26 research outputs found


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    An experimental study on the manufacture of polyester resin matrix composites using basalt powder as a reinforcing filler has been carried out. Basalt is a volcanic igneous rock often found in East Lampung and has not been utilised. Basalt is chosen as a reinforcing filler because basalt has advantages such as wear resistance, corrosion resistance, resistance to chemical reactions, and high hardness. The research parameters used were variations in the size of the basalt powder, the composition of the polyester resin matrix to the basalt powder, and the percentage of the catalyst. All parameters were mixed according to the research procedure, and all samples were formed under pressure 20 kN. Tensile test results showed the highest value of 0.961 kgf/mm2 from 60 mesh-25% polyester-1/30 catalyst variation parameter. The highest compressive strength value of 28.331 kgf/mm2 was obtained from the various parameters of 270 mesh-20% polyester-1/20 catalyst and 270 mesh-25% polyester-1/30 catalyst. The results were not much different from those, which is 27.787 kgf/mm2. The use of 1/30 hardener catalyst to the amount of polymer by 25 %wt gives optimal results on the characterisation material testing. However, the effect of the filler grain size gave different results for each test carried out. Therefore, to obtain the desired mechanical properties when using basalt rock powder as a filler, it is necessary to pay attention to the correct grain size

    Hydrocracking of Non-edible Vegetable Oils with Co-Ni/HZSM-5 Catalyst to Gasoil Containing Aromatics

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    Biofuel has been considered as one of the environmentally friendly energy sources to substitute fossil fuel derived from non-edible vegetable oil. This research aims to investigate the effect of the non-edible vegetable oil composition on a specific hydrocarbons distribution contained in biofuel and the aromatics formation through hydrocracking reaction with the Co-Ni/HZSM-5 catalyst. The formation of aromatics from non-edible vegetable oils, such as: Cerbera manghas, rubber seed, and sunan candlenut oils, containing saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids is presented. The hydrocracking reaction was carried out in a pressure batch reactor, a reaction temperature of 350 oC for 2 h, reactor pressure of 15 bar after flowing H2 for 1 hour, and a catalyst/oil ratio of 1 g/200 mL. Liquid hydrocarbon product was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Based on the GC-MS analysis, hydrocracking on three different oils indicated that polyunsaturated fatty acids were required to produce relatively high aromatics content. The sunan candlenut oil can be converted to gasoil range hydrocarbons containing a small amount of aromatic through hydrocracking reaction. Meanwhile, the aromatics in liquid product from hydrocracking of Cerbera manghas and rubber seed oils were not found.

    Kinerja Katalis Ni-Cu/HZSM-5 dalam Pembuatan Biogasoil dari Minyak Bintaro (Cerbera Manghas) dengan Proses Hydrocracking

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    Catalytic cracking dan hydroprocessing merupakan dua proses yang digunakan untuk mengubah minyak nabati menjadi biofuel, gabungan dari kedua proses tersebut dinamakan reaksi hydrocracking. Minyak bintaro yang bersifat non-edibleoil serta memiliki kadar minyak cukup banyak yakni sebesar 35-50% dapat direkomendasikan sebagai salah satu sumber minyak nabati yang dapat diolah menjadi biogasoil. Penambahan logam nikel (Ni) dan tembaga (Cu) ialah untuk memperoleh yield yang lebih baik daripada menggunakan satu jenis katalis. Preparasi katalis dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode incipient wetness impregnation. Variabel loading support HZSM-5 yang digunakan sebesar 5% dan 10%, serta ratio logam Ni-Cu yaitu 1:1. Katalis Ni-Cu/HZSM-5 dianalisa menggunakan BET, EDX, dan XRD untuk mengetahui karakteristik katalis. Selanjutnya proses hydrocracking dilakukan dengan mencampurkan 2 gram katalis Ni- Cu/HZSM-5 dan 250 ml minyak bintaro ke dalam reaktor batch berpengaduk pada suhu reaksi 375 ̊C selama 2 jam. Produk cair (biofuel) yang dihasilkan dari proses hydrocracking dianalisa menggunakan GC-MS untuk mengetahui komposisi hidrokarbon. Rute reaksi yang mendominasi dalam penelitian ini ialah reaksi dekarbinolasi dan dekarboksilasi. Hal itu terlihat dari komposisi hidrokarbon terbanyak dari produk biogsoil yang dihasilkan ialah C15 dan C17. Hasil dari penelitian diperoleh Ni-Cu/HZSM-5 dengan loading 5% dan ratio logam 1:1 optimum digunakan pada proses hydrocracking minyak bintaro untuk menghasilkan biogasoil dengan yield sebesar 82,7%

    Hydrocracking of Cerbera manghas Oil with Co-Ni/HZSM-5 as Double Promoted Catalyst

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    The effect of various reaction temperature on the hydrocracking of Cerbera manghas oil to produce a paraffin-rich mixture of hydrocarbons with Co-Ni/HZSM-5 as doubled promoted catalyst were studied. The Co-Ni/HZSM-5 catalyst with various metal loading and metal ratio was prepared by incipient wetness impregnation. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, AAS, and N2 adsorption-desorption. Surface area, pore diameter, and pore volume of catalysts decreased with the increasing of metals loading. The hydrocracking process was conducted under hydrogen initial pressure in batch reactor equipped with a mechanical stirrer. The reaction was carried out at a temperature of 300-375 oC for 2 h.  Depending on the experimental condition, the reaction pressure changed between 10 bar and 15 bar.   Several parameters were used to evaluate biofuel produced, including oxygen removal, hydrocarbon composition and gasoline/kerosene/diesel yields. Biofuel was analyzed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic (FTIR) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The composition of hydrocarbon compounds in liquid products was similar to the compounds in the gasoil sold in unit of Pertamina Gas Stations, namely pentadecane, hexadecane, heptadecane, octadecane, and nonadecane with different amounts for each biofuel produced at different reaction temperatures. However, isoparaffin compounds were not formed at all operating conditions. Pentadecane (n-C15) and heptadecane (n-C17) were the most abundant composition in gasoil when Co-Ni/HZSM-5 catalyst was used. Cerbera Manghas oil can be recommended as the source of non-edible vegetable oil to produce gasoil as an environmentally friendly transportation fuel. Copyright © 2017 BCREC Group. All rights reservedReceived: 20th May 2016; Revised: 30th January 2017; Accepted: 10th February 2017How to Cite: Marlinda, L., Al-Muttaqii, M., Gunardi, I., Roesyadi, A., Prajitno, D.H. (2017). Hydrocracking of Cerbera manghas Oil with Co-Ni/HZSM-5 as Double Promoted Catalyst. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 12 (2): 167-184 (doi:10.9767/bcrec.12.2.496.167-184)Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.9767/bcrec.12.2.496.167-18

    Pemurniaan Pasir Silika menjadi Pasir Standar Menggunakan Ekstrak Belimbing Wuluh (Everrhoa bilimbi L.) sebagai Leaching Agent

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    Penelitian pemurnian pasir silika menjadi pasir standar yang digunakan untuk pengujian semen sebagai pengganti pasir ottawa dilakukan untuk mendapat kemurnian SiO2 > 98% dengan menggunakan pelarut ekstrak belimbing wuluh. Bahan pelarut diambil dari buah belimbing wuluh yang dihaluskan dan disaring. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan melarutkan pasir silika menggunakan larutan ekstrak belimbing wuluh dengan variasi konsentrasi 80, 90 dan 100%, pelarutan dilakukan dengan cara dipanaskan diatas hotplate stirer  pada suhu 60oCdiaduk dengan  kecepatan putar 250 rpm selama 5 dan 6 jam. Hasil pemurnian pasir silika yang terbaik adalah pemanasan suhu 60oC selama 6 jam dengan konsentrasi pelarut 100% dengan kadar SiO2 sebesar 98,56%. Pasir silika kemudian digunakan untuk pengujian semen dengan cara dibuat benda uji mortar bentuk kubus ukuran (50 x 50 x 50) mm, diuji kuat tekan pada umur 7 dan 28 hari. Hasi pengujian kuat tekan yang terbaik diperoleh pada umur uji 28 hari dengan nilai kuat tekan sebesar 88 kg/cm2. Pemurnian pasir silika menjadi pasir standar untuk pengujian semen dapat menggunakan pelarut ekstrak belimbing wuluh karena hasil SiO2 yang didapatkan memenuhi standar ASTM C 190 dan AASHTO Method T-132 dan pelarut yang digunakan bersifat ramah lingkungan karena sisa larutan hasil pemurnian tidak merusak lingkungan


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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of the concentration of basalt as a cement substitution material in mortar. Basalt was analysed by XRD and XRF. From the XRD results, the diffractogram shows the dominant phases, such as anorthite, augite, forsterite, and quartz or silicon oxide. SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 are the main components in basalt, as can be seen from the XRF. With the concentration at 5% of the basalt before the calcination, the optimum compressive strength of the OPC and PCC cement mortar was obtained. The highest compressive strength of the OPC cement mortar was 24.97MPa with a porosity of 2.4% and absorption of 1.29 %. Furthermore, the highest compressive strength of the PCC cement mortar was 22.55MPa with a porosity of 4.8% and absorption of 2.52 %. This result indicates that the substitution of composite cement with a basalt with a concentration of 5% can increase the compressive strength of the mortar

    A Mass Ratio of Hierarchical H-ZSM5 And Fatty Acid Methyl Ester of Cerbera Manghas Oil and The Effect on The Hydrocarbon Liquid Product Composition

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    Fossil fuels are classified as non-renewable resources. On the other hand, using fossil fuels has further aggravated the impact of the environmental crisis. The development of alternative fuels that are renewable and renewable is urgently needed in line with the increasing need for fuel. One alternative energy source that can be used in the development of biofuels is Cerbera manghas oil. The catalytic cracking process with 178 g of Cerbera manghas oil can be carried out using hierarchical H-ZSM-5 as a catalyst with a mass of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5g at a temperature of 250℃. Gas Chromatography Analysis–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) was performed on Cerbera manghas oil and biofuel products. Several hydrocarbons, C7-C12 and C16-C17, with the largest content, were identified as diesel (29.14%) and gasoline (14.08%) using a catalyst mass of 0.5g. So that the use of hierarchical H-ZSM-5 catalyst in the catalytic cracking of Cerbera manghas oil can produce hydrocarbon range gasoline

    Bio-kerosene and Bio-gasoil from Coconut Oils via Hydrocracking Process over Ni-Fe/HZSM-5 Catalyst

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    In this study, hydrocracking of coconut oil over Ni-Fe/HZSM-5 catalyst was carried out in a batch reactor under different reaction temperature. Coconut oil is proposed as one of the potential feedstock for biofuel production. The Ni-Fe/HZSM-5 catalyst was prepared by incipient wetness impregnation method. The characterization of Ni-Fe/HZSM-5 catalyst by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDAX), and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET). The chemical composition of biofuel was analyzed by Gas-Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The results from the GC-MS analysis showed that the hydrocracking reaction over 10 % (Ni-Fe)/HZSM-5 catalyst at temperature of 375 oC obtained the highest hydrocarbon content (contained 49.4% n-paraffin, 26.93 % isoparaffin, 3.58 % olefin) and the highest yield of bio-gasoil 38.6 % in the biofuel liquid hydrocarbon. Pentadecane (n-C15) and heptadecane (n-C17) were the most abundant hydrocarbon compounds in biofuel liquid hydrocarbon. Decarboxylation and/or decarbonylation was the dominant reaction pathways in this process. Based on the result, the reaction temperature had a significant effect on the distribution of biofuel composition and yield of biofuel from coconut oil. Copyright © 2019 BCREC Group. All rights reserve

    Kinetic Parameters Investigation for The Esterification of Free Fatty Acid from Coconut Oil Mill Waste using Montmorillonite-Sulfonated Carbon from Glucose Composite Catalyst

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    Coconut oil mill waste (CMW) contained high free fatty acid (FFA) content which potentially could be converted into a value-added product such as fatty acid methyl ester (FAME). In this study, a montmorillonite-sulfonated carbon catalyst was used to evaluate the kinetic parameter of FFA conversion from CMW into FAME. The characterization of FTIR and SEM-EDX confirmed that the -SO3H groups were successfully incorporated into montmorillonite- carbon catalyst. The highest catalyst acidity (9.4 mmol/g) was achieved by a ratio of montmorillonite to sulfonated carbon of 1:3 % w/w. The kinetic study using montmorillonite-sulfonated carbon 1:3 % w/w showed that the reaction temperature and molar ratio of methanol to FFA (% v/v) were positively correlated to the reaction rate. The highest rate constant of esterification towards the product (k1), reactant (k2), and equilibrium were 0.1187, 0.0595, and 1.995, achieved by a temperature of 80 ˚C, respectively. The Arrhenius constant and activation energy towards the product were 3.3085×106 and 50.3 J/mole, respectively. The reaction temperature was positively correlated to the equilibrium constant, which indicated that the reaction was endothermic. The kinetic model validation revealed that the predicted value from the model was adequately in accordance with the experimental value, as indicated by a high coefficient of determination

    Sunan candlenut shells activated carbon: Preparation, characterization, and application adsorption of Rhodamine B

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    54-61The activated carbon has been produced from Sunan candlenut shells wastes produced by chemical activation using potassium hydroxide as an activating agent. The activated carbon has been characterized by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-Ray (SEM-EDX), Fourier-TransformInfrared (FT-IR), and the results compared with those of the Sunan candlenut shell used as raw material. The activatedcarbon produced used as an adsorbent in the Rhodamine B adsorption process. Several examined factors that can affect theadsorption process, such as pH, contact time, and adsorbate concentration, have been studied. The yield of activated carbonfrom Sunan candlenut shells obtained is 74.05%. The activated carbon with the chemical process has characteristicadsorption-desorption isotherms of type IV with mesoporous pore size. The surface area of activated carbon of 355.563 m2/gand the pore size of 2.1258 nm. The functional groups from FTIR contain C≡C and C=O at a wave number of 2161.55 cm-1and 1980-1994 cm-1, respectively. The results also show the percent adsorption of rhodamine B is 98.75% and the initialmaximum adsorbate concentration of 30 ppm at pH 4 for 60 minutes