33 research outputs found

    Wychowanie dziecka do ewentualności przeżywania choroby, fizycznego bólu i cierpienia

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    The article touches upon the issues of pain and suffering associated with the life of every human being. The author is focusing on the presence of illness and physical pain in lives of children. Especially carefully addresses issues how parents and guardians should prepare children to accept and cope with illness, grief and loss of loved ones.Artykuł dotyka problemów bólu i cierpienia związanego z życiem każdego człowieka. Autor skupia się na kwestii obecności choroby i fizycznego bólu w życiu dzieci. Szczególnie wnikliwie zajmuje się zagadnieniem działań wychowawczych rodziców i opiekunów, działań, które powinny przygotować dzieci do przyjęcia i poradzenia sobie z cierpieniem, utratą osób bliskich, chorobą

    Odwieczny akt generatio Syna jako model dla teologii, bioetyki i duchowości

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    The article analyzes the influence of the dogmatic truth of the begetting of God’s Son by the Father for theology, bioethics and spirituality. The inner life of God is a main subject of the theological reflection. God the Father is in the incessant movement to another – to the Son. He is still begetting His Son in eternal now. There is why theology should describe God not in static or stagnant terms but as a being in constant act of forgetting about himself; as a primal source of all constructive activity in the world. The act of begetting the Son has also its repercussions for bioethics, especially these concerning every human procreation. The Father is begetting His Son in Himself and in the act of love. The same conditions are supposed to be kept in case of the conception of every child. Because the procreation is a participation of man in the God’s creation, it should take place in the act of love and inside the female body. As for spirituality, the eternal act of begetting the Son by the Father shows the inner orientation of every human life as a service for others and the attitude of self-offering.The article analyzes the influence of the dogmatic truth of the begetting of God’s Son by the Father for theology, bioethics and spirituality. The inner life of God is a main subject of the theological reflection. God the Father is in the incessant movement to another – to the Son. He is still begetting His Son in eternal now. There is why theology should describe God not in static or stagnant terms but as a being in constant act of forgetting about himself; as a primal source of all constructive activity in the world. The act of begetting the Son has also its repercussions for bioethics, especially these concerning every human procreation. The Father is begetting His Son in Himself and in the act of love. The same conditions are supposed to be kept in case of the conception of every child. Because the procreation is a participation of man in the God’s creation, it should take place in the act of love and inside the female body. As for spirituality, the eternal act of begetting the Son by the Father shows the inner orientation of every human life as a service for others and the attitude of self-offering

    Początkowe stadia życia ludzkiego według św. Pawła

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    The article makes an attempt to decode the concept of the human conception in the mothers womb represented by the Apostle of Nations. His opinion in this issue is based on two fragments from the Old Testament: Jb 10: 8–10 and Ps 139: 13–16. They represent the one seed theory, saying that a new man is formed only from the man’s seed; the role of the mother comes down to be a container receiving male semen. They also express a conviction, that every human life is under God’s special protection from the very beginning. Therefore it demands a total respect, the same respect as for a child already born. The article analyze also three expressions of embryological meaning, used by St. Paul: “from the mother’s womb” (ἐκ κοιλίας μητρός; Ga 1: 15), “Christ is formed in you” (μορφωθῇ; Ga 4: 19) and “child born abnormally” (ἔκτρωμα; 1 Kor 15: 8).The article makes an attempt to decode the concept of the human conception in the mothers womb represented by the Apostle of Nations. His opinion in this issue is based on two fragments from the Old Testament: Jb 10: 8–10 and Ps 139: 13–16. They represent the one seed theory, saying that a new man is formed only from the man’s seed; the role of the mother comes down to be a container receiving male semen. They also express a conviction, that every human life is under God’s special protection from the very beginning. Therefore it demands a total respect, the same respect as for a child already born. The article analyze also three expressions of embryological meaning, used by St. Paul: “from the mother’s womb” (ἐκ κοιλίας μητρός; Ga 1: 15), “Christ is formed in you” (μορφωθῇ; Ga 4: 19) and “child born abnormally” (ἔκτρωμα; 1 Kor 15: 8)

    Sposoby rozwiązywania małżeńskich kwestii „nieregularnych” w Kościele starożytnym i wczesnośredniowiecznym

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    The aim of this article is to present the approach of ancient theologians to the issue of the possibility of allowing certain people who remarry to receive Holy Communion. The conclusions on this matter were discussed on the basis of The canons of the ancient Church and some later Penitential Records. We have omitted texts which, through their ambiguity, raise doubts as to whether it is a remarriage or a case of separation. The analysis of this material leads to the conclusion that the norm of the indissolubility of marriage, rigorously observed by ancient Christians, in the Middle Ages has undergone some erosion. The penitentiaries of the Western Church tried to solve these issues by imposing severe penances against those who committed such acts, and from the eleventh century, lifelong excommunications were also applied in scandalous cases. The slow evolution of the way of evaluationg the issue of the dissolution of marriage from the soteriological-eschatological approach to the legal approach is also evident. Some resolutions of penitentiaries are repeated, which indicates that the tradition of a given local community over time has also spread in other areas.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja podejścia teologów starożytnych do zagadnienia możliwości dopuszczenia do Komunii Świętej niektórych osób żyjących w ponownym związku. Rozstrzygnięcia tej kwestii omówiono na podstawie Kanonów starożytnego Kościoła oraz nieco późniejszych Ksiąg pokutnych. Pominięto te teksty, które przez swoją niejednoznaczność budzą wątpliwości, czy chodzi o powtórne małżeństwo czy też o przypadek separacji. Analiza wspomnianego materiału prowadzi do wniosku, że norma nierozerwalności małżeństwa, rygorystycznie przestrzegana przez starożytnych chrześcijan, w średniowieczu uległa pewnej erozji. Penitencjały Kościoła zachodniego próbowały rozwiązać te kwestie poprzez nakładanie surowych pokut wobec osób dopuszczających się takich czynów, a od XI wieku w skandalicznych przypadkach aplikowano także ekskomuniki dożywotnie. Widoczna jest też powolna ewolucja sposobu oceniania kwestii rozpadu małżeństwa od podejścia soteriologiczno-eschatologicznego do podejścia prawnego. Niektóre rozstrzygnięcia penitencjałów powtarzają się, co świadczy o tym, że tradycja danej wspólnoty lokalnej z biegiem czasu upowszechniała się także w innych obszarach

    Stress interaction between subduction earthquakes and forearc strike-slip faults : modeling and application to the northern Caribbean plate boundary

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 109 (2004): B12310, doi:10.1029/2004JB003031.Strike-slip faults in the forearc region of a subduction zone often present significant seismic hazard because of their proximity to population centers. We explore the interaction between thrust events on the subduction interface and strike-slip faults within the forearc region using three-dimensional models of static Coulomb stress change. Model results reveal that subduction earthquakes with slip vectors subparallel to the trench axis enhance the Coulomb stress on strike-slip faults adjacent to the trench but reduce the stress on faults farther back in the forearc region. In contrast, subduction events with slip vectors perpendicular to the trench axis enhance the Coulomb stress on strike-slip faults farther back in the forearc, while reducing the stress adjacent to the trench. A significant contribution to Coulomb stress increase on strike-slip faults in the back region of the forearc comes from “unclamping” of the fault, i.e., reduction in normal stress due to thrust motion on the subduction interface. We argue that although Coulomb stress changes from individual subduction earthquakes are ephemeral, their cumulative effects on the pattern of lithosphere deformation in the forearc region are significant. We use the Coulomb stress models to explain the contrasting deformation pattern between two adjacent segments of the Caribbean subduction zone. Subduction earthquakes with slip vectors nearly perpendicular to the Caribbean trench axis is dominant in the Hispaniola segment, where the strike-slip faults are more than 60 km inland from the trench. In contrast, subduction slip motion is nearly parallel to the Caribbean trench axis along the Puerto Rico segment, where the strike-slip fault is less than 15 km from the trench. This observed jump from a strike-slip fault close to the trench axis in the Puerto Rico segment to the inland faults in Hispaniola is explained by different distributions of Coulomb stress in the forearc region of the two segments, as a result of the change from the nearly trench parallel slip on the Puerto Rico subduction interface to the more perpendicular subduction slip beneath Hispaniola. The observations and modeling suggest that subduction-induced strike-slip seismic hazard to Puerto Rico may be smaller than previously assumed but the hazard to Hispaniola remains high.J.L. was supported by the National Science Foundation through grant NSF-EAR0003888

    Vertical motions of the Puerto Rico Trench and Puerto Rico and their cause

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. Published in 2005 by the American Geophysical Union. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 110 (2005): B06404, doi:10.1029/2004JB003459.The Puerto Rico trench exhibits great water depth, an extremely low gravity anomaly, and a tilted carbonate platform between (reconstructed) elevations of +1300 m and −4000 m. I argue that these features are manifestations of large vertical movements of a segment of the Puerto Rico trench, its forearc, and the island of Puerto Rico that took place 3.3 m.y. ago over a time period as short as 14–40 kyr. I explain these vertical movements by a sudden increase in the slab's descent angle that caused the trench to subside and the island to rise. The increased dip could have been caused by shearing or even by a complete tear of the descending North American slab, although the exact nature of this deformation is unknown. The rapid (14–40 kyr) and uniform tilt along a 250 km long section of the trench is compatible with scales of mantle flow and plate bending. The proposed shear zone or tear is inferred from seismic, morphological, and gravity observations to start at the trench at 64.5°W and trend southwestwardly toward eastern Puerto Rico. The tensile stresses necessary to deform or tear the slab could have been generated by increased curvature of the trench following a counterclockwise rotation of the upper plate and by the subduction of a large seamount

    Nowy paradygmat zdrowia ONZ a hipokratejska etyka lekarska

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    W moim referacie pragnę prześledzić rozwój i zmianę koncepcji zdrowia ludzkiego, jakie daje się zauważyć na przestrzeni historii, począwszy od starożytności, a skończywszy na czasach współczesnych. Z racji konieczności przestrzegania ram czasowych ograniczę się jedynie do pobieżnego zareprezentowania problemu w przysiędze Hipokratesa, a następnie porównam z nią współczesną wizję zdrowia i życia ludzkiego, jaka jest przyjmowana przez Światową Organizację Zdrowia przy Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych

    “Reconciliatio Et Paenitentia” (ReP) In the Bioethical Context

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