255 research outputs found

    The influence of exercise on ulcer healing in patients with chronic venous insufficiency

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    Venous leg ulcer (VLU) is a common chronic clinical problem and it is the most serious complication of chronic venous insufficiency. Although venous ulcer has a huge burden on individuals and states, the standard type of treatment for this debilitating condition, compression therapy, has not changed in the last 2000 years. There is growing evidence that exercise could help in venous ulcer management. This study investigated the effect of exercise on 80 VLU patients. These patients were randomised into four groups; a control group, a compression therapy only group, an exercise only group and a compression and exercise group. Non-invasive measurements were performed at the beginning of the 3 month period of regular exercise, and again at the end of the exercise period. This was necessary in order to evaluate the effect of exercise on VLU healing parameters, which include; tcPO2 level, laser Doppler measurements, resting skin flux (RF), range of ankle joint movement (ROM) and ulcer size. The exercise composed of 10 dorsiflexions each hour, while the participant was awake over a period of 3 months. Findings included, an increase in the tcPO2 level and range of ankle joint movement in individuals who had performed the exercise compared to those who did not (p < 0.001). Moreover tcPO2 measurements were higher in the exercise and compression group than those seen in the exercise only group. Ulcer size and RF measurements decreased in patients who had performed exercise compared to those who did not, groups 3 and 4 showed a significant decrease in ulcer size with p values = 0.001 and < 0.001 respectively. With RF measurements, only groups 3 and 4 showed significant decrease, p < 0.001. The findings indicated that there were changes in the VLU parameters in response to the 3 months period of regular exercise. Regular unsupervised exercise may be included as an integral part of the leg ulcer management.Open Acces

    A Short History of the Use of Plants as Medicines from Ancient Times

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    A concise historical overview on the use of plants for medical treatments from ancient times is discussed

    The effect of blanching and storage on the chemical composition of dates

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    The changes during storage of dates. (Phoenix dactylifera L.) at room temperature and at -13° were studied. The effect of blanching in boiling water and by microwave heating before storage was also studied. Moisture, pH, acidity, total soluble solids, sugar, colour, soluble leucoanthocyanidin tannin, insoluble leucoanthocyanidin tannin, total soluble phenolic compounds and the activities of polyphenolase and peroxidase enzymes were investigated. The dates stored at room temperature showed darkening, and decrease in the amount of insoluble leucoanthocyanidin tannin. The dates stored at -13° showed darkening, decrease in the total soluble phenolic compounds, increase in the insoluble leucoanthacyanidin tannin and increase in the total soluble solids. [Continues.

    Estimation of Interleukin -6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Levels in Menopausal Women with Urinary Tract Infections

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    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are very common, especially among women of reproductive age, and affect people of both sexes. This research was out to quantify cellular Interleukin levels in postmenopausal women experiencing UTIs.   Results: The results of the results of the most recent research shown both IL-6 and TNF-α were very high in women with urinary tract infection (P&gt;0.01) and that levels of these cellular motility were positively correlated. Conclusions: The current study found a relationship between increased levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in serum of postmenopausal woman patient with urinary tract infection

    Schuldenerlass gegen Umweltschutz

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    Spätestens seit der Erlassjahrkampagne und den G8-Beschlüssen letztes Jahr steht sie wieder auf der Agenda: die Diskussion um einen konditionierten Schul­denerlass für die ärmsten Entwicklungsländer. Faktisch wird dabei auch auf das bekannte Modell der sogenannten Debt-for-Nature-Swaps zurück gegriffen. Die bisherigen Erfahrungen damit und die Einschätzung von Akteuren aus einem da­von stark betroffenen Land weisen auf Tücken dieses Instruments hin

    Integration von Genderperspektiven in der technischen Zusammenarbeit in Konfliktgebieten - das Beispiel der Wasserversorgung im Ramallah Distrikt

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    Development projects nowadays are increasingly carried out in (post-) conflict regions, pretending to reduce the reasons for conflict and to foster sustainable development, which encompasses efficient basic supply systems - such as water - and social justice, including gender equity. In spite of these programmatic claims, the impact of technical projects - including large-scale water supply systems - on gender relations in conflict situations has hardly been explored. Based on the fact that there is an interrelation between technological and societal developments, supply structures always include social processes, encompassing different forms and pattern of care taking. The aim of this dissertation was on one hand to analyse the de facto implementation of Gender Mainstreaming in a certain water project, on the other hand to explore the interdependence between water supply and (conflict-)society in the Ramallah distrikt, from a gender perspective

    Umwelt- und sozialökonomische Effekte freier Produktionszonen/Maquiladoras am Beispiel Ecuadors

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    In den letzten Jahrzehnten haben sich einschneidende Veränderungen im Weltwirtschaftssystem vollzogen, die vielfach unter dem Schlagwort der Globalisierung zusammengefasst werden. Der Abbau von Handels- und Investitionsbeschränkungen,verbesserte Transport- und Kommunikationssysteme haben zum immensen Anstieg von internationalen Handels- und Finanztransaktionen geführt, was die Entstehung einer global ausgerichteten Organisation der Produktion erleichterte. Ein neues Niveau der internationalen Arbeitsteilung ist entstanden, in der Entwicklungsländer nicht mehr nur billige Rohstoffe für Industrienationen bereitstellen und ihnen wiederum die hochwertigen, kapitalintensiven Produkte abnehmen. Die eklatanten Unterschiede der Lohnniveaus (und damit auch der Produktionskosten) zwischen Entwicklungs- und Industrienationen haben zur Auslagerung bestimmter arbeitsintensiver Produktionssschritte, bzw. Arbeitsgänge aus der Manufakturbranche in Niedriglohnländer geführt. Hier können die in dieser Arbeit zu untersuchenden freien Produktionszonen/ Maquiladoras verortet werden: Nach Scheitern von Importsubstitutionsstrategien und in der Hoffnung auf „nachholende (industrielle) Entwicklung“ als Ausweg aus der Schuldenfalle wurden in Entwicklungsländern freie Produktionszonen (FPZ)/ Maquiladora-Systeme etabliert, die sich durch spezielle Vergünstigungen für i.d.R. exportorientierte ausgelagerte Manufakturfirmen auszeichnen. FPZ/ Maquiladoras sind aufgrund ihres rapide gestiegenen ökonomischen Potentials, aber auch aufgrund von arbeitsrechtlich und ökologisch umstrittenen Produktionsbedingungen ins globale Rampenlicht gerückt

    Proses organizing tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan di MAN 3 Jombang

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    INDONESIA: Organizing dalam melakukan rekruitmen tenaga pendidikan sangat berpengaruh terhadap efektifitas pembelajaran hal ini dipengaruhi dengan adannya proses, tata kelola dalam melakukan rangkain proses terhadap organizing itu sendiri, hal ini sangat menjadikan penentu dalam dilakukannya kegiatan kependidikan dengan kekhususan terhadap tenaga pendidik yang harus sesuai dengan bidang ajarnnya, selain dari pada itu organizing memiliki peranan terhadap penyelesaian , manajemen, dan penyesuian mpermasalahan yang timbul sesuai dengan perubahan keadaan ataupun perubahan kebijakan-kebijakan. Sehingga peneliti menggunakan lokasi penelitian di MAN 3 Jombang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriftif. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara langsung dengan metode investigasi, wawancar a dengan kepala sekolah Man 3 Jombang dan beberapa wawancara yang langsung dari Nara sumber lainnya yakni guru ataupun pengajar yang berada Di MAN 3 jombang. Selanjutnnya penulis menggunkan instrument perekam, foto untuk dokumentasi dengan melakukan secara indirect (langsung) di lokasi penelitian. Setelah memperoleh temuan dalam penelitian maupun kebenarna data yang ada, peneliti melakukan analisis dan mendreskripsikannnya. Berdasarkan paparan data dan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti pada organizing yang berada di MAN 3 ada beberapa permasalahan yang ada diantarannya ialah berkaitan dengan rangkap fungsi guru yang seharusnnya melakukan pengajaran pada satu mata pelajaran akan tetapi merangkap terhadap mata pelajaran lainnya, sebagian guru kurang update terhadap Pendidikan secara online, adannya perbedaan pemahaman terhadap kebijakan yang dikeluarkan dari yayasan dan kebijakan dari Menteri Pendidikan, Oleh karenannya proses organizing yang selama ini ada di MAN 3 jombang, harus dilakukan pemuliaan sebagaimana dalam irah-irah Undang-undang Pendidikan Nomor 20 tahun 2003 dan Permen No 55 tahun 2017 tentang standar Pendidikan ataupun pembaharuan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan perubaha yang sesuai dengan keadaan di MA. Negeri III Jombang. Maka sangatlah tepat jika dilakukan kajian dan penyempurnaan dalam penelitian ini, selain itu penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwasannya MA Negeri 3 jombang sangat perlu dan harus menerapkan organizing sesuai dengan kaidah yang ada baik dalam Al’Quran maupun dalam kebijakan Pemerintah dengan tujuan untuk kemaslahatan Pendidikan dan Masa depan dalam cita Pendidikan. ENGLISH: Organizing in recruiting educational personnel is very influential on the effectiveness of learning, this is influenced by the existence of the process, and governance in carrying out a series of processes on the organizing itself, this greatly determines the implementation of educational activities with specificity to educators who must be by their teaching fields, apart from that organizing has a role in solving, management, and adjustment of problems that arise by changing circumstances or changes in policies. So the researchers used the research location in MAN 3 Jombang. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type. This research was conducted directly by investigative methods, interviews with the principal of Man 3 Jombang, and several interviews directly from other resource persons, namely teachers or teachers who were in MAN 3 Jombang. Furthermore, the author uses recording instruments, and photos for documentation by doing indirect (direct) at the research site. After obtaining findings in the study and the correctness of existing data, researchers analyze and describe them. Based on the exposure of data and the results of research conducted by researchers in organizing MAN 3 several problems exist among them are related to the dual functions of teachers who should teach in one subject but concurrently on other subjects, some teachers lack updates on online education, there are differences in understanding of policies issued from the foundation and policies from the Minister of Education, Because of the organizing process that has been in MAN 3 Jombang, glorification must be carried out as in the irah-irah of Education Law Number 20 of 2003 and Regulation No. 55 of 2017 concerning Education standards or updates by needs and changes by conditions in the Supreme Court. State III Jombang. So it is very appropriate if studies and improvements are made in this study, besides that this study also shows that MA. State III Jombang is very necessary and must implement organizing by the existing rules both in the Qur'an and in Government policy to benefit Education and the Future in the mind of Education. ARABIC: التنظيم في توظيف الكوادر التعليمية له تأثير كبير على فعالية التعلم ، وهذا يتأثر بوجود العملية ، والحوكمة في تنفيذ سلسلة من العمليات على التنظيم نفسه ، وهذا يحدد إلى حد كبير تنفيذ الأنشطة التعليمية مع خصوصية للمعلمين الذين يجب أن يكونوا وفقا لمجالات التدريس الخاصة بهم ، بصرف النظر عن أن التنظيم له دور في الحل ، إدارة وتعديل المشاكل التي تنشأ وفقا للظروف المتغيرة أو التغييرات في السياسات. لذلك استخدم الباحثون موقع البحث في MAN 3 Jombang. يستخدم هذا البحث منهجا نوعيا بنوع وصفي. وقد أجري هذا البحث مباشرة عن طريق أساليب التحقيق، والمقابلات مع مدير مان 3 جومبانغ وعدة مقابلات مباشرة من أشخاص مرجعيين آخرين، أي المعلمين أو المدرسين الذين كانوا في مان 3 جومبانغ. علاوة على ذلك ، يستخدم المؤلف أدوات التسجيل والصور للتوثيق عن طريق القيام بشكل غير مباشر (مباشر) في موقع البحث. بعد الحصول على نتائج الدراسة وصحة البيانات الموجودة ، يقوم الباحثون بتحليلها ووصفها. بناءً على عرض البيانات ونتائج البحث الذي أجراه الباحثون في التنظيم في MAN 3 ، هناك العديد من المشكلات الموجودة ، بما في ذلك تلك المتعلقة بالوظيفة المزدوجة للمعلمين الذين يجب عليهم التدريس في مادة واحدة ولكن في نفس الوقت في مواد أخرى ، فإن بعض المعلمين لم يتم تحديثه على التعليم عبر الإنترنت ، فهناك اختلافات في فهم السياسات الصادرة عن المؤسسات والسياسات من وزير التعليم ، لذلك يجب تمجيد عملية التنظيم التي كانت في MAN 3 Jombang كما في توجيهات قانون التعليم رقم 20 لعام 2003 و Permen رقم 55 لعام 2017 بشأن معايير التعليم أو الإصلاحات وفقًا للاحتياجات والتغييرات وفقًا للشروط في MA Negeri III Jombang. لذلك من المناسب جدًا إجراء دراسة وتنقيح في هذا البحث ، وبصرف النظر عن أن هذا البحث يوضح أيضًا أنه ضروري جدًا ويجب تطبيق تنظيم MA Negeri III Jombang وفقًا للقواعد الحالية في كل من القرآن و في السياسات الحكومية بهدف إفادة التعليم والمستقبل في التعليم

    Partial and hyper-melanic pigmentation in fishes collected from the marine waters of Iraq, Arabian Gulf

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    In the present study, report on incidences of partial and hyper-melanic pigmentation in 6 species belonging to the families, Lutjanidae, Nemipteridae, Platycephalidae and Sparidae based on 8 specimens collected in the marine waters of Iraq at the Arabian Gulf region. Severe case of hyper melanic pigmentation was noticed in Nemipterus randalli Russell, 1986 and Crenidens crenidens indicus (Forsskål, 1775), while an acute case of partial melanic pigmentation occurred in one specimen of Lutjanus lutjanus Bloch, 1790 and Argyrops spinifer (Forsskäl, 1775). Possible consequences of these colour aberrations on their ecology and on human eating insight were point out