21 research outputs found

    Inbound and Outbound Marketing

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    Digital marketing has changed how businesses operate nowadays. When it comes to reaching and engaging consumers, effective marketing strategy is the key. Besides, in order to compete with the competitors, the companies should know everything about their customers from what their need is, how they can satisfy it and to what need they can further create (Hubspot, 2016) – of which a role mostly played by the marketing team

    Psychological well-being model

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    In past ten years, there is a rapid growing interest for negative experiences of psychological issues for instance depression, trauma and anxiety (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). However, the promotion of well-being is compulsory as the comprehensive health accepted as including physical, mental and social well-being (Kirkwood, Bond, May, & McKeith, 2010). Thus, the extend research on psychology well-being has been observed (Huppert, 2009; Ryff & Singer, 2006)

    Economic forces and Islamic stock market: Empirical evidences from Malaysia

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    Manuscript type: Research paper Research aims: This study aims to investigate the impact of macroeconomic forces on the Malaysian Islamic stock market. Design/ Methodology/ Approach: The study employs Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bound testing approach and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) in an attempt to investigate the impact of macroeconomic forces on the Malaysian Islamic stock market. Various domestic economic factors including money supply, industrial activities, inflation, Islamic interbank rate and international issues (e.g., real effective exchange rate and Federal funds rate), are taken into consideration in the analysis. Research findings: Based on the ARDL approach, this study finds that all macroeconomic factors, with the exception of Islamic interbank rate are significantly related to Islamic stock price in the long term. However, the findings from VECM method confirm the significant causal flow from all macroeconomic forces into Islamic stock prices in the longer term. Nevertheless, in the short term, only Islamic stock prices have immediate replies in response to the industrial activities, inflation, real effective exchange rate and Federal funds rate data. Theoretical contributions/ Originality: While there is vast literature on the Islamic stock market, the effect of macroeconomic forces on the Islamic stock price has not been well-researched. This study fills in the gap by investigating the relationship between macroeconomic variables and Islamic stock price. Practitioner/ Policy implications: The findings demonstrate that investors and policymakers should take into account the fluctuations in the macroeconomic variables since they have high information content regarding the future movements of Islamic stock price. The foreign factors, in particular, depict stronger influence on the Islamic stock market than the domestic factors. Research limitations/ Implications: Cheaper currency would accelerate export sector and recovery of the U.S. economy might put Islamic stock market at disadvantage because there is possibility that international investors will switch back their investment

    Islamic Branding

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    The market of halal food and Islamic finance sector which have increased dramatically in the past decade and many other Islamic products and services including cosmetics, real estate, hotels, fashion and insurance, (Alserhan, 2010a), have amplified the role of Islamic brand at present. Fatema et al. (2013) stated that Islamic marketing is aimed at Muslim consumers who are significantly different from the average consumer and that it utilizes specific recourses, skills, and tools that are directly relating and attractive to this particular segment. Therefore, with the presence of Muslim customers, this market segment can be targeted, reached and to a certain extent, predicted by marketers. The demographic changes and purchasing power of Muslim consumers and the success of Muslim businessmen have begun to make Islamic marketing an intellectually and managerially attractive area. As a result, the use of Islamic brands as marketing strategies has intensified in academic circles within the past few years, both inside and outside the Islamic world (Alserhan, 2010). This claim was further supported by Wilson and Liu (2011), stating that the phenomenon of Islamic branding as a new and independent discipline has attracted the attention of both academics and practitioners

    An Empirical View on Ethical Values and Moralism of Public Bus Service in Kuantan

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    Ethics is a discipline dealing with a set of rules, principles, and beliefs used to judge the value of human actions. Ethics are relevant in the transportation sector because of the diversity and the social relevance of its effects, both positive and negative. Ethics in Business is nothing but the do’s (good things and honest activities) and don’ts (bad things, cheating, bribe, duplicate products) by the marketers in the business. There should be business ethics, meaning that the business should be conducted according to certain self-recognized moral standards. Most of the government agencies have very strict conduct of rules and moral standard on which the entire functioning is hovering and most of the time customer gains the benefits. In order to protect the public and company interest, the practice of professionalism in bus services should be practiced. The objective of this research is to analyse the ethical issue in Rapid Kuantan bus service. The study utilizes informal interview toward operation and bus control centre staff and observational as its methodology. Four dimension of different cases discussed in this paper to see the relation of action taken and its relation with the said elements. In this study, the expected outcome is high ethics and morality is a vital value and characteristic that lead to the trusted and effective of bus services

    Tahap pencapaian hafazan murid Tahfiz Model Ulul Albab di negeri Johor

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    Pelaksanaan Program Tahfiz Model Ulul Albab (TMUA) merupakan salah satu kesinambungan daripada usaha kerajaan dalam memperkembang pendidikan tahfiz kepada murid sekolah menengah. Setelah enam tahun pelaksanaan program ini, terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang berbangkit antaranya tahap pencapaian hafazan murid kurang memuaskan. Sorotan lepas mendapati tidak semua murid yang mengikuti program ini dapat menghabiskan hafazan sebanyak 30 juzuk AlQuran dalam tempoh lima tahun pengajian seperti yang digariskan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Justeru, pengkaji ingin melihat tahap pencapaian hafazan murid TMUA sekolah menengah KPM. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kuantitatif berbentuk deskriptif ke atas 829 orang murid TMUA sekolah menengah. Analisis skor min digunakan bagi melihat tahap pencapaian hafazan mereka. Hasil analisis menunjukkan tahap pencapaian hafazan murid berada di tahap sederhana tinggi dengan skor min 3.67. Hasil kajian juga mendapati terdapat tiga cabaran yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan TMUA iaitu cabaran dari sudut sistem, cabaran dari sudut guru dan cabaran dari sudut pelajar. Justeru, cabaran dan permasalahan yang ada perlu diatasi dan diperbaiki bersama bagi merealisasikan harapan negara. Pedagogi guru, teknik menghafaz yang diamalkan oleh murid serta perkara-perkara lain yang menyumbang kepada kejayaan murid dalam menghafaz perlu diberi perhatian yang sewajarnya bagi memastikan matlamat pelaksanaan TMUA tercapai dengan jayanya

    Mental health in workplace: the role of safety and health committee

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    Safety and Health Committee services has been established since 1 January 1997 in Malaysia. According to Section 30 of Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994, safety and health committee need to be establish and it is compulsory to the employers who have more than 40 employees. Department of Safety and Health (DOSH) are capable to issue an improvement or prohibition notice in order to get improvement in future

    Capital punishment for drug offenders in Malaysia: balancing between human rights and utilitarian rationales / Aizuddin Sapian ...[et al.]

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    Many countries in Asia, including Malaysia, impose the death penalty for nonviolent crimes, including drug related crimes. Capital punishment is irrevocable and can be inflicted on the innocent. It has never been shown to deter crime more effectively than other punishments. Every death sentence is an affront to human dignity, every execution a symptom of, not a solution to, a culture of violence. However, the government holds a different view. It reserves the death penalty for those who carry, say, above fifteen grammes of heroin because of the harm that they would have had on the populace, if the drug had been disseminated. This reservation strengthens the government's stand on the import of dangerous quantities of drugs. It is a message to the drug offenders, who would always attempt to maximise their profits by carrying more drugs on each trip, not to entertain such ideas. It is prevention within deterrence, minimising the damage. It is a sort of damage control

    Financial deepening and poverty reduction: causality linkage in the case of Malaysia

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    This paper investigates the interaction between financial deepening and poverty reduction in the case of Malaysia from period of 1975 to 2012. We employed ARDL bounds testing approach to find long run cointegration as well as Granger causality to discover the short run and long run dynamics between the variables. Our findings show that when monetization variable is used a proxy for financial deepening, poverty reduction measured by per capita consumption seems to cause the development of financial sector irrespective of whether the causality test is conducted in the short run or in the long run. The results reflect the importance of aggregate demand on goods and services among households to trigger the size of liquid money in Malaysian economy

    Molecular Docking and Pharmacokinetics Analysis of Phytochemicals from Piper caninum as Dengue NS2B-NS3 Protease Inhibitors

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    Dengue fever affects 390 million people each year. Currently, there is no specific medicine to treat this disease. Thus, the search for potential NS2B-NS3 protease inhibitors has attracted increasing research interest. The dengue protease NS2B-NS3 was used as a molecular target because of its vital function in viral replication. Piper caninum belongs to the Piperaceae family, found inhabited in Malaysia and Indonesia. This plant possesses various phytochemicals with various health benefits. However, the anti-dengue activity of this plant is yet to be discovered. Therefore, the objective of this research is to evaluate the inhibitory activity of phytochemicals from P. caninum against NS2B-NS3 using in silico experimentation. Molecular docking using AutoDock Vina was utilized to identify the binding interaction of phytochemicals on NS2B-NS3. SwissADME and ProTox-II web servers were used to analyse the ADMET (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity) of the phytochemicals. Results showed that cepharadione A, bornyl caffeate, and (+)-bornyl p-coumarate had comparable molecular interaction with the reference compound, curcumin. Analysis of in silico pharmacokinetics properties revealed that these phytochemicals have good pharmacokinetics profiles and excellent drug-ability, which obeyed Lipinski’s Rule of Five. This study shows the potential inhibitory activity of the phytochemicals against NS2B-NS3 for a lead in the development of dengue inhibitors