289 research outputs found

    Correlation Length and Universality in the BCS-BEC Crossover for Energy-Dependent Resonance Superfluidity

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    We consider the BCS-BEC crossover of a quantum Fermi gas at T = 0 in the presence of an energy-dependent Fano-Feshbach resonance, driving the system from broad to narrow limits.We choose a minimal microscopic potential reproducing the two-particle resonance physics in terms of the scattering length a and the eective range R representing the resonance width, and solve the BCS mean-eld equations varying a, R and the density. We show that the chemical potential and the condensate fraction manifest an universal behavior when the correlation length, measuring the pair size, is used as the crossover parameter. These results can be useful in view of the more recent perspectives of realizing narrow resonances also by optical means and amenable as a base Quantum Monte Carlo simulations

    Building Efficiency Adopting Ecological Materials and Bio Architecture Techniques

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    Objective. There are many measures that individual consumers, families, companies, contractors, real estate developers, household owners and governments can take to promote post-carbon cities. Thermal insulation is definitely one of the most important investment to make in order to achieve these future goals. Method and solutions   Insulation can be carried out by using ecological cork panels. Cork is a natural and renewable material, which in itself, is the result of a CO2 sequestration, and it can also store C. Therefore it can effectively contribute to the design of the Post-Carbon City by reducing energy waste, improving the quality and the insulation of buildings.The expansion of the area occupied by the cork oak forests would permanently increase the absorption and sequestration of carbon. Forest policy guidelines must aim at the restoration of the existing cork oak forests, as well as the rehabilitation of cork oak forests destroyed by man. This will increase and strengthen the contribution made by forest resources to the construction of the Post Carbon City.Outcomes and benefits   Some benefits of such policy are as follows: the sequestration of CO2 eliminated from the atmosphere (creating carbon credits), because it is used for the growth of trees and the creation of cork bark; the availability of cork planks which are the raw material for bio-building; the positive consequences of using cork panels and granules in Bio Green Buildings, such as energy saving for heating and cooling and the consequent reduction of CO2  emissions. Risparmio energetico negli edifici mediante adozione di eco materiali e tecniche di Bio EdiliziaObiettivo. L’obiettivo di ridurre i sovra consumi energetici negli edifici e promuovere le città post-carbone può essere raggiunto adottando diverse misure ad opera di individui, famiglie, imprese, costruttori, promotori immobiliari, governi. L’isolamento termico degli edifici, o “passivazione” risulta essere uno dei più importanti investimenti per raggiungere questi risultati.Metodi e soluzioni.L’isolamento termico (o “passivazione”) può essere realizzato con pannelli di sughero. Il sughero è un materiale naturale e rinnovabile. Esso stesso è il risultato della eliminazione (sequestration) della CO2 . Non solo, è un depositi di C. Può quindi efficacemente contribuire a realizzare concretamente la Post Carbon City migliorando l’ isolamento e la qualità degli edifici ed eliminando lo spreco di energia. Ampliare le aree occupate da sugherete aumenta in modo permanente l’assorbimento e la eliminazione definitivo ovvero il sequestro della CO2 . Per questa ragione la policy urbana può essere integrata con la policy ambientale e forestale, propugnando il restauro delle sugherete esistenti e il re impianto di quelle compromesse dall’azione antropica. In tal modo si rafforza il contributo natura-based alla costruzione della Post Carbon City. Risultati e beneficiSolo alcuni dei primi benefici derivanti dalla policy integrata natura-based sopra sintetizzata: la  CO2  non solo si sequestra e si elimina dall’atmosfera ma addirittura viene utilizzata dalle sughere per crescere e per produrre il sughero;si rendono disponibili nuovi quantitativi di sughero grezzo, come materia prima versatile; utilizzando i lavorati per la passivazione dei Bio Edifici Verdi, non solo si risparmia significativamente energia, ma anche si abbattono le conseguenti emissioni di  CO2.Objective. There are many measures that individual consumers, families, companies, contractors, real estate developers, household owners and governments can take to promote post-carbon cities. Thermal insulation is definitely one of the most important investment to make in order to achieve these future goals. Method and solutions   Insulation can be carried out by using ecological cork panels. Cork is a natural and renewable material, which in itself, is the result of a CO2 sequestration, and it can also store C. Therefore it can effectively contribute to the design of the Post-Carbon City by reducing energy waste, improving the quality and the insulation of buildings.The expansion of the area occupied by the cork oak forests would permanently increase the absorption and sequestration of carbon. Forest policy guidelines must aim at the restoration of the existing cork oak forests, as well as the rehabilitation of cork oak forests destroyed by man. This will increase and strengthen the contribution made by forest resources to the construction of the Post Carbon City.Outcomes and benefits   Some benefits of such policy are as follows: the sequestration of CO2 eliminated from the atmosphere (creating carbon credits), because it is used for the growth of trees and the creation of cork bark; the availability of cork planks which are the raw material for bio-building; the positive consequences of using cork panels and granules in Bio Green Buildings, such as energy saving for heating and cooling and the consequent reduction of CO2  emissions. Risparmio energetico negli edifici mediante adozione di eco materiali e tecniche di Bio EdiliziaObiettivo. L’obiettivo di ridurre i sovra consumi energetici negli edifici e promuovere le città post-carbone può essere raggiunto adottando diverse misure ad opera di individui, famiglie, imprese, costruttori, promotori immobiliari, governi. L’isolamento termico degli edifici, o “passivazione” risulta essere uno dei più importanti investimenti per raggiungere questi risultati.Metodi e soluzioni.L’isolamento termico (o “passivazione”) può essere realizzato con pannelli di sughero. Il sughero è un materiale naturale e rinnovabile. Esso stesso è il risultato della eliminazione (sequestration) della CO2 . Non solo, è un depositi di C. Può quindi efficacemente contribuire a realizzare concretamente la Post Carbon City migliorando l’ isolamento e la qualità degli edifici ed eliminando lo spreco di energia. Ampliare le aree occupate da sugherete aumenta in modo permanente l’assorbimento e la eliminazione definitivo ovvero il sequestro della CO2 . Per questa ragione la policy urbana può essere integrata con la policy ambientale e forestale, propugnando il restauro delle sugherete esistenti e il re impianto di quelle compromesse dall’azione antropica. In tal modo si rafforza il contributo natura-based alla costruzione della Post Carbon City. Risultati e beneficiSolo alcuni dei primi benefici derivanti dalla policy integrata natura-based sopra sintetizzata: la CO2  non solo si sequestra e si elimina dall’atmosfera ma addirittura viene utilizzata dalle sughere per crescere e per produrre il sughero;si rendono disponibili nuovi quantitativi di sughero grezzo, come materia prima versatile; utilizzando i lavorati per la passivazione dei Bio Edifici Verdi, non solo si risparmia significativamente energia, ma anche si abbattono le conseguenti emissioni di CO2

    Real-Life Management of Patients with Retinal Vein Occlusion Using I-Macula Web Platform

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    Aim. Real-life evaluation in the management of patients affected by macular edema secondary to retinal vein occlusion. Material and Methods. A retrospective, observational study using the I-Macula Web platform. Results. Thirty-five patients (37 eyes; 15 females and 20 male) affected by RVO were analysed. At 12 months, there was a statistically significant improvement of best-corrected visual acuity (p = 0 0235) and central macular thickness (p < 0 0001). The mean change in visual acuity was 8.9 letters. Twenty-seven eyes underwent DEX implant (n = 62; mean: 2.29) only. Of these, 8, 4, 14, and 1 eyes underwent 1, 2, 3, and 4 DEX implants, respectively. The remaining 10 eyes were also injected with ranibizumab (n = 49; mean: 4.9). At 12 months, 12 eyes (32.5%) presented a dry macula, whereas the remaining 25 eyes (67.5%) still had macular edema. Mean interval between the first and second treatment (T1) and between the second and third treatment (T2) were 5.15 and (T2) 3.7 months, respectively. Where only DEX implants were received, T1 and T2 was 5.1 and 4.9 months, respectively. Conclusions. This study confirms that DEX implants and/or anti-VEGF drugs improve visual acuity and central macular thickness in patients affected by RVO

    High-Entropy Spinel Oxides Produced via Sol-Gel and Electrospinning and Their Evaluation as Anodes in Li-Ion Batteries

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    In the last few years, high-entropy oxides (HEOs), a new class of single-phase solid solution materials, have attracted growing interest in both academic research and industry for their great potential in a broad range of applications. This work investigates the possibility of producing pure single-phase HEOs with spinel structure (HESOs) under milder conditions (shorter heat treatments at lower temperatures) than standard solid-state techniques, thus reducing the environmental impact. For this purpose, a large set of HESOs was prepared via sol-gel and electrospinning (by using two different polymers). Ten different equimolar combinations of five metals were considered, and the influence of the synthesis method and conditions on the microstructure, morphology and crystalline phase purity of the produced HESOs was investigated by a combination of characterization techniques. On the other hand, the presence of specific metals, such as copper, lead to the formation of minority secondary phase(s). Finally, two representative pure single-phase HESOs were preliminarily evaluated as active anode materials in lithium-ion batteries and possible strategies to enhance their rate capability and cyclability were proposed and successfully implemented. The approaches introduced here can be extensively applied for the optimization of HEO properties targeting different applications.Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR)Peer Reviewe

    L’integrazione delle esperienze di apprendimento tra scuola e lavoro: un’ipotesi di ricerca

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    School-work alternation projects allow students to clarify their own attitudes and abilities, sometimes increasing personal ideas about their own future, sometimes understanding that they have developed expectations about the professional future that are in conflict with the individual attitudes and skills. In this perspective, the study aimed to analyze the level of selfefficacy, decision-making, problem solving and the professional values and aspirations in students involved in school-work alternation projects. 290 high school students and 60 teachers took part in the experiment. The measures used are Clipper (Ideas and aspects on the future of scholastic-professional, My life as a student, How much confidence do I have in me?, MDMQ, I can deal with my problems ?, How do I behave with others?), WIS / SVP questionnaire - and SDS - Form R questionnaire, while the teachers have been offered a specific structured questionnaire. The data obtained highlighted the need to develop and further improvethese educational strategies in order to structure a more defined and stable professional identity, focusing more on individual characteristics and transversal skills that make a professional profile more functional and adaptive.I progetti di alternanza scuola-lavoro consentono allo studente di fare chiarezza sulle proprie propensioni e sulle proprie capacità, talvolta incrementando le idee personali relative al proprio futuro, talaltra conducendo il singolo a comprendere di aver sviluppato pensieri sul futuro contrastanti con le capacità dimostrate nella realtà. In questa prospettiva, lo scopo generale dello studio è analizzare il livello di autoefficacia, di decision-making, di problem solving e la formazione di valori e aspirazioni professionali in studenti coinvolti in progetti di alternanza scuola-lavoro. 290 studenti di scuola superiore e 60 docenti hanno preso parte alla ricerca. Gli strumenti utilizzati sono Clipper (Idee e aspetti sul futuro scolastico-professionale, La mia vita da studente, Quanta fiducia ho in me ?, MDMQ , So affrontare i miei problemi ?, Come mi comporto con gli altri?), il questionario WIS / SVP - Scala dei valori professionali e il questionario SDS - Forma R; mentre ai docenti è stato proposto un questionario costruito ad hoc. I dati ottenuti hanno evidenziato la necessità di sviluppare e migliorare ulteriormente tali strategie formative al fine di creare una maggiore consapevolezza professionale negli adolescenti, attraverso un’attenzione privilegiata alle caratteristiche individuali e alle competenze trasversali che rendono funzionale un profilo professionale

    Salivary microRNA for diagnosis of cancer and systemic diseases: A systematic review

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    Background: The aberrant expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) has been associated with several diseases, including cancer, inflammatory, and autoimmune conditions. Interest in salivary miRNAs as non-invasive tools for the diagnosis of malignancies and systemic diseases is rapidly increasing. The present systematic review was developed for answering the question: \u201cAre salivary microRNAs reliable biomarkers for diagnosis of cancer and systemic diseases?\u201d Methods: The application of inclusion and exclusion criteria led to the selection of 11 papers. Critical appraisals and quality assessments of the selected studies were performed through the National Institute of Health \u201cStudy Quality Assessment Tool\u201d and the classification of the Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine. Results: Seven studies reported statistically significant correlations between one or more salivary miRNAs and the investigated disease. The critical analysis allowed us to classify only two studies (18.2%) as having \u201cgood\u201d quality, the rest being scored as \u201cintermediate\u201d (8; 73%) and \u201cpoor\u201d (1; 9%). Evidence exists that salivary miR-940 and miR-3679-5p are reliable markers for pancreatic cancer and that miR140-5p and miR301a are promising molecules for the salivary diagnosis of gastric cancer. Conclusions: Further studies, possibly avoiding the risk of bias highlighted here, are necessary to consolidate these findings and to identify new reliable salivary biomarkers

    Integrated MRI–Immune–Genomic Features Enclose a Risk Stratification Model in Patients Affected by Glioblastoma

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    Simple Summary: Despite crucial scientific advances, Glioblastoma (GB) remains a fatal disease with limited therapeutic options and a lack of suitable biomarkers. The unveiled competence of the brain immune system together with the breakthrough advent of immunotherapy has shifted the present translational research on GB towards an immune-focused perspective. Several clinical trials targeting the immunosuppressive GB background are ongoing. So far, results are inconclusive, underpinning our partial understanding of the complex cancer-immune interplay in brain tumors. High throughput Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging has shown the potential to decipher GB heterogeneity, including pathologic and genomic clues. However, whether distinct GB immune contextures can be deciphered at an imaging scale is still elusive, leaving unattained the non-invasive achievement of prognostic and predictive biomarkers. Along these lines, we integrated genetic, immunopathologic and imaging features in a series of GB patients. Our results suggest that multiparametric approaches might offer new efficient risk stratification models, opening the possibility to intercept the critical events implicated in the dismal prognosis of GB. Abstract: Background: The aim of the present study was to dissect the clinical outcome of GB patients through the integration of molecular, immunophenotypic and MR imaging features. Methods: We enrolled 57 histologically proven and molecularly tested GB patients (5.3% IDH-1 mutant). Two- Dimensional Free ROI on the Biggest Enhancing Tumoral Diameter (TDFRBETD) acquired by MRI sequences were used to perform a manual evaluation of multiple quantitative variables, among which we selected: SD Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR), SD and mean Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC). Characterization of the Tumor Immune Microenvironment (TIME) involved the immunohistochemical analysis of PD-L1, and number and distribution of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) and CD163+ Tumor Associated Macrophages (TAMs), focusing on immune-vascular localization. Genetic, MR imaging and TIME descriptors were correlated with overall survival (OS). Results: MGMT methylation was associated with a significantly prolonged OS (median OS = 20 months), while no impact of p53 and EGFR status was apparent. GB cases with high mean ADC at MRI, indicative of low cellularity and soft consistency, exhibited increased OS (median OS = 24 months). PD-L1 and the overall number of TILs and CD163+TAMs had a marginal impact on patient outcome. Conversely, the density of vascular-associated (V) CD4+ lymphocytes emerged as the most significant prognostic factor (median OS = 23 months in V-CD4high vs. 13 months in V-CD4low, p = 0.015). High V-CD4+TILs also characterized TIME of MGMTmeth GB, while p53mut appeared to condition a desert immune background. When individual genetic (MGMTunmeth), MR imaging (mean ADClow) and TIME (V-CD4+TILslow) negative predictors were combined, median OS was 21 months (95% CI, 0–47.37) in patients displaying 0–1 risk factor and 13 months (95% CI 7.22–19.22) in the presence of 2–3 risk factors (p = 0.010, HR = 3.39, 95% CI 1.26–9.09). Conclusion: Interlacing MRI–immune–genetic features may provide highly significant risk-stratification models in GB patients

    Biological Role and Clinical Implications of microRNAs in BRCA Mutation Carriers

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    Women with pathogenic germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have an increased risk to develop breast and ovarian cancer. There is, however, a high interpersonal variability in the modality and timing of tumor onset in those subjects, thus suggesting a potential role of other individual’s genetic, epigenetic, and environmental risk factors in modulating the penetrance of BRCA mutations. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs that can modulate the expression of several genes involved in cancer initiation and progression. MiRNAs are dysregulated at all stages of breast cancer and although they are accessible and evaluable, a standardized method for miRNA assessment is needed to ensure comparable data analysis and accuracy of results. The aim of this review was to highlight the role of miRNAs as potential biological markers for BRCA mutation carriers. In particular, biological and clinical implications of a link between lifestyle and nutritional modifiable factors, miRNA expression and germline BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations are discussed with the knowledge of the best available scientific evidence

    Benefit-risk profile of cytoreductive drugs along with antiplatelet and antithrombotic therapy after transient ischemic attack or ischemic stroke in myeloproliferative neoplasms

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    We analyzed 597 patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) who presented transient ischemic attacks (TIA, n = 270) or ischemic stroke (IS, n = 327). Treatment included aspirin, oral anticoagulants, and cytoreductive drugs. The composite incidence of recurrent TIA and IS, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and cardiovascular (CV) death was 4.21 and 19.2%, respectively at one and five years after the index event, an estimate unexpectedly lower than reported in the general population. Patients tended to replicate the first clinical manifestation (hazard ratio, HR: 2.41 and 4.41 for recurrent TIA and IS, respectively); additional factors for recurrent TIA were previous TIA (HR: 3.40) and microvascular disturbances (HR: 2.30); for recurrent IS arterial hypertension (HR: 4.24) and IS occurrence after MPN diagnosis (HR: 4.47). CV mortality was predicted by age over 60 years (HR: 3.98), an index IS (HR: 3.61), and the occurrence of index events after MPN diagnosis (HR: 2.62). Cytoreductive therapy was a strong protective factor (HR: 0.24). The rate of major bleeding was similar to the general population (0.90 per 100 patient-years). In conclusion, the long-term clinical outcome after TIA and IS in MPN appears even more favorable than in the general population, suggesting an advantageous benefit-risk profile of antithrombotic and cytoreductive treatment