23 research outputs found

    Environmental drivers of local abundance-mass scaling in soil animal communities

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    The relationship between species' body masses and densities is strongly conserved around a three-quarter power law when pooling data across communities. However, studies of local within-community relationships have revealed major deviations from this general pattern, which has profound implications for their stability and functioning. Despite multiple contributions of soil communities to people, there is limited knowledge on the drivers of body mass–abundance relationships in these communities. We compiled a dataset comprising 155 soil–animal communities across four countries (Canada, Germany, Indonesia, USA), all sampled using the same methodology. We tested if variation in local climatic and edaphic conditions drives differences in local body mass–abundance scaling relationships. We found substantial variation in the slopes of this power-law relationship across local communities. Structural equation modeling showed that soil temperature and water content have a positive and negative net effect, respectively, on soil communities. These effects are mediated by changes in local edaphic conditions (soil pH and carbon content) and the body-mass range of the communities. These results highlight ways in which alterations of soil climatic and edaphic conditions interactively impact the distribution of abundance between populations of small and large animals. These quantitative mechanistic relationships facilitate our understanding of how global changes in environmental conditions, such as temperature and precipitation, will affect community–abundance distributions and thus the stability and functioning of soil–animal communities

    Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems

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    Predator–prey interactions in natural ecosystems generate complex food webs that have a simple universal body-size architecture where predators are systematically larger than their prey. Food-web theory shows that the highest predator–prey body-mass ratios found in natural food webs may be especially important because they create weak interactions with slow dynamics that stabilize communities against perturbations and maintain ecosystem functioning. Identifying these vital interactions in real communities typically requires arduous identification of interactions in complex food webs. Here, we overcome this obstacle by developing predator-trait models to predict average body-mass ratios based on a database comprising 290 food webs from freshwater, marine and terrestrial ecosystems across all continents. We analysed how species traits constrain body-size architecture by changing the slope of the predator–prey body-mass scaling. Across ecosystems, we found high body-mass ratios for predator groups with specific trait combinations including (1) small vertebrates and (2) large swimming or flying predators. Including the metabolic and movement types of predators increased the accuracy of predicting which species are engaged in high body-mass ratio interactions. We demonstrate that species traits explain striking patterns in the body-size architecture of natural food webs that underpin the stability and functioning of ecosystems, paving the way for community-level management of the most complex natural ecosystems

    The travel speeds of large animals are limited by their heat-dissipation capacities.

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    Movement is critical to animal survival and, thus, biodiversity in fragmented landscapes. Increasing fragmentation in the Anthropocene necessitates predictions about the movement capacities of the multitude of species that inhabit natural ecosystems. This requires mechanistic, trait-based animal locomotion models, which are sufficiently general as well as biologically realistic. While larger animals should generally be able to travel greater distances, reported trends in their maximum speeds across a range of body sizes suggest limited movement capacities among the largest species. Here, we show that this also applies to travel speeds and that this arises because of their limited heat-dissipation capacities. We derive a model considering how fundamental biophysical constraints of animal body mass associated with energy utilisation (i.e., larger animals have a lower metabolic energy cost of locomotion) and heat-dissipation (i.e., larger animals require more time to dissipate metabolic heat) limit aerobic travel speeds. Using an extensive empirical dataset of animal travel speeds (532 species), we show that this allometric heat-dissipation model best captures the hump-shaped trends in travel speed with body mass for flying, running, and swimming animals. This implies that the inability to dissipate metabolic heat leads to the saturation and eventual decrease in travel speed with increasing body mass as larger animals must reduce their realised travel speeds in order to avoid hyperthermia during extended locomotion bouts. As a result, the highest travel speeds are achieved by animals of intermediate body mass, suggesting that the largest species are more limited in their movement capacities than previously anticipated. Consequently, we provide a mechanistic understanding of animal travel speed that can be generalised across species, even when the details of an individual species' biology are unknown, to facilitate more realistic predictions of biodiversity dynamics in fragmented landscapes

    Predicting movement speed of beetles from body size and temperature

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    Abstract Movement facilitates and alters species interactions, the resulting food web structures, species distribution patterns, community structures and survival of populations and communities. In the light of global change, it is crucial to gain a general understanding of how movement depends on traits and environmental conditions. Although insects and notably Coleoptera represent the largest and a functionally important taxonomic group, we still know little about their general movement capacities and how they respond to warming. Here, we measured the exploratory speed of 125 individuals of eight carabid beetle species across different temperatures and body masses using automated image-based tracking. The resulting data revealed a power-law scaling relationship of average movement speed with body mass. By additionally fitting a thermal performance curve to the data, we accounted for the unimodal temperature response of movement speed. Thereby, we yielded a general allometric and thermodynamic equation to predict exploratory speed from temperature and body mass. This equation predicting temperature-dependent movement speed can be incorporated into modeling approaches to predict trophic interactions or spatial movement patterns. Overall, these findings will help improve our understanding of how temperature effects on movement cascade from small to large spatial scales as well as from individual to population fitness and survival across communities

    Predictions from the <i>allometric heat-dissipation model</i> for realised travel speed as a function of body mass with the allometric scaling exponent <i>c</i> fitted independently (i.e., no pooling) for each locomotion mode.

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    Model-predicted mean values and 90% credible intervals are shown for flying (green), running (red), and swimming (blue) animals. The locomotion rate constant, v0, is fitted independently (i.e., no pooling) for each locomotion mode. Solid lines are predictions from the empirically observed range of body masses within each respective locomotion mode, and dashed lines are predictions extrapolated beyond that range. The data underlying this Figure can be found in https://zenodo.org/record/7554842. (TIFF)</p

    Overview of 3 alternative allometric locomotion models and their corresponding mechanistic hypotheses.

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    Overview of 3 alternative allometric locomotion models and their corresponding mechanistic hypotheses.</p

    Posterior parameter estimates of the joint best-performing allometric locomotion model, the <i>allometric heat-dissipation model</i> with shared slope and variable maxima (see S1 Table).

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    Table entries correspond to the mean, standard deviation (SD), and 90% credible intervals of the model parameters’ posterior distributions (see Table 1 for a description of the model parameters). The data underlying this Table can be found in https://zenodo.org/record/7554842. (DOCX)</p

    Model derivation.

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    Movement is critical to animal survival and, thus, biodiversity in fragmented landscapes. Increasing fragmentation in the Anthropocene necessitates predictions about the movement capacities of the multitude of species that inhabit natural ecosystems. This requires mechanistic, trait-based animal locomotion models, which are sufficiently general as well as biologically realistic. While larger animals should generally be able to travel greater distances, reported trends in their maximum speeds across a range of body sizes suggest limited movement capacities among the largest species. Here, we show that this also applies to travel speeds and that this arises because of their limited heat-dissipation capacities. We derive a model considering how fundamental biophysical constraints of animal body mass associated with energy utilisation (i.e., larger animals have a lower metabolic energy cost of locomotion) and heat-dissipation (i.e., larger animals require more time to dissipate metabolic heat) limit aerobic travel speeds. Using an extensive empirical dataset of animal travel speeds (532 species), we show that this allometric heat-dissipation model best captures the hump-shaped trends in travel speed with body mass for flying, running, and swimming animals. This implies that the inability to dissipate metabolic heat leads to the saturation and eventual decrease in travel speed with increasing body mass as larger animals must reduce their realised travel speeds in order to avoid hyperthermia during extended locomotion bouts. As a result, the highest travel speeds are achieved by animals of intermediate body mass, suggesting that the largest species are more limited in their movement capacities than previously anticipated. Consequently, we provide a mechanistic understanding of animal travel speed that can be generalised across species, even when the details of an individual species’ biology are unknown, to facilitate more realistic predictions of biodiversity dynamics in fragmented landscapes.</div

    Comparison of three alternative allometric locomotion models that predict the realised travel speeds of animals as a function of their body mass and locomotion mode.

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    Comparison of three alternative allometric locomotion models that predict the realised travel speeds of animals as a function of their body mass and locomotion mode.</p