1,686 research outputs found

    Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Sarana Dan Prasarana Pendidikan Di SMK Budi Mulya Palangka Raya

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    Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) merupakan sekolah lanjutan tingkat atas yang khas atau spesifik karena memiliki kekhususan menurut bidangnya masing-masing dan lulusannya diharapkan dapat memasuki dunia kerja sebagai tenaga yang terampil. Keberhasilan program pendidikan melalui proses belajar mengajar sangat besar dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya adalah tersedianya sarana dan prasarana pendidikan yang memadai disertai pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan secara optimal. Akan tetapi di SMK Budi Mulya Palangka Raya, sarana dan prasarana pendidikan yang ada masih sangat terbatas dan kurang memadai, hal ini tentu berpengaruh terhadap tercapainya mutu pendidikan. Dengan demikian penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran bagaimana peran kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu sarana dan prasarana pendidikan di SMK Budi Mulya Palangka Raya, Bagaimana kendala yang dihadapi, dan bagaimana upaya yang dilakukan dalam mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Objek penelitian ini adalah bagaimana implementasi Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang standar sarana dan prasarana pendidikan di SMK Budi Mulya Palangka Raya. Subjek penelitian adalah Kepala SMK Budi Mulya Palangka Raya. Adapun informen dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari Kepala Perpustakaan, Kepala Laboratorium, guru dan peserta didik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Adapun penarikan kesimpulan menggunakan metode induktif. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut; (1) Peran kepemimpinan kepala sekolah sebagai leader serta manajer sehingga sarana dan prasarana pendidikan di SMK Budi Mulya mengalami peningkatan diantaranya sejak tahun 2014 dibangun dua ruang kelas berkonstruksi permanen di bangun satu gedung perpustakaan, penambahan referensi buku, penambahan sarana di ruang laboratorium, serta penambahan seperangkat alat musik tradisional berupa alat musik karungut. (2) Kendala yang dihadapi kepala sekolah yang berperan sebagai leader dan administrator dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu sarana dan prasarana pendidikan di SMK Budi Mulya Palangka Raya adalah anggaran dana sekolah yang kurang memadai, tidak adanya komite sekolah, terbatasnya lahan untuk praktek, serta kurang mendapat partisipasi ketua yayasan, Panti Asuhan Budi Mulya.(3) Upaya yang dilakukan kepala sekolah yang berperan sebagai leader manajer dan administrator yaitu dengan cara berkoordinasi dan bersinergi dengan pihak swasta maupun pemerintah dalam penyediaan dan peningkatan mutu sarana pendidikan, sejak tahun 2013 SMK Budi Mulya telah menjalin bekerja sama dengan Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Palangka Raya, serta menjalin kerja sama dengan Balai Sertifikasi dan Pengawasan Benih (BSPB) Palangka Raya, berkoordinasi dengan Dinas Pendidikan Terkait, berkoordinasi dengan kepala yayasan Budi Mulya, menambah sarana dan prasarana pendidikan berupa media di ruang praktek maupun buku-buku pelajaran dan menyediakan lah an untuk praktek English Vocational High School (SMK) is a high school or a specific characteristic because it has specificity according to their respective fields and the graduates are expected to enter the workforce as skilled workers. The success of educational programs through the learning process is greatly influenced by several factors such as the availability of educational facilities are adequate with optimal utilization and management. But at SMK Budi Mulya Palangkaraya, educational facilities and infrastructure is still very limited and inadequate, it would affect the achievement of the quality of education. This study therefore aims to provide an overview of how the role of school leadership in improving the quality of educational facilities at SMK Budi Mulya Palangkaraya, How obstacles encountered, and how the efforts made to overcome these constraints. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive. The object of this research is how the implementation of the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 concerning the standard of educational facilities at SMK Budi Mulya Palangkaraya. Subjects were Head of SMK Budi Mulya Palangkaraya. The informen in this study consists of the Head of Library, Head of Laboratory, teachers and learners. Data collected by observation, interview, and documentation. As for drawing conclusions using inductive method. Based on the data obtained can be summarized as follows; (1) The role of school leadership as a leader and manager so that the educational facilities at SMK Budi Mulya increased them since 2014 built two classrooms constructed permanently in the wake of the library building, the addition of a reference book, the addition of facilities in the laboratory, as well as the addition a set of traditional musical instruments such as a musical instrument karungut. (2) Constraints faced by principals who act as leaders and administrators in an effort to improve the quality of educational facilities at SMK Budi Mulya Palangkaraya is the budget of the school funding inadequate, lack of school committees, limited land for practice, as well as the lack of participation chairman of the foundation, Budi Mulya Orphanage. (3) Efforts by the school principal who serves as leader of managers and administrators by way of coordination and synergy with the private sector and government in providing and improving the quality of educational facilities, since 2013 SMK Budi Mulya has been established in collaboration with the Institute for Agricultural Technology (BPTP) Palangkaraya, as well as cooperating with the Institute for Certification and Surveillance Seeds (BSPB) Palangkaraya, in coordination with the Department of Education Related, in coordination with the head of the foundation Budi Mulya, adds to the educational facilities in the form of media in the practice room and textbooks and provide the one's to practice

    Peran Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Sarana Dan Prasarana Pendidikan Di SMK Budi Mulya Palangka Raya

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    Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) merupakan sekolah lanjutan tingkat atas yang khas atau spesifik karena memiliki kekhususan menurut bidangnya masing-masing dan lulusannya diharapkan dapat memasuki dunia kerja sebagai tenaga yang terampil. Keberhasilan program pendidikan melalui proses belajar mengajar sangat besar dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya adalah tersedianya sarana dan prasarana pendidikan yang memadai disertai pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan secara optimal. Akan tetapi di SMK Budi Mulya Palangka Raya, sarana dan prasarana pendidikan yang ada masih sangat terbatas dan kurang memadai, hal ini tentu berpengaruh terhadap tercapainya mutu pendidikan. Dengan demikian penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran bagaimana peran kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu sarana dan prasarana pendidikan di SMK Budi Mulya Palangka Raya, Bagaimana kendala yang dihadapi, dan bagaimana upaya yang dilakukan dalam mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Objek penelitian ini adalah bagaimana implementasi Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang standar sarana dan prasarana pendidikan di SMK Budi Mulya Palangka Raya. Subjek penelitian adalah Kepala SMK Budi Mulya Palangka Raya. Adapun informen dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari Kepala Perpustakaan, Kepala Laboratorium, guru dan peserta didik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Adapun penarikan kesimpulan menggunakan metode induktif. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut; (1) Peran kepemimpinan kepala sekolah sebagai leader serta manajer sehingga sarana dan prasarana pendidikan di SMK Budi Mulya mengalami peningkatan diantaranya sejak tahun 2014 dibangun dua ruang kelas berkonstruksi permanen di bangun satu gedung perpustakaan, penambahan referensi buku, penambahan sarana di ruang laboratorium, serta penambahan seperangkat alat musik tradisional berupa alat musik karungut. (2) Kendala yang dihadapi kepala sekolah yang berperan sebagai leader dan administrator dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu sarana dan prasarana pendidikan di SMK Budi Mulya Palangka Raya adalah anggaran dana sekolah yang kurang memadai, tidak adanya komite sekolah, terbatasnya lahan untuk praktek, serta kurang mendapat partisipasi ketua yayasan, Panti Asuhan Budi Mulya.(3) Upaya yang dilakukan kepala sekolah yang berperan sebagai leader manajer dan administrator yaitu dengan cara berkoordinasi dan bersinergi dengan pihak swasta maupun pemerintah dalam penyediaan dan peningkatan mutu sarana pendidikan, sejak tahun 2013 SMK Budi Mulya telah menjalin bekerja sama dengan Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Palangka Raya, serta menjalin kerja sama dengan Balai Sertifikasi dan Pengawasan Benih (BSPB) Palangka Raya, berkoordinasi dengan Dinas Pendidikan Terkait, berkoordinasi dengan kepala yayasan Budi Mulya, menambah sarana dan prasarana pendidikan berupa media di ruang praktek maupun buku-buku pelajaran dan menyediakan lah an untuk praktek English Vocational High School (SMK) is a high school or a specific characteristic because it has specificity according to their respective fields and the graduates are expected to enter the workforce as skilled workers. The success of educational programs through the learning process is greatly influenced by several factors such as the availability of educational facilities are adequate with optimal utilization and management. But at SMK Budi Mulya Palangkaraya, educational facilities and infrastructure is still very limited and inadequate, it would affect the achievement of the quality of education. This study therefore aims to provide an overview of how the role of school leadership in improving the quality of educational facilities at SMK Budi Mulya Palangkaraya, How obstacles encountered, and how the efforts made to overcome these constraints. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive. The object of this research is how the implementation of the Indonesian Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 concerning the standard of educational facilities at SMK Budi Mulya Palangkaraya. Subjects were Head of SMK Budi Mulya Palangkaraya. The informen in this study consists of the Head of Library, Head of Laboratory, teachers and learners. Data collected by observation, interview, and documentation. As for drawing conclusions using inductive method. Based on the data obtained can be summarized as follows; (1) The role of school leadership as a leader and manager so that the educational facilities at SMK Budi Mulya increased them since 2014 built two classrooms constructed permanently in the wake of the library building, the addition of a reference book, the addition of facilities in the laboratory, as well as the addition a set of traditional musical instruments such as a musical instrument karungut. (2) Constraints faced by principals who act as leaders and administrators in an effort to improve the quality of educational facilities at SMK Budi Mulya Palangkaraya is the budget of the school funding inadequate, lack of school committees, limited land for practice, as well as the lack of participation chairman of the foundation, Budi Mulya Orphanage. (3) Efforts by the school principal who serves as leader of managers and administrators by way of coordination and synergy with the private sector and government in providing and improving the quality of educational facilities, since 2013 SMK Budi Mulya has been established in collaboration with the Institute for Agricultural Technology (BPTP) Palangkaraya, as well as cooperating with the Institute for Certification and Surveillance Seeds (BSPB) Palangkaraya, in coordination with the Department of Education Related, in coordination with the head of the foundation Budi Mulya, adds to the educational facilities in the form of media in the practice room and textbooks and provide the one's to practice


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    Dakwah struktural adalah gerakan dakwah yang berada dalam dan melalui kekuasaan. Aktivitas dakwah struktural yang bergerak mendakwahkan ajaran Islam dengan memanfaatkan struktur sosial, politik, maupun ekonomi yang menjadikan Islam sebagai prinsip kehidupan, agar nilai-nilai agama dapat diejawantahkan dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Penelitian ini berusaha mengungkap berbagai fenomena yang menggambarkan serangkaian dakwah struktural yang dilakukan Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II. Sehingga dapat diperoleh sejumlah informasi mengenai berbagai upaya dakwah struktural Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II dalam mempertahankan wilayah Palembang

    Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Teknologi Perkantoran Melalui Metode Diskusi Peserta Didik SMKN 1 Sidrap Kabupaten Sidrap

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    Latar Belakang: Guru sebagai fasilitator dalam pembelajaran harus mempersiapkan diri dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan penilaian pembelajaran. Tujuan: (1) Untuk mengetahui apakah metode diskusi dapat meningkatkan aktivitas guru dalam pembelajaran teknologi perkantoran peserta didik kelas X OTKP 1 SMK Negeri 1 Sidrap  Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang?; (2) Untuk mengetahui apakah metode diskusi dapat meningkatkan aktivitas peserta didik dalam pembelajaran teknologi perkantoran peserta didik kelas X OTKP 1 SMK Negeri 1 Sidrap Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang?; (3) Untuk mengetahui apakah metode diskusi dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar teknologi perkantoran peserta didik kelas X OTKP 1 SMK Negeri 1 Sidrap Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang?. Metode: Menggunakan metode diskusi dengan desain PTK yang dirancang dalam 2 siklus dengan 4 kali pertemuan, setiap siklus mencakup perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, pengumpulan data/pengamatan dan refleksi. Hasil: Aktivitas Guru siklus I  pertemuan I adalah 50,00%  ke pertemuan II  menjadi 69,64%; siklus II pertemuan I adalah 73,21%  ke pertemuan II menjadi 87,50%. Aktivitas Peserta didik siklus I  pertemuan I adalah 46,88%  ke pertemuan II  menjadi 65,63%; siklus II pertemuan I adalah 71,86%  ke pertemuan II menjadi 81,25% . Prestasi belajar Peserta didik pra tindakan, yang tuntas 14 (41,18%) ke siklus I  pertemuan I menjadi 20(58,82%) ke pertemuan II  menjadi 24(70,59%); siklus II pertemuan I menjadi 27(79,41%)  ke pertemuan II menjadi 33(97,06%).     Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan hasil Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) tersebut, maka disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metode diskusi dapat meningkatkan aktivitas Guru, aktivitas Peserta didik, yang mengakibatkan meningkatnya pula prestasi belajar Peserta didik

    Foster a Culture of Literacy Through Increased Reading Interest in Village Communities

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    This study aims to (1) describe in depth the causes of low reading interest of the community, especially the younger generation of school age, (2) to diagnose various causes of low reading interest, and (3) to find a model of reading activities that can encourage people to read so that the culture especially in the young generation of school age in the Village of Tabongo, district Tabongo, District East of Gorontalo. The methods used in this study qualitative method in the form of case studies by examining events or events related to reading interest and culture literacy. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews, recording of data and images. Data analysis techniques, namely present, analyze, decompile, and exposes the data as is associated with the interests and culture of reading society. The research results showed that the reading interest in the community is still classified as low, because not yet available the means to read, educational level of the average graduate community primary school, dropping out of school, and lack of knowledge in literacy. To increase interest in reading in order to foster a culture of literacy needs to be carried out various strategies program that can reach out to all levels in society, namely the provision of means of library the village-based IT, student involvement KKN to teach how to read and write for two or three months, will need to work closely with nearby schools to grant access to the community dropped out from school in order to get a chance to learn

    Comparison of Stock Price Risk Measurement of BUMN Banks

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    Currently, most people around the world suffered and has changing the ways of their lives. This resulted in a slowdown in global economic growth in 2020. This also affected stock markets in Indonesia in almost all sectors. In addition, the stock market performance of the financial industry was also significantly affected, including state-owned banks. This study aims to analyze the potential loss from investing in the stock market of the state bank for the next 15 days by reviewing the risk value as a tool to measure the maximum loss. The findings show that Autoregressive AR(1)-GARCH(1) is suitable for determining the models mean and variance, which are used to calculate the Value at risk (VaR) of each bank. The VaR measurement for all banks shows a negative sign indicating the investor's maximum loss from holding one of the shares of that bank for the projected period of time. Measurement of risk will be one of the things that investors will consider when investing in financial markets

    Faktor-faktor Penyebab Perilaku Merokok Siswa di SMP Negeri Kecamatan Babat

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    Based on the study result, there were several students in the State Junior High School of Babat who smoked, the percentage was 2-20% from each class. They were from the VII grade and IX grade. The study was conducted to determine factors are the causes of smoking behavior in the students of Babat State Junior High School. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach with case study design. The subjects in this study consisted of main informants and supporting informants. The main informants were students who had smoking behavior. While supporting informants in this study were the counselor Babat State Junior High School, family, and friends who know the students who have smoking behavior of the main informants. The data were obtained by using the method of interview, observation and documentation. The techniques used to analyze qualitative data are by following the concept given by Miles and Huberman consisting of data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and verification. While the validity of the data using triangulation techniques, both on technical and research subjects. The results showed that the main causes of smoking behavior of students in Babat State Junior High School are internal factors and external factors. The internal factors are the dabbling, self-actualization (to look more mature and manly) and eliminate boredom, etc.. Whlie interna factors that occured are due to the influence of friends, smoking parents, environment, habit role in the group. Keywords: Student’s Behavior, Smoking, Causal factor

    Reformasi Kebijakan Perbankan Islam Di Indonesia

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    Reformation of Syari'ah Banking Policy in Indonesia. The existence of Islamic banking in Indonesia gains recognition with the introduction of the government regulation of 1992 concerning the foundation of Islamic banking. Six years later the government introduced Law No. 10/1998 on reform of the banking system. As a result, reform of banking system, (conventional bankis possible to provide branch office based on syari'ah principles); reform of Islamic banking programs as well as monetary system; and reforms in accelerating of the Islamic banking development. This essay is an attempt to analyze the changes and implication brought with this regulation for the development of Islamic banking

    The characterization of mechanical behaviour on kenaf fibre / polypropylene composites

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    Global demand for wood plastic composite (WPC) has increased due to the increase of population and latest applications primarily in Malaysia industry today such as decking, chair and ceiling. However, the current WPC is worth investigating since such materials can be explored by enhancing their strength and quality through the treatment method. The objective of this study is to identify the effect of alkaline treatment on kenaf fibre in WPC system, to investigate the highest strength of kenaf fibre loading on mechanical properties in WPC, and to evaluate the morphology characteristics from fracture specimens related to the mechanical testing via scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Specimen was fabricated via injection moulding and hydraulic hot press using kenaf fibre (KF) as filler and polypropylene (PP) as the matrix. A tensile test was carried out to determine the tensile stress of the material. The result revealed treated specimen possesses high tensile stress at 5 wt.% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) compared to 10 wt.% and 20 wt.%. The optimum tensile stress was at 40 wt.% KF (5 wt.% NaOH, 5 wt.% MAPP) with the value 21.38 MPa. Flexural test was carried out on untreated and treated KF which is pure PP, 10 wt.% KF, and 20 wt.% KF by weight to PP. The result of flexural stress showed treated specimen lead better flexural at 20 wt.% PP/KF (5 wt.% NaOH) with 30.25 MPa. Meanwhile 40 wt.% KF (5 wt.% MAPP) give high fatigue life cycles at all stress level 90 %, 80 %, 70 %, 60 % and 50 % as the specimen structure less damage was induced during fatigue test. SEM is used to observe the morphological characteristics of PP/KF. The good interfacial bonding between KF and PP is 5 wt.% NaOH due of less impurities and lignin content. Overall 5 wt. % NaOH with 40 wt.% PP/KF (5 wt.% MAPP) showed the best result and it is worth to replace the current kenaf fibre polymer composites product

    Syekh Rahmatullah Dan Kritik Ajaran Kristen

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    Pada tahun 1855 M India berada dibawah kendali penjajahan Inggris yang telah mengusai sepenuhnya wilayah ini baik dari sisi pemerintahan, maupun perekonomian dan kehidupan beragama, hal ini tentunya berkaitan erat dengan misi dari kolonialisme yaitu penyebaran ajaran Kristen diseluruh wilayah jajahan bangsa Eropa. Kondisi ini pun menerpa umat Islam di India yang tidak lepas dari upaya para misionaris Kristen yang dengan genjarnya membujuk umat Islam keluar dari keislamannya. Menghadapi perkembangan kehidupan beragama umat Islam yang terancam oleh misi kristenisasi, muncul ulama India Syekh Rahmatullah yang berusaha membela dan mempertahankan ajaran-ajaran Islam. pola pembelaan dan perlawannya menarik untuk dikaji, dimana ulama ini menantang secara terbuka para Pendeta Kristen yang dipimpin oleh Dr. Fender untuk melakukan Debat terbuka dihadapan penganut agama Islam dan Kristen di Indi
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