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    In this research the authors aimed at determining the TPACK self-efficacy for pre-service science teachers on material development, the relational screening model was used. The research was carried out with a total of 141 pre-service science teachers from Kahramanmaraş Sütcü Imam University in 2016-2017 fall academic years. The data were collected by using the "Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) self-efficacy scale for pre-service science teachers on material development" developed by Balçın and Ergün (2016). Independent-t test, one way variance analysis (Anova) and Tukey analysis were used in the statistical evaluation of the obtained data. Also, data are evaluated on 0.05 level relevance and its percentage, frequency, average and standard deviation levels are calculated. According to the findings obtained in the research, it was determined that the variables of grade level and teaching technologies and material development courses were influenced by TPACK self-efficacy for pre-service science teachers on material development (p<0.05). However, it was determined that gender, level of academic achievement and intensity of technology use did not affect the TPACK self-efficacy for pre-service science teachers on material development.  Article visualizations


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    Urbanization decreased natural habitats and technological developments cause children to become more and more disconnected from nature (Kahyaoğlu & Yetişir, 2015). This disconnection has increased interest in ecology-based nature education in many countries. Ecology-based nature education is an out-of-school education program that enables to develop awareness of nature and environment in individuals, protect living and inanimate beings in nature, and better understand human-nature relations. It covers a wide range of people from preschool, primary, secondary, undergraduate, graduate and teachers. Accordingly, it is seen that there has been an increase in studies on ecology-based nature education in recent years (Keçeci, Kırbağ-Zengin & Alan, 2019; Özgel, Aydoğdu & Yıldırım, 2018; Kınık-Topalsan, Türk & Güler, 2019; Temiz & Karaarslan-Semiz, 2019). However, when the articles on this field are examined, it is seen that the studies on the role and effect of ecology-based nature education on the behavior of students connecting to nature are not enough. The aim of this research is to examine the impact of ecology-based nature education on the behavior of secondary school students towards nature within the framework of Bowlby’s theory of attachment and to present their views on ecology-based nature education applied. In this context, the research was carried out with a mixed method research pattern. The working group of the study consists of 40 students, who participated in the training with the principle of volunteerism, in a province located in Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. All activities of this training were carried out within the borders of the province. Quantitative data of the study were obtained by “Nature Commitment Scale” and qualitative data were obtained by semi-structured interview form. Quantitative data of the study were analyzed by independently related sample t-test and qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. In the study, it was determined that ecology-based nature education had a statistically significant effect on the connection behavior of secondary school students to nature. In addition, it was determined that secondary school students who participated in ecology-based nature education with some expectations such as, raising awareness, doing activities, gaining experience and communicating. After the training, it was determined that the expectations of the students were met. Article visualizations

    Recent Progresses in Perovskite Solar Cells

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    Perovskite solar cell (PSC) can be regarded as a continuation of dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) in terms of the sensitization phenomena that occurred in the functioning molecules. In 2012, a breakthrough propose has been made for the sensitization of PSCs, in which a solid‐state structure is offered as an equivalent sensitizer used in DSSC. The power conversion efficiency (PCE) of those solid‐state cells reached about twofold of its initial value during the past several years. Immediately after, the researchers followed this propose worldwide. They have introduced an improved efficiency of as much as 20%, which was originally started from its initial value of 4%, just in 4 years. Thus, the new concept, solid perovskite molecules, has eliminated the need for the liquid electrolyte in DSSC while still carrying the advantages of organic solar cells (OSCs). Therefore, the distinctive material of PSC—the organometallic halide molecules (also known as OMH or organic‐inorganic trihalides)—inclined an unexpected reputation for solar cell (SC) researches. Hence, it seems that we will witness a new age for solar conversion devices depending on the recent hopeful progresses on PSCs. The high rate of photovoltaic (PV) conversion capacity in PSC is generally expressed by the basic properties possessed by the organic‐inorganic perovskite crystal, such as better optical properties and well diffused charges along huge distances during the charge transport. In addition, a low temperature processing is applicable during its production. Moreover, the perovskite layer provides a tunable band gap. Therefore, depending on better developments on designed molecules, PSC may gain extreme performances compared to the other competitors, such as OSC or DSSC devices. This chapter starts with a general discussion on the need for an affordable clean energy conversion device that is urgent for the future of humanity, due to publicly well‐known global warming issue. In Section 2, basic properties of PSC are mentioned together with their structure and working principles. Section 3 continues with an overview on organometallic perovskite molecules after a brief introductory history is presented. The absorption and band gap properties are also discussed. Since most perovskite materials need a hole transporting material (HTMs) within the PSC, the kinds of HTMs that are designed for PSCs are described in Section 3. The rendering of long‐term stabilization has special importance for PSCs since the instability issue remained idle in spite of those recent increased efficiency values attained by various research groups. Therefore, the stability issues are discussed in a separate part in Section 4. We finally close the chapter discussing the challenges and opportunities relying on the chapter content. We note that the recent investigations on PSCs have special importance for its large‐scale realization in order to make them ready for the photovoltaic industry of the future. Hence, there are various announced meetings focusing on its mass production due to the unexpected sharp rise of the perovskite efficiency in the last 6 years. Hence, all the new cutting‐edge scientific findings are also dealt with commercialization issues now, in order to attain the desired low cost fabrication, including the yield of high purity and the formation of smooth films during the continual manufacture of perovskite layers

    Clinical relevance of virulence genes in Helicobacter pylori isolates recovered from adult dyspeptic patients in Turkey

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    Purpose: Bacterial virulence factors play a major role in the pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori infection. The aims of this study were to evaluate virulence genes in H. pylori isolates and to compare the presence of these genes and associated clinical pathologies. Methods: A total of 148 H. pylori isolates, recovered from adult dyspeptic patients, were used. The patients, from whom the isolates were obtained, were assigned to two groups by their endoscopic findings, which manifested as chronic gastritis or peptic ulcer. The presence of gastric atrophy and intestinal metaplasia was recorded for each patient, based on histopathological examination. Analyses of the virulence genes were performed by the polymerase chain reaction technique. Results: The patients had a mean age of 47 ?± ?15 years and 86 (58%) of them were female. Based on endoscopic examination, 103 (69.6%) patients were diagnosed with chronic gastritis and 45 (30.4%) with peptic ulcer. Histopathological examination revealed intestinal metaplasia in 30 (20%) patients and gastric atrophy in 12 (8%) patients. The prevalence rates of cagA, cagE, iceA1, iceA2, and babA2 were determined to be 87%, 74%, 58%, 26%, and 95%, respectively. The most prevalent vacA alleles were s1/s1a (82%/97%) and the least prevalent allele was s2 (20%). A new vacA genotype (s1as1bs1c) was detected, for the first time, in 18 (12%) isolates. No significant difference was found between the patient groups with chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer for the prevalences of the virulence genes (p ?> ?0.05). Furthermore, intestinal metaplasia and gastric atrophy showed no significant correlation with the virulence genes (p ?> ?0.05). Conclusions: It is thoughted that H. pylori isolates with predominant cagA, cagE, VacA (s1, s1a), and babA2 virulence genes are associated with gastroduodenal diseases. However, there is no correlation between gastric premalignant lesions and virulence genes. © 2022 Indian Association of Medical Microbiologist

    Atrial fibrillation designation with micro-Raman spectroscopy and scanning acoustic microscope

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is diagnosed with the electrocardiogram, which is the gold standard in clinics. However, sufficient arrhythmia monitoring takes a long time, and many of the tests are made in only a few seconds, which can lead arrhythmia to be missed. Here, we propose a combined method to detect the effects of AF on atrial tissue. We characterize tissues obtained from patients with or without AF by scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) and by Raman spectroscopy (RS) to construct a mechano-chemical profile. We classify the Raman spectral measurements of the tissue samples with an unsupervised clustering method, k-means and compare their chemical properties. Besides, we utilize scanning acoustic microscopy to compare and determine differences in acoustic impedance maps of the groups. We compared the clinical outcomes with our findings using a neural network classification for Raman measurements and ANOVA for SAM measurements. Consequently, we show that the stiffness profiles of the tissues, corresponding to the patients with chronic AF, without AF or who experienced postoperative AF, are in agreement with the lipid-collagen profiles obtained by the Raman spectral characterization.Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Kalkinma Bakanlig


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    Amaç: Prenatal ultrasonografi izlemlerinin yaygınlaşması ile intrauterin dönemde saptanan over kisti sayısı giderek artmaktadır. Prenatal saptanan over kistlerinin prenatal ve postnatal tedavisi ile ilgili deneyimlerimizi sunmak istiyoruz. Gereç ve Yöntem: 2002-2009 yılları arasında prenatal US'de over kisti saptanan 12 hastanın kayıtları geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Kistlerin komplike olup olmadığı, prenatal ve postnatal boyutları, postnatal semptomları ve US izlemleri değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Serimizde 2 hastada basit over kisti, 9 hastada komplike over kisti ve 1 hastada bir tarafta basit over kisti, kontralateral tarafta komplike over kisti saptandı. Basit over kistlerin ortalama boyutu 3,3 ± 2,5 cm (1,0 - 6,0 cm) ve komplike over kistlerinin ortalama boyutu 4,5 ± 0,8 cm (3,2 - 5,5 cm) olarak ölçüldü. Basit over kistlerinden prenatal dönemde çapı 1 ve 3 cm ölçülen iki hastanın kisti doğum sonrası sırası ile 4 ve 6 hafta takip sonrası regrese oldular. Prenatal basit over kist çapı 6 cm olarak saptanan hastanın kisti postnatal US'de 8 cm olarak ölçülmesi üzerine laparoskopik kistotomi yapıldı. Prenatal 10 komplike over kistlerinin 6 tanesi postnatal izlem sırasında regrese oldu, 3 tanesi postnatal dönemde küçülmediği için laparoskopik kistotomi yapıldı, 1 tanesinde postnatal 8. haftada intestinal obstruksiyon geliştiği için laparotomi ile adezyolizis ve kistotomi yapıldı. Regrese olan komplike over kistli bir olgu postnatal 9. ayda intestinal obstrüksiyon ile başvurdu. Sonuç: Prenatal tanılı komplike over kistlerinde malignite kuşkusu yoksa ve asemptomatik seyrediyorsa yakından izlenmelidir. Komplike over kistlerinin regrese olmadığı ve intestinal obstrüksiyona neden olduğu durumlarda cerrahi girişim yapılmalıdır. Objective: Widespread use of prenatal ultrasonography leads to an increase prenatally detected ovarian cysts. We herein present our experience with prenatal and postnatal treatment of prenatally diagnosed ovarian cysts. Material and Method: Between 2002 - 2009 years, the records of 12 patients withprenatally diagnosed to have ovarian cysts were reviewed retrospectively. US appearance of cyst (simple versus complicated cyst), prenatal and postnatal dimensions, postnatal symptoms and US follow up were recorded. Results: While two patients had simple cyst, 9 patients had complicated cyst and one patient had a simple cyst with a contralateral complicated cyst. Two patients with simple cysts, whom prenatal US measurements were 1 cm and 3 cm respectively, regressed during postnatal 4th and 6th weeks, follow up. One of the simple cysts that was prenatally measured as 6 cm was found to be 8 cm postnatally and it required laparoscopic cystotomy. All of 10 complicated cysts were followed up nonoperatively. Among them, seven cysts regressed during postnatal follow up however 3 cysts persisted that required laparoscopic cystotomy and 1 cyst led to intestinal obstruction at 8th postnatal week that required adheziolysis and cystotomy. One patient with a regressed complicated ovarian cyst presented with an intestinal obstruction at 9 months of age. Conclusion: Fetal complicated ovarian cysts which have no postnatal symptoms should be initially treated nonoperatively. Complicated ovarian cyst not regressing after postnatal 3 months and those causing intestinal obstruction should be treated operatively


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    Amaç: Çalışmamızda standart yöntemle laparoskopi kılavuzluğu olmadan perkutan endoskopik gastrostomi kateteri yerleştirilen, yalnızca laparoskopik Nissen fundoplikasyonu yapılan, LNF ve sonrasında laparoskopi kılavuzluğunda PEG (LNF+PEG) yapılan üç hasta grubu incelenerek karşılaştırıldı. LNF ameliyatı ile PEG yönteminin eş zamanlı uygulanabilirliğini değerlendirmek amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Şubat 2002 - Şubat 2009 tarihleri arasında PEG, LNF ve LNF+PEG yapılan 35 hastanın kayıtları geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Beslenme güçlüğü ve büyüme gelişme geriliği olan, gastroözefageal reflü saptanmayan 12 hastaya standart yöntemle laparoskopi kılavuzluğu olmadan PEG kateteri yerleştirildi. GÖR nedeniyle 10 hastaya LNF yapıldı. GÖR'e beslenme güçlüğü ve büyüme gelişme geriliği eşlik eden 13 hastaya LNF sonrası laparoskopi kılavuzluğunda PEG uygulandı. Ameliyat öncesi LNF ve LNF+PEG yapılan hastalarda özefagus-mide-duodenum grafisi veya reflü sintigrafisi ile GÖR saptandı. Hastaların yaş, cinsiyet, her üç farklı işlem için ameliyat süreleri karşılaştırıldı. Komplikasyonlar değerlendirildi. Ameliyat sonrası birinci yılda LNF ve LNF+PEG yapılan hastalarda reflü sintigrafisi ile GÖR değerlendirildi. Ameliyat öncesi ve ameliyattan bir yıl sonra boy, vücut ağırlığı ve persantilleri incelendi. Bulgular: Otuzbeş hastanın ortalama yaşı 6,0 ± 4,3 yaş (4 ay -17 yaş) olarak bulundu. Beslenme güçlüğü ve büyüme gelişme geriliği olan, GÖR'ü olmayan 12 hastaya (5 erkek, 7 kız) sadece PEG yapıldı. GÖR'ü olan 10 hastaya (8 erkek, 2 kız) sadece LNF yapıldı. GÖR'e beslenme güçlüğü ve büyüme gelişme geriliği eşlik eden 13 hastaya (10 erkek, 3 kız ) LNF+PEG yapıldı. LNF, LNF+PEG veya PEG tüm hastalarda sorunsuz tamamlandı. Ameliyat süreleri sadece PEG yapılan hastalarda ortalama 9±1 dakika, sadece LNF yapılan hastalarda ortalama 145±15 dakika ve LNF+PEG yapılan hastalarda ortalama 163±12 dakika olarak bulundu. Ameliyat sonrasında erken dönemde karın içi peritonit ve gastrostomi çevresinde ciltte enfeksiyon, enflamasyon, irritasyon bulgularıyla karşılaşılmadı. Ameliyat sonrası izlemlerinde LNF ve LNF+PEG yapılan hastalarda reflü sintigrafisinde GÖR saptanmadı. Sonuç: PEG kateteri yerleştirme LNF sırasında laparoskopi eşliğinde yapıldığın-da kör bir teknik olmaktan kurtarılarak komplikasyon oranı azaltılabilmektedir. LNF ile aynı anda PEG kateteri yerleştirildiğinde tamamlanmış fundoplikasyon intrao-peratif olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Mevcut çalışma LNF ile eş zamanlı PEG kateteri yerleştirmenin ehil ellerde güvenli ve başarılı bir yöntem olduğunu göster-mektedir. Objective: In our study three group of patients who underwent percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) without laparoscopy guidance, laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication (LNF) and PEG with laparoscopy guidance during LNF (LNF+PEG) were evaluated. Our experience with simultaneous PEG catheter placement during LNF were described. Material and method: Between February 2002 - February 2009, the records of 35 patients who underwent PEG (12 patients), LNF (10 patients) and LNF+PEG (13 patients) were retrospectively reviewed. Ages, gender and operation times for each three different procedures were compared. Twelve patients with feeding difficulties, failure to thrive and without gastroesophageal reflux (GER) underwent PEG without laparoscopy guidance. Ten patients with GER underwent LNF. Thirteen patients with GER, associated feeding difficulties and failue to thrive underwent LNF+PEG. Patients who underwent LNF or LNF+PEG were evaluated with upper gastrointestinal contrast series or scintigraphy for GER preoperatively. Complications were evaluated. GER were evaluated with scintigraphy in the postoperative first year. Height, weight and percentilles of patients were reviewed before and one year after the operation. Results: The median age of 35 patients was 6.0 ± 4.3 (4 months -17 years). Twelve patients with feeding difficulties and failure to thrive, without GER (5 boy, 7 girl) underwent standart PEG. Ten patients with GER (8 boy, 2 girl) underwent only LNF. Thirteen patients with GER, associated feeding difficulties and failure to thrive (10 boy, 3 girl) underwent LNF+PEG. For all patients LNF, LNF+PEG and PEG were successfully completed. Mean operation time for PEG was 9±1 minutes, for LNF was 145±15 minutes, for LNF+PEG was 163±12 minutes. Early postoperative complications such as peritonitis and dermal infection, inflammation or irritation near the gastrostomy catheter were not encountered. During the postoperative follow up of patients who underwent LNF and LNF+PEG the scintigraphy for the evidence of GER was negative. Conclusion: PEG catheterization at the same session as LNF with laparoscopy guidance may have decreased rate of complication. This method allows for evaluation of the fundoplication at its completion. Our study denotes that PEG catheterization at the same session as LNF with laparoscopy guideness is safe and effective in experienced hands

    Giant aneurysm of non-coronary sinus of valsalva in a patient with marfan sendrom

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    Valsalva sinüslerinin anevrizmaları, aort anulusu ile sinotubüler bileşke arasındaki aort kök bölgesinin dilatasyonu olarak tanımlanır. Valsalva sinüsünün izole anevrizmaları nadir görülen kardiovasküler patolojilerdir. Sinüs valsalva anevrizması, konjenital veya edinsel kökenli olabilir. Konjenital, özellikle bağ dokusu bozukluklarına sekonder ve konjenital kardiyak defektlerle birlikte görülebilir. Edinsel anevrizmalar ise enfeksiyonlara ve travmaya sekonder olarak oluşabilir. Küçük boyutlu rüptüre olmamış anevrizmalar cerrahi müdahalesiz takip edilebilirken bunun dışındaki tüm hastalarda müdahale gerekir ve cerrahi altın standart tedavi yöntemidir. Bu yazıda, aort yetmezliği ile birlikte non-koroner valsalva sinüsünün dev anevrizması olan ve uygun tedavisi yapılan 12 yaşında Marfan sendromlu hasta anlatılacaktır.Aneurysms of the sinuses of Valsalva are defined as dilatation of the aortic root region be-tween the aortic annulus and the sinotubularjunction. Isolated aneurysms of the sinus of Valsalva are rare cardiovascular pathologies. Sinus valsalva aneurysm may be of congenital or acquired origin. It can occur congenital, secondary to connective tissue disorders or in associa-tion with congenital cardiac defects. Acquired aneurysms may occur secondary to infections and trauma. Small-sized unruptured aneurysms may be followed without surgical treatment; however, surgery may be required in all other patients and surgery is the gold standard treat-ment method. In this article, a 12 -year-old patient with Marfan syndrome who had aortic regurgita-tion and giant aneurysm of the non-coronary sinus of valsalva and was treated appropriately will be presented