerja pada frekuensi 2.3 GHz dengan return loss sebesar -37,48 dB dan VSWR 1,027. Bandwidth yang dihasilkan adalah 576 MHz atau sekitar 25,04% dan hasil pengukuran pola radiasi didapatkan nilai Half Power BeamWidth (HPBW) sebesar 50o.

    Respon Dua Varietas Tomat (Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.) Terhadap Aplikasi Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Naphthalene Acetic Acid (Naa)

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    Upaya peningkatan mutu buah tomat dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian ZPT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon dua varietas tomat terhadap aplikasi NAA pada konsentrasi yang berbeda. Percobaan disusun menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi dengan 3 ulangan. Petak utama, varietas tomat terdiri 2 macam, yaitu V1: varietas Juliet F1, V2: varietas Tombatu F1. Anak petak, konsentrasi NAA terdiri 6 taraf, yaitu P0: 0 ppm, P1: 30 ppm, P2: 60 ppm, P3: 90 ppm, P4: 120 ppm dan P5: 150 ppm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi NAA yang diberikan pada saat awal berbunga, pada varietas Juliet F1 dengan NAA 30 ppm dapat meningkatkan tinggi tanaman dan jumlah anak daun pada akhir pengamatan. Pada varietas Tombatu F1 dengan NAA 60 ppm menunjukkan jumlah biji per buah lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan kontrol dan perlakuan aplikasi NAA 150 ppm. Pada jumlah buah terbentuk per tandan atas, konsentrasi NAA 30 ppm sampai 150 ppm yang diaplikasikan pada tanaman tomat varietas Juliet F1 dan varietas Tombatu F1 dapat menurunkan jumlah buah terbentuk per tandan atas. Varietas Juliet F1 menunjukkan persentase fruit drop lebih rendah, bobot per buah dan bobot buah panen lebih kecil, jumlah buah panen per tanaman lebih tinggi dan umur panen pertama serta umur panen terakhir lebih lambat dibandingkan dengan varietas Tombatu F1. Aplikasi NAA pada tanaman tomat dapat menurunkan jumlah bunga per tanaman, jumlah buah per tanaman, jumlah bunga per tandan, jumlah buah terbentuk per tandan, jumlah buah panen, bobot buah panen dan bobot per buah. Aplikasi NAA 150 ppm menurunkan diameter buah tomat

    Formula Kahiguru High Protein for Making of Food Supplement as Elimination Stunting

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    In general, the objective of the study was to create a high protein "kahiguru" formula consisting of a mixture of green beans (Vigna radiata) flour, gude nuts (Cajanus cajan) flour and lemuru fish (Sardinella L.) flour. The preparation of kahiguru formula and supplementary feeding products (PMT) was made using a randomized block design. The nutrient content of kahiguru formula is the lowest protein content in formula A (25,2054%) and highest formula F (52,3365%); the lowest fat content in Formula A (3.6901%) and highest formula F (6.8923%). The highest amino acid arginine content in the formula F (3.033%), histidine in the formula D (4.744%), Isoleucine in the formula E (2.606%), Leucine in the formula F (2.920%), lysine in the formula B (12.765%), methionine in the formula D (3.828%), phenylalanine in the formula F (1.822%), threonine in the formula F (3.526%) and valine in the formula F (1.909%). Based on the amino acid content kahiguru formula can be made variations of PMT are preferred child under five years, such as cake, cookies, or brownies. The conclusion is 1) "kahiguru" formula containing high protein as the base material of PMT is a combination of green bean flour, gude bean flour and lemuru fish flour, 2) nutrient content of best kahiguru formula is formula "F" (20-20 -60) containing 52.3 grams of protein and 6.9 grams of fat,    3) high kahiguru formula containing amino acid hystidine (4.74%) is the formula "D"; methionine (3.82%) and isoleucine (2.60%) is the formula "E"; threonine (3.52%), arginine (3.03%), valine (1.90%), phenylalanine (1.82%), and leucine (2.92%) were the formula "F"


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      Layanan Nama Domain (DNS) adalah salah satu layanan di bidang telekomunikasi yang perlu dipertahankan untuk memastikan keberlangsungan komunikasi pada jaringan internet modern. Sebagian besar Penyedia Layanan Internet (ISP) menerapkan sistem rekursif DNS mereka sendiri untuk mempertahankan konten dan layanan ke sisi klien. Tujuan kerja ini adalah skema baru untuk DNS rekursif untuk mempertahankan skalabilitasnya menggunakan pendekatan load balancing berdasarkan pertumbuhan klien tanpa mengorbankan kesinambungan layanan. Pendekatan load balancing yang digunakan dalam pekerjaan ini adalah dengan membandingkan tiga metode load balancing; Least Packet, Round Robin dan Least Connection. Hasil metode terbaik dari perbandingan tiga metode penyeimbangan beban digunakan untuk menguji skalabilitas seluruh sistem DNS, dengan menguji interkoneksi antar node perangkat keras.     Domain Name Service (DNS) is one of services in telecommunication that needed to be maintained to ensure the passage of communication for modern internet. Most Internet Service Provider (ISP) implement their own DNS recursive system to maintain the content and service to client side. This work purpose is a novel scheme for DNS recursive to maintain its scalability using load balancing approach based on the growth of the client without sacrificing the continuity of the service. Load balancing approach used in this work is by comparing three method of load balancing; Least Packet, Round Robin and Least Connection. The best method result from the comparison of three load balancing method is used to test the scalability of whole DNS system, by testing interconnection between hardware nodes. &nbsp

    Developing Authentic Reading Material for the Tenth Year Students of State Vocational High School 1 Kubutambahan

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    This study aimed at (i) developing authentic reading material for the tenth year students of Vocational high school based on the School Based Curriculum that meet the criteria of a good reading material, (ii) identifying the reading materials which have been used in SMK negeri 1 Kubutambahan, (iii) identifying the types of reading material which are needed to be developed fro the tenth year students of SMK Negeri 1 Kubutambahan, (iv) identifying the reading topics which were needed to be developed for the tenth year students of SMK Negeri 1 Kubutambahan, (v) developing reading activities that could be included and needed to be developed for the tenth year students of SMK Negeri 1 Kubutambahan. The data were gained using research instruments such as questionnaires, rubrics, and interview guides in order to find the compatibility of the existing materials and the developed materials with the syllabus and the criteria of good materials. Gall and Gall design model was employed as the present research procedures. The obtained data were quantitatively analyzed by using percentage of frequency. From the results, new materials were developed based on the requirements of syllabus analysis, criteria of good materials and good reading materials. After being developed, the materials were evaluated by experts. The results of the analysis were used as guideline for revising the developed materials. After being revised, the new materials were field-tested in the tenth year grade of SMK Negeri 1 Kubutambahan after conducting pre-test in order to identify the students\u27 prior knowledge. After field-test, post-test was conducted to identify whether or not the developed materials could improve the students\u27 reading comprehension. The next step was revising the results of the field test. After field-testing, the rubrics for analyzing the quality of developed materials were distributed to the teacher and the students. The obtained data were analyzed and categorized to ascertain rating scales. In conclusion, it was found that (i) the reading materials were developed based on the criteria of good materials, and the school-based curriculum and BSNP for the tenth year students of Vocational High School and considered as good reading materials, based on the criteria proposed by Tomlinson (1998, (ii) the existing materials in the English book used did not fully meet the requirements of the syllabus and curriculum, and categorized as average materials, (iii) authentic reading materials were the type of materials needed to be developed for the tenth year students of SMK Negeri 1 Kubutambahan, (iv) the reading topics which were needed to be developed were based on the SBC syllabus, (v) the reading activities that can be included and needed to be developed for the tenth year students of SMK Negeri 1 Kubutambahan were reading activities which based on the criteria proposed by Tomlinson (1998) and SBC

    Application of biocellulose as an acoustic membrane

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    Traditionally, membrane of cone loudspeakers are made of paper (cone paper), formed with cellulose fibers. Bacterial cellulose or biocellulose is known as nata de coco which is produced by coconut water fermentation using Acetobacter. A sheet obtained from the biocellulose has good mechanical properties i.e the Young \u27s modulus of a sheet prepared using hotpress processing was 13 GPa. Improvement of the mechanical properties can be achieved by treating the biocellulose with alkali or oxidant solutions. The Young\u27s modulus of the sheet of biocellulose has reached 23.5 GPa with tan 60.02 (an acoustic absorption property), and sound velocity as high as 4522.67 m/sec. These characters showed that biocellulose sheet prepared from coconut water fermentation showed good acoustic characteristic. It means that the replacement of cone paper loudspeaker with a cone biocellulose is prospective . Based on these characters, an experiment has been conducted to construct cone loudspeaker from the\u27biocellulose material with size and shape similar to those of marketed cone loudspeaker. Frequency respons of cone type loudspeakers made of bacterial cellulose shows that it has wide frequency range, from low to high. Keywords: biocellulose â acetobactor â cone type loudspeake

    Coulomb drag in intermediate magnetic fields

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    We investigated theoretically the Coulomb drag effect in coupled 2D electron gases in a wide interval of magnetic field and temperature 1/τωcEF/ 1/\tau \ll \omega_c \ll E_F/\hbar, TEFT \ll E_F, τ\tau being intralayer scattering time, ωc\omega_c being the cyclotron frequency. We show that the quantization of the electron spectrum leads to rich parametric dependences of drag transresistance on temperature and magnetic field. This is in contrast to usual resistance. New small energy scales are found to cut typical excitation energies to values lower than temperature. This may lead to a linear temperature dependence of transresistance even in a relatively weak magnetic field and can explain some recent experimental data. We present a novel mechanism of Coulomb drag when the current in the active layer causes a magnetoplasmon wind and the magnetoplasmons are absorbed by the electrons of the passive layer providing a momentum transfer. We derived general relations that describe the drag as a result of resonant tunneling of magnetoplasmons.Comment: ZIP archive,10 pages, 3 ps figures, submitted to PR

    Estimasi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca dan Aplikasi Pemanfaatan Konsorsium Bakteri dari Limbah Peternakan dengan Media Batubara dalam Menghasilkan Biogas

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengestimasi emisi gas rumah kaca dari populasi ternak ruminansia dan memanfaatkan GRK sebagai energi alternatif, yang terbentuk dari aktivitas konsorsium bakteri dalam limbah ruminansia sebagai starter dengan media batubara. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga tahap: Tahap 1 adalah estimasi emisi gas rumah kaca yang didasarkan pada survei populasi ternak di Kabupaten Sumedang (Jatinangor, Tanjungsari dan Sukasari) menurut metode IPCC 2006. Tahap 2 adalah percobaan skala laboratorium untuk membuktikan pembentukan gas rumah kaca dari sampel limbah ruminansia. Tahap 3 adalah pemanfaatan gas rumah kaca sebagai sumber energi dengan media batubara dan starter konsorsium bakteri dari feses ternak. Sampel untuk penelitian skala laboratorium diperoleh dengan mengaktifasi konsorsium bakteri dari feses ternak yang ditanam di media batubara. Penelitian ini dilakukan sebagai penelitian eksploratif dengan memanfaatkan feses sapi perah, feses sapi potong, feses kerbau yang ditambahkan secara terpisah ke dalam medium 98-5 yang terbuat dari campuran komponen kimia dan diencerkan dengan aquadest dan cairan rumen. Setiap sampel disimpan ke dalam digester anaerobik 250 ml, diinkubasi selama 15 hari, dianalisis dengan Gas Chromatography (GC-A14). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peternakan ruminansia menghasilkan gas rumah kaca khususnya CH4 yang berpotensi dapat dikurangi dengan memanfaatkannya sebagai biogas dengan media batubara