221 research outputs found

    The Changes on Creatine Kinase in Response to Aerobic Exercise among Novice and Trained Soccer Players of Different Ages

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    The study was intended to evaluate the creatine kinase responses to exercise among novice and trained soccer players of different ages. Sixty male adolescent soccer players aged 14 and 16 years were selected as participants, of whom thirty of them were trained soccer players and the rest were novice to the sport. The participants were segregated into four groups of fifteen each, namely: junior novice soccer players, senior novice soccer players, junior trained soccer players, and senior trained soccer players. The independent variable confined to this study is aerobic exercise stress testing using Bruce treadmill protocol to evaluate its influence on creatine kinase. The data on creatine kinase was measured at rest and after exercise condition. The data thus collected from novice and trained soccer players of different ages at rest and after exercise condition have been analyzed by three way factorial ANOVA. The finding of the study concludes that there is a statistically significant difference between novice and trained soccer players of different ages at rest and after exercise on creatine kinase

    Diversity and abundance of beetle at Kuala Kelapor, National Park, Malaysia

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    National Park is one of the oldest rainforests found in South-east Asia andit hasa very complex ecosystem. The objective of this study was to preparean inventory on beetle abundance and diversity at Kuala Kelapor National Park, Malaysia. Beetles were sample during pitfall traps, Malaise traps and light traps at five different trails in April 2015. This study successfully recorded709 individuals of beetles from 93 different species belonging to 26 different families. The most abundant species was Coccotrypes sp. 1, followed by Coccotrypes sp. 2 and Aetheomorpha sp. 1. The abundant beetle families were Curculionidae, Chrysomelidae and Scarabaeidae. Light traps and pitfall traps showed almost identical number of beetles collected, while Malaise traps recorded of107 individuals. Higher number of beetles were collected from Trail 3, followed by Trail 1 and base camp. The Shannon diversity index, Simpson diversity index and Fisher alpha diversity showed higher diversity values, which suggests that National Park accommodates a high diversity of beetles. Abundance is measured using Margalef index and Menhinick indices, showed values of 13.88 and 3.47, respectively. This information could be used as an initial step to analyze the potential use of beetles as a bioindicator group in Malaysia and climate change studies

    Genetic diversity of Najdi sheep based on microsatellite analysis

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    The prime objective of this research was to measure the genetic polymorphism of main sheep breed of Saudi Arabia, Najdi. Randomly selected 49 blood samples were used to extract the DNA followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), using 19 microsatellite markers, which were used to investigate the genetic differentiation. Altogether, 173 alleles were identified ranging from 2 to 14, with the mean observed number alleles per locus of 9.11 ± 3.54. Apart from that, eight loci showed breed specific alleles which is critical in terms of conservation. The observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, polymorphic information content and Shannon index, were 0.67 ± 0.19, 0.75 ± 0.14, 0.71 ± 0.16 and 1.69 ± 0.51, respectively. Therefore, considerable amount of genetic polymorphism has been shown by Najdi. Inbreeding coefficient of 0.13 exhibited moderate level of inbreeding prevailing, which may be partly due to the Wahlund effect (sub-population structure) at level of sampling. Nine out of the 19 loci encountered significant departure from Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium (p < 0.05). Based on the bottleneck analysis, there was no bottleneck effect in Najdi. This paper reports a comprehensive study on genetic diversity of Najdi, hence, it would be used for further advancement of this breed towards utilizing them sustainably.Keywords: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), diversity, microsatellites, sheep, inbreedin

    Integrating Digital Literacy Skills and Technological Intelligence in the Higher Education Curriculum of India: A New Paradigm

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    Background: The twenty-first-century learners can be termed as digital natives and therefore, any discussion on the pedagogies and curriculum must concentrate on integrating digital literacy skills and the teaching and learning materials must focus on the development of the technological intelligence of the learners. The principal appre-hension for all the educationists and curriculum planners is how to transform and modify higher education for preparing the learners of this century to more effectively cope with the challenges of today’s labor market. Purpose: The paper aims to answer two key questions facing higher educational educators are those of: (i) what is the present status of higher education in preparing the graduates with the necessary skills and competencies for 21st-century skills, and (ii) how can the present education system integrate the digital and technological intelligence in the curriculum? Methods: Exploration of the current Indian higher education cur-riculum and critically analyzing the results of various studies con-ducted in a similar area and by analyzing newspapers, educational policies, public survey results, and literature regarding the trends and developments in the higher education academia. Results: This disposition visualized the possible challenges and suggests practical measures to solve the problems and demand for a new paradigm where there is symbiotic integration of digital literacy skills and technological intelligence is highlighted. Conclusion: There is a great need for updating and transforming the curriculum and pedagogic approaches in tune with the learning styles and demands of the learners

    Diversidad genética molecular y relación entre ovejas de razas autóctonas de Pakistan basada en locus microsatelitales nucleares

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    Sheep genetic resources are high in Pakistan with a number of different breeds spread throughout the country. However, the molecular diversity of sheep breeds is poorly understood in Pakistan. Therefore, in the present study 16 microsatellite markers were used in microsatellite on Buchi and Hashtnagri indigenous breeds of Punjab and Balochistan provinces, respectively. Blood samples from 25 unrelated individuals were collected for genetic diversity and relationship investigation. The mean number of alleles on Buchi and Hashtnagri were 3.375±1.455 and 3.50±1.591, respectively. The mean observed heterozygosity for Buchi was 0.878±0.204 while for Hashtnagri it was 0.885±0.218. The mean Shannon Index showed 1.032±0.371 and 1.070±0.412 for Buchi and Hashtnagri respectively. Inbreeding estimates (FIS and FIT) showed negative values while mean gene flow showed 10.09 and mean population difference (FST) showed 2.4%. According to these results, Buchi and Hashtnagri indigenous breeds showed considerable amount of genetic diversity. There is a decent scope for conservation, effective improvement, and designing suitable breeding strategies for sheep breeds in near future.En Pakistán los recursos genéticos ovinos son abundantes, disponiéndose de varias diferentes castas extendidas en todo el país. No obstante, la diversidad molecular de las razas de ovejas es poco conocida en la región. Por ello, en el presente estudio se investigaron 16 marcadores microsatelitales de las razas indígenas Buchi y Hashtnagri, en las provincias de Pendjab y Balochistan respectivamente. Para indagar la diversidad genética se obtuvieron muestras de sangre de 25 animales de cada raza. El promedio del número de alelos en Buchi y Hashtnagri fue de 3,375±1,455 y 3,50±1,591 respectivamente. Los promedios de heterocigosis registradas fueron de 0,878±0,204 para la raza Buchi y 0,885±0,218 para Hashtnagri. Los índices de Shannon fueron 1,032±0,371 para Buchi y 1,070±0,412 para Hashtnagri, respectivamente. La estimación de los coeficientes de endogamia (FIS y FIT) mostró valores negativos, en tanto que el flujo genético (migración) fue de 10,09 y el promedio de la diferencia poblacional (FST) resultó de 2,4%. En ambas razas, el índice de información polimórfica fue 0,56, indicando el valor del marcador del tablero. Entre las ovejas Buchi y Hashtnagri, la distancia genética estándar de Nei (Ds) fue 0,0218. Según estos resultados, ambas razas mostraron considerable diversidad genética. Los datos obtenidos permiten vislumbrar una promisoria mejoría en el área de la conservación y en el diseño de las estrategias para la cría de ovejas en el futuro cercano

    Impacts of streamflow alteration on benthic macroinvertebrates by mini‑hydro diversion in Sri Lanka

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    Our study focused on quantifying the alterations of streamflow at a weir site due to the construction of a mini-hydropower plant in the Gurugoda Oya (Sri Lanka), and evaluating the spatial responses of benthic macroinvertebrates to altered flow regime. The HEC-HMS 3.5 model was applied to the Gurugoda Oya sub-catchment to generate streamflows for the time period 1991-2013. Pre-weir flows were compared to post-weir flows with 32 Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration using the range of variability approach (RVA). Concurrently, six study sites were established upstream and downstream of the weir, and benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled monthly from May to November 2013 (during the wet season). The key water physico-chemical parameters were also determined. RVA analysis showed that environmental flow was not maintained below the weir. The mean rate of non-attainment was similar to 45% suggesting a moderate level of hydrologic alteration. Benthic macroinvertebrate communities significantly differed between the study sites located above and below the weir, with a richness reduction due to water diversion. The spatial distribution of zoobenthic fauna was governed by water depth, dissolved oxygen content and volume flow rate. Our work provides first evidence on the effects of small hydropower on river ecosystem in a largely understudied region. Studies like this are important to setting-up adequate e-flows

    Analisis Pendapatan Usaha Tani Jagung Pipilan di Kecamatan Payakumbuh

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    Penelitian ini didasarkan pada peningkatan produksi jagung di Kecamatan Payakumbuh yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan petani jagung, kondisi ini sejalan dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan komoditas jagung khususnya untuk pakan ayam petelur. Meningkatnya kebutuhan jagung untuk ayam petelur disebabkan oleh meningkatnya populasi dalam USAha Perunggasan, khususnya ternak ayam petelur di Kecamatan Payakumbuh yang begitu cepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pendapatan USAhatani jagung. Untuk menganalisis pendapatan USAhatani jagung dilakukan dengan analisis menggunakan rumus pendapatan USAhatani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Total pendapatan petani jagung adalah Rp.28.984 - 18.294.429; dengan penghasilan rata-rata Rp 5.089.795,35