346 research outputs found

    Lexico-grammatical principle of verbal lexemes description (On the material of the Russian language)

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    © 2015 Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. This article discusses the functions of grammar in relation to lexical semantics and sets out to undertake lexico-grammatical analysis of some physiological verbs in the Russian language. It demonstrates the interaction of lexical and grammatical senses of a word in its structure on a specific language material. The verbs under discussion are: есть - yest' (eat), пить - pit' (drink), лечить - lechit' (treat), беременеть - beremenet' (get pregnant), болеть - bolet' (be ill). This research is conducted by using descriptive-analytic method. It is worthwhile to find out to what extent verbal meanings can be presented through the system of grammatical categories. Lexico-grammatical characteristics of verbs with physiological meaning are presented within seven groups. Russian verbs have a number of categories which are not often taken into account in dictionaries. An attempt which brings together grammatical and semantic aspects of the verbs in a dictionary is made in this paper

    The prevalence of obesity in the adult population of the Russian Federation (literature review)

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    This review analyzes the prevalence of obesity among the adult population in the Russian Federation. The data of various studies, including large international projects (WHO MONICA 1985–1995, HAPIEE 2003–2005), all-Russian screenings (RLMS - HSE 1993, Federal monitoring of arterial hypertension 2003, ESSE-RF 2013 — present.), as well as selected regional studies. In some regions, the long-term dynamics of obesity has been studied. The history of studying the epidemiology of obesity in Russia has more than thirty years. According to the data obtained, the prevalence of obesity throughout the country remains high and continues to increase. Thus, among men, the prevalence increased from 10.8% in 1993 to 27.9% in 2017, among women — from 26.4% to 31.8%, respectively. In all regions where it was possible to assess long-term trends, the prevalence of obesity among adults increased (maximum — 48.5% in the Belgorod region). In the adult population, obesity is more common in women (maximum — 47.0% in the Novosibirsk region) than in men (maximum — 30.0% in Ivanovo and Voronezh regions). It is necessary to expand the number of regions in Russia in which studies of the prevalence of obesity are carried out, as well as to strengthen measures to combat overweight and obesity in all age groups throughout the country

    Concorrência tributária entre regiões da Rússia e seus indicadores

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    The article focuses on approaches to assessing the competitive advantages of regions of Russia in the area of taxation, the main approaches to the definition of tax competition at the present stage used in the scientific literature, are considered; emphasis on the influence of internal tax competition on social and economic development of the regions; the possibilities of using a number of quantitative and qualitative indicators to assess the competitive advantages of the regions in the area of taxation are summarized; ranking of the regions of Russia by using tax authorities to provide tax benefits of corporate income tax paid to the budget of the Russian Federation constituent, was performed; the conclusion about the relationship of investment activity and the availability of competitive advantages in the area of taxation was made; the development problems of the regional competitive advantages in the area of taxation and prospects for their solution are described.El artículo se centra en los enfoques para evaluar las ventajas competitivas de las regiones de Rusia en el área de la tributación, se consideran los principales enfoques para la definición de competencia fiscal en la etapa actual utilizados en la literatura científica; énfasis en la influencia de la competencia fiscal interna sobre el desarrollo social y económico de las regiones; se resumen las posibilidades de utilizar una serie de indicadores cuantitativos y cualitativos para evaluar las ventajas competitivas de las regiones en el área de la tributación; clasificación de las regiones de Rusia mediante el uso de las autoridades fiscales para proporcionar los beneficios fiscales del impuesto sobre la renta corporativo pagado al presupuesto del constituyente de la Federación de Rusia; se llegó a la conclusión sobre la relación de la actividad inversora y la disponibilidad de ventajas competitivas en el área de tributación; se describen los problemas de desarrollo de las ventajas competitivas regionales en el área de impuestos y las perspectivas para su solución. O artigo enfoca as abordagens para avaliar as vantagens competitivas das regiões russas na área de tributação, considerando as principais abordagens para a definição de concorrência tributária no atual estágio utilizado na literatura científica; ênfase na influência da concorrência fiscal interna no desenvolvimento social e econômico das regiões; as possibilidades de utilizar uma série de indicadores quantitativos e qualitativos para avaliar as vantagens competitivas das regiões na área de tributação são resumidas; classificação das regiões da Rússia, usando as autoridades fiscais para fornecer os benefíciosfiscais do imposto de renda corporativo pago ao orçamento do constituinte da Federação Russa; chegouse à conclusão sobre a relação entre a atividade de investimento e a disponibilidade de vantagens competitivas na área de tributação; São descritos os problemas de desenvolvimento de vantagenscompetitivas regionais na área tributária e as perspectivas de sua solução

    Analysis of environment state in technogenic region and its threat to public health.

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    The purpose of the research is to give a complex hygienic evaluation of environment state in Donetsk region and to determine the degree of their potential danger to population health. It includes air pollution, water contamination, state of soil. Nearly 43000 samples of air, 32000 drinking water samples and 4500 soil samples were analyzed. Regions with the highest rate of environmental pollution were defined. It was found that the main sources of environment pollution in Donetsk region are ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy enterprises, power, coal, building industry and transport. All other sources ac­count for only 5-10% of total emissions. Level of harmful technogenic pressing on population’s health was determined

    The PPARA gene polymorphism in team sports athletes

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) is a transcription factor that regulates lipid and glucose metabolism. Accumulating evidence suggests that the intron 7 C allele of the PPARA gene rs4253778 G/C polymorphism has an advantage for power-oriented athletes, presumably due to the hypertrophic effects on skeletal muscle and increase in glucose utilization in response to anaerobic exercise. The G allele, however, is said to be favorable for the endurance-oriented athletes. The metabolic demands of team sports involve aerobic and anaerobic energy pathways, as a result of the intermittent physical activity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between the PPARA gene polymorphism and team-sport athletic status. A total of 665 Russian athletes from 14 team sports and 1,706 controls were involved in the case-control study. We found that the frequency of the PPARA C allele was significantly higher in athletes compared to controls (20.5 vs. 16.4%, P = 0.0009), suggesting that anaerobic rather than aerobic metabolism may be crucial to the game performance in team sports. This means that our study indicates the association between the PPARA gene G/C polymorphism and team-sport athletic status. Although more replication studies are needed, the preliminary data suggest an opportunity to use the analysis of PPARA polymorphism, along with other gene variations and standard phenotypic assessment in team sports selection

    Sign Language Recognition using Deep Learning

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    Sign Language Recognition is a form of action recognition problem. The purpose of such a system is to automatically translate sign words from one language to another. While much work has been done in the SLR domain, it is a broad area of study and numerous areas still need research attention. The work that we present in this paper aims to investigate the suitability of deep learning approaches in recognizing and classifying words from video frames in different sign languages. We consider three sign languages, namely Indian Sign Language, American Sign Language, and Turkish Sign Language. Our methodology employs five different deep learning models with increasing complexities. They are a shallow four-layer Convolutional Neural Network, a basic VGG16 model, a VGG16 model with Attention Mechanism, a VGG16 model with Transformer Encoder and Gated Recurrent Units-based Decoder, and an Inflated 3D model with the same. We trained and tested the models to recognize and classify words from videos in three different sign language datasets. From our experiment, we found that the performance of the models relates quite closely to the model's complexity with the Inflated 3D model performing the best. Furthermore, we also found that all models find it more difficult to recognize words in the American Sign Language dataset than the others

    New NIR-emissive tetranuclear Er(III) complexes with 4-hydroxo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazolate and dibenzoylmethanate ligands: synthesis and characterization

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    New tetranuclear heteroleptic complexes [Er4(dbm)6(O-btd)4(OH)2] (1) and [Er4(dbm)4(O-btd)6(OH)2] (2) (O-btd = 4-hydroxo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazolate and dbm = dibenzoylmethanide) and their solvates with toluene, THF and CH2Cl2 were prepared using two synthetic approaches. The structures of the products were confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Magnetic properties of 1 and 2 are in good agreement with X-ray data. The effective magnetic moment (μeff) values at 300 K for 1 and 2 corresponds to a system of 4 non-interacting Er(III) ions in the ground state 4J15/2 with g = 6/5. At ambient temperature and upon excitation with λexc = 450 nm, complexes 1 and 2 exhibit luminescence at ∼1530 nm, i.e. in the near infra-red (NIR) region. The luminescence intensity grows with increasing the number of the (O-btd)−ligands in the complexes. This observation suggests (O-btd)− as a new efficient antenna ligand for the lanthanide-based NIR luminescence

    The health and psychomotor development of infants born at term early preterm birth

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    The article presents data on peculiarities of health status and psychomotor development in infants born at term very early premature birth. It is shown that respiratory disorders, perinatal CNS (PCNS) severe, high frequency of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and infectious and inflammatory diseases were observed in all of the studied children. In the first year of life these children are a group of sickly. Most of them identified functional disorders of the digestive system and intestinal flora, the residual effects of rickets, anemia. During the first year of life from 46.9% of children born at term SPR, formed the backlog in psychological development. Incapacitating consequences had 20% of children.В статье приведены данные по особенностям состояния здоровья и психомоторного развития у детей младенческого возраста, родившихся в сроке сверхранних преждевременных родов. Показано, что у всех изучаемых детей наблюдались дыхательные расстройства, перинатальное поражение ЦНС (ППЦНС) тяжёлой степени, высокая частота бронхолёгочной дисплазии (БЛД) и инфекционно - воспалительных заболеваний. На первом году жизни эти дети относятся группе часто болеющих. У большинства из них выявлены функциональные нарушения пищеварительной системы и микрофлоры кишечника, резидуальные явления рахита, анемия. На протяжении первого года жизни у 46,9% детей, родившихся в сроке СПР, формируется отставание в нервно - психическом развитии. Инвалидизирующие последствия имели 20 % детей

    Multiplexed detection of cancer biomarkers using an optical biosensor

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    Early detection of cancer is important in administering timely treatment and increasing cancer survival rates. For early cancer detection one can use biomarkers, which are characteristics that can be objectively measured or evaluated as indicators of normal or pathogenic processes. In our study we study three protein biomarkers: carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and extracellular protein kinase A (ECPKA), which have been implicated in various types of human cancer. The main objective of this project is to develop a biosensor for detection of multiple cancer biomarkers. To detect these protein biomarkers high affinity ssDNA aptamers are being selected. Aptamers are short single stranded DNAs with an ability to bind to various targets with high affinity and specificity which selected by SELEX (Systemic Evolution of Ligands through Exponential enrichment) [2]. Ultimately, aptamers against each of the biomarker will be conjugated to magnetic nanoparticles to capture biomarkers from biological fluids. Another aptamer is proposed to be conjugated to quantum dots for quantitation of biomarkers when analyzed on spectrometer

    Multiplexed detection of cancer biomarkers using an optical biosensor

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    Early detection of cancer is important in administering timely treatment and increasing cancer survival rates. For early cancer detection one can use biomarkers, which are characteristics that can be objectively measured or evaluated as indicators of normal or pathogenic processes. In our study we study three protein biomarkers: carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and extracellular protein kinase A (ECPKA), which have been implicated in various types of human cancer. The main objective of this project is to develop a biosensor for detection of multiple cancer biomarkers. To detect these protein biomarkers high affinity ssDNA aptamers are being selected. Aptamers are short single stranded DNAs with an ability to bind to various targets with high affinity and specificity which selected by SELEX (Systemic Evolution of Ligands through Exponential enrichment) [2]. Ultimately, aptamers against each of the biomarker will be conjugated to magnetic nanoparticles to capture biomarkers from biological fluids. Another aptamer is proposed to be conjugated to quantum dots for quantitation of biomarkers when analyzed on spectrometer