82 research outputs found

    Effect of seed size and pre-treatment methods of Bauhinia thonningii Schum. on germination and seedling growth

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    Bauhinia thonningii Schum. a multipurpose tree species found in the savanna wood lands is a priority tree species for conservation in Malawi. The different plant parts are used in traditional medicine to treat different ailments. However, the seeds are dormant and the tree species remain undomesticated. A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of pre-sowing seed treatment and seed size on germination and seedling growth of B. thonningii in a nursery at Bunda College. Seeds grouped into two categories: small (1 to 5 mm) and large (>5 to 10 mm) were subjected to five main pre-sowing seed treatment methods namely; soaking in cold water for 12 h, soaking in hot water for 10 min, nicking, soaking in potassium nitrate (0.2%) for 10 min and soaking in concentrated hydrochloric acid (0.3 M) for 5 min, and a control where seeds were sown without any treatment. The results showed that the combination of nicking and large seeds produced the highest (100%) germination and highest height and diameter growth. Hot water treatment was also observed to be effective in both seed sizes producing 40 and 53.3% germination for small and large seeds, respectively. The increased seed germination and height for physically scarified seeds through nicking suggest that seed dormancy in B. thonningii is mainly due to relatively hard seed coat which renders the seed testa impermeable to water and gases required for germination process.Key words: Bauhinia thonningii, dormancy, germination, pre-sowing treatment, seed size

    Emergence of double- and triple-gene reassortant G1P[8] rotaviruses possessing a DS-1-like backbone after rotavirus vaccine introduction in Malawi

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    To combat the high burden of rotavirus gastroenteritis, multiple African countries have introduced rotavirus vaccines into their childhood immunization programs. Malawi incorporated a G1P[8] rotavirus vaccine (Rotarix) into its immunization schedule in 2012. Utilizing a surveillance platform of hospitalized rotavirus gastroenteritis cases, we examined the phylodynamics of G1P[8] rotavirus strains that circulated in Malawi before (1998 to 2012) and after (2013 to 2014) vaccine introduction. Analysis of whole genomes obtained through next-generation sequencing revealed that all randomly selected prevaccine G1P[8] strains sequenced (n = 32) possessed a Wa-like genetic constellation, whereas postvaccine G1P[8] strains (n = 18) had a DS-1-like constellation. Phylodynamic analyses indicated that postvaccine G1P[8] strains emerged through reassortment events between human Wa- and DS-1-like rotaviruses that circulated in Malawi from the 1990s and hence were classified as atypical DS-1-like reassortants. The time to the most recent common ancestor for G1P[8] strains was from 1981 to 1994; their evolutionary rates ranged from 9.7 × 10−4 to 4.1 × 10−3 nucleotide substitutions/site/year. Three distinct G1P[8] lineages chronologically replaced each other between 1998 and 2014. Genetic drift was the likely driver for lineage turnover in 2005, whereas replacement in 2013 was due to reassortment. Amino acid substitution within the outer glycoprotein VP7 of G1P[8] strains had no impact on the structural conformation of the antigenic regions, suggesting that it is unlikely that they would affect recognition by vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies. While the emergence of DS-1-like G1P[8] rotavirus reassortants in Malawi was therefore likely due to natural genotype variation, vaccine effectiveness against such strains needs careful evaluation. IMPORTANCE: The error-prone RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and the segmented RNA genome predispose rotaviruses to genetic mutation and genome reassortment, respectively. These evolutionary mechanisms generate novel strains and have the potential to lead to the emergence of vaccine escape mutants. While multiple African countries have introduced a rotavirus vaccine, there are few data describing the evolution of rotaviruses that circulated before and after vaccine introduction. We report the emergence of atypical DS-1-like G1P[8] strains during the postvaccine era in Malawi. Three distinct G1P[8] lineages circulated chronologically from 1998 to 2014; mutation and reassortment drove lineage turnover in 2005 and 2013, respectively. Amino acid substitutions within the outer capsid VP7 glycoprotein did not affect the structural conformation of mapped antigenic sites, suggesting a limited effect on the recognition of G1-specific vaccine-derived antibodies. The genes that constitute the remaining genetic backbone may play important roles in immune evasion, and vaccine effectiveness against such atypical strains needs careful evaluation

    What happens to ART-eligible patients who do not start ART? Dropout between screening and ART initiation: a cohort study in Karonga, Malawi

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    BACKGROUND: Routine ART programme statistics generally only provide information about individuals who start treatment. We aimed to investigate the outcome of those who are eligible but do not start ART in the Malawi programme, factors associated with this dropout, and reasons for not starting treatment, in a prospective cohort study. METHODS: Individuals having a first screening visit at the ART clinic at Karonga District Hospital, northern Malawi, between September 2005 and July 2006 were interviewed. Study follow-up to identify treatment outcomes was conducted at the clinic and in the community. Logistic regression models were used to identify factors associated with dropout before ART initiation among participants identified as clinically eligible for ART. RESULTS: 88 participants eligible for ART at their first screening visit (out of 633, 13.9%) defaulted before starting ART. Participants with less education, difficulties in dressing, a more delayed ART initiation appointment, and mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) < 22 cm were significantly less likely to have visited the clinic subsequently. Thirty-five (58%) of the 60 participants who defaulted and were tracked at home had died, 21 before their ART initiation appointment. CONCLUSIONS: MUAC and reported difficulties in dressing may provide useful screening indicators to identify sicker ART-eligible individuals at high risk of dropping out of the programme who might benefit from being brought back quickly or admitted to hospital for observation. Individuals with less education may need adapted health information at screening. Deaths of ART-eligible individuals occurring prior to ART initiation are not included in routine programme statistics. Considering all those who are eligible for ART as a denominator for programme indicators would help to highlight this vulnerable group, in order to identify new opportunities for further improving ART programmes

    Asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum malaria prevalence among adolescents and adults in Malawi, 2015–2016

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    Malaria remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in Malawi, with an estimated 18–19% prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum in children 2–10 years in 2015–2016. While children report the highest rates of clinical disease, adults are thought to be an important reservoir to sustained transmission due to persistent asymptomatic infection. The 2015–2016 Malawi Demographic and Health Survey was a nationally representative household survey which collected dried blood spots from 15,125 asymptomatic individuals ages 15–54 between October 2015 and February 2016. We performed quantitative polymerase chain reaction on 7,393 samples, detecting an overall P. falciparum prevalence of 31.1% (SE = 1.1). Most infections (55.6%) had parasitemias ≤ 10 parasites/µL. While 66.2% of individuals lived in a household that owned a bed net, only 36.6% reported sleeping under a long-lasting insecticide-treated net (LLIN) the previous night. Protective factors included urbanicity, greater wealth, higher education, and lower environmental temperatures. Living in a household with a bed net (prevalence difference 0.02, 95% CI − 0.02 to 0.05) and sleeping under an LLIN (0.01; − 0.02 to 0.04) were not protective against infection. Our findings demonstrate a higher parasite prevalence in adults than published estimates among children. Understanding the prevalence and distribution of asymptomatic infection is essential for targeted interventions

    The evolving SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Africa: insights from rapidly expanding genomic surveillance

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    Investment in SARS-CoV-2 sequencing in Africa over the past year has led to a major increase in the number of sequences generated, now exceeding 100,000 genomes, used to track the pandemic on the continent. Our results show an increase in the number of African countries able to sequence domestically, and highlight that local sequencing enables faster turnaround time and more regular routine surveillance. Despite limitations of low testing proportions, findings from this genomic surveillance study underscore the heterogeneous nature of the pandemic and shed light on the distinct dispersal dynamics of Variants of Concern, particularly Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omicron, on the continent. Sustained investment for diagnostics and genomic surveillance in Africa is needed as the virus continues to evolve, while the continent faces many emerging and re-emerging infectious disease threats. These investments are crucial for pandemic preparedness and response and will serve the health of the continent well into the 21st century

    The effectiveness of antenatal care programmes to reduce infant mortality and preterm birth in socially disadvantaged and vulnerable women in high-income countries: a systematic review

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    Background: Infant mortality has shown a steady decline in recent years but a marked socioeconomic gradient persists. Antenatal care is generally thought to be an effective method of improving pregnancy outcomes, but the effectiveness of specific antenatal care programmes as a means of reducing infant mortality in socioeconomically disadvantaged and vulnerable groups of women has not been rigorously evaluated.Methods: We conducted a systematic review, focusing on evidence from high income countries, to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative models of organising or delivering antenatal care to disadvantaged and vulnerable groups of women vs. standard antenatal care. We searched Medline, Embase, Cinahl, PsychINFO, HMIC, CENTRAL, DARE, MIDIRS and a number of online resources to identify relevant randomised and observational studies. We assessed effects on infant mortality and its major medical causes (preterm birth, congenital anomalies and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)).Results: We identified 36 distinct eligible studies covering a wide range of interventions, including group antenatal care, clinic-based augmented care, teenage clinics, prenatal substance abuse programmes, home visiting programmes, maternal care coordination and nutritional programmes. Fifteen studies had adequate internal validity: of these, only one was considered to demonstrate a beneficial effect on an outcome of interest. Six interventions were considered 'promising'.Conclusions: There was insufficient evidence of adequate quality to recommend routine implementation of any of the programmes as a means of reducing infant mortality in disadvantaged/vulnerable women. Several interventions merit further more rigorous evaluation

    RISK6, a 6-gene transcriptomic signature of TB disease risk, diagnosis and treatment response

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    Improved tuberculosis diagnostics and tools for monitoring treatment response are urgently needed. We developed a robust and simple, PCR-based host-blood transcriptomic signature, RISK6, for multiple applications: identifying individuals at risk of incident disease, as a screening test for subclinical or clinical tuberculosis, and for monitoring tuberculosis treatment. RISK6 utility was validated by blind prediction using quantitative real-time (qRT) PCR in seven independent cohorts. Prognostic performance significantly exceeded that of previous signatures discovered in the same cohort. Performance for diagnosing subclinical and clinical disease in HIV-uninfected and HIV-infected persons, assessed by area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve, exceeded 85%. As a screening test for tuberculosis, the sensitivity at 90% specificity met or approached the benchmarks set out in World Health Organization target product profiles for non-sputum-based tests. RISK6 scores correlated with lung immunopathology activity, measured by positron emission tomography, and tracked treatment response, demonstrating utility as treatment response biomarker, while predicting treatment failure prior to treatment initiation. Performance of the test in capillary blood samples collected by finger-prick was noninferior to venous blood collected in PAXgene tubes. These results support incorporation of RISK6 into rapid, capillary blood-based point-of-care PCR devices for prospective assessment in field studies

    The cost‐effectiveness of prophylaxis strategies for individuals with advanced HIV starting treatment in Africa

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    Introduction Many HIV‐positive individuals in Africa have advanced disease when initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) so have high risks of opportunistic infections and death. The REALITY trial found that an enhanced‐prophylaxis package including fluconazole reduced mortality by 27% in individuals starting ART with CD4 <100 cells/mm3. We investigated the cost‐effectiveness of this enhanced‐prophylaxis package versus other strategies, including using cryptococcal antigen (CrAg) testing, in individuals with CD4 <200 cells/mm3 or <100 cells/mm3 at ART initiation and all individuals regardless of CD4 count. Methods The REALITY trial enrolled from June 2013 to April 2015. A decision‐analytic model was developed to estimate the cost‐effectiveness of six management strategies in individuals initiating ART in the REALITY trial countries. Strategies included standard‐prophylaxis, enhanced‐prophylaxis, standard‐prophylaxis with fluconazole; and three CrAg testing strategies, the first stratifying individuals to enhanced‐prophylaxis (CrAg‐positive) or standard‐prophylaxis (CrAg‐negative), the second to enhanced‐prophylaxis (CrAg‐positive) or enhanced‐prophylaxis without fluconazole (CrAg‐negative) and the third to standard‐prophylaxis with fluconazole (CrAg‐positive) or without fluconazole (CrAg‐negative). The model estimated costs, life‐years and quality‐adjusted life‐years (QALY) over 48 weeks using three competing mortality risks: cryptococcal meningitis; tuberculosis, serious bacterial infection or other known cause; and unknown cause. Results Enhanced‐prophylaxis was cost‐effective at cost‐effectiveness thresholds of US300andUS300 and US500 per QALY with an incremental cost‐effectiveness ratio (ICER) of US157perQALYintheCD4<200cells/mm3populationprovidingenhanced‐prophylaxiscomponentsaresourcedatlowestavailableprices.TheICERreducedinmoreseverelyimmunosuppressedindividuals(US157 per QALY in the CD4 <200 cells/mm3 population providing enhanced‐prophylaxis components are sourced at lowest available prices. The ICER reduced in more severely immunosuppressed individuals (US113 per QALY in the CD4 <100 cells/mm3 population) and increased in all individuals regardless of CD4 count (US722perQALY).Resultsweresensitivetopricesoftheenhanced‐prophylaxiscomponents.Enhanced‐prophylaxiswasmoreeffectiveandlesscostlythanallCrAgtestingstrategiesasenhanced‐prophylaxisstillconveyedhealthgainsinCrAg‐negativepatientsandsavingsfromtargetingprophylaxisbasedonCrAgstatusdidnotcompensateforcostsofCrAgtesting.CrAgtestingstrategiesdidnotbecomecost‐effectiveunlessthepriceofCrAgtestingfellbelowUS722 per QALY). Results were sensitive to prices of the enhanced‐prophylaxis components. Enhanced‐prophylaxis was more effective and less costly than all CrAg testing strategies as enhanced‐prophylaxis still conveyed health gains in CrAg‐negative patients and savings from targeting prophylaxis based on CrAg status did not compensate for costs of CrAg testing. CrAg testing strategies did not become cost‐effective unless the price of CrAg testing fell below US2.30. Conclusions The REALITY enhanced‐prophylaxis package in individuals with advanced HIV starting ART reduces morbidity and mortality, is practical to administer and is cost‐effective. Efforts should continue to ensure that components are accessed at lowest available prices
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