7 research outputs found

    Genome-wide survey of SNP variation uncovers the genetic structure of cattle breeds

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    Genomics approaches To trypanosomiasis resistance

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    An international multidisciplinary consortium is conducting a programme of research into the host response to trypanosome infection. This builds upon QTL mapping which identified genome regions influencing susceptibility to pathology following T. congolense infection in both cattle and mouse. The approach uses large-scale expression analysis to examine the response of both susceptible and resistant strains and a series of novel informatics tools to identify pathways which are activated as a result of challenge, and those which are differentially used by resistant and susceptible strains. Of particular interest are those pathways which are significantly differentially activated and which contains genes within QTL regions. However, it is important to stress that we do not require those genes to be differentially expressed themselves.Comparison of murine and bovine systems has proved highly informative. In particular, the use of congenic mouse lines in which fragments of resistant genome surrounding the QTL have been placed on a susceptible background has proved to be a powerful means of studying the action of QTL – and several trypanotolerance QTL co-localise to QTL involved in a range of other traits. We see a number of cases in which genes of susceptible origin show an altered pattern of expression as a result of the presence of a distant gene of resistant origin. For example, a structural polymorphism within Daxx within the QTL was correlated with altered expression of p53 with which Daxx interacts on a different chromosome.In all cases, we find a gene network rather than a gene-by-gene approach to be highly informative and we see strong indications that survival or death is a result of differential use of number of very generic pathways. This is perhaps surprising and is turning out to have implications beyond trypanosomiasis into areas such as human survival following sepsis and under many other stresses

    Radiation hybrid maps of candidate trypanotolerance regions in cattle

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    A preliminary search for QTLs in a cattle F2 resource populations segregating for trypanotolerance has revealed three large candidate chromosomal regions (Bta02, Bta05, Bta07). In order to narrow down the position of the trypanotolerant QTLs, we are building comparative chromosomal maps between cattle, human and mice. Using a cattle radiation hybrid panel, first framework maps are constructed with type II markers (microsatellites). Then, type I markers (genes) are positioned within these maps. Their relative chromosomal positions, compared to their positions in human and mice, allow us to define conserved syntenic regions between the three species. The large number of genes being identified in human and mice may assist selection of candidate genes