209 research outputs found

    Biomanufacturing using single use systems: Case study of fluoropolymer material

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    In this presentation, we will discuss recent biocompatibility data obtained using our gamma stable fluoropolymer platform and its advantage in a modern manufacturing environment for the handling of almost any biological fluids. Single-use, disposable solutions are now widely accepted as gold standard in the biopharmaceutical industry covering every single steps of the drug manufacture process. From early-stage small scale R&D project, upstream production with several thousand-liters bioreactors, downstream process, API formulation up to critical fill & finish and transport applications, the industry is taking a shift with a significant breakthrough reported in 2021: the largest GMP facility in the world using single-use (from 200L to 4,000 L) bioreactors has been publicly announced this year with a global single-use bioreactor workforce of over 150,000 L (with extension plans for 2024 to expand its use of disposable bioreactors to over 430,000 L). Please click Download on the upper right corner to see the full abstract

    High-cell density cryopreservation strategy

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    The scientific strategy of this study is to amplify cells, freeze them in their single-use storage bags and in vials (which is the reference), keep them for a shorter or longer time in liquid nitrogen, then defrost directly in culture and compare the yields obtain in single-use storage bags versus in vials. This study follows 2 steps described below. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Unusual Sensory Disturbances Revealing Posterior Spinal Artery Infarct

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    Spinal cord infarctions are rare, especially at the cervical level and in the posterior spinal artery territory. Moreover, this diagnosis is difficult to establish as the clinical picture varies. Even if sensory patterns appear as cardinal signs, their distribution can be very variable. We report a rare case of posterior cervical cord infarction revealed by an unusual pure sensory clinical picture

    M13 bacteriophage-activated superparamagnetic beads for affinity separation

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    The growth of the biopharmaceutical industry has created a demand for new technologies for the purification of genetically engineered proteins. The efficiency of large-scale, highgradient magnetic fishing could be improved if magnetic particles offering higher binding capacity and magnetization were available. This article describes several strategies for synthesizing SPMs that are composed of a M13 bacteriophage layer assembled on a superparamagnetic core. Chemically cross-linking the pVIII proteins to a carboxyl functionalized SPM produced highly responsive superparamagnetic particles with a side-on oriented, adherent virus monolayer. Also, the genetic manipulation of the pIII proteins with a His6 peptide sequence allowed reversible assembly of the bacteriophage on a nitrilotriacetic acid functionalized core in an end-on configuration. These phage-magnetic particles were successfully used to separate antibodies from high-protein concentration solutions in a single step with a > 90 % purity. The dense magnetic core of these particles makes them five times more responsive to magnetic fields than commercial materials composed of polymer-iron oxide composites and a monolayer of phage could produced a 1000 fold higher antibody binding capacity. These new bionanomaterials appear to be well-suited to large-scale highgradient magnetic fishing separation and promise to be cost effective as a result of the selfassembling and self-replicating properties of genetically engineered M13 bacteriophage

    Edificio Fundación

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    Cangrejo dorado o chaceon chilensis

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    Tesis (Ingeniero Comercial)Elegimos desarrollar un proyecto que consiste en extraer cangrejos dorados desde la Isla Juan Fernández para poder comercializarlos en el mercado nacional en primera instancia para luego poder exportarlo al mercado Japonés. Los cangrejos dorados son similares a las jaibas y se pescan en la isla de Juan Fernández en profundidades de entre 175 mts. Y 1000 mts. En suelos fangosos y arenosos. Los cangrejos de mayor edad alcanzan grandes tamaños, logrando una alta cantidad de material productivo, de este producto al encontrarse a altas profundidades lo hace de un sabor altamente cotizado por los mercados más exigentes, se compara con la langosta de Juan Fernández, que es reconocida a nivel mundial. Además la extracción del cangrejo dorado es muy conveniente ya que en los periodos de pesca, es cuando los trabajadores de langostas están desocupados, ya que esta se saca solo en algunos periodos, cada 6 meses al año y el restante se dedican al cangrejo dorado ya que su extracción es más complicada debido a que se encuentra a grandes profundidades, y la langosta no. El cangrejo dorado es considerado un animal prehistórico debido a sus características, pero a la vez desconocido, ya que no se ha encontrado en ninguna otra parte del mundo, fue descubie1to en 1997 en Chile en la isla Juan Fernández, y por esto que su biomasa es muy grande y esto lo hace conveniente para su explotación en grandes volúmenes

    On the Lubensky-Nelson model of polymer translocation through nanopores

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    We revisit the one-dimensional stochastic model of Lubensky and Nelson [Biophys. J 77, 1824 (1999)] for the electrically driven translocation of polynucleotides through alpha-hemolysin pores. We show that the model correctly describes two further important properties of the experimentally observed translocation time distributions, namely their spread (width) and their exponential decay. The resulting overall agreement between theoretical and experimental translocation time distributions is thus very good

    A031 Développement d’un peptido-mimétique de la glycorpotein VI plaquettaire comme outil d’imagerie de la fibrose

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    ObjectifLa glycoprotéine VI est le récepteur d’activation des plaquettes par les collagènes de type I et de type III. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que nous pourrions développer une sonde spécifique du collagène basée sur la spécificité de GPVI et que cette sonde permettrait de visualiser la fibrose in vivo par une méthode non invasive.MéthodesUn anticorps bloquant la liaison de GPVI au collagène a été utilisé pour cribler une banque peptidique permettant d’identifier un motif peptidique cyclique. La capacité du peptide à mimer la GPVI a été analysée par des études de liaison et de compétition en phase solide. La liaison au collagène tissulaire a été analysée par histochimie. L’imagerie in vivo a été réalisée par injection du peptide-marqué au Tc-99m dans un modèle de fibrose cicatricielle sur infarctus du myocarde chez le rat, scintigraphie et autoradiographieRésultatsLe peptide, nommé collagelin, se lie de manière spécifique à l’anticorps anti GPVI 9O12.2 et aux collagènes I et III in vitro et la liaison est inhibée par GPVI indiquant que le peptide mime GPVI. Cependant le collagelin n’inhibe pas l’agrégation des plaquettes induite par le collagène. Les études d’histochimie montrent que le collagelin se lie au collagène tissulaire sur coupe d’aorte et de queue de rat indiquant que le collagelin se comporte comme un traceur du collagène. Dans le modèle d’infarctus cicatriciel, une accumulation du collagelin radiomarqué est observée dans la zone cardiaque par scintigraphie planaire et tomographie chez les animaux avec MI mais pas chez les animaux contrôles ni avec un peptide contrôle. L’accumulation du traceur dans les zones de fibrose a été mise en évidence ex vivo par superposition des images d’autoradiographies et d’histologie sur coupes congelées.ConclusionNous avons produit un peptide qui mime en partie le site de liaison de GPVI au collagène. Ce peptide se comporte comme un traceur spécifique du collagène in vitro et in vivo. Nous proposons que ce traceur pourrait être utile pour le diagnostic et le suivi évolutif de la fibrose dans un grand nombre de pathologies

    Enzymatically-synthesized xylo-oligosaccharides laurate esters as surfactants of interest

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    Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of xylo-oligosaccharides esters from pure xylobiose, xylotriose and xylotetraose in the presence of vinyl laurate was investigated. The influence of different experimental parameters such as the loading of lipase, the reaction duration or the use of a co-solvent was studied and the reaction conditions were optimized with xylobiose. Under the best conditions, a regioselective esterification occurred to yield a monoester with the acyl chain at the OH-4 of the xylose unit at the non-reducing end. Surface-active properties of these pure xylo-oligosaccharides fatty esters have been evaluated. They display interesting surfactant activities that differ according to the degree of polymerization (DP) of the glycone moiety. © 202
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