75 research outputs found

    Consumption and Piety: Raising the Curtain on the Islamization of Taste and Fashion in Kendari's Muslim Middle Class

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    The social phenomenon that was born from the expression of piety of the Muslim middle class in Southeast Sulawesi is no longer only concerned with Ansich’s faith. This is interesting to explore because it involes specific actors and capital (industry), and furthermore it also involves a religious dimension in which the Muslim community struggles with a space that continues to experience globalization and economic contestation in the midst of becoming devout Muslims. In this paper, Bayat’s post- Islamic approach was used to portray the atmosphere of the trend of Islamization of tastes and fashion of the Muslim middle class in Kendari City.The results of this research found that the relationship between consumption and piety in the Muslim midle class community in Southeast Sulawesi has occurred in the space of Islamization through three popular Islamic da’wah institutions: Wahdah Islam, Muaz bin Jabal and and the congregation of the recitation of Abdullah Taslim. The resulting segmentation can be seen in the Muslim middle class in the city of Kendari who like to use Islamic symbols in fashion and halal food. They are scattered in government institutions, bahtera mas hospital, and other government offices, as well as public campuses in the region. The resulting impact can be seen in the development of sharia-labeled industries and stalls related to fashion and halal food. The owner of the sharia industry in Kendari City is related ideologically and fiqh with the three groups of da’wah. This indicates that the trend of Islamization of Muslim societies does not only concern politics and the state. There is a preference for the soft (non-political) Islamic path where the satisfaction of Islamization is achieved through the inclusion of a sharia identity in daily life. Keywords: piety, Islamization, taste and fashio

    EFEK PAPARAN DEKOK BIJI PINANG (Areca catechu) TERHADAP MOTILITAS SPERMATOZOA TIKUS (Rattus norvegicus): UPAYA MENEMUKAN KANDIDAT ANTIFERTILITAS PRIA (The Effect of Betel Nut Extract (Areca catechu) on Mice Spermatozoa Motility (Rattus norvegicus: Effort to Find Out Man Antifertility Candidate)

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    This research was conducted to prove the ability of betel nut extract (Areca catechu) in causingdegradation of sperm motility on rats (Rattus norvegicus) strain Wistar. This research used 2-3 monthsage, 200-250 g body weight of male white rats Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar. The rats were dividedinto 5 groups in equal number, 3 rats each group. They were a control group without treatment and 4treatment groups which were given different doses of betel nut extract for 7 days, i.e., 1, 2, 3, and 4 g/200g body weight respectively. The result showed that increasing doses of betel nut extract can result indegradation of sperm motility significantly (P0.05).Keywords: Areca catechu, Rattus norvegicus, sperm motilit

    Upaya Pencegahan Koksidiosis Dengan Menggunakan Kandidat Vaksin Sporozoit Dan Protein Membran Sporozoit Eimeria Tenella = A prevention of coccidiosis using a vaccine candidate of eimeria tenella\u27s sporozoites and its...

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    Abstract The purpose of the research was to study of the effectivity of Eimeria tenella\u27s sporozites and its protein membrane as a vaccine candidate against coccidiosis. One hundred days old chickens (DOC) of the male layers (Isa Browns strain) were used as experimental animals, when those chickens were 4 days old, they were divided randomly into 5 groups (group of control, group I, II, III, and IV), each group contained of 20 chickens. The chickens of group I and group II were injected 2.1 mg/chicken of protein membrane of E. tenella\u27s sporozoites, group I intravenously and intracutaneously, respectively. The chicken of the group III was given orally with 700 E. tenella\u27s sporozoites and the group IV vaccinated by Coccivac-DR. The control group was not treated. Those chickens were kept according to their groups and given them non coccidiostat feed and drinking water ad libitum. On the 22nd day after treatment, all chickens were infected orally with 1500 infective oocyst of E. tenella as a challenge infection. The clinical signs data was collected on the 3rd day untul the 11th day of treatment. On the 5th day, 50% of chickens were killed to get the data of lesion scores. The number of oocyst of E. tenella per gram faeces were collected on the 4th day until the 11th day of treatment. The clinical signs was analyzed descriptively. The lesion scores was analyzed statistically by the Rank test method, and the number of oocyst per gram faeces was analyzed according to split plot design and orthogonal contrast. The result showed that injection of 2.1 mg protein membrane of E. tenella\u27s sporozoites intravenously and intracutaneously were protected the infection by 1500 infective oocyst of E. tenella. Nevertheless, the E. tenella\u27s sporozoites, as a vaccine candidate, could decrease significantly (P.. Keywords: coccidoisis--sporozoites--protein membrane of sporozoites--E. tenell


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh injeksi _protein membran sporozoit Eimeria tenella terhadap Indeks Reproduksi E. tenella pada ayam. Dalam penelitian ini, sebanyak 60 ekor DOC jantan petelur (strain Isa Brown) digunakan sebagai hewan percobaan. Ayam percobaan tersebut setelah berumur 4 hari dibagi acak menjadi tiga kelompok (kelompok kontrol, I dan II), masing-masina kelompok terdiri dari 20 ekor. Ayam-ayam pada kelompok I diinjeksi dengan protein membran sporozoit E tenella dengan dosis 2,1 jig per ekor secara intravena. Ayam-ayam pada kelompok [1. dinjeksi secara intrakutan dengan protein yang sama seperti yang diinjeksikan pada kelompok I, sedang ayam pada kelompok kontrol tidak dilakukan perlakuan. Semua ayam percobaan kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam kelompoknya masing-masing dan diberi pakan non koksidiostat dan air minum secara ad libitum. Pada hari ke-22 setelah perlakuan, semua ayam pereobaan diinfeksi dengan 1500 oosista iafektifE tenella per ekor sebagai infeksi tantangan. Data jumlah oosista per gram feses dikumpulkan mtdai hari ke-4 sarnpai dengan hari ke-11 setelah infeksi ta.ntangan. Hasil perhitungan Indeks Reproduksi dianalisis secara deskriptif Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat ditarilc ksimpulan bahwa injeksi 2,1 pg protein membran sporozoit E. tenella baik secara intravena maupun intrakutan tidak mempengaruhi Indeks Reproduksi El tenella pada ayam-ayam percobaan terhadap infeksi taniangan E. tenellcr. Kata kunci: Indeks Reproduksi, protein membran sporozoit, E tenell

    Histologis Perkembangan Embrio Ayam pada Masa Inkubasi Satu sampai Tujuh Hari

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    ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat perkembangan embrio ayam secara histologi pada waktu 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, dan 7 hari inkubasi. Sampel yang digunakan adalah telur fertil yang didapat dari teaching farm Fakultas Pertanian Jurusan Peternakan Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pengamatan secara makroskopis dilakukan pada setiap sampel embrio ayam, sementara pengamatan mikroskopis struktur embrio ayam dilakukan dengan pembuatan preparat histologi. Hasil penelitian ini menampilkan data perkembangan embrio ayam secara spesifik dari umur inkubasi hari ke-1 sampai hari ke-7. Secara makroskopik dan mikroskopis, gambaran umum perkembangan embrio ayam selaras dengan informasi tabel pertumbuhan embrio ayam. Secara histologis, gambaran perkembangan struktur embrio ayam baru dapat diamati dengan baik yaitu pada umur inkubasi hari ke-3 sampai hari ke-7. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara histologi perkembangan embrio ayam baru dapat diamati pada masa inkubasi hari ke-3. Penelitian ini juga dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan acuan dasar untuk penelitian lanjutan terutama terhadap organogenesis pada embrio ayam.  (Histological evaluation on the development of chicken embryo during the incubation periodfrom 1st to 7th days) ABSTRACT. The aim of this study was to find out the development of chicken embryos at day 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 7th of incubation by histological method. The samples used were the fertile eggs obtained from the teaching farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Syiah Kuala University. Macroscopic observations were made on each embryos sample, while microscopic observations of the embryos structure were carried out by histological preparations procedure. The results of this study presented the specific data of chicken embryos development from day 1st to day 7th of incubation. The macroscopic and microscopic data showed the general description of chicken embryos development similar to the information on the chicken embryo growth table. The microscopic results showed the structure description of the chicken embryos can be well observed at day 3rd to the day 7th of incubation. It can be seen the development of chicken embryos can be observed by histology method on day 3rd of incubation. This research can also be used as a basic reference for further research, especially on organogenesis of chicken embryos

    Evaluasi Validitas Human Cortisol Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Kit dan Waktu Sentrifugasi Sampel Darah untuk Pengukuran Konsentrasi Hormon Kortisol pada Kambing Kacang

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    ABSTRAK. Penggunaan human cortisol enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit untuk pengukuran hormon kortisol pada hewan dan keterlambatan waktu sentrifugasi sampel darah untuk analisis hormon perlu dievaluasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi validitas human cortisol ELISA kit (EIA-1887, DRG Instruments GmbH, Germany) untuk pengukuran konsentrasi kortisol dan menguji pengaruh keterlambatan waktu sentrifugasi sampel darah terhadap stabilitas konsentrasi kortisol pada kambing kacang. Sampel darah dikoleksi dari delapan ekor kambing kacang. Uji validitas kit EIA-1887 dilakukan secara: a) analitik (uji parallelism, akurasi, dan presisi), dan b) biologis (pengukuran kortisol sebelum dan setelah transportasi). Uji keterlambatan waktu sentrifugasi terhadap stabilitas konsentrasi kortisol dilakukan dengan 5 perlakuan yaitu disentrifugasi kurang dari 1 jam (P1/kontrol), 6 jam (P6), 12 jam (P12), 18 jam (P18),dan 24 jam (P24) setelah darah dikoleksi. Data uji parallelism dianalisis dengan uji persamaan kemiringan, uji presisi dihitung % CV (coefficient variation) intra-assay dan inter-assay, uji akurasi dihitung % recovery, uji T untuk validasi biologis, dan uji ragam (One Way Anova) untuk pengaruh waktu sentrifugasi. Hasil uji parallelism menunjukkan kurva sampel kambing kacang sejajar/parallel dengan kurva standar kortisol. Akurasi kit EIA-1887 adalah 103,43±7,85%, dan % CV intra-assay dan inter-assay adalah 10%. Konsentrasi kortisol setelah transportasi secara signifikan lebih tinggi daripada sebelum transportasi (p0,05). Adanya penurunan secara nyata konsentrasi kortisol pada darah yang disentrifugasi 24 jam (P24) setelah koleksi (p0,05). Kesimpulan, human cortisol ELISA kit (EIA-1887) memiliki validitas yang baik secara analitik dan biologis untuk digunakan dalam pengukuran konsentrasi kortisol pada kambing kacang. Keterlambatan waktu sentrifugasi selama 24 jam berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi kortisol.  (Evaluation the Validity of Human Cortisol Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Kit and Centrifugation Time of Blood Sample for Measuring the Concentration of Cortisol in Kacang Goats)  ABSTRACT. The use of human cortisol ELISA kit for measuring cortisol in animals and delayed to blood centrifugation time for hormone measurement need to be evaluated. This study aimed to evaluate the validity of human cortisol ELISA kit (EIA-1887, DRG Instruments GmbH, Germany) for cortisol measurement and effect of delayed to blood centrifugation time on cortisol concentrations in kacang goats. Blood was collected from eight kacang goats. Validation test of EIA-1887 kit was performed through: a) analytical (parallelism, accuracy, and precision tests), and b) biological validations (measuring cortisol concentrations before and after transportation). Five treatments were performed to test delayed to centrifugation time: blood centrifuged at 1 h (control, P1), 6 h (P6), 12 h (P12), 18 h (P18), and 24 h (P24) after collection. Parallelism data were analyzed by slope equality test, precision and accuracy calculated by % CV of intra-and inter-assay, and % recovery, respectively. Data of biological validation and centrifugation time effects were analyzed by Student t-test, and one way ANOVA, respectively. Results of parallelism showed that serial dilution curve of kacang goat plasma was parallel with cortisol standard curves. Accuracy of EIA-1887 kit was 103.43±7.85%, and % CV of intra-and inter-assay were 10%. Concentration of cortisol after transportation was significantly higher than before transportation (p0.05). Concentration of cortisol was significantly decreased when blood was centrifuged at 24 h after collection (P0.05). In conclusion, human cortisol ELISA kit (EIA-1887) is a reliable assay for measuring cortisol in plasma of kacang goat. Delayed to blood centrifugation time affect cortisol concentrations

    Gambaran Histologi dan Histomorfometri Penis Kuda Gayo

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    Penis kuda adalah alat kopulasi utama pada kuda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran histologi danhistomorfometri penis pada kuda gayo. Sampel penelitian menggunakan penis dari 3 ekor kuda gayo jantan berumur 5-10 tahun yang dipotong di Rumah Potong Hewan Dolok Sanggul, Humbang Hasundutan, Sumatera Utara. Prosesmikroteknik dilakukan terhadap sampel menggunakan pewarnaan hematoksilin-eosin (HE). Pengamatan strukturhistologi menggunakan mikroskop dan dilakukan pengukuran ketebalan lapisan epitel uretra, ketebalan tunikaalbugenia di corpora cavernosa dan corpus spongiosum radix, corpus, dan glans penis menggunakan program aplikasitoupview. Hasilnya dibahas secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gambaran histologi penis kuda gayo terdiriatas dua jaringan erektil yaitu corpora cavernosa dan corpus spongiosum serta satu uretra. Sinusoid cavernosal daricorpus cavernosum mengandung banyak trabekula yang terdiri atas jaringan ikat fibroelastis, serat otot polos danfibroblas. Corpus spongiosum memiliki trabekula yang lebih tipis dengan ruang kavernosa yang lebih besar. Corpuscavernosum dan corpus spongiosum ditutup oleh tunika albuginea. Uretra terdiri atas berbagai epitel, seperti epitelberlapis transisional, epitel kolumnar berlapis dan epitel skuamosa. Pengukuran histomorfometri menunjukkan bahwaketebalan tunika albugenia radix dan corpus penis kuda gayo berturut-turut adalah 2.181,10 ± 48,50 µm, dan 2.366,51 ±131,48 µm., sedangkan ketebalan lapisan epitel uretra adalah 50,02 ± 6,95 µm. Kesimpulannya adalah penis kuda gayoterdiri atas radix, corpus dan glans penis. Radix dan corpus penis kuda gayo terdiri atas jaringan ikat, otot polos dansinusoid cavernosal; glans penis terdapat sinus uretra

    Concentration of B-CG and sFlt-1 in Rattus Norvegicus Model of Preeclampsia with Swimming Exercise Treatment

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    Preeclampsia (PE) is a life-threatening pregnancy complication for the mother and fetus. High concentrations of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) and soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFLt-1) during pregnancy may have a role in the pathophysiology of PE. Swimming Exercise (SE) is one of the physical activities recommended for pregnant women and carries a minimal risk. This study is aimed at analyzing the interaction between the conditions of rats (normal and PE), the onset of PE (early onset and late onset), and the time of SE (SE 0 minutes; SE 5 minutes; SE 10 minutes) on the concentrations of B-CG and sFlt-1 in the Rattus norvegicus (R. norvegicus) model of PE. 72 R. norvegicus were included in this study and divided into 12 experimental groups (each group n = 6 individuals). R. norvegicus PE was prepared by inducing L-Nitro-Arginine-Methyl Ester (L-NAME) at a 75 mg/kg BW/day dose. The determination of PE was supported by the observation of differences in the values of urine protein (PU), urine glucose (GU), and urine leukocytes (LU) in R. norvegicus before and after injection of L-NAME. The three-factorial statistical test showed a significant interaction between the concentration of B-CG and the condition of R. norvegicus, the onset of PE, and the time of SE, with a p-value <0.001. The three-factorial statistical test also showed a significant interaction between the sFLt-1 concentration and the condition of R. norvegicus, the onset of PE, and the time of SE with p<0.05. The difference in the concentration of B-CG and sFLt-1 R. norvegicus in each treatment group was influenced by the condition of the rats (normal and PE), the onset of PE (early onset and late onset), and the time of SE (SE 0 minutes; SE 5 minutes; SE 10 minutes). Research related to SE on PE still needs to be continued to decide on recommendations on whether SE can be used as a preventive measure in complementary midwifery care for preventing and reducing symptoms of PE in pregnancy. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-03-021 Full Text: PD


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    The aim of this study was to further understand the histomorphometry of seminiferous tubules from local goat testicles that were fixed with different fixatives. Nine testicles were randomly chosen, each fixed with 10% formalin, 10% neutral buffered formalin (NBF), and 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) solutions. The sample was then proceeded to histology preparation and stained with haematoxylin eosin (HE). Observation of the tissue was carried out using microscope and the data obtained was analyzed statistically. The results showed that there was a significant difference (P0.05) on each fixative in tubular diameter and membrane, and very significant difference (P0.01) on germinal cell and staining absorbability. Duncan test result on tubular diameter showed that the use of PFA fixative was significantly different (P0.05) compared to formalin fixative while the use of NBF fixative had no significant difference (P0.05) compared to PFA fixative. In addition, the measurement of interstitial membrane of seminiferous tubules showed no significant difference (P0.05) among three fixatives. To conclude, formalin, NBF, and PFA fixatives affect seminiferous tubules, basal membrane structure, and germinal cell appearance inside tubular lumen. Type of tissues and fixative must be considered in selecting the suitable fixative
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