172 research outputs found

    Damage caused by wild game animals to field crops in the Czech Republic – a historical summary from 1786 to the year 2005

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    Das Wild verursachte in vielen Jahren gravierende SchĂ€den an landwirtschaftlichen Kulturen. Die Ă€ltesten schriftlichen Berichte ĂŒber diese SchĂ€den stammen aus der Epoche des Kaisers Josef II. im Jahre 1786. Die ersten ErwĂ€hnungen ĂŒber SchĂ€den in ZuckerrĂŒbenbestĂ€nden wurden in das Jahr 1895 datiert. Den WildschĂ€den in Feldkulturen wurde in der Vergangenheit keine entsprechende Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet. Grund dafĂŒr war, dass die Bauern wenig informiert waren in dieser Angelegenheit, die SchĂ€den tolerierten und die eigentliche Ursache nicht konkret kannten. ZusammenhĂ€ngende, aber nicht vollstĂ€ndige AuskĂŒnfte, stehen uns erst fĂŒr den Zeitraum 1961 bis 2005 zur VerfĂŒgung. Im obengenannten Zeitabschnitt wurden durch Muffelwild (Ovis musimon), Wildschwein (Sus scrofa), Rehbock (Capreolus capreolus), Feldhase (Lepus europaeus), Wildkaninchen (Oryctolagus cuniculus), Fasan (Phasianus colchicus), Gans (Anser) und Feldrabe (Corvus frugilegus) verursachte SchĂ€den dokumentiert. Die geschĂ€digten Kulturen umfassten Getreide, Mais, Raps, Kartoffel, ZuckerrĂŒben, Kohl und Salat.Wild game animals have caused significant damage to agricultural crops for many years. The oldest written documents concerning this issue date back to 1786 and the reign of Habsburg Emperor Josef II. Damage inflicted upon sugar beet was first mentioned in 1895. In the past, the damage caused by game to field crops was not paid adequate attention in the Czech lands. This was due to the fact that farmers were poorly informed about this issue while also tolerant towards the results of the damage. In addition, it was difficult for them to establish conclusively the cause of the damage. Consistent but incomplete information can be found in documents for the period 1961 – 2005. During this period, damage caused by mouflon (Ovis musimon), wild boar (Sus scrofa), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), brown hare (Lepus europaeus), wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), geese (Anser) and rook (Corvus frugilegus) was documented. According to these documents, the damaged crops included cereal crops, maize, rape, potatoes, sugar beet, cole, and lettuce

    PENGARUH PROFITABILITAS, LIKUIDITAS, LEVERAGE TERHADAP PREDIKSI FINANCIAL DISTRESS (Suatu Studi pada Perusahaan Sektor Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

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    Abstrak Financial distress merupakan suatu kondisi, dimana keuangan perusahaan sedang dalam keadaan tidak sehat, tetapi belum sampai mengalami kebangkrutan. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi perusahaan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi financial distress terlebih dahulu sebagai bahan evaluasi dan peringatan dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, mendeskripsikan, dan menganalisis pengaruh profitabilitas, likuiditas dan leverage terhadap prediksi financial distress pada perusahaan sektor pertambangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2011-2015. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh perusahaan sektor manufaktur yang listing sampai dengan 2015, sebanyak 41 perusahaan. Sedangkan teknik pengambilan sample yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling, yaitu teknik penentuan sample dengan pertimbangan tertentu. Total sampel 8 perusahaan yang memenuhi kriteria. Metode analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian adalah regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara parsial profitabilitas berpengaruh signifikan terhadap financial distress dengan nilai koefisien regresi sebesar -5,700 dan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,004 < 0,05. Secara parsial likuiditas berpengaruh signifikan terhadap financial distress pada perusahaan, dengan nilai koefisien regresi sebesar -0,291 dan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,006 < 0,05. Secara parsial leverage berpengaruh signifikan terhadap financial distress pada perusahaan, dengan nilai koefisien regresi sebesar 3,739 dan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000 < 0,05. Kata kunci : profitabilitas, likuiditas, leverage, dan financial distres

    Do antibiotics cause mitochondrial and immune cell dysfunction? A literature review

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    While antibiotics are clearly important treatments for infection, antibiotic-induced modulation of the immune system can have detrimental effects on pathogen clearance and immune functionality, increasing the risk of secondary infection. These injurious consequences may be mediated, at least in part, through effects on the mitochondria, the functioning of which is already compromised by the underlying septic process. Here, we review the complex interactions between antibiotic administration, immune cell and mitochondrial dysfunction

    Reasons for Afghan Teachers’ First Language Use in EFL Classes

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    The use of L1 in EFL classes has been an ongoing debate for many years since language educators use L1 in EFL classes for different reasons. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the reasons for Afghan teachers' L1 use in EFL classes at Balkh University. Semi-structured interview was conducted with a sample of 5 EFL educators with 10-15 years of teaching experience from the English Department of Balkh University. The sample for the study was chosen purposively due to proximity, easy accessibility and availability of the participants. Content analysis was employed for the analysis of the obtained data from the study based on the emergent themes. The result shows that Afghan EFL teachers at Balkh University use L1 in their classes for different purposes, namely, as a pedagogical tool for clarification, as a tool for establishing rapport, as a discipline and class management tool, based on curriculum and syllabus demand and as per need of students’ level of language proficiency

    A Novel Method of Removing Excess Algae in the Chesapeake Bay Region Using Natural Polymers and Ferroferric Oxide

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    In this article, the authors argue for an improved success rate for removing excess algae from the Chesapeake Bay via magnetic polymers

    Assessment of the Concentration and Structure of the Bioeconomy: The Regional Approach

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    The bioeconomy is seen as crucial for achieving a climate-neutral Europe by 2050; therefore, it is important to monitor and illustrate the performance and trends of the bioeconomy development not only at state level but also in regions. The research aims to develop a methodology for the identification of bioeconomy concentration and the structure of bioeconomy enterprises at a regional level. The methodology of the research is based on four main steps: (1) defining the framework of bioeconomy enterprises; (2) setting data sources and research limitations; (3) estimating the bio-based share of bioeconomy industries; (4) estimating a location quotient which provide data serving to assess the level of concentration of the factor analysed. The research is based on the analysis of 119 municipalities and 30 387 bioeconomy enterprises by using a location quotient. The research results revealed that the municipalities could be classified into three groups according to the concentration of the bioeconomy. Such a classification of municipalities allowed us to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each municipality in the field of bioeconomy and potential development possibilities. The novelty of the research provides a methodological background for municipal-level monitoring of the bioeconomy and suggestions for improving the uneven development of the bioeconomy. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-01-05 Full Text: PD

    Maahanmuuttajaohjeisto vuorokausivirtsatutkimusten nÀytteenottoon

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    Tavoitteena opinnÀytetyölle on kehittÀÀ bioanalyytikoiden asiakaspalvelua afganistanilaisten ja muiden maahanmuuttajien kanssa. OpinnÀytetyön tarkoituksena on tuottaa selkeÀ potilasohje suomeksi (maahanmuuttajille) sekÀ pashtoksi ja dariksi (afganistanilaisille). OpinnÀytetyön aiheena on maahanmuuttajaohjeiston laatiminen vuorokausivirtsatutkimusten nÀytteenottoon. VuorokausivirtsanÀytteitÀ on monenlaisia. VuorokausivirtsanÀytteiden indikaationa on esimerkiksi glomerulusvaurion ja myelooman diagnosointi. MenetelmÀltÀÀn opinnÀytetyö on toiminnallinen. Se sisÀltÀÀ kaksi osaa: raportin ja tuotoksen. Raporttiosuus on rajattu kÀsittelemÀÀn teoriaa vuorokausivirtsanÀytteenotosta, tutkimuksen suorituksesta, maahanmuutosta, afganistanilaisten kulttuurista ja potilasohjeen laatimisesta. OpinnÀytetyön tuotoksen eli potilasohjeen voi ottaa kÀyttöön Theseuksesta. Laadukkaan vuorokausivirtsanÀytteen antamista varten on annettava potilaalle selkeÀ suullinen ja kirjallinen potilasohje. Potilasohjeessa kerrotaan vaihe vaiheelta miten annetaan laadukas vuorokausivirtsakerÀysnÀyte. NÀytteenottoa on havainnollistettu kuvien ja tekstien avulla. Tuotoksen teossa on hyödynnetty raporttiosuuden teoriatietoa. Tuotos on tehty suomeksi, pashtoksi ja dariksi. Jatkotutkimuksena potilasohjeen voisi tehdÀ myös muilla kielillÀ, jotta yhÀ useampi asiakas saisi sen omalla ÀidinkielellÀÀn. Monista laboratoriotutkimuksista esimerkiksi unitutkimuksista ja spirometriatutkimuksista olisi hyvÀ laatia potilasohjeet maahanmuuttajille.The objective of this study was to produce clear patient guidelines on daily urine collection in Finnish for immigrants and in Pashto and Dari for Afghans. There are many kinds of daily urine analyses. Daily urine collection can, for example, help indication of glomerular damage and diagnosis of myeloma. This method applied in this study was functional. It consists of two parts: the report and the functional part. The report is defined to deal the theory of daily urine collection, performing research, immigration, Afghan culture and patient guidelines. The functional part of the study was patient information in digital form in the Theseus. In order to get a high-quality daily urine sample the patient must be given clear instructions both orally and in written form. The patient guidelines contains a step-by-step explanation on how to give a high quality daily urine sample. The aim of the patient guidelines is to demonstrate through pictures and text how the collection proceeds. The theoretical knowledge that has been used in the report is also used in the functional part of the thesis. Further research could be done to translate the patient guidelines into other languages, so that more and more patients could understand it in their own language. It would be beneficial to compile instructional material for immigrants on many laboratory analyses for example sleep research and Spirometry testing

    Sviluppo e simulazione di algoritmi di coordinamento per velivoli autonomi

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    Abstract Obiettivo della tesi. Il lavoro svolto durante questa tesi di laurea si concentra nel definire una serie di regole pratiche, che permettano ad una squadra di velivoli autonomi o a pilotaggio remoto di attuare una strategia di coordinamento distribuito per raggiungere un obiettivo comune. In particolare, poiché i singoli sistemi inviano e ricevono i messaggi attraverso l’etere, lo scopo principale di quest’analisi è rappresentato proprio dal mantenimento della connettività fra i nodi durante il movimento. Metodologia utilizzata. Partendo da soluzioni già esistenti in letteratura, è stata concretizzata una tecnica organizzativa, valida per ogni unità della rete, che si sviluppa attraverso lo scambio di un numero relativamente basso di messaggi fra i nodi. Il fattore che diventa preponderante, nonché essenziale durante il movimento, è la conoscenza della posizione dei nodi vicini nella particolare struttura topologica scelta, poiché in base ad essa viene determinata la zona di movimento possibile. Contributi innovativi. Diversamente dallo stato dell’arte analizzato, è stato approfondito il caso d’uso più generale di un’architettura organizzata secondo il paradigma Leader/Follower in cui sono presenti più di due leader. Inoltre, è stato realizzato un sistema di collision detection/collision avoidance, con lo scopo di rilevare tutti gli oggetti che ostacolano il passaggio dei droni e di modificare la traiettoria degli stessi. Risultati ottenuti. Le regole così definite hanno portato alla nascita di un simulatore detto Distributed UAVs Coordinator, un applicato web-grafico che visualizza lo stato della rete durante la sua evoluzione temporale. Sebbene sia stato sviluppato in un linguaggio diverso da quello comunemente utilizzato per i sistemi embedded, esso rappresenta comunque una piattaforma di lancio ideale per rendere il programma direttamente fruibile su sistemi mobili autonomi. Tale caratteristica potrà essere realizzata anche grazie al design modulare del software, nel quale si è cercato di mantenere il più possibile indipendenti i singoli blocchi funzionali

    Die Beeinflussung der LebensqualitÀt durch den intermittierenden Selbstkatheterismus

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    ZIEL: Hauptziel dieser Arbeit war, die EinflĂŒsse auf die LebensqualitĂ€t der Anwender des permanenten intermittierenden Selbstkatheterismus (ISK) zu bestimmen. Die Ermittlung welche Evidenz-basierten Pflege- und Edukations-Maßnahmen zu einer StĂ€rkung der Selbstpflegekompetenz fĂŒhren, lag ebenso im Bereich dieser Arbeit. Ein Beitrag zum besseren VerstĂ€ndnis des ISK und der Anwender sollte damit geleistet werden. FORSCHUNGSFRAGE: Wird die LebensqualitĂ€t durch die Anwendung des ISK beeinflusst? THEORETISCHER RAHMEN: In dieser Arbeit bildet die Selbstpflegedefizit-Theorie nach Orem den theoretischen Rahmen. DESIGN: Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage wurde eine systematische LiteraturĂŒbersicht verwendet. METHODE: Es wurden nur qualitative/quantitative Studien mit Erwachsenen, ĂŒber 21 Jahren, beurteilt. 25 Arbeiten (17 quantitative, sechs qualitative, eine quantitative mit qualitativem Anteil, ein Einzelfallbericht) wurden ausgewertet. RESULTATE: Der ISK als Langzeitanwendung hat einen sehr großen Einfluss auf das physische, psychische, emotionale und soziale Leben der Betroffenen und deren Angehörige. Die EffektivitĂ€t zur Verbesserung der LebensqualitĂ€t durch den ISK wurde festgestellt. Die Vorteile des ISK sind z.B. Erhöhung der SelbstĂ€ndigkeit, Selbsteffizienz und Selbstpflege. Die Wahl des ISK als Blasenmanagement- Methode erfordert eine intensive Patienten-Edukation. Die Edukation muss mit qualifiziertem Pflegepersonal, Evidenz-basiert, individuell mit holistischer Sichtweise durchgefĂŒhrt werden. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNGEN: Die nötigen Strukturen fĂŒr eine qualitativ hochwertige ISK-Edukation sollen vom Krankenhaus-Management geschaffen werden. Die Ausbildung und der Einsatz von urologischen Pflegespezialisten soll gefördert werden. Es werden noch mehr pflegewissenschaftliche Studien zum Thema ISK und LebensqualitĂ€t gebraucht.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the influences on the quality of life for users of the intermittent self-catheterisation (ISC). Finding out which evidence-based caring and methods of education help to strengthen the self-care competence, was also part of this work. A better understanding for the ISC and it’s users should be achieved. RESEARCH QUESTION: Is the quality of life influenced by the ISC? THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK: Orem`s self-care deficit theory was used as theoretical framework in this work. DESIGN: To answer the question of research a literature review was chosen. METHODS: Qualitative and quantitative studies with adult population older than 21 years were reviewed. 25 papers (17 quantitative, six qualitative, one quantitative with a qualitative part, one single case study) were examined. RESULTS: The long-term use of ISC has a deep impact on the physical, mental, emotional and social life of the users and their relatives. The effectiveness of the ISC for a better quality of life was determined. The advantages of the ISC are an increase of independence, self-efficiency and self-care. If the ISC is used as a method of bladder management an intensive patient education is needed. Only qualified health-care professionals should train evidence-based with a holistic point of view. CONCLUSION: Structures for a high quality of ISC education should be established by the hospital management. The education and the employment of urological healthcare professionals should be supported. More studies from caring-science about the subject of ISC and quality of life are needed

    Repeated measures ANOVA: some new results on comparing trimmed means and means

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    This paper considers the common problem of testing the equality of means in a repeated measures design. Recent results indicate that practical problems can arise when computing confidence intervals for all pairwise differences of the means in conjunction with the Bonferroni inequality. This suggests, and is confirmed here, that a problem might occur when performing an omnibus test of equal means. The problem is that the probability of rejecting is not minimized when the means are equal and the usual univariate F test is used with the Huynh‐Feldt correction (Δ) for the degrees of freedom. That is, power can actually decrease as the mean of one group is lowered, although eventually it increases. A similar problem is found when using a multivariate method (Hotelling's T2). Moreover, the probability of a Type I error can exceed the nominal level by a large amount. The paper considers methods for correcting this problem, and new results on comparing trimmed means are reported as well. In terms of both Type I errors and power, simulations reported here suggest that a percentile t bootstrap used with 20% trimmed means and an analogue of the Δ‐adjusted F gives the best results. This is consistent with extant theoretical results comparing methods based on means with trimmed means.Social Sciences and Humanities Research Counci
