118 research outputs found

    Development of Automatic Torque Bond Test

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    Proper bonding between adjacent pavement layers is very important to ensure good pavement performance. Manual torque bond test is known to be one of the tests to determine mechanical properties of bond between adjacent pavement layers. However, the test has several drawbacks that may affect the accuracy of results. This paper is focused on the development a mechanically controlled automatic torque bond test in order to eradicate the drawbacks associated with the manual torque bond test. A trial test and calibration of the newlydeveloped apparatus was performed to ensure the accuracy of results. The nominal loading rate of the manual torque bond test performed at 600Nm/min was found to be lower than the target loading rate, leading to a lower measured shear strength compared to that of the automatic torque test. It was also found that the appearance of lateral shear would not significantly affect the shear strength

    Wanita dalam Etika Jawa dan Etika Islam sebuah Study Komparasi

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    Abstract: This study traces the conflict between Sheikh Ahmad al-Mutamakkin and Ki Ketib Anom Kudus that was rooted on the ideology of Sufism. Sheikh Ahmad al-Mutamakkin’s doctrine on mysticism was considered to be contrary to the shari'ah (Islamic laws) brought by Prophet Muhammad. Ki Ketib Anom and Ulama of Northern coasts of East Java said that his teachings could harm the Muslims and they asked the authorities to get Sheikh Ahmad al-Mutamakkin to trial. Sheikh Ahmad al-Mutamakkin remained on his truth school which he believed. Ki Ketib Anom and other Islamic Scholars tried to visit him and advise him, but they were ignored. Even his continuous action on breeding twelve dogs from Kudus and naming his biggest dog “Abdulqahar” and also his owning four puppies with their leader’s name “Kamaruddin” made Ki Ketib think that Sheikh Ahmad had deemed offensive to Muslims. The Islamic Scholars Islamic Scholars agreed that this issue should be lodged to the authorities of Surakarta Sultanate. To solve this conflict, on behalf of the authorities of Surakarta Sultanate, sent Patih Danurejo and Demang Urawan as mediators of the conflict settlement. This valuable experience that can be taken in this case is that it can be as a model of problem solution of solving the conflict which is not necessary to be ended by giving punishment or sentences, but would be better with the acts of dialogue and attempts of resuscitation outside the court.الملخص: ركزت هذه الدراسة في النزاع بين الشيخ أحمد المتمكّن و كي كتيب أنوم قدس بخلفية النزعة الصوفية. اعتبر الناس أن التعاليم التي جاء بها الشيخ أحمد المتمكّن تعارض الشريعة التى جاء بها محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم. رأى كي كتيب أنوم والعلماء في السواحل الشمالية جاوة الشرقية أن تعاليم الشيخ أحمد تضرّ المسلمين وطلبوا من الحكّام أن يقوموا عليه بالتحكيم، ولكنّ الشيخ أحمد المتمكّن قائم على الحق الذي يعتقده. حاول كي كتيب أنوم وغيره من العلماء في تذكيره ونصحه ولكنّ الشيخ على رأيه، بل استمرّ هو في تربية الكلاب من قدس ( 12 كلبا ) وسمّى أكبرها عبد القهّار، وله كذلك أربعة كلاب صغار ودعا رئيسها قمر الدين. أدى هذا إلى تجريح شعور المسلمين. اتفق العلماء على حمل هذه المسألة إلى السلطنة هادينينجرات سوراكرتا. أرسل السلطان نائبه دانوريجو وديمانج أوراوان وسيطا في حلّ هذا النزاع. استطاع هذان الوسيطان – بذكاءهما – حلّ هذا النزاع وإرضاء الطرفين. والدرس من هذا النزاع وما له من سبيل الحلّ هو أن طريقة حلّ مشكلة من المشاكل ليس دائما بالعقاب ولكنّ الأفضل بالحوار.Abstrak: Penelitian ini menggali konflik antara Syaikh Ahmad al-Mutamakkin dengan Ki Ketib Anom Kudus yang dilatarbelakangi oleh paham sufisme. Ajaran tentang ilmu mistik Syaikh Ahmad al-Mutamakkin dianggap bertentangan dengan syari’at yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW. Menurut Ki Ketib Anom dan ulama-ulama pesisir Pantai Utara Jawa Timur ajaran itu akan membahayakan kaum Muslimin dan meminta kepada penguasa agar Syaikh Ahmad al-Mutamakkin diadili. Syaikh Ahmad al-Mutamakkin tetap pada kebenaran paham yang diyakininya. Ki Ketib Anom dan para ulama lainnya mencoba datang dan memberi nasihat kepada beliau, tetapi juga tidak diabaikan. Bahkan tindakan beliau yang terus memelihara anjing dari Kudus sebanyak dua belas, yang terbesar diberi nama Abdulqahar, dan ia mempunyai empat anak anjing, pemimpinnya dinamai Kamaruddin yang oleh Ki Ketib Anom dianggap menyinggung umat Islam. Para ulama setuju bahwa masalah ini harus diadukan kepada penguasa Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat. Untuk menyelesaikan konflik ini pihak penguasa dari Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat mengutus Patih Danurejo dan Demang Urawan sebagai mediator penyelesaian konflik tersebut. Berkat kepiawaian Patih Danurejo dan Demang Urawan dalam melakukan tugas negara dihasilkan solusi konflik yang memuaskan semua pihak. Pelajaran berharga yang dapat diambil dalam persoalan ini dapat menjadi model pembelajaran bahwa penyelesaian suatu konflik tidak harus berujung pada pemberian hukuman, tetapi menekankan kepada dialog dan penyadaran di luar sidang pengadilan. Keywords: konflik, al-Mutamakkin, mediasi, sufisme, pembelajara

    Hukum Islam dan Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara dalam Era Globalisasi

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    Pemikiran Syekh Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari Tentang Zakat dalam Kitab Sabîl Al-Muhtadîn Analisis Intertekstual

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    Sabil al-Muhtadin is a fiqh book written by Muhammadd Arsyad al-Banjari (d. 1812) in year 1193-1995 H / 1779-1781 A.D. Backgrounds of its written are, for example, desires to improve currently available Malay fiqh book entitled ash-Shirath al-Mustaqim written by Syekh Nuruddin Ar-Raniri. There are three significant thoughts on almsgiving / zakat described in Sabil al-Muhtadin, which are not explained in ash-Shirath al-Mustaqim. First, there are no obligation to almsgivingonjewelries except gold and silver jewelry. Second, portion of the needy are allowed to be utilized for production interests. Third, involvement of imam (leader) in managing zakat / almsgiving especially in giving zakat / almsgiving to the needy for productive interests. Those thoughts are evaluated by research team of IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin and Rasyidah HA as the result of Al-Banjari's individual interpretation and judment (ijtihad). Al-Banjari in his preface of Sabil al-Muhtadin described that during his writting of this book, he based on books written by muta'akkhirin scholars in Syafi'i mazhab in particular al-Anshari's Fath al-Wahhab (d. 926), al-Haitami's Tuhfat al-Muhtaj(d. 973), asy-Syarbini's Mughni al-Muhtaj (d. 977) and ar-Ramli's Nihayat al-Muhtaj (d. 1004). With the confession of Al-Banjari, it is necessary to do research using intertextual approach to find out whether those thoughts are the results of his individual interpretation and judgment (ijtihad). After reviewing all named references, it turnedout that what are evaluated as ijtihad results are already discussed by previous scholars

    The Ccb Treatment of Sixteen Indonesian Wood Species Against Marine Borers

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    This study was conducted to provide basic information on the treatment of some wood species using a copper bichromated boron (CCB). The specimens were treated with CCB for 2 hours in a 150 psi of full cell process. The treated and untreated wood samples were tested against marine borers for 4, 8 and 12 months. The results indicated that full cell process with CCB were able to prevent marine borers attack. Untreated wood specimens were susceptible to marine borers attack, except Iara (Metrosiderospetiolata Kds.) and kandole (Diploknema oligomera HJ.L.). The attacking borers are Martesia striata Linn of the Pholadidae family, Teredo bartschi Clapp., Dicyathifer manni Wright and Bankia cieba Clench. of the Teredinidae family. However, crustaceans were found clinging to the wood specimens when they were taken from the sea. These crustaceans belongs to Sphaeromatidae family

    Refleksi Kapital Intelektual dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan pada Kelompok Industri Manufaktur yang (Go Public) di Indonesia

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    In traditional view, the business activities more emphasis the physical capital thanthe intellectual capital. Economic liberalism pushes free trading and drives newphenomena in global structure economy. The new paradigm in business activitiesmore focus in intellectual capital than physical capital. Orientation andimplementation on intellectual capital must be prime priority to power global market.This research try to answer the treat in business with evaluation aboutimplementation intellectual capital in go public companies in Indonesian.The research design is quantitative research. There are two variables, the companyperformance as dependent variable and the intellectual capital as independentvariable. All population will be examining in this research. The financial datawhich used start from 2003 until 2006. The number of sub group ere 20 and thetotal number of companies are 150 units.The research result are in manufacture groups, which consist of 20 sub groups ofcompanies, 3 subgroups supported hypothesis, there are cement, cable, automotiveand allied products. In 17 another subgroups, that are food and beverage; tobaccomanufacturing; textile mill products; apparel and other textile product; lumberand wood product; paper and allied product; chemical and allied product; adhesive,plastics and glass product; metal and allied product; fabricated metal product;stone, clay, glass and concentrate product; machinery; electronic and officeequipment; photographic equipment; pharmaceuticals; and consumer goods, unproved hypothesis. Its mean no influence of intellectual capital to companiesperformance.Keywords: intellectual capital, company's performance, manufacture subgroup,business activities

    A system design for cocoa beans transportation of premium products

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    Premium chocolate product such as praline, chocolate bars, confectionery, and chocolate drink need a premium quality of cocoa beans. Scarcity of sources and less quality in the existing cocoa beans supply chain affecting a sustainable production and increase operational cost. Improvement in cocoa supply chain which is consisting of farmers-farmers group- transporter/logistic provider- agro industry will provide cocoa beans availability and optimum operational cost of premium product-agro industry. Transportation sector which support supply chain has an important role for ensuring the distribution of cocoa beans delivery in time.  The source availability and transportation mode are the requirements that analyzed in Business Process Modelling (BPMN) to minimize transportation cost and maximize quantity of cocoa bean demand. The formulation of those will be optimized by Goal Programming. The results is deviation of transportation cost 2,083 rupiahs per kilogram when supply meets the agro industry demand and there is no deviation of transportation unit when using six unit of truck. It’s reveal that the availability of cocoa bean to meet agro industry demand will give cost efficiency