259 research outputs found

    Financing strategies for leasing companies

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    The paper describes the financing sources for the leasing companies (self – financing, capital increases, loans, venture capital, etc). Most of the times, these sources can be combined in an efficient way that leads to the minimum cost of financing. This is recommended when the most efficient financing instrument cannot cover the entire investment need. The authors need to present a model of simulation of the financing strategies directed to the procurement of some technical equipment by a leasing company, based on a minimum cost of the capital. This algorithm was integrated in the LEASYM Software, developed in Visual Basic.Net and meant to assist the managers of the leasing companies in selecting the best financial alternatives for their clients’ investment projects. The program simulates the choice of the financing sources, with the main purpose of minimizing the costs.leasing, financing strategies, venture capital, capital

    First robotic approach of tendon transplantation for apical prolapse repair – a clinical feasibility study

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    Introduction. Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a frequent condition affecting more than 40% of parous women. The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and safety of the first robotic-assisted sacrocervicopexy using a semitendinosus tendon autograft (rSC-T) for treatment of apical prolapse. Methods. 10 women with symptomatic ≥ stage II apical prolapse according to the Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification System (POP-Q), who underwent rSC-T. Primary objective was to evaluate the feasibility and safety of the procedure and to describe the novel robotic-assisted approach. Secondary objective was the objective cure rate according to POP-Q. Results. We included 10 patients, 8 with uterine prolapse stage II and 1 with apical vault prolapse stage III. Concomitant procedures, i.e. robotic-assisted supracervical hysterectomy (8), anterior (10) and posterior repair (5) and Burch colposuspension (3) were performed. Mean operative time (range) was 155 min. (115-246). Mean blood loss (range) was 27 ml (20-50). All operations were performed successfully without any complication. Duration of hospital stay was according to standard. After a mean follow-up time (range) of 10 weeks (1-26), the objective cure rate was 100% for apical, 90% for anterior and 90% for posterior compartment prolapse. Conclusions. This case series show the feasibility and safety of the robotic approach to apical prolapse repair using a semitendinosus tendon autograft (rSC-T), with low complication rates and excellent short-term objective outcomes. The robotic approach was very suitable for the different key steps of the procedure. To further evaluate the efficacy and safety of this procedure we will initiate a prospective multicenter register study

    Ileoplastia de substituţie a vezicii urinare

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    Ileoplastia de substituţie ortotopică a vezicii urinare de tip Studer este aplicată pacienților după cistectomie radicală pe motiv de cancer de vezică urinară. În acest articol este prezentată tehnica intervenției chirurgicale ale derivaţiei tip Studer, ce a fost cu succes implementată în ultimii ani in clinica noastră. Realizarea neovezicilor ortotopice continente permit micţiunea pe cale naturală după cistectomie radicală şi prezintă interes ca metodă optimală de derivaţie urinară

    La traducción del francés coloquial en la prensa escrita femenina

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    En este trabajo presentamos una descripción de las características del francés coloquial –registro espontáneo, caracterizado por su variabilidad y riqueza de matices– desde un punto de vista teórico-práctico. Ello nos permitirá aplicar nuestros conocimientos de la lengua francesa como lengua extranjera –el registro coloquial desempeña un papel importante dada la gran cantidad de situaciones comunicativas en las que se produce en la vida diaria–, así como nuestras competencias traductoras y de crítica de traducción. Para ello, nos centraremos en el francés familiar, y más concretamente coloquial, de la revista femenina Femme Actuelle, lo cual nos permitirá trabajar con un público muy definido y en una situación de comunicación determinada. Con el estudio, propuesta de traducción y posterior análisis, deseamos poner de relieve los problemas de traducción a los que se debe enfrentar el traductor en este campo tan específico de la comunicación interlingüística.Grado en Traducción e Interpretació

    Prevention of scoliosis

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    Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016Introduction: Scoliosis is a progressive disease, characterized by one or more lateral curvature of the spine. The incidence of scoliosis to children is 10,2- 27.6 % of orthopedic pathology. Particularly, affects girls (75-80 % of cases in most statistics) and usually occurs at the age of puberty or even several years before it. 2-3% of scoliosis appears at birth due to malformations of the vertebrae or ribs, and 6-7 in a hundred is due to other causes: neuromuscular disease, neurofibromatosis, cerebral palsy home. Scoliosis does not occur because of incorrect position but is caused by genetic or hormonal factors. Therefore, early detection is required when the degree of curvature of scoliosis is low, to prevent the apparition of significant changes in the spine and chest with repercussions on cardiorespiratory function and balance disorders. Purpose: selection of reliable methods for prevention of scoliosis and arguing their advantages and practical role. Materials and methods: To demonstrate the importance and effectiveness of this method we performed prophylactic examinations of scoliosis during 17.11.2015-20.11.2015, on a group of 68 children-46 girls and 22 boys, aged between 11-15 years from the Cismea Orhei Gymnasium. Using thescreening method we analyzed: the spine in the frontal, lateral, symmetry of scapula, symmetry of shoulder, symmetry of hips, triangles waist. Also, was performed Adam’s method: patient leans forward having the basin right and is noticed if one part of back is higher than the other. Results: Out of 68 children examined, four girls accused back pain, a boy has spinal deformities lumbar lordosis and kyphosis type thoracic emphasized. Conclusions: Although the disease of scoliosis does not manifest pains, though was recommended to submit children to specialist to confirm or infirm out the presence of scoliosis, and if necessary to receive an appropriate treatment. The presented screening method is non-invasive and does not require sophisticated equipment. They can be carried out by the family doctor or by the doctor from the child's school network to guide the child to a specialist

    Decizia publică și managementul resurselor bugetare în țările în dezvoltare și emergente

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    An unprecedented financial and economic crisis irrupted in the US in 2007, and has rapidly grown and spread to many countries around the world. The financial instrument has been widely used: in a context of financial contagion, governments have initially reacted by adopting measures to revive the economy, and then, secondly, facing mounting debt, implemented economic stabilization policies. The goal of this thesis is to highlight the importance of specific features both at regional and national level in the public decision making to stimulate economic growth. The thesis analyses the relationship between GDP and unemployment, as well as the effects of fiscal stimuli. In the first part, Okun’s law is examined at regional level in three emerging Central and Eastern European countries. In the second part, the emphasis is given to the concept of fiscal multiplier and its policy implications. In the third part, fiscal multipliers are assessed in emerging countries, particularly those of the Mediterranean and the Central and Eastern Europe regions. The thesis makes use of time series and panel econometrics methods.Une crise financière et économique sans précèdent est apparue aux Etats-Unis en 2007, a progressé rapidement et s’est propagée à de nombreux pays dans le monde. L’instrument budgétaire a été largement utilisé : dans un contexte de contagion financière, les gouvernements ont dû réagir en adoptant dans un premier temps des mesures visant à relancer l'économie, puis, dans un deuxième temps, face à l’endettement croissant, des mesures de stabilisation économique. L'objectif de cette thèse est de mettre en évidence l'importance des caractéristiques spécifiques à la fois régionales et nationales dans la prise de décision publique visant à stimuler la croissance économique. La thèse analyse la relation entre le PIB et le chômage, ainsi que les effets des programmes de relance budgétaire. Dans la première partie, la loi d'Okun est examinée, au niveau régional, dans trois pays émergents d’Europe Centrale et de l’Est. Dans la deuxième partie, un éclairage particulier est porté sur le concept de multiplicateur budgétaire et ses implications de politique économique. Dans la troisième partie, les multiplicateurs budgétaires sont calculés dans des pays émergents, en particulier ceux des régions méditerranéennes et d’Europe Centrale et de l’Est. La thèse mobilise les outils de l’économétrie sur séries temporelles et sur panels de longue durée

    Particular form of simultaneous pancreas and liver toxic damage

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    USMF “N. Testemițanu”, Clinica Chirurgie “Sf. Arh. Mihail”, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Studiul vizează 10 cazuri, observate în SCM ”Sf. Arh. Mihail” pe perioada ultimilor 10 ani. Toți sunt spitalizați în secția ATI cu manifestări clinicoparaclinice de insuficiență hepatică acută; antecedente de băutori și cu afecțiuni hepatice cronice (hepatita cronică 2 cazuri, ciroza hepatică -8). Date pentru pancreatita acută căutate intenționat absente, amilaza sanguine cifre joase/ absentă, date EUS (10 caz. ), cât și CT (2 caz.) fără modificări de structură. Evolutțe gravă, icter, uremie, hipoprotrombinemie, trasamilazemie, ulterior MODS avansat. Deces în mediu la ziua a 8 . Necroptic – asociație de ciroză hepatică cu pancreatită acută necrotică în toate cazurile. Expansie parapancreatică absentă. În acest context de afectare panceatica directă au fost studiate și 55 acte medico-legale de deces subit (anii 2004-2006) cu diagnostic – pancreonecroză hemoragică. Rezultatul ulterior a alcoolemiei arată a fi prezent în 39 cazuri ( 71%), până la 3% - 23 cazuri, peste 3% -15 cazuri. Concluzie: 1. Posibilitatea afectării toxice concomitente a ficatului și pancreasului este o realitate clinică. 2. Clinico - paraclinic predomină insuficiența hepatică acută, manifestările pancreatice fiind minime. 3. PA are o evoluție necrotică de la început, fără răspândire peripancreatică și deasemenea fără complicații chirurgicale.The study included 10 cases observed in the SCM ” St. Arch. Michael’’ during the last 10 years. All are hospitalized in the ATI department with clinical manifestations of acute liver failure laboratory, and drinkers with a history of chronic liver disease (2 cases, chronic hepatitis, and liver cirrhosis 8). Data for acute pancreatitis intentionally sought missing digits blood amylase low / absent, EUS data (10 cases.) and CT (two cases.) no modifications of structure. Charts severe jaundice, uremia, hipoprotrombinemy, trasamilazemy subsequently advanced MODS. Death occurs in the average at day 8. Necroptic - association of cirrhosis with acute necrotic pancreatitis in all cases. Parapancreatic expansion is missing. In this context panceatic direct damage and 55 acts have been studied forensic sudden death (2004-2006) with diagnosis - hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis. Result of alcohol tests later shown to be present in 39 cases (71%), up to 3% - 23 cases over 3%-15 cases. Conclusion: 1. the possibility of toxic damage to liver and pancreas simultaneous is a clinical reality. 2. Clinical - Acute liver failure prevails paraclinical, pancreatic manifestations were minimal. 3. PA has a necrotic evolution from the beginning, and also without peripancreatic spread visa without surgical complications

    Dinamica incidenţei cancerului sistemului urogenital în Republica Moldova

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    În lucrarea dată este prezentată dinamica structurii nosologice, incidenţa, mortalitatea prin tumorile sistemului urogenital în Republica Moldova pe parcursul anilor 2000 – 2014. Rezultatele arată că patologia oncologică în ultimii 15 ani este în creştere constantă. Se observă o tendinţă a migrării stadiilor spre I şi II ce permite semnifi cativ ameliorarea rezultatelor de tratament şi îmbunătățirea calităţii vieţii pacienţilor